Obama Administration Policies on Interrogation
There is an important diary up at GOS by Valtin, one of the leading longtime writers about interrogation and torture since the start of the Iraq War. He rarely writes anything there anymore, no surprise, but he has offered an important piece about the recent UN report and the Obama Administration. He suggests that both Clinton and Sanders should speak to the issue and I tend to agree with him. Here is the link to the diary: UN: Obama Administration Policies on Interrogation "raise concerns of torture & ill-treatment"
Here are a couple of segments to peruse here if you can't stomach the Orange. For those who can, please read the whole thing.
As someone who has clinically worked with torture patients, I feel I am morally and ethically bound to say the truth about the ongoing use of torture, no matter how politicians, or their supporters, want to spin it. In this case, both Sanders and Clinton are equally at fault, as I could find that neither has ever spoken out or shown the slightest inclination to expose the use of abusive techniques in the government’s interrogation manual. Since Sec. Clinton was a member of the Obama administration, she bears perhaps a bit more responsibility for the implementation of the policy. But no executive branch government official or Senator has acquitted themselves well in this matter.
Clinton and Renditions
Where Sec. Clinton deserves far greater scrutiny is in the matter of renditions to interrogation in foreign countries. Most people do not realize that such renditions were not banned but protected by President Obama’s Jan. 2009 Executive Order on “lawful interrogations.” We just do not know to what extent such renditions were used, though in the cases that did come to my attention regarding renditions following the 2010 World Cup bombings in Kampala, Uganda, there were extensive complaints of use of torture by FBI investigators, which led to a special report by George Soros’ Open Society Justice Initiative. I have also released some transcripts of complaints against the FBI in the matter.
Valtin also speaks to the upcoming Squelch on the Ides and Inconvenient truth
A Real Inconvenient Truth
It appears that this site is about to transition into a form of campaign advocacy that might disallow publication of criticism of candidates, particularly Hillary Clinton. Sec. Clinton, whose friendship with and alibiing of the mass murderer Henry Kissinger, already puts her beyond the pale of acceptance, must not be allowed to skip on the issue of torture conducted under the administration to which she belonged. Indeed, neither should the Obama administration, any more than that of his predecessor.
Nor should Sen. Sanders get a pass on this as well. He has been notably quiet on the issue of accountability for the crimes of torture in the Bush administration. The findings of the UN Committee on Torture in regards to the use of ill-treatment and concerns about torture in the Army Field Manual have never been referenced by him, so far as I know.
If your mind is shattered, it doesn’t matter if it happened through waterboarding or through the use of profound isolation (itself a form of sensory deprivation) and sleep deprivation. A crime is a crime. The CIA and military has used what powers they have, and leaned on their assets and influence in the media to keep this issue from getting bigger. You have now read this. I ask that you read it through twice and let it sink in. Follow my links and research for yourself. If you remain silent going forward, it is now on you.
It is indeed on us.
Let's not let it slide. Let's not let Clinton or Sanders let it slide.
Muchas gracias, CD

Thanks for the heads up
really appreciate it. For anyone not familiar, Valtin was the foremost writer on this subject on Dkos bar none.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
thanks cosmic...
valtin has done some amazing work over the years, but i'm pretty sure that at this point he is preaching to the indifferent.
i posted a lot of diaries about torture, assassinations and other assorted war crimes committed by the bush and obama administrations. the ones about the bush administration were reasonably well accepted, but the ones about obama went over as they say, like a fart in church.
donald trump may indeed be correct in saying that, "i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot people and not lose any voters."
it appears to me that barack obama's murderous war crimes have not lost him any voters and the crowd at the big orange couldn't possibly shrug their shoulders more resolutely about it. i can't imagine why trumps followers would be much different in that respect from obama partisans.
Hey there Joe
I cannot argue with you about the indifference. It happens to Garrett's work on Afghanistan over there too.
I wouldn't expect Hillary or Trump or Cruz supporters to give less than a fart in church, but I'd hope some Sanders supporters might be curious what Bernie would have to say about it if asked. I'd like to think he would be better, but I might be wrong about that. The tentacles of Empire are so freaking numerous and strong. I figure they have a pretty good grip on anyone spending much time in DC.
Anyhow, this was my very first diary here. It was pretty easy to post. I might just do some more some time! Hugs to you old friend.
I am kind of old fashioned...
Or I live in a fantasy world, where words like honor, integrity and justice actually mean something. This does matter... it has always mattered...
May I suggest that multiple copies of Valtin's diary be sent to the Sanders' campaign from multiple people. That it be shared and made to go viral on FB and Twitter and all sorts of social media? Send it to The Young Turks. Bypass the MSM completely. Get bloggers like The Rude Pundit and just regular folks like us pester them until they get a response? I doubt that the MSM would ever even consider asking the question... But WE should.... loudly and long.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Great suggestion!
Yes to all the above.
"A crime is a crime"
Seems as always that just doesn't apply to those who wage U.S. led wars and the killing, torture, and displacement involved. There's certainly a lot more to add to Clinton's (and Obama's) crime list than torture, beginning with illegal, aggressive wars against sovereign countries such as Syria and Libya resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement (eviction) of millions, and the literal destruction of countries. The Democratic party is going to fight these accusations tooth and nail which is why Kos is going to ban anyone who calls Clinton a Warmonger or Torturer. The heat has to stay on all U.S. war criminals, without justice there can be no peace.
Justice is going to be harder and harder to come by in this country, but that is no resin not to fight for it while we live and breathe.
Hi Al! Long time. Glad to be among friends again.
Hi Cosmic, great to see you too.
These last few days have really blown my mind.