Lying Bankers and the Politicians that Love them.
So, been doing some thinking that I really don't want to get my check deposited into ANY credit union, bank or anything else that requires my cash to go through a middle man before I get it.
So I decided to do some checking into the actual LAW that I'm required to follow. The one that says I have to let the bankers rub their hands all over my disability before deigning to hand it to me. Of course, I get dibs AFTER everybody who can convince another politician to go nuts on my accounts. It sounds fishy to me, that everything is so contrived to force me into the system when I don't wish to have any contact with financial institutions.
And there, in the law, is a nice little caveat:
31 U.S. Code § 3332 - Required direct deposit
Paragraph B, Subsection 1 -
The head of each agency shall waive the requirements of subsection (a) of this section for a recipient of Federal wage, salary, or retirement payments authorized or certified by the agency upon written request by such recipient
In other words, all that bullshit that lawyers and politicians are spewing about how I MUST deposit is rather... bullshit. The spirit of the law clearly states that if you don't want in, you can opt out. And before the Banking lawyers decide to go apeshit on the fact that it's a BENEFIT, right below in the qualifications:
Paragraph J, subsection 3:
The term “Federal payments” includes—
(A) Federal wage, salary, and retirement payments;
(B) vendor and expense reimbursement payments; and
(C) benefit payments.
So, the VA is apparently being directed to NOT inform recipients that the banking "Law" is completely optional. COMPLETELY Optional. Despite the constant harangues about our NEED to comply with the law, it's more of a guideline. It reminds me of certain other tactics that the MIC has used to enforce compliance, like the law that sends kids school records to the military recruiters, UNLESS the parent specifically goes down and demands that the despair merchants be kept far away from their child.
Of course, IANAL, but this is a very simple law. The word used is "SHALL", not "MAY", meaning the head of the department is bound to follow through. There is in fact NO penalty listed for any failure to comply, and the scaremongering notices are in fact lies. This depends on people believing what is said, without actually going and checking, because the politicians wouldn't LIE to you. It's an abuse of trust, and it just goes to show how much we shouldn't be trusting the Government. When you're in the service, the order to get direct deposit is in fact an ILLEGAL order.
I think this is the best example I can think of to show exactly how the PTB keep stealing. They demand that we trust them, then abuse that trust. The phrase "Embezzlement" comes to mind, as the closest crime that we have. And if you like the banks and the convenience of having direct deposit, good for you. I'm glad that you never worry about the politicians finding an excuse to steal. But when I live paycheck to paycheck, I'd rather put my faith in the US Mail Service than Goldman Sachs or Chase.
And Random Music that the PTB hate. Because there's nothing more fun than pissing off the squares.

Capitalism needs to be torn down
Peter Joseph in this interview does a great job of explaining how wall st and the banking system are at the root of all evil.
It's a long video (45mins) but in the first 15 mins he lays out the arguments for the death of capitalism. I'm also an Abby Martin fan so maybe I'm a bit biased (but I doubt it).
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
excellent linl - thanks for it -
i hang this virtually over my bed and will listen to it every evening.
If you don't mind, what's the background? Your intro is a bit thin. Second, if you don't go through a bank or etc., how do you get your money? Thanks!
Agreed, edg
I'm missing something in DMWs initial point.
My SS benefit is direct deposited into my C.U. account. My choice. I could have it go into a bank, or savings and loan, if they still exist.
I surmise that DMW would prefer a paper check?
You still have to cash the check somewhere. Wal-Mart for 3 bucks a pop? Ugh. Check cashing brick and mortar? Double ugh.
Now if we could get it deposited into, say, a Bolivian bank and converted for free, now we're talking. Or Chinese. Or Japanese.
No way that will happen.
I do agree that TPTB have a lock on our money far beyond what the War on Drugs authorized. Hell, we are still limited to the $10,000 transaction cap from the 70s that is automatically reported to the Feds. Inflation should have upped that to $64,000 by now. At this rate, sometime in the near future buying a tank of gas will have to be reported.
I still prefer a Credit Union because I am at least a part owner. I think.
