Short and sweet. My nominee for a**hole Dim of the week!

Watch Dem NYC councilman @FCabreraNY tell supporters "it's harder being rich than being poor" while blaming low wages on laziness.

(Tweets can't be posted here?)

Then these morons wonder why they're having to build underground bunkers.

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edg's picture

I remember as a lad growing up in a public housing project in Detroit, my dad would take us for Sunday drives through the wealthy enclave of Grosse Pointe (where the Fords lived) so we could see misery up-close and personal. It was a sobering lesson.

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Wink's picture

your eyes out driving by all those Lincolns. It had to be hell.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Wink wondering what to do with all that extra money just sitting there doing nothing. Oh wait what was I thinking extra money can be used to buy politicians so they can make even more money.( notice I said make not earn )

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This is what happens to people who believe that profit for The Right People And Kick-Backs matters more than keeping neurotoxins out of the environment and decide to just not worry about the effects on the brain... sad...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

dance you monster's picture

All those CEOs with their ears burning and their checkbooks coming forth from deep pockets.

They'll also pat themselves on the well-massaged back that they're supporting minority candidates.

Cabrera just tapped a reflex.

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and not just the link.

Top right hand of the corner is a down arrow. Click on it and select embed video or embed tweet.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Amanda Matthews's picture

the tweet.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

The Notorious B.I.G. - "Mo Money Mo Problems"

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where you're going to dinner all next week and how many happy hours you'll get in while having to "work." The wines, the food, to dine out or have your servants cook? Not to mention just which particular politician to buy, so MANY choices, so little time.....

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


Aren't they bulk-buying politicians now? The Koch brothers and the Republican Party, for example, not to mention controlling interests in Dems.

I know this has been posted about on here, but all I'm getting on searches is (as usual in 'sensitive' areas) older stuff...

Obama, Biden, Schumer, and Hillary Clinton Took Koch Brothers Money
Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin, Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer and others took money also
Jeff Dunetz

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to turn the Koch Brothers into the modern face of political evil, having mentioned them in the senate at least 134 times on the senate floor during the past few weeks. What he hasn't explained is if they are so evil why do so many Democratic Party members of congress take their money?

During the past five congressional campaigns (2006-14) Koch money went to President Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Mark Pryor, Chuck Schumer and other members of Congress.

The chart below represents direct donations to Democratic Party candidates from Koch Industries employees since 2006 according to (2014 donations are based on FEC numbers through March 10) Retired Democratic Party members of Congress received another $291,000 but were not included in the chart.

Many of Harry Reid's senior senators are on the chart below: ...

This is more recent, but, not surprisingly, specifies Fracking Queen Clinton, rather than Dems generally.

Published on July 22, 2016
Comments 63
Koch Brothers Now Supporting Hillary Clinton
by Eric Zuesse

... The Koch-led contingent of Republican billionaires and centi-millionaires is one of two Republican financial-backer contingents. The other is led by Karl Rove.

The Koch-led network of billionaires (who rely upon hiring academia and media for manipulating voters), and the Rove-led network of billionaires (who rely far more heavily upon garnering Wall Street money and Evangelical clergy for manipulating voters), have long been the two financial mainstays of the Republican Party. The Kochs have now made unmistakably clear that they want Hillary Clinton to become the next President (and, thus, academics and the media will overwhelmingly support Hillary). Previously, there was question as to whether the Kochs would go so far as to help a Democrat; but, now, there is no serious doubt about it: they already do (though as quietly as possible, and not in their own — often lying — mere words).

The Rove-led billionaires’ faction are also strongly inclined to prefer Hillary, but can’t afford to alienate the Republican electorate, and so they will continue to support other Republicans but not Trump. (Consequently, Ron Johnson, for example, still can get their money.) They aren’t as emphatic about their backing of Hillary as the Koch-led faction is. They won’t withdraw their financial support from Republicans (such as Johnson) who campaign for Trump. They aren’t really pro-Hillary; but the Koch-contingent now are. ...

... However, Sherman also noted that Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal was supporting Hillary. Murdoch has long been fond of her; and, in the pages of the WSJ, he still enjoys the freedom to shape the ‘news’ to favor her (something that would lose him audience if he were to do it at Fox). (He also supports both Obama and the Bushes. In one photo at a lobbyists’ dinner, he’s surrounded at his left by Obama’s longtime aide Valerie Jarret, and at his right by Jeb Bush, all three smiling like friends; but, in any case, all three are supporters of that same far-right Republican lobbying organization. At the top in American society, there is real bipartisanship. Another photo displaying such bipartisanship is of Donald and Melania Trump, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, warmly socializing together. These people aren’t at all enemies of one-another; they just play that on TV, in print, and etc. Those are the roles they play, not really who they are.)

Even as early as October 2015, it was clear that the Republican Party’s mega-donors were already contributing more money to Hillary Clinton’s campaign than to Donald Trump’s. They also were contributing more than they were to Clinton’s campaign, to each the Republican Presidential campaigns of: John Kasich, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and (the most of all, to) Jeb Bush. So, in the ultimate 17-candidate Republican field, Hillary was already getting more of the 2012 Romney donors’ money than was each campaign of Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, and (the least of all, they donated to) Jim Gilmore. So, if she were added to that 17-candidate Republican-candidate list, she’d have been #7 out of the 18 recipients of Republican money. (And that’s not even counting the money from Democratic-Party megadonors — virtually all of whom donated and donate only to Clinton.) ...

Edit: whoops, forgot the important point that under the Clintons, it's buy one pair, get the rest of her underlings - wheeeee! Re-edit: assuming the Russians hadn't hacked the Electoral College to let Trump win... And another edit to add forgotten block-quotes... help for the mentally defective!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Some poor trolls have make do with life under bridges and highway robbery until they can afford those luxury underground bunkers...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

Gwyneth Paltrow. I don't know if she is a DemocRAT but she thinks like one.

Here's a video (3:56) with full transcript below.


Entitled Actress Gets War At Her Front Door After Saying Her Job Is Harder Than Green Beret’s.
It’s always nauseating to witness Hollywood elites spout off from their ivory towers about issues that plague normal people, all while living untouched from reality in their little bubbles. These morons sincerely believe their “struggles” are real, and just because they have money and fame, their opinions are automatically more important that everyone else’s. Now rabid liberal and actress Gwyneth Paltrow is being forced to face the rage of a seasoned Green Beret Soldier, after daring to compare her life on social media to the life of combat faced by our military.
Several weeks ago, Paltrow made the asinine comparison to reading “mean tweets” on the internet to facing combat as a soldier, but quickly realized that opening her fat mouth about topics she can’t remotely even comprehend was an enormous mistake. U.S. Special Forces veteran and Purple Heart recipient Bryan Sikes was quick to put the spoiled actress in her place, proving that just because you’re an elitist moron and you shriek the loudest, doesn’t mean you speak for all Americans. Here’s what Sikes had to say about Paltrow comparing her life on social media to the life of military combat, that will leave you cheering.

To Miss Paltrow,

I’d first like to start out by saying how terrible I feel for you and all your friends that on a daily basis have to endure mean words written by people you don’t know. I can only imagine the difficulty of waking up in a 12,000 square foot Hollywood home and having your assistant retrieve your iPhone, only to see that the battery is low and someone on twitter (the social media concept that you and all of your friends contribute to on an hourly basis to feed your ego and narcissistic ways), has written a mean word or 2 about you. You’ve hit the nail on the head, war is exactly like that. You should receive a medal for the burden you have carried on your shoulders due to these meanies on social media.

You said, “Its almost like, how in war, you go through this bloody dehumanizing thing and then something is defined out of it.” I could see how you, and others like you in “the biz”, could be so insecure and mentally weak that you could pair the difficulty of your life on twitter to my brothers who have had their limbs ripped off and seen their friends shot, blown up, burned and disfigured, or wake up every morning in pain – while just starting the day is a challenge. How about our wives? The ones that sign on to be there for us through thick and thin, that help us to shake the hardships of war upon our return? And do all this while being mothers to our kids, keeping bills in order because we are always gone, and keeping our lives glued together. They do all this, by the way, without a team of accountants, nanny’s, personal assistants, and life coaches. Yeah, reading a mean tweet is just like all that.
You know what is really “dehumanizing”, Miss Paltrow? The fact that you’d even consider that your life as an “A-list” celebrity reading internet comments could even compare to war and what is endured on the battlefield. You and the other “A-listers” that think like you are laughable. You all have actually convinced yourselves that you in some way face difficulty on a regular basis. Let me be the first to burst your bubble: a long line at Starbucks, your driver being 3 minutes late, a scuff mark on your $1200 shoes and a mean tweet do not constitute difficulty in the eyes of a soldier.

Understand me when I say this: war does not define me. It is a chapter in my life that helped shaped me. Being a husband and father is what defines me. Remember, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never…be close to what war is.

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