Sunday Open Thread: August 6th is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony

Quite a busy day, it seems
World History
On August 6, 1661, The Treaty of The Hague was signed
On August 6, 1806, The Holy Roman Empire endid with the abdictation of Francis II
On August 6, 1825, Bolivia won independence from Spain.
On August 6, 1914, Serbia declared war on Germany and Austria declared war on Russia.
On August 6, 1945, The US dropped the world's first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.
On August 6, 1960, Cuba nationalized foreign property. Everybody but the US eventually got over it.
On August 6, 1990, The UN Security Council ordered a global trade embargo against Iraq
US History
On August 6, 1787, Proofs of the Constitution were deliveed to the Constitutional Convention
On August 6, 1901, Kiowa land in Oklahoma was opened for white settlement, destroying the Kiowa reservation
On August 6, 1912, The Bull Moose Party met at the Chicago Coliseum.
On August 6, 1965, LBJ signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Science & Technology
On August 6, 1926, The Warner Bros.' Vitaphone system premiered, presaging 33 & 1/3 rpm LPs
On August 6, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee released files describing the World Wide Web.
On August 6, 2012, NASA's Curiosity rover landed on Mars
The Arts
ON August 6, 2001, 28 mentally ill persons died in a fire, chained to their beds awaiting devine instruction at a faith based mental institutuion in Erwadi Village in Tamil Nadu.
Birthdays of Note
August 6, 1619, Barbara Strozzi, singer and composer
August 6, 1766, William Hyde Wollaston, chemist, discovered rhodium and palladium.
August 6, 1775, Daniel O'Connell, politician
August 6, 1809, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet
August 6, 1881, Leo Carrillo, Pancho. Vamanos, muchachos.
August 6, 1881, Alexander Fleming, biologist, botanist, pharmacologist.
August 6, 1881, Louella Parsons, journalist
August 6, 1895, Ernesto Lecuona, pianist and composer
August 6, 1902, Dutch Schultz, businessman with famous last words "a boy has never wept ..."
August 6, 1906, Vic Dickenson, trombonist
August 6, 1908, Lajos Vajda, painter and illustrator
August 6, 1916, Richard Hofstadter, historian
August 6, 1928, Andy Warhol, painter, photographer, pop-artist with a diverse, iconoclastic coeterie
August 6, 1929, Mike Elliott, saxophonist
August 6, 1931, Chalmers Johnson, spook, author and academic. [1]
August 6, 1934, Piers Anthony, sci-fi author
August 6, 1937, Charlie Haden, bassist and composer
August 6, 1937, Baden Powell de Aquino, guitarist and composer
August 6, 1946, Allan Holdsworth, guitarist
August 6, 1963, Kevin Mitnick, hacker
[1] "A nation can be one or the other, a democracy or an imperialist, but it can't be both. If it sticks to imperialism, it will, like the old Roman Republic, on which so much of our system was modeled, lose its democracy to a domestic dictatorship." --- Chalmers Johnson
Deaths of Note
August 6, 1637, Ben Jonson, playwright and poet
August 6, 1660, Diego Velazquez, painter
August 6, 1931, Bix Beiderbecke, cornet player
August 6, 1973, Fulgencio Batista, corrupt, repressive, authoritarian dictator loved by the US govt and many citizens.
August 6, 1991, Harry Reasoner, journalist
Barbara Strozzi
Leo Carillo
Ernesto Lecuona
Vic Dickenson
Not just a painter/photog, Andy Warhol managed and produced
the guitarist, vocalist, and principal songwriter of the Velvet Underground, did this song about some very real people who joined Warhol's circle
Later, Candy (above) and her friend Taffy, met a with a band on tour at the Hotel Albert and wound up celebrated in this song
Mike Elliott
Charlie Hayden
Baden Powell de Aquino
Allan Holdsworth
Bix Beiderbecke
Facebook pic: By Enola Gay Tail Gunner S/Sgt. George R. (Bob) Caron [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

What? Nothing involving any Flavius's or Tiberius's
or Caesars's? I feel so deprived! Did everyone in Ancient Rome just sleep through every August 6?
So many heavy events, both good and bad. August 6, 2017 feels like it will be a good day, though. (Wards off malocchio, as any cautious Ancient Roman would have).
While I mean no disrespect whatever and my thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones, I have, by the grace of all that bestows grace, been able to move on from the passing of the late, great Ben Jonson. For all the rest, it's still just too soon.
Thanks for yet another essay, EL. As you may have gathered by now, I get a kick out of them. Then again, all the Open Threads are special, each in its own way. It's like having seven or ten children. You just can't pick favorites.
As soon as I read "Andy Warhol," I thought to post this. You've posted others, but I will post it anyway because Youtube claims this is the whole album. And, this is, after all, not only August 6, but Sunday Morning (with or without Nico).
Have a great day, all!
Ah, good morning and welcome. Good to see you and your
always welcome commentary and additions. I know I'll enjoy the record, as soon as I get a chance. Thanks mucho.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning
Thanks for the OT el. I've often wondered why we are willing to create massive research projects for things like the A-bomb, but not for batteries, integrated green power, electric high speed trains, and other beneficial projects. Perhaps our focus and emphasis on destruction spells out our eventual extinction?
It feels funny because here on the mountain things are great as the world declines into conflict and deprivation. Last summer wasn't so optimistic as the extended drought made the destruction of the planet so real. This summer is a whole new world with regular rains (a rarity in the SE for the last few decades). I guess we all have a difficult time escaping our local bubble to see the world at large.
Here's hoping all your places in the world are peaceful and content.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning lookout. It seems to only take a few focused
on power and empire to drive the narrative and tribal behavior into that direction. Our national ideology exalts competition, yet nething is ever achieved without cooperation. Go figure.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Morning EL
From earliertoday. (Taken directly from a Japanese paper)
The following is the Commitment to Peace delivered by children's representatives at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on Aug. 6, 2017, the 72nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city.
Hiroshima before the atomic bombing had the beauty of nature, the warmth and kind smiles of loved ones,
a future being built together.
Hiroshima had normal, everyday life.
At 8:15 am on August 6, 1945, Hiroshima became a burnt plain.
The city was lost.
So many lives, so many dreams were lost.
A survivor then in elementary school tells us, "Even looking at my dead mother and sister, I shed no tears."
They were robbed even of their feelings.
The people of Hiroshima, robbed of their most precious things, carry deep scars in their hearts.
And yet, Hiroshima is again filled naturally with smiles, a city of trees, plants, and green,
a city of peace that draws concern from people around the world.
If Hiroshima's people had given in,
if they had given up their determination to recover,
if none had struggled through the pain,
Hiroshima would not be what it is today.
A place to think about peace -- Hiroshima.
A place to commit to peace -- Hiroshima.
A place to start thinking about the future -- Hiroshima.
The people of the future don't need to experience war,
but they do need to learn the facts, the realities of war.
Knowing the importance of each individual life, accepting each other, speaking directly to the people of the world, we will communicate tenaciously, never giving up.
We, children of Hiroshima, will summon the courage to build bridges that connect heart to heart.
Children's Representatives: Naonari Takemasu (6th grade, Hiroshima City Oshiba Elementary School), Nozomi Fukunaga (6th grade, Hiroshima City Nakasuji Elementary School)
Have a great day of peace and remembrance all.
I want a Pony!
Good morning, Arrow and thanks for the Peace Commitment from
Hiroshima's Children. Even while the Indespensible Empire beats the living shit out of multiple war drums, they are steadfast. When will we ever learn? Have yourself a nice day.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Needs its own thread?
hi folks
so Ill have some (cough cough) leisure time in about an hour so Ill be back then. I have this 'thing' I wanna talk to y'all about!! Its kinda drivingme crazy, lol....
Teaser... my 20 y.o. daughter has an Essay assignment for her (college) English Intro to Writing class, due tomorrow. Its has to do with this:
The Falling Man by Tom Junod
and also this
SPJ Code of Ethics
Good morning, LL. See ya in a bit.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Morning el...
music playing in the background, many thanks for today's OT.
Velvet reminded me of an amusing advertisement i saw yesterday in my collector friend's shop, an old tin sign:
Velvet Ice Cream
Have a great day el and All!
I was taught to never eat the fuzzy ice cream.
Good morning and thanks for dropping in.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Gotta run some errands. I may just write up my thoughts in a freestanding post and post here later .... partly to force myself to refrain from trying to indoctrinate my child as she needs to be writing her own essay, with her own thoughts - for a grade, lol.
Chris Hedges 2017 - Both War and its Meaning (July 24, 2017)