Ball is in your court, DMW.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I'm sure DMW will follow up at some point, but the
bottom line is that due to some misfortunes in the past, certain agencies exercise a (somewhat dubious) "right" to confiscate any assets that ever show up on the financial sector radar under his name/SSN . A lot of it is explained in his various writings here over the past couple of years.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Yup, I get a check.
People tell me a credit union is better, but I'm sure they'll happily do any court orders that are necessary to cover their own asses. As a result, I don't trust pretty much anything, but the postal service, since there are legal actions if somebody just blatantly steals a check.
Background involves my living paycheck to paycheck and scrambling whenever a bank decided to fuck with me. I have debt I'll never be able to pay and a disability that barely pays my bills. Apologies for being thin on details, but I have a great deal of trust issues with financial institutions of any kind.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
At least with a paper check...
I honestly would rather have the paper check, and the money in hand. The six dollar fee (Wally world charges a little more here) is my insurance that I won't be paying a bill and suddenly find that the money is GONE.
I don't have much, but what I have I'd much prefer to keep.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks! n/t
Background is I'm a disabled vet.
Because of issues involving my ex wife not paying child support, and the state of Texas insisting that I pay it on my daughter who does not live with me, I live with a sword of Damocles on any money that isn't physically in my custody at any given time.
I'm trying to solve that problem, but as that takes time, I've switched to paper checks. The VA claims that I must go direct deposit. That is a lie, as detailed above.
Apologies, but I forget that not everybody reads ALL my stuff.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Don't worry, we always think whatever we have once
said in comments everybody knows and remembers. I fall in that trap often.
I hear you. Do you mind sharing from if you disability was caused during your active military duties, war related or otherwise? Is the disability caused by combat situations you were in?
I said to my son to never accept automatic deposit of checks from little shitty employers and not do automatic deductions of any kind from his account for anything. They make it a nuisance to stop them, when you want it.
Postal service is not reliable, when the mail should go from the mainland to Hawaii or to overseas Germany. I got one letter to Germany with four month delay.
As for security reasons German banks don't accpept any orders to pay bills or transfer money over the phone or over email, even not if the email attachment is signed by hand. Recently I had to pay a bill for 9 Euro in Germany. I have to send a letter with a filled out form to transfer money to pay that bill from my German bank to the German newspaper. The mail to Germany from Hawaii makes up to three weeks. Anything priority or express is unbelievably expensive. It will take up to four weeks til the newspaper gets my 8 Euro. Those are advancements of our 'super secure' and 'super fast' internet.
Recently I tried to find a little "occupation', ie part-time, volunteer job for old ladies like me (retired and yippie soon 69 years old) So I used those job websites, craigslist and all that balonie, indeed, glassceiing etc. (like my son had to do it) Since I have started that I get tons of email reminding me every hour or so to please not forget to apply for this and that position, because it came up with my listed keywords for what I was looking for. Now my email inbox is overfloading, I stopped all downloading of email to my cell phone. Are these people out of their mind?
This technology is absolute bullshit, complete utter disgusting imposing bullsthit. All I can say about it. I never allow any browser to remember my passwords (not that I believe they save it anyhow) but you know these folks who code the utter bullshit to annoy and enslave people, they can go to where the sun never shines.
Recently I had a thing I needed to pay online. They forced me to do it over paypal. No option just to pay directly. I had paypal boycotted successfully for at least three years. Now I get bombarded with all their fucking ads and seducing offers of how great deals they have for me. Really, I would like to leave the internet behind. I hate it.
just needed to vent ...
Sure, I have complex PTSD...
I got the PTSD from a couple combat situations, but really the stuff that sticks with me and causes even more stress are the times that I wasn't in combat, but was expecting to be in it ALL the time. It's that 15 months of fear that I still can't get over. The horrid events just put the trauma in sharp relief.
Most psychological meds don't work well for me, cauterizing my emotions, so I use Marijuana for symptom relief. I use a blend of THC and CBD strains, which helps immeasurably. (Doesn't hurt that I am atypical in that Indica strains don't put me to sleep immediately.)
Apologies that I don't talk about this as much as I probably should, but concentrating on the fact I'm damaged, tends to bring the negative thoughts and downward spiral to the fore.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
thank you, no need to say anything more,
my son and you have similar experiences, just that he was not able to prove anything and was not capable to deal and bare the VA's way of treatment and 'help'. He can't even think of the VA without getting bad flashbacks. He refused all the medication after some weeks, never went through with any of the bureaucratic stuff (because it's too much for him and I know why) and never got a dime or accepted anything like foodstamps etc.
Complex PTSD ... you can say that again ... his life was very complex ... indeed. I don't want to talk about it either.
I am also not a lawyer, but it seems to me that
one possible answer for you is to open credit union accounts for your kids, opt out of the banking requirement, and then endorse the checks as payable to the kids and deposit the checks in their accounts.
However, I reiterate, I am NOT a lawyer, and this MIGHT NOT protect you, because depending on federal and state banking laws, it may be that your kids' accounts are really your accounts, and so are linked to your SSN and completely susceptible to confiscation, etc etc blah blah. Beats me.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Probably, but I already had to have my folks...
Recently I was bypassed for a fairly large inheritance because we didn't want the money seized immediately. Instead a trust was opened for my kids, which they can have when they hit 25. That way, at least there's no doubt it's THEIRS, not mine.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The problem there is that the nature of a check -- virtual or paper -- flatly requires your cash to go through a middle man before you get it. Only cash itself works in any other way.
You could always ask for payment in bitcoin (DUCKING!!)......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Virtual checks are much easier to steal...
And I wouldn't touch bitcoin if my life depended on it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks for the clarity, DMW
I now recall my brother going through the same crap. California would snatch his money as soon as it was deposited. Some back tax fiasco involving his ex.
He too went to paper check and Wallyworld. Had his car licensed under his roommates name. Even had me cash a couple of asbestos settlement checks for him.
What a fucking debacle.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
the bitcoin snark
Nor would I -- that remark was a snark, just in case you might have been tempted to think otherwise! (That was what the "DUCKING!!!" thing was all about.)
In fact, the link I made from the word "bitcoin" goes to a c99 article documenting why one should not touch bitcoin even if one's life depended on it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I caught the joke with bitcoin, thanat.
(ducks, ow! That's gonna leave a mark.)
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Hey, DMW--below's info on having a 'paper check'
mailed to you, instead of receiving it by direct deposit.
Write to the address shown below for more information concerning a waiver:
Department of Veterans Affairs
125 S. Main Street Suite B
Muskogee OK 74401-7004
It's been so long since we asked, can't remember the details of the restrictions, but we weren't able to opt out of direct deposit.
Let us know if you have any luck with getting a waiver.
Good luck!
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yes that is the claim...
That whole hardship thing is bullshit. The law states that they HAVE to send you a check if you request. Same as all federal jobs, if you opt out, the law states that a waiver "SHALL" be issued. Which is why I regret not knowing the law when I had several thousand dollars stolen from me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Okay. I read your essay, but
I guess I somewhat missed your main point. Duh!
As I mentioned, Mr M did object to having to go to Direct Deposit (long time ago, so can't remember the details; nor can he)--it was back in the 90's when the switch over to Direct Deposit occurred for the VA. Anyhoo, he was refused an opt-out. OTOH, I suppose he didn't push back that hard, and sorta accepted it.
Hey, please let us know "if and how" you get a waiver. If Mr M had his druthers, he would still be receiving a check.
Have a nice Labor Day!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Will do. Plan on fighting it if it doesn't work out.
They offer me the "Option" to open with one of their trusted banks, but they can't enforce it as far as I can see.
I promise to keep everyone updated. This is a molehill, but I'm ready to stand on it, since this is an extremely clear law that specifies who specifically is responsible for the waiver under the law.
If I have to, I'll write a letter to the head of the VA, in full compliance with the law.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I think it has to do with TPTB
working toward switching us to e-money. It's my fear. Cash is not traceable, thus not taxable. E-money is tracked and taxed. That's my take, anyway. fwiw
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It's just like bitcoin for us poor slobs -- but cash for the PTB only!
I don't blame dmw at all!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides