Presidential Weekly Address: July 21 2017


Many people (thanks to the Fake U.S. Mainstream Media) may not know that these even exist. But they do, and they reveal what this new administration is actually working at:

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Presidential Weekly Address


  • In other News, Trump ended the CIA's weapons of mass destruction sales program for the so-called Syrian "moderate Rebels" (Al Nusra, ISIS, i.e Terrorists) who were trying to bring about more "Regime Change" atrocities and madness, and negotiated a cease fire agreement in Syria.
  • Trump has also ended the corrupt Obama-Clinton. Globalist, "Trans Pacific Partnership" job outsourcing (and American deindustrialization) program, and has meetings scheduled to move forward to renegotiate or terminate the corrupt NAFTA Trade pact.
  • U.S. Gas Prices have hit a 12-year low under President Trump.
  • Since taking office, President Trump has also astonishingly decreased the U.S. National Debt. by 103 Billion dollars. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months more than $974 Billion or nearly $1 Trillion.)




No one knows any of this stuff because the U.S. News keeps crying: Russia, Russia Russia....the Russians are coming....


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snoopydawg's picture

for that tweet.

Uh, the leaked DNC emails didn’t show the DNC sabotaging Bernie’s failed presidential bid, they showed that DNC insiders had a deep-seeded hatred of Bernie. That’s a huge difference there.

More importantly, the connections between the Donald Trump presidential campaign and the Vladimir Putin regime in Russia is not a ton of conspiracy theories. It is inherently clear that the Russian government played a far bigger role than Stein did in getting Trump elected to the White House.

The comments that followed this statement are even more ridiculous.
She was pictured sitting at the same table as Putin during a state dinner that had something to do with RT.

How far Putin used Stein's candidacy as a propaganda tool against Clinton is not known. But the Steele dossier does suggest she was part of his plans.

Wasn't Steele first hired by the republicans to find dirt on Donald, then the democrats and Hillary's campaign paid him too?

A few people tried to input some sanity in the discussion and I'm sure you know how that went over.

One person asked if her campaign was funded by Putin and another person said that needs an investigation.

Why bother investigating? She has already been labeled a “Putin crony.”

Then again, why not investigate everyone? Start with folks who refuse to admit Stein is a crony of Putin’s. Then we can investigate kossacks here who sent her money to fund the post election recount efforts. Next come people who have been seen drinking vodka. We need a house investigation on Un-American (or Pro-Russia) activities that goes after everyone.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Sometimes it's like a accident on the freeway when people rubberneck to see what happened Smile

Actually, by all appearances, Stein is Putin’s stooge, or witless rube, or just an imbecile. Take your pick.
Of course you’re free to suck up to and be an apologist for this crank. Why you’re at Daily Kos, though, I’m not sure.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg TOP is a Pure globalist propaganda site (Markos is a CIA agent ... you can google that) setup just to neuter and subjugate the 'political left'.

That's why its always anti-Sanders, anti-Stein, anti-Kucinich, anti-Gravel, etc. (the truthtellers), and always pro-corruption: sHillary/OBOMBa.

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yellopig's picture

They have thirty-seven stars.

Dang! Did the Revolution start without me? Unknw

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“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett

travelerxxx's picture


... to call a Constitutional Convention. Maybe they're anticipating 37?

Actually, the 37-Star Flag was an official U.S. flag.

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yellopig's picture

@travelerxxx . ...just not lately. But points for you knowing that! Clapping

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“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett

Big Al's picture

Where am I?


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The video is 4:20 and that is usually a good time so I did listen to the President speak. Unfortunately, he is full of shit just like the MSM, it was not good at all. Naming off a bunch of old dead white guys is what Democrats do for values too, so why not the Republican in charge. He still has the best words, I hope nobody actually believes them, that would be sad. Stop bombing the world to pieces, then people can prosper. Trump is creating more mad bombers every day, more killing machines, more death. The nation will never prosper, but some few will get stinking richer. They will think and say Amerika is Great Again, freedom for the old white guys once more. As christian dog intended, or whatever. ~shrug~


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American Manufacturing is not just about "White Guys, it's about everyone (all races).

It's also about having a thriving, self-sustaining job base instead of a failing "imported goods driven" economy.

Trumps actions have matched his words. He officially ended the corrupt Clinton/Obama TPP deal. He is in the process of renegotiating NAFTA (or terminating). Stay tuned for his American infrastructure policy initiative (probably in 2018 so the Dems will pay a political price for obstructing it). U.S. Gas Prices have also hit a 12-year low under President Trump.

These things make a difference.

All oBOMBa gave us was 7 Wars, more 'regime change' atrocities, the jailing of whistleblowers, NSA spying, and the failed ObamaCare which makes health care more expensive, and just enriches the Insurance Cartels with taxpayers wages by mandate.

Trump is doing something positive, and that's a change over the last 32 years.

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