U.S. Media continues to keep the public in the dark.
You'd think that after numerous embarrassments and retractions by the U.S. Mainstream Media (CNN, etc.) now, and after no proof at all has been found of any specific Russia election "collusion" (so-called) or election fraud, and even after Wikileaks made it clear that their leaked DNC Emails had nothing at all to do with Russia or Vladimir Putin, that by now .... the U.S. Media would finally end the charade, and seek to focus it efforts on rebuilding its own shattered credibility and finally start actually reporting the news straight.
But apparently not.
The most we will ever get from this Pig (that is the U.S. News Media) is a grunt. Unfortunately, too many people I know have been completely fooled by it, and brainwashed by it. It has even gone so far that a major new international seize fire agreement to avoid War has gone virtually unreported, and is not apparently considered newsworthy. I should point out for clarity that this new international seize fire agreement is something never would have happened had it been Hillary Clinton who was the one in the White House.
Here's a good breakdown, not by the U.S. News Media, but by once again a non-establishment you-tube citizen (who happens to also be a comedian with a you-tube show).
The Jimmy Dore show
And the peace agreement is also just one of several good developments that have been going on over the last 6 months. But you would never know that listening to the U.S. News Media, or by listening to (Industry favored) Celebrities, or from U.S. politicians.
Several good developments here are going on that are aimed at revitalizing native United States Manufacturing and Industry again, and with it creating a stronger U.S. Jobs Base. Once again, these things are also something never would have happened had it been Hillary Clinton who was the one in the White House.
Presidential Weekly Address (The U.S. News Media would have you also believe this doesn't exist)
The face of the U.S. News Media has clearly revealed itself to be an enemy of the American people and their common interests.
Of course, in a way this is not even "news" now, as their performance in covering multiple major historical events such as: the Kennedy Assassination, WMDs in Iraq, the Sept 11 event, the stolen 2000 election, etc. have all also revealed before time and time again.
But perhaps it has never been as obvious, and as desperate looking as it has in the past 6 months.
Whether America will ever be great again is certainly debatable. But I can't see that ever being complete without a total destruction of the Corporate-Oligarch-controlled, CIA-controlled, 'Globalist' (Orwellian) U.S. News Media.
Maybe....just maybe....Trump is the one who can actually do that.

Spin doctors at work

And the reason for all the spinning...
@LoneStarMike Great meme, LSM!
At first, I started getting bored with Rachel. Then, I started disagreeing with her. Then, I began to see her as a tool for her corporate master. Finally, I have come to believe she is a danger to herself and others, the measure in our state of Texas as worthy of being put into a mental ward without consent.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I used to love her. Now I just love making fun of her.
@LoneStarMike As the Rolling
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The last graphic is the one that worries me.
something went wrong in her head
More Fake News ...
The Mainstream media is all abuzz about the fact that Trump's son once met with a Russian lawyer offering information about Hillary Clinton's corruption (which should be the real issue here).
Collusion! the Times cried Sunday, ah ha see the Kremlin 'meddled' in the election.
But notice how the goalposts have completely shifted. The question of collusion has always concerned Russian efforts to intervene in the 2016 presidential election, allegedly by hacking the Democratic National Committee and other targets. What the Russian lawyer allegedly offered was entirely different — information “that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton,” Trump, Jr. told the Times.
But that, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with the hacking allegations, and actually inverts the dominant media narrative, as it suggests that Clinton, not Trump, might have been the one colluding with the Russians in the 2016 election.
Though Trump’s son told the Times that the lawyer “had no meaningful information,” there was already a mountain of evidence that the Russian government had some questionable ties with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. But will the U.S. News Media, and the Democrats, want to go there? Of course not.
The Times called the lawyer “Kremlin-connected,” but there is no reason that the Trump team would have suspected that (and the lawyer herself appeared to deny any such connection in the Times article).
But for the U.S. News Media, it simply suffices that a member of the Trump family met with someone from Russia. That is enough to revive the failing Russia conspiracy theory, lighting up social media and setting the Fake News Agenda for the month.
Article Link: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/07/10/new-york-times-russia...
The joke news
I caught the Disney (ABC) news tonight...a rarity for me. They lead with Russia, Russia, T-rump, Putin. Then off to several minutes of mainly drug ads, but I remember a Natural gas ad too. Then back with Iraq captures Mosul (with no comments on citizen casualties). Now more ads. Then (I kid you not) a piece on how to get the most out of Amazon's Prime day (an ad within the news). Followed by the CA wildfires (good visual footage), and a bicycler being hit by a car (helmet cam). Many more ads. Wrap up with the human nature piece - disabled veteran brings himself back with sports.
Not a word about a cease-fire. Misinformed citizens is what they want.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yeah, ABC thinks that
whoever got kicked off that D-List show, "Dancing With the Stars" is news. At least once a week.
Nothing changes anymore.
It seems this country only pays attention when they're getting screwed harder than usual.
Chance for peace? Ho-hum.
Who won americas top model? Holy guano batman!
The next recession will be a doozy. Can you say soup lines?
We'll only wake up just before mom nature makes it well known to all that the game is over.
Good riddance I say.
And yes, the msm can go fornicate itself.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The problem with Trump is he thinks Fox news is real news.
In other words, he's a hypocrite of the highest order and a dumb shit to boot. One thing he hasn't talked about is the corporate media monopoly, how 90% of the mass media, including his fav, Fox, is owned by six corporations and billionaires. How they all assist the empire in spreading absolute propaganda and lies of which he himself has fully joined in with, like regarding North Korea, Iran, ISIS, and Venezuela. That's the tell in this, he's just out of his league with an elementary and naive geopolitical knowledge level.
His constant railing on the "fake news" might have some impact if more people wake the fuck up, but that's doubtful, not with this oligarchy controlled monopoly. Trump won't change that.
The "cease" fire is basically bullshit btw
One article that covered the ceasefire
I would like to know what Obama said when that happened and why he didn't do anything about it.
There is a reason why the military overseen by a civilian presidency.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Weekly what?
I guess the MSM has done a good job. This is the first I've heard that Trump has a weekly address to the nation.
The smoking gun or proof of collusion
This article apparently shows that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to spread false information about Hillary's emails. Or maybe not.
The Truth Behind Donald Trump, Jr.,’s Meeting with a Russian Lawyer
After reading this article, I still don't see any solid evidence that shows that Trump's team had a connection with Russia besides the business deals.
I did read this though;
Always a lot of tries, attempts, might haves....
On this note, let's remember that when Hillary was in charge of the state department, she helped broker a deal for Boeing to sell jets to Russia. She also helped a Russian company get access to 20% of our uranium. And each time she completed the deal, her foundation received millions in donations.
Notice that no one is asking about her ties to Russia? Who were the people in Russia who were supporting her campaign?
Inside the New Yorker article, there is a link to an article to the WSJ, which is behind a paywall, but this same story can be found here:
Another Snipe Hunt
If the FBI or the NSA couldn't find Hillary's 30,000 emails that she deleted from her server, maybe the Russians can for some reason ..........
I bet you can think how this story was met on ToP
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
How story was met on TOP - They issued a ...
Can you make a graphic for an echo chamber?
It's sad to see how far Rachel has changed from her days on Air America. Her coverage of the Iraq war during the Bush administration was excellent. When she first appeared on Keith's show, she was full of bluster and spoke out against the wars. Now she is almost unrecognizable when I catch her show.
How she betrays her values proves the adage that Sinclair spoke of:
I guess I might have done that same if I got paid $30,000/day or $7million a year.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
It's not only about money, it's about status and rank too.
By climbing aboard the anti-Russia bandwagon, Rachel performs a key function within the opinion-making machinery of the msm. The agenda of broadcast media and of the US Deep State must be kept harmonious, if not identical, for the over-all system of information control to work properly. Rachel's role is an important one: To bring her audience (American liberals) along with her for this particular ride.
Without the willing participation of a great many liberals, the Deep State's campaign to demonize Russia in the popular imagination would not be likely to succeed. Rachel gains considerable status within the msm hierarchy by adopting the official position of her employers, and of the people who indirectly control her employers.
Excellent graphic. Maddow's fake doc. segment.
The ultimate message was what the graphic says. And, that if something from the deep state is proven incorrect, it was really the Russians and not the government lying.
Even Trump himself
made mention of the 30,000 missing emails, suggesting that maybe Russia could find them.
He took a lot of flack for that remark also.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
This is what he said about Hillary's emails
I took this as a joke, not as proof that he knew Russia had them.
Besides, Hillary put herself in this position because she used her private email server. If she hadn't used it, Wikileaks wouldn't have had access to them no matter how they got them. Comey wouldn't have needed to investigate whether she received or sent classified information on them. And Comey wouldn't have had to re-open his investigation on them 11 days before the election when some had been found on Weiner's computer.
Another "mistake" Hillary made by herself.
And let's not forget that she didn't turn her emails in after she was no longer SOS which was only discovered during the Benghazi hearings
She was told to turn them all in, but she again went beyond protocol and erased 30,000 of them because she said that they only were about yoga and Chelsea's wedding.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Continues to push the now retracted 17 intelligence agencies bullshit. At this point I only watch the evening news to see what the oligarchs are pushing this week.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I read (on FB) this AM that some IT dude with a Marvel-like
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah, this Russia bs
is just a lame attempt to distract. They all screwed up big time. Not just Her, but Podesta, Swartz, and everyone involved at the DNA. Not to mention every Superdelegate, who are all complicit in this debacle.
I just received fundraising pitch from Jon Tester. In it he holds the Russia, Russia, anybody but us Russia line. It has a postage paid envelop that I intend to return, perhaps with some stinging remarks.
Any suggestions?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Put some bat guano in there too. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
bat guano
That could get our friend in trouble, as biohazardous stuffs aren't mailable.
Nice, heavy wooden shims, on the other hand, hike the cost of returning the envelope nicely....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
How about a wad of toilet paper
Wooden shims are fine as an add-on, but we need to include the insult too.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
return envelope
Stiffeners. Wooden shims, that kind of thing, so the envelope won't flex. And make the envelope as heavy as you can without resort to hazardous materials.
Both of those things raise the cost of moving the envelope through the mails, which the original sender/permit holder must pay.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Good ideas, all of them.
Will be going to Habitat for Humanities reuse store to drop of some stuff.
Will look for some plumbers lead sheeting, that should do it.
Still want to make some remarks. What is his most notable disappointment?
Other than his support for the Goldman-Sachs funded KKKlinton.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
A fine pile of shit you have here.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Throughout the 20th century,
broadcast media (centralized information control and distribution) have functioned as the primary means by which Western societies have organized themselves. It's been a "one-way" system where selected information flows from the top down, or perhaps from the center outward, but not in the other direction. These media have enabled large, complex, and diverse societies to coordinate themselves into high-functioning collectives by sharing singular, unifying narratives... narratives provided for the most part by broadcast media... thereby keeping public attention focused on the same issues, and seeing them from a more or less similar viewpoint.
But for better and/or for worse, the primacy of broadcast media is no more. The "information warfare" we are now seeing emerge is just the beginning of a vast technological revolution that will no doubt cause social, political, and economic upheavals far into the future. Information is now flying in all directions, (nationally and globally) and is being amplified by a wide variety of independent channels and networks. Diverse and contradictory narratives spread like wildfire, often gaining credibility while centralized distributors like ABC and CNN continue to lose it. And this process is accelerating. The internet and all its subsidiaries (I-phone etc.) produce a fast-acting solvent to the primary glue that has held many Western nations together for the past 100 years. Donald Trump appears to be well aware of this ongoing transformation, while most of our highly-paid teevee celebrities remain blissfully unaware of it.
Tv news celebrities
are in the same place as our elected representatives, The Bubble.
The internet threatens to poke that bubble.
For how long they allow that threat to exist is the Big Question.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
It's already too late for them
to stop the process of disintegration. They might be able to slow it down, but they can't stop it. Once a revolutionary technology takes hold, nothing can stand in its way for long. The media giants' monopoly of information distribution is a thing of the past -- it's over. The election of Donald Trump marks the decisive turning point, and it's gonna be all downhill from here, for the msm.
I've lived in a place with a censored internet
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
What if they start censoring
like China? Or worse, shut it down completely under the guise of "national security". What then?
Would they force the MSM upon us? The official source of information and news?
I'm under no illusion of the precariousness of our position.
Information is power.
The control of information is the most power.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Caitlin Johnstone today:
If This Tweet Bothers You, It’s Because You’re A Piece Of Shit
1st paragraph: