Las Vegas massacre: starting from the conclusion and working forward--why?
Did you ever have a nightmare and struggled to wake up to end it? Have you ever had a nightmare that didn't go away after you woke up? Whether or not you want to hear this, and you probably don't, things about the LVM (Las Vegas massacre) are just not adding up. I will present evidence to bolster what this essay is about in a second essay. The procedure is the reverse of usual investigations. Usually we start with evidence, including witness statements, video, forensics, etc and then reach a conclusion.
For the purpose of this essay we are going to start with the conclusion and work forward from there, to see where all this is leading.
I will present a few of many pictures representing the crime scene but will neither defend nor refute the possibilities.
Possibility one: this mass murder was the work of a single shooter for reasons unknown, as now he is conveniently dead.
Possibility two: this massacre was carefully planned and executed by professional with military training.
Possibility one leads to non-productive hand-wringing, second-guessing, forays into the ego and the id, the mind of a killer, etc. We essentially learn nothing but reinforcement of belief that some human beings are evil. If you have eyes, you know that some people are fundamentally evil. Names will not be named because the object of this essay is not to place blame.
Possibility two: this LVM was a carefully planned, expertly executed attack by professionals, motive unknown.
First a little background on the crime scene. I strongly suggest that the reader get grounded by watching an excellently illustrated video (50:77) by a narrator who is extremely knowledgeable about firearms, both hand held and rifles. The videographer is also quite familiar with Las Vegas as he has worked extensively in the city, has friends there, and vacations with his wife at least yearly in LV.
The URL is/was and was posted October 3, 2017, i.e. yesterday. This video has been taken down in less than 24 hours. I wonder why? Since I did not down load this, I only have select pictures. The channel was Planet X News. Those of you tweet or use Facebook, might check out his channel on those media. Since I do not tweet or Facebook, this task is left for those who do. In the meantime, I will post several pictures taken from that video (I have about 12 illustrations but will not explain them until the next essay. So the few images are presented to give you a "lay of the land" perspective of the killing zone.
Aerial view of the Mandalay Bay hotel
The concert venue is in the upper left of the picture. The green roof represents the sound stage where the performers were. Two sets of bleachers seen parallel to each other, adjacent to the stage may or may not have been present during the concert. The distance from the 32nd floor to the killing field is 1100 feet.
Basically all four directions are possible locations for a firing base. Too bad, the video was excised, as the ordnance possibly involved has different capabilities to inflict the damage done.
Once again, this essay does not try to promote or demote the story of a planned mass murder.
Possibility one: crazy person goes out in a blaze of gory. As said above, following this lead will be as useful as teaching a pig to sing (or an alligator to dance).
Possibility two: this is the most interesting. Let us assume the worst case scenario, that this a carefully planned and professionally executed mass murder. First of all, who could pull this off? Lots of special ops teams in the military OR the CIA. How many shooters: 4 or 5. Different caliber bullets, the ballistics of this not yet released.
But what could be the possible purpose? Depends on the shooters. First, let's rule out the Russians (anybody here who thinks so, please report to Daily Kos, Markos would be glad to see you again)
Next on the list is ISIS or some other radical jihadist group. ISIS already claimed credit for this. The motives is turn around--terrorize those who terrorize you. Nice, simple, but too many fine points to the true situation to expect foreigners or even American-born muslims without considerable military training to pull this off. Possible but unlikely
Third possibility (my favorite): special operations units from military, CIA, Blackwater, etc. If this is true, what's the purpose? Of course those with spines of crystalized water vapor will it's simply to increase demands for limitation of gun-owning. However, after every such mass shooting from Newtown and subsequently, has witnesses large increases of gun purchasing. So such an effort will be counter-productive.
Was this attack a deadly distraction, such as robbery of one of the larger hotels? If it were, why kill so many? No. I don't know. But there are three things to consider:
1. Perhaps simply to promote divisiveness in the country Soros-style. Most country-western music lovers are conservative, right-leaning mainly. Since the "left" has a reputation for inciting violence, per Alex Jones et al, this may be to drive a wedge deeper between the two groups (as if there were only two!) left and right.
2. A diversion for something much larger, though perhaps more subtle and to executed at a distant or local site. Now if this is true, we may not see or understand what this is all about.
3. The MSM stories are changing with each passing hour (more about that later). In my opinion, confirmation of my theory will come when YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google start editing, filtering, or just plain removing videos and print account. As I mentioned above, Planet X News's excellent video was taken down in 24 hours or less.
Okay, let's have at it.

Where is the Grassy Knoll?
I'm sure CSI examination can determine what direction bullets came from. And they aren't releasing any forensics as yet. So we'll see.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The forensics will be released after Seth Rich's forensics are
Reliable forensics will be impossible.
With thousands of shots from a variety of weapons and ammunition, thousands of people scattering in all directions, lying down, standing, crouched, lying over and under each other, there is no chance of tracing the path of any particular projectile to any particular place. There are just too many shots and too many variables
Now if powder burns were to be found on some of the victims, that would be another thing altogether. But if they're not looking for powder traces, since the operative assumption will likely be that all shots arrived from a distance, then they will not find any powder traces, even if they are there.
Forensics are not likely to produce any definitive answers to the questions people might have about the possibility of multiple shooters or multiple firing angles.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Grassy Knoll 2.0.
Could be.
Paddock may have had a working relationship with government agents. There are some curious connections between an airplane he used to own and a possible private security contractor cutout LLC in Virginia. FAA tail number records do not match private flight history records. The lone wolf story will crumble if it turns out that Paddock and government contractors had a prior working relationship.
A significant minority of Americans never bought the Warren Commission findings of a single shooter and it's likely the LV shootings will leave a similar legacy of unsatisfactory answers to real questions.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Fourth possibility for "why"
4. To set the stage for something TPTB (MIC, Deep State, what have you) want to accomplish. See 9/11, which put the American people into a semi-permanent and highly manipulable state of shock and terror, willing to give up their rights and go to permanent war in order to feel "safe".
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I have not ruled that possibility out.
P.S.: do not expect a scintilla of truth to the official narrative. Suppression has already started.
En garde! We can't do a damn thing
Has the death toll risen over 59? Pretty sure that hospitals in LV are all on code something.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Smear the left.
As supposedly anyway, most country music fans are white and Republican. Since the ISIS story won't hold, why not go full lefty bashing and see what turns up.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Whackjob Alex Jones already claiming
"ANTIFA Literature Found In Shooter's Vegas Hotel Room Says Hostage Rescue Team "
I did not watch the video. I don't waste my time on Jones BS.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Black helicopters.
Someone should fire off that info to Alex Jones. He could use that to sell infrared goggles that can detect these helicopters to his gullible fans.
In the chaos of an event like this,
with scores of wounded and dead, it would be a very convenient time and place to dispose of the bodies of a number of others, killed for very specific reasons at the same time and general location.
Just saying. There are people who would have no problem with an operation like that. Blaming a patsy lone wolf would be a convenient way to close the door on a real investigation of other possibilities.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Nice theory, certainly within the realm of possibility
We need to look at this
I personally believe that this was a professional operation. It reeks of deep state to me. Paddock was a patsy, how he became involved, I am not sure. But he is not the guy responsible for this. It does not add up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Here's a possible connection for you....
Stephen Paddock was a pilot who owned two planes, one of which was sold a few years ago. The tail number of that plane has gone missing, at least according to our government sources. Private aviation tracking sources tell another, much more interesting story. This according to some wackjob conspiracist theorist website.
Who knows, it might be true.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
@ ovals49 - the link to whacky site shows a date of october 5th
so it must be somewhere east of Europe in Asia or (uuh, oohh, Russia?).
Really who gives a shit of websites anymore. Why even try to figure it out. It's not possible.
Sorry guys and gals, I know I am getting on your nerves.
I like puzzles and questions
and I hate gaps in a narrative that render it suspect. So I try other pieces in those gaps, looking for a more plausible fit? Some people do not like puzzles. No need to apologize. It would be a terrible situation if we were all exactly alike. What would we have to learn from each other?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
From that link
I found Ozzie article that has eyewitness accounts from different people, and at least one of those claims the cops told him/her/group of people, they (cops) shot the shooter. Another says that a security guard was killed on his floor (32nd). And another claims that security guards chased another security guard through the game room.
At least that's the way I understood it.
There's also a video of the mayhem on the street while the shooting was happening. No one knew where to go, because they weren't sure what was really going on.
but I will apologize, I hadn't seen any video
coverage of the LVM, neither online, nor in TV, as I am without right now.
I have now watched a video from the site you linked. I take my comment back. No way for me to judge the website as a whole, but I can judge the video, showing the mayhem. It might be no help to understand why it happened, but the video itself is helping to avoid being judgemental about publishing that video and just accepting what happened "as is" and not questioning it because I don't know the website.
So, basically I think I am scared at all to comment on the LVM, because I can remember being warned by people to not comment or question the events surrounding 9/11. I guess being not a citizen I am more scared than may be the US citizens.
hmm, can't say I am happy with my comments. Sorry.
The extent to which msm and the deep state
have in the past, routinely colluded to keep Americans in the dark... which is to say, in light of what has already happened... no conspiracy theory, not even the most bizarre of them, can be completely ruled out of the realm of possibility.
Censorship of alternative explanations would be a clear tell. I'm waiting to see how much of that will be going on. But so far at least, not even the "official" story has been fully rounded out.
That is brilliant.
Feel free
but know that I was not the source for this idea. Apparently it is a well known ploy within the intelligence community, or so I've been told. To even think it could be put into practice at a cost of scores of innocent lives still hurts my head and my heart.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
It's a possibility that has,
unfortunately, become thinkable.
Who Benefits?
One thing to watch for is the quick passage of previously drafted legislation.
If you were to listen to the usual rightwing suspects, they claim it is to implement draconian revisions to the 2nd amendment. But why? Well, that amendment protects us against a tyrannical government. Drop down the rabbit hole with me for a minute -- and revisit the list of false flag attacks upon our citizenry, beginning with Mark David Chapman's execution of the most powerful political figure of our time. Every time there's something fishy about the official story I end up believing it was the citizenry who were attacked by the government. Attacked by our own government, imagine that! Do you think it's possible?
One of the videos which has been removed was of gunfire coming from the 4th floor. There are videos of people watching that video, and soon they too will be removed. The strategy for removal is to violate YouTube's bullying and harassment guidelines.
Some have said that SP was too physically soft to have handled those weapons for five minutes. I'm not sure if I subscribe to that.
P.S. there are reports that he had rented condos around the Life Is Beautiful festival (feat. MUSE) the week before, so I don't know if it was specific to the country music concert.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I have the video of the 4th floor being in play
A taxi driver was outside Mandolin Bay and she captured the sound of multiple gun fire and as she was leaving, the video captured the shooting coming from the 4th floor because of the muzzle flashes. This starts around the 5 minute mark.
She is speaking to someone and she is speaking on the video.
The one thing that she questioned was why everyone was so calm.
The gunfire sounds on this video suggests that there was more than one shooter, but maybe that was when he went to the other window.
I'll try to find the other video where people are pointing out that the shots were coming from the 4th floor.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How long until this video disappears?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"This video is unavailable" snoopyd
Found the video elsewhere, I believe
Won't embed, but here's link;
I actually found a whole list of links at an anti censorship site (using
yeah, and why are those websites not just there to
find out who uses them? Do we need to click on them?
Another YouTube video, still up as of 10/5/17 1AM PDT
This shows the taxicab-filmed footage of shooting from 4th floor of Mandalay Bay.
The taxi driver's video
If there was more than one shooter, then this was an operation. Some have said that the other shooter was on the 4th floor. But the taxi driver said it was somewhere around the 10th floor.
In addition, there have been numerous reports by festival attendees that the shots seemed to have changed direction as they were trying to escape. One attendee stated that he saw what he believed to be shell casings near the Tropicana hotel which is where he and others fled to.
This is a false flag deep state operation with real victims and real deaths.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Taxi driver's video
link to the taxi driver's video. Scroll down to near the end of the article to see it. I strongly recommend that people watch it in its entirety. This is not because it shows new evidence at the end, but because it shows where her mind and that of her passengers was.
Here is aCount the gunshots at the beginning and what many have claimed were echos and they do not match. These are distinctly different firings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm watching the video
and I'm certainly no expert on how gunshot sounds echo between buildings. I imagine people would get pissy if I tried the experiment.
It sounds to me like she was close (below) the shooter, and he had the muzzle outside the window (the loud shots) which echoed, and the rest were with the muzzle inside the room with little or no audible echo.
Do any windows in a building like that actually open? If not, the broken windows would be obvious.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I found the video in the comments here.
Natural news is an edge of true/false site. I'm not sure what to make of his ideas, but I found the video in the comments.
Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting
This is another good website pointing out some questionable issues.,
5 Glaring Inconsistencies In The Vegas Shooting That Need To Be Addressed
I can't find the website that had it now, so it might have been scrubbed. Interesting why it was.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is weird. It is still working for me in my
Taking it down will only open more questions about it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A 4th floor cabbie video - looks like a strobe light
Not sure why someone would have one in their hotel room, but it IS Vegas lol. The flashes don't match the sounds.
This is from a conspiracy site, but they have lots of videos.
Flashes vs. Sounds
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Would it surprise you to know that that video was taken down?
it is still up
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm glad that you were able to watch it
I first watched it this morning before 11am and then posted it 7!hours later and I watched it again. Why after over more than 8-10 hours would it suddenly need to be pulled?
This just adds fuel to the propaganda fire that the facts don't add straight up. Is there a way to capture a video incase it disappears?
It certainly sounds like there is more than one shooter.
And just how big is a individual suite? Lots of space between the two broken windows.
There is also a picture of the shooter lying dead in what is supposed to be his rooms.,
I have found another article that covers this.
Just too many questions and we aren't the only ones questioning it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Re: capture a video
For FireFox and YouTube I use a plugin called "Download YouTube Videos as MP4" which does just that. No complicated configuration, push a button. Different sites need different plugins. Hope that helps.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
video downloader pro
I use the "Video Downloader Pro" plugin. Same basic idea.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Vista Suite which has the same furnishings and wrap around windows. Click on the link and you will see that it is very big. The durn thing is over 1,700 square feet!
Based upon the photos taken of the shooter's suite, it appears to be aDo I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This isn't the only event like this gulfgal
If our government didn't balk when 3,000 people were killed on 9/11, then why balk at a couple hundred others? Many people are questioning if this was done by one person, but videos of the days before this happened, he was seen inside the casino acting like he had no cares in the world. Is this typical behavior for someone who is going to commit mass murder in a few days? Can anyone be this calm when knowing that ones time is limited?
Many websites have been warning about what an event like this would bring in regards to further erosion of our rights. Some have said that legislation has been written for this type of event. The worst that could happen is declaring martial law and ending government elections. This has been talked about for decades and was always considered CT. Keeping my mind open.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
On the radio today there was plenty of talk
about all the major sporting events and concert venues needing to add additional security equipment on account of the LV shootings.
Someone, perhaps like Michael Chertoff and friends, is going to make boatloads of money selling their scanners and metal detectors in multiple new markets. Who benefits? Rich assholes who seize opportunities to make a killing selling false peace of mind from the fear generated by the Endless War of Terror. What sick fucks. They're delighted with each
tragedyopportunity to make more money off of the permanent state of fear they very likely had a hand in creating.“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
No opportunity is too small.
Interesting how these opportunities "pop up" when a "tragedy" strikes. Makes one suspicious that the "tragedy" wasn't very random. I trust no one.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Not any more you don't. It's gone.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Re: the gunfire coming from the 4th floor
I had originally thought the same thing. It looked like gunfire to me, too.
But from that article in ZeroHedge
Was There A Second Shooter In Vegas?
Taxi driver thought it was more like the 10th floor.
This short clip (0:16) was taken almost 7 hours after the shooting was over and you can see a room on a lower floor 7 rows from the right with a flashing blue light (like a strobe light or something.) (Look underneath the "M" where it's giving the time at 5:02 AM)
[video: width:600]
Thanks! One rather interesting thing I came across looking through various videos following your link, was this, indicating what seems to look like a pattern of mass shootings within a few days preceding votes on gun legislation:
This could easily be made (and could, I fear, potentially be intended) to appear that crazed 'liberals' were killing mass quantities of their fellow-citizens to try to encourage gun legislation to pass, despite virtually the only noticeable overall effect of such slaughters seemingly involving another increase in gun sales.
Meanwhile, Alex Jones is telling his (in my case, initially inadvertent and brief) listeners that there is going to be civil war, seemingly because of these damn 'liberals' being a threat to life and limb while attacking 'gun rights'. So I'm wondering if that's perhaps the actual reason behind this (very confusing - and carefully made so, I suspect) situation.
Get the American people in an all-out civil war fighting each other over indoctrinated 'political' labels, officially declare martial law and 'Mission Accomplished' for The Psychopaths That Be - fearing more than anything the forming cohesion between Americans seeing though the Two-Party Trade-off Trap and uniting against TPTB and their political/media lackeys.
It would not surprise me, is all I can say, since people have been becoming more and more aware of the failing propaganda and franticly exerted censorship being used to try to keep them docile and controlled during the remaining of the close-shave fleecing process of whatever remains to them, of what little they can still claim of both wealth and power not yet drained to the top fraction of the 1%.
Definitely too tired to try to make sense out of the many and various claims otherwise, but the whole horrifying mess stinks to high heaven and beyond, so I'm mainly looking at such as results and what sounds like propaganda/distraction/redirection incitements for a potentially intended direction on this otherwise senseless random slaughter...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Sigh, now I want to teach an alligator to dance, it can be done.
Just to distract you guys from all of that serious stuff..
And please don't go ever to a German tent in Rapid City's SD State Fair. It seems to be a strange German tribe there in South Dakota... that's their Alligator Dance. Sigh.
So you understand now why I don't like the 'intertubes'? It's harmful to your brain, at least to mine it is.
Ok, I read the essay again, may be it will help.
Okay, mimi, you have now invaded my personal mating behavior.
Now another thing: those South Dakota Germans (Dakota Sudetenland) are doing the wildly popular dance, appropriately called Das Alligator.
ahh, sorry, Alligator Ed, I have too much time on my hands,
no TV, no radio, just internet, sitting in the jungle. And I can watch my son's reactions to just what he hears on the radio in his car here in HI. It's not good, not healthy. I am bored and helpless and a bit worried sometimes.
So my comment was really just to get rid of all the thinking about the LVM in a hopefully acceptable manner.
I like your funny tunes, just saying.
And the Grammar Nazi in me says it must be "DER Alligator". DAS Alligator .. must be South Dakotian German.
Former prez George W. Bush knows all about this mating behavior…
@Alligator Ed
Somebody had to post this:
but somehow it's always me...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I don't know about all the various theories...
but why is it that every news source seems to qualify this event as the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history?
Were there worse mass killings with matchlocks in early New England, that we don't talk about?
from a reasonably stable genius.
modern US history
They're pussy-footing around the government's mass shootings of defenseless Indians in the 19th Century, among other things.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I remember reading about the Sioux
And the Ghost Dance. Desperately sad stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
There is this massacre. But it probably doesn't count
because of who the victims were. Does hundreds of African Americans dying when they were coming over on slave ships count as a massacre? It does in my book.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In reply, Alt-Right bloggers cite a massacre BY Indians—in 1622
alt-right bloggers
Joseph Goebbels would have gone orgasmically ecstatic about vdare and its contents.
As for me, vdare resembles a whine fest by a bunch of non-athletic white boys of less than average intelligence who are pissed off that they are the very bottom of the sexual totem pole in their high schools, as they deserve to be.
I'm sorry, but my supply of mercy for unrepentant racist fascists is very limited indeed.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Even with Andrew Anglin off the air, VDARE is not the worst
That title would probably go to “The Right Stuff” and affiliated white nationalist bloggers / podcasters.
Other Alt-Right sites of some significance are Taki’s Magazine and the blog of sci-fi writer Vox Day.
There were a fair amount of mass shootings
during the Civil War.
Beware the bullshit factories.
@Bollox Ref
It's an obsession with superlatives, everything needing to be The Best or The Worst, depending. Something likely spawned by the overweening Psychopaths That Be ego, which believes itself to be The Only True Exceptional and which group has conditioned Americans to believe that they and their country are all included in this exceptionalism - although somehow law (too-often sponsored/interpreted by by TPTB ) applies to Non-Billionaire Americans in general, where it doesn't to those PTB and their lackeys thus enabled to suck their life-blood and that of everyone else on the planet. (TPTB'd actually be The Worst themselves, of course...)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The winners:
NRA/gun manufacturers;Righties suggesting Lefties did it; police/surveillance state.
If a defendant is accused of murder, every single rabbit trail is followed. I mean, EVERYTHING.
Here, we have a corpse. The State can impute motive and method.
Oswald was so easily made a corpse.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Reminds me a little...
of the BLM Dallas shooting, where some questioned how a lone gunman (who apparently wasn't a very good shot) could have sniped all those cops on his own from two different levels.
Fool me once....
At least they made this latest 'lone' wolf's death look like a suicide, rather than blowing him up with a robot like they did in Dallas.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Wonder if this article could
apply to the Las Vegas shooter.
If so, the deadliness of his attack may have been largely due to the type of round he was firing, more than to his expertise.
Here's two ballistic test videos that show the difference in the .223 and the .22. Have to link to them, because this browser wouldn't allow me to copy the HTML Code.
Hope they get some answers soon.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Cui bono - a video theory <17 mins, w/a familiar name
In an effort to find alternatives to YouTube's selective censorship, I found a conspiracy site that has all sorts of stuff, but not all of it is actually bat shit. Like this video, for instance:
Hint: He owns casinos, has ties to the US govt., and the Chinese accused him of working with the spooks, et al, to gather blackmail material not too long ago. (4chan apparently connected the dots before this video was made.)
Going to try to sleep now.
Even Zero Hedge
is asking questions. I would hardly call Zero Hedge a conspiracy site. Check out this Tyler Durden article.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
More fromZero Hedge
several videos of the sheriff at a press conference. The sheriff said two things: (1) there was no way that Paddock could have pulled this off without help and, (2) Paddock had planned to escape and did not intend to die. The sheriff refused to give details on either statement.
This link includesDo I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What about the girlfriend?
We need to see what happens to her. She was immediately taken into custody - why? - to ensure she doesn't reveal anything? Wasn't $100,000 wired to "her" in the Philippines? (Where did he get $160,000 to gamble with? Was he a wealthy 1%er? ) Will she suddenly get ill? Have an "accident?" She is suddenly out of the news? Why is no one interviewing her?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Vegas killer's girlfriend says he left her in the dark
Shooter's girlfriend says he was kind, caring man
It sounds to me like she is cooperating. Also, it sounds like the guy was stinking rich, you know how "they" are. Access to everything always, how unsurprising. Monsters. /reverse discrimination
Regarding that cab video I watched a second time, still can't be sure about another shooter. All I see is a strobe, nothing like barrel flashes from lower floors. The sounds match with the killer changing windows and weapons, direction and sound changed from room angles. One volley of rounds near the beginning sounds just like an echo to me. I don't know.
For sure there was mass hysteria, I mean that one in the cab yelling "there are a thousand people dead" she was hysterical, I would be too? Trauma makes people do, and say, and hear and think and react differently.
Good to hear that sheriff say more about the ongoing investigation, killer was NOT a lone wolf. That's big news if you ask me.
Edit: same article, added quote about house money.
She'll be sent to prison and put in solitary.
There was an article saying she was married to the shooter and still married to her previous husband, so they'll get her on bigamy if nothing else.
me and John Banner
After flipping through a place called liveleaks I decided I don't know shit, LOL. I mean in the LV cops audio, what happened on the 29th floor? It is clear at least one of them lost their shit and had to be told to calm down once or twice. "Head wound! Head wound! Multiple GSWs!" I mean the killer was still firing from somewhere, stfu? Fake tape.
Like Sgt. Schultz "I know nothing, nothing."
Edit to add: Strobes and barrel flashes? After further review, I have no clue what I'm talking about there. None. Can't even see where the killer is shooting from in any video so far. I didn't look at too many just a few, youtube is insane with greedyass clickbaiters who are not helping. And I didn't mean to say the cop on the tape was freaking out on the 29th floor, he was at ground level. But what happened on the 29th floor as reported on the audio? Maybe it was just another mistake in the chaos.
Not his first time at the rodeo
I can say, with a fairly high degree of confidence, that Stephen Paddock was an experienced shooter with training and practice. Lots of practice. The distance involved combined with the types of weapons used (bump stock auto) and the fact it was nighttime make for a challenging shooting environment. To have killed 58 and injured 500 means he was on target the whole time. A virtual impossibility for a 'crazy with a gun'. He was either insanely lucky, had the skills to do what was done, or not alone.
Enjoy every sandwich. (ripwz)
“insanely lucky”? Well, he was a big time gambler.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Not necessarily.
There were thousands of people packed into a confined space. All he had to do was aim in the right direction to be assured of hitting targets. The average distance was about 337 meters, which is slightly more than the basic rifleman training offered in Army boot camp.
I earned expert marksman in 1973 during boot camp. It's not that hard to put rounds into a target at 300 meters, and on full auto, all you need to do is spray in the general direction to hit a bunch of humans packed together like sardines.
"The trigonometry of terror"
Why the Las Vegas shooting was so deadly

that is the headline from the LA Times:military style
good luck
It was almost literally...
shooting fish in a barrel. ISIS will learn a lot from this rampage.
OK, so I've read a couple more articles
And I'm seeing more rubbish than fact.
The Zero Hedge article "Sixteen Unanswered Questions" and another article it references "More than one Vegas shooter, the Evidence Builds".
* The taxi driver video. I've watched it, commented above. Doesn't sound like multiple shooters to me. As to a possible 4th floor shooter, there aren't any broken windows so no shots were coming from there. Police could have easily been mistaken in the dark, seeing a strobe light in someone's room and not being able to tell there was no broken window. You cannot get a firm location on a sound that is bouncing between glass fronted buildings.
* Paddock didn't have 42 guns in his room, most were still in Mesquite. A thousand rounds of .223/5.56 fits in two ammo boxes, you can easily carry both at once. I'm more curious about carrying rifles, but we've discussed that in previous threads.
* "Not a gun guy"? We'll know more by checking the dates of purchases. If he bought five guns a week leading up to this that's suspicious. If he bought one per year through his life he was definitely a "gun guy", but maybe didn't spend all his time talking about it.
* I also read that Natural News article, it's rubbish. "Running these systems requires...". We're talking about two different things. Using a 30 caliber full automatic weapon trying to do aimed fire for a sustained period is indeed demanding. The weapons I saw in photos were .223/5.56. There is very little felt recoil, much easier to control. Jams, if they occur at all (quality gun, decent ammo, you may not have a jam for 1000s of rounds), are from overheating which warps the metal. That's why he had multiple weapons, to switch them out.
* HE WASN'T AIMING. He was firing wildly into a dense crowd of 22,000 people.
* What about the woman telling them they were going to die? How many crazy people are wandering around a concert? Without any further evidence I don't think she is associated.
* Why did it take so long to get to the shooter's room? Could be a lot of things, including "hey, did he wire the door to explode? Let's take a few minutes and check."
* "If he was so wealthy, why would he all of a sudden snap like that?" -- Huh? Rich people don't do bad things? What are you smoking and can I get some?
* "Why did he move so frequently? It is being reported that Paddock had 27 different residences during his adult life." -- I've been interpreting "real estate investor" as "house flipper", we need more details if this is going to lead anywhere.
* "Why were all the exits from the venue completely blocked?" -- maybe because people who run concerts are jerks?
* Why a country music festival? Maybe because that was the concert happening when he chose to do this?
Questions about the total number of rounds fired are interesting. All the spent brass should be in the room.
500 people wounded doesn't mean 500 shots. The victims were tightly packed, at least at the start. Some rounds may have broken apart on impact and sprayed bits around. Many shots would have missed entirely. If they find 2000 spent brass in the room then all the shots probably came from there. If they only find 100 brass then we have shooters in multiple locations, and there will be brass in multiple locations. Alternate shooters aren't going to spend precious escape time trying to clean up their brass in the dark. There are such things as brass catchers, but they only hold a few cases not hundreds.
This "only shot for 240 seconds" thing is new, and worth looking into.
"It was dark ... [bump fire] cannot be used accurately ... to fire 500 aimed shots ... there would be bullets going everywhere"
HE WASN'T AIMING -- there were targets everywhere
So I'm still calling rubbish. We need more facts. Let's hear how many casings were recovered from the room.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Good analysis, WoodsDweller.
I'm an Army vet. A 5.56mm round can penetrate multiple bodies, not stopping until it hits a bone or hydrostatic pressure overcomes velocity. With thousands of people packed together like sardines, it would have been amazing had fewer been killed and injured. Even after people became aware of what was happening and started fleeing, they'd still be in a giant scrum at the exits and still be easy pickings.
As you noted, these weren't aimed shot. Point in the general direction and pull the trigger was sufficient, particularly withe the elevation advantage he had over the targets.
I'm about where you are on the shooting
I certainly understand there are lots and lots of pragmatic reasons (read that as "history") to not trust the establishment. But so far, at least, almost every alternate theory or question I've seen proposed or asked on this topic seemed specious at best. Sure... it could've happened that way but also maybe not.
Some of what I've read though does raise some questions. For instance, the complete and total lack of any sort of advanced warning... at all... is worthy of some questions. One might also wonder about the vaunted domestic surveillance capability we allegedly need to keep us safe. Where was that? It certainly didn't protect us against this act of terrorism. Why would I think it'd protect us against any other? Finally I have some questions about casino surveillance. My general understanding is that you can't pick your nose in a casino without the camera's seeing you. This does seem like an awful lot of goings on to slip past all that surveillance.
But none of those questions add up to "government is lying". They're just questions.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Sadly, theory 1 is highly plausible
These weapons are highly accurate and very deadly. Shooting across a crowd the way he did, it was probably hard for him to miss. The weapons also have the ability to penetrate more than one person with a single round.
It is VERY easy to buy these guns legally. I have bought one myself. All I had to do was give my drivers license so they could make sure I was not a felon. I think it took all of 15 minutes at my local gun shop. I'm sure they would have taken my money for another gun had I desired.
I am not interested in the false flag arguments until there is some evidence. I saw the 4th floor film and wondered how someone was shooting unless there was a broken glass or they had a balcony. There is no balcony and the window appears intact. I checked Snopes and they say the 4th floor shooter is hokem.
The reality is someone with some money, a little time for planning and boatload of sociopathic tendencies, can pull of a similar slaughter. Of course our regulators MIGHT leap into action and make bump stocks illegal. An action which is only peripherally relevant to the matter at hand.
We need real gun reform. I propose we make it a federal crime to possess a firearm which carries more than 6 rounds of ammunition AND that can be reloaded within 5 seconds (eliminating ammo clips, speedloaders etc). It won't do anything about the guns that are out there, but it will insure that the guns made and sold from now on can have a legitimate purpose beyond killing lots of people.
Gun reform? NOPE. Political reform? Maybe.
When pols start talking about disarming civilian cops from military equipment at the same time, that is a good start I think, a solution. Until then it's all blahblah window dressing with no real progress. Armed nuclear drone-swarms launched from submarines or space, that is the military goal and they want expertise to do it, like commercial vendors are working on already. Prime.
No rural community in California is going to give up their "militia" until the civilian cops disarm from military hardware too, that's what I think. California is a bit like an armed Catalonia, lots of people outside of Sacramento go WTF, like why even pay taxes when Sacramento can't trickle down enough to fill potholes anymore, much less encourage affordable housing or living wages. Latest transportation bill is way too little, way too late. Again! Yet people are grateful to have a pittance. $10.50 per hour. Thank you sir, may I have another?
@eyo Yes I don't want to
There is no justifiable reason to continue manufacturing assault weapons. They are lousy hunting guns, lousy self protection (unless you are in a firefight I suppose) but they are very good at killing lots of people.