Democrats launch another round of blaming the most popular politician in America
A new poll came out yesterday, and guess who ranked at the top?
I'll give you a hint - it wasn't someone the Democrats are embracing.
Trump continues to trail both Bernie Sanders (51/38) and Joe Biden (51/39) by double digits in possible 2020 match ups. PPP never found Hillary Clinton up by more than 7 points on Trump in 2016. Sanders and Biden each win over 12-14% of the folks who voted for Trump last year. Also leading Trump in hypothetical contests at this point are Elizabeth Warren (45/40), Mark Cuban (42/38), and Cory Booker and Trump Twitter Target Richard Blumenthal (42/39). Trump ties Kamala Harris at 39% each and John Delaney at 38% each.
Establishment Democrats like the two candidates that AREN'T beating the most unpopular president in history.
As for the candidate with the best chance of winning, the Dems have gone into yet another round of blaming and shaming his supporters, because that worked so well in 2016.
Bernie Sanders Voters Helped Trump Win and Here's Proof
1 In 10 Sanders Primary Voters Ended Up Supporting Trump, Survey Finds
The Bernie voters who defected to Trump, explained by a political scientist
So it's no longer Jill Stein that caused Hillary to lose. It's Bernie Bros that are to blame.
Let's cut to the chase: Between 6% and 12% of people who voted for Sanders in the primaries ended up voting for Trump in November.
That sounds bad until you put it in context.
1) 8% of Democrats voted for Trump. Which means a whole bunch of Hillary supporters voted for Trump as well.
2) A lot of Sanders supporters weren't/aren't Democrats.
Of course, we know that many Sanders voters did not readily identify with the Democratic Party as of 2016, and Schaffner found that Sanders-Trump voters were even less likely to identify as Democrats. Sanders-Trump voters didn’t much approve of Obama either.
In fact, this was true well before 2016. In the VOTER Survey, we know how Sanders-Trump voters voted in 2012, based on an earlier interview in November 2012. Only 35 percent of them reported voting for Obama, compared with 95 percent of Sanders-Clinton voters.
So yeh. A significant percentage of Sanders supporters are Independents, and it's shocking (SHOCKING!) that those Independents didn't vote like a loyal Democrat.
For Shame, Bernie Bros!
3) But only real fact you need to know about why Hillary lost is from this tweet.
Turns out it's not a Trump insurgency, but a Clinton collapse. A graph that cuts straight through today's punditry ...
— Jonathan Webber (@jonathanwebber) November 9, 2016
You can cast all the blame you want, but the reason Trump won isn't because of who voted for him.
Trump won because of who DIDN'T vote for Hillary.
Finally, let's not forget this.
A 2010 study in Public Opinion Quarterly found that in the 2008 election 25 percent of those who voted for Clinton in the Democratic primary ended up voting for Republican John McCain, rather than Barack Obama, in the general election.
In related news, here is the 5-Step process of how a Democratic centrist smears a progressive.
Then I found this article that reminds me of Blairites.
Moderates are now scrambling to rebrand and reassert the “Clintonomics” that served them so well in the 1990s and into the Obama administration, including embracing global trade and collaborating with industry.
Worried that they have nobody with equal star power to Sanders or Warren, centrists are eagerly seeking out recruits in such places as a stealthy confab held in Aspen, Colo., this month by Third Way. But in a sign of the sensitivities, organizers promised not to name the nationally known politicians in attendance lest they face harassment from the left for showing up.
The group Priorities USA, which is packed with Hillary Clinton loyalists, has also plunged into the economic message debate armed with data from its focus groups of “persuadable” Trump voters in swing states. The effort is promoted as beneficial to Democrats of all varieties — and Priorities USA has no plans to get involved in primaries — but it also cautions candidates against banking too far left. Priorities Chairman Guy Cecil, citing the focus group findings, warned Democrats it would be a mistake to stress economic “fairness” over growth.
Oh yeah. That sounds like a grassroots meeting to me.

The two looks wrong
That bar graph appears to have the 2016 vote totals considerably wrong unless I'm misreading things: should be 65.8M to 63.0M
This Bernie bashing is even drawing flak on DKos from
regulars and old timers on the site. Kind of nice to see.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02 I've stepped away from
The "alt-left" stuff was just too much. My last 10 or 12 comments there all have the same theme: please stop comparing me to Nazis.
Once you've been reduced to defending yourself against being compared to Nazis, what's left?
I don't even know how long it's been, a week or so, but I haven't been back there since. Not one damn click.
I don't ever want to contribute another click to what Markos is doing over there, not even out of morbid curiosity. Never again. Not one damn click.
Kind of a sad end after all the years I spent there, but so be it.
There was talk of another purge coming and I had a feeling I'd be included in it. Fuck them. Fuck them all. I purged myself.
I'm afraid those regulars and old timers
are fighting in a losing battle for a lost cause. Third Way Democrats and Clinton apologists have outnumbered and surrounded whatever voices of of the strong Left remain within that community. 2016 was a fork in the road for the Democratic Party, and I don't foresee the two branches coming back together anytime soon.
two forks in the road
It doesn't help that all intelligent Americans have now figured out where the Turd Way road always ends:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Part of marginalizing the democratic party left
I said when Hillary got the nomination that the democratic party establishment would after November begin a process of marginalizing the left, and doing to Sanders what they did to Nader. Bernie has no power base in the DNC nor with Senate nor House democrats. It started with many establishment figures essentially trying to blame "berniebros" for Clinton's loss.
Bernie however has the power of his policies and critiques of power, and with that his own base which no democratic politician has.
As we get closer to Nov. of next year, the attacks will increase in volume and frequency.
I don't really get the corn cob thing. Could someone explain what that is referencing?
corn cob
A corn cob is a plant structure, part of an ear of maize, which exists at the center of each ear but provides no nutrition to humans.
Does that help?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@thanatokephaloides Really?
Huh, I mean I first saw it in that Kamala Harris image, with the corn cob behind her.
That just sounds like it is going so far out of its way to try and make it stick, ha, I don't know.
I mean, I guess it helps, it just sounds so forced ha ha.
@thanatokephaloides I think it's really
Uses of the corn cob (from Wikipedia):
Fiber in fodder for ruminant livestock (despite low nutritional value)
Water in which corncobs have been boiled contains thickeners and can be added to soup stock or made into traditional sweetened corncob jelly
Bedding for animals – cobs absorb moisture and provide a compliant surface[2]
A mild abrasive for cleaning building surfaces, when coarsely ground
Raw material for bowls of corncob pipes[3]
As a biofuel[4]
Charcoal production
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
corncob comparisons
Wasn't my comparison; I'm just trying to extract some sense from it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@thanatokephaloides You would never be
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Story of the week
David Shuster kicking ass on that faux feminist Neoliberal duo!
So good to see.
Guess once you leave corporate dead zones of lowest common denominator, partisan cheerleading like MSNBC, you really get to deliver hard truths that ruffle that status quo's feathers. Looks like he's now at something called i24, which says it is a 24hr Israeli International news channel.
Hats off to him.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut