Jeremy Corbyn: "We are now the mainstream"
Remember these headlines from the spring?
Jeremy Corbyn is a 'disaster', says Stephen Hawking
Britain’s Upcoming Election Could Be Brutal for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party
Why Labour’s 2017 defeat could be much worse than Foot’s 1983 disaster
Fast forward to the present.
NOT even Jeremy Corbyn could quite picture himself as leader of the Labour Party when he ran for the job in 2015. After he became leader, few could see him surviving a general election. Now, with the Conservatives’ majority freshly wiped out and the prime minister struggling to unite her party around a single vision of Brexit (see Bagehot), the unthinkable image of a left-wing firebrand in 10 Downing Street is increasingly plausible. Bookmakers have him as favourite to be Britain’s next prime minister. Labour need win only seven seats from the Tories to give Mr Corbyn the chance to form a ruling coalition.
Labour only needs seven seats because even after the general election, Labour has continued to win by-elections.
This trend toward Labour is reflected in the polls.
"We are now the mainstream", Jeremy Corbyn has declared as he gears up for a conference billed as Labour's biggest ever.
...overall voting intention was 44% for Labour and 40% for the Conservatives.
The polls are especially strong for Corbyn over May.
The reason for the continued decline of the Tories is Brexit.
PM May threatened a 'Hard Bexit' with Europe, and Europe called her bluff.
Now she has no other cards to play, while the hard-liners in her administration are making angry noises.
Corbyn, OTOH, took the opposite approach with Brexit.
He refused to be pinned down to a firm position, to the chagrin of the neoliberals in the Labour Party. He seems to lean toward a 'Soft Brexit', which is closer to what a majority of the public wants.
“The election has changed politics in this country. We are now the mainstream. The government lacks any sense of direction. They are hiding behind parliamentary power grabs to avoid scrutiny,” he said, vowing to disrupt May’s attempted changes in the Commons.
“We will use our strength in parliament and our support in the country to challenge the Tories at every step. Wherever we can, we will block their attempts to pay for tax cuts for the richest by making life worse for millions of people.”
Corbyn has been touring the UK and intentionally holding rallies in Tory districts.
One last thing, which I think is a totally classy way to deal with a jerk.
Piers Morgan has revealed Jeremy Corbyn prevented him from joining a conversation the Labour leader was having with Arsenal footballer Hector Bellerin by continuing the exchange in Spanish.
...He wrote: “Later, fellow Arsenal fan Jeremy Corbyn came over to speak to him. When I tried to interrupt, the Labour leader – whose wife is Mexican – promptly switched to fluent Spanish to shut me out of the conversation.”
According to Mr Morgan, he then asked the Labour leader what he’d said to the footballer.
He wrote: “Corbyn smirked. ‘I told him to please send Arsène Wenger my very best and assure him he continues to have my full support, even if he’s lost yours, Piers. In fact, particularly because he’s lost yours…’”

Corbyn is the neo'lib's worst nightmare.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Is it just me or did Morgan actually race-bait with regards to Corbyn's spouse? Either way, Corbyn's response was fuckin' great.
Meanwhile, over here in the Divided States of 'Murica...The Gentricratic Party continues to enable Dipshit Trump while claiming to resist him. Oh, and 'RUSSUARUSSIARUSSIA' and 'Single Payer Will NEVEREVERHAPPEN!!!!11!'
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Go Jeremy!
Perhaps there is hope in Britain. I fear the corporate choke hold is too great here for the US to break free. Of course the British MSM is if anything worse than ours! We'll see how it plays out.
Thanks as always for the report!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If we remember back to 1980 ...
The imposition of neoliberalism was a transatlantic project led by Thatcher and Reagan. Maybe the progressive revolution will go the same way, led by Corbyn and Sanders.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Is the worm turning?
At long last? Or is it just such a bucket of worms that it's hard to tell? After all these years in the desert, a little justice would sure be sweet.
It is where the US would be if it wasn't for
Hillary and her gang stealing our election.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon