World War 3: a Second Front opens; Collision in the South China Sea

When Truth is suppressed, Conspiracy Theories flourish.

For something which appears on the surface to be extraordinarily simple to understand has emerged mystery, with more turns and lies than the assassination story of Seth Rich. Here's the story, basically: two ships ran into each other in a dark but quiet sea. Sure! Let's keep it simple! Whoa, that ain't gonna work. The upshot of this story was massive, repeat MASSIVE geopolitical significance. When the full enormity of this debacle becomes known, you will realize that the power balance in the quest for US hegemony has vanished. The story of the USS Fitzgerald is of utmost importance since the day it occurred June 16, 2017. Remember that date. Another day that will live in infamy--but unlike Pearl Harbor attack Dec. 7, 1941, only one ship was sunk. Like Pearl Harbor, there are many stories as to why this happened. Did FDR really know this was coming? Was the sneak attack so sneaky? etc. This essay is not to relitigate the original Day of Infamy, but to explain this new calumny.

So, as many of the reading audience may not have naval or maritime back grounds, I will start from the most basic terms. Why? Because many of us think we know things that we just don't. For those of you with naval/maritime background, skip this portion if you wish.

Definitions / glossary

bow: the front part of the ship
stern: the rear part of the ship
Starboard: when looking to the bow, this is the right side
Port: when looking to the bow, this is the left side
sonar: detection of sounds transmitted underwater
radar: electronic detection of objects at distance above water and/or in the atmosphere.
waterline: the portion of a ship's hull which is above (calm) water meets the hull below the water level. Normally this is horizontal
belowdecks: portion of ship interior below water line
amidship: halfway between bow and stern, which is often the broadest beam (transverse distance) across the ship.
listing: the unintended angle of the ship in relation to its normal attitude in the water.

Navigation lights.: standardized lighting arrangements for ships with intersecting courses to avoid collision.

To avoid collisions, vessels mount navigation lights that permit other vessels to determine the type and relative angle of a vessel, and thus decide if there is a danger of collision. In general sailing vessels are required to carry a green light that shines from dead ahead to 2 points ( 22 1⁄2°) abaft[note 1] the beam on the starboard side (the right side from the perspective of someone on board facing forward), a red light from dead ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side (left side) and a white light that shines from astern to two points abaft the beam on both sides. Power driven vessels, in addition to these lights, must carry either one or two (depending on length) white masthead lights that shine from ahead to two points abaft the beam on both sides. If two masthead lights are carried then the aft one must be higher than the forward one.[2] Hovercraft at all times and some boats operating in crowded areas may also carry a yellow flashing beacon for added visibility during day or night.

Lights of special significance[edit]
In addition to red, white and green running lights, a combination of red, white and green Mast Lights placed on a mast higher than all the running lights, and viewable from all directions, may be used to indicate the type of craft or the service it is performing. See "Quick Guide" in external links.

Ships at anchor display one or two white anchor lights (depending on the vessel's length) that can be seen from all directions. If two lights are shown then the forward light is higher than the aft one.
Boats classed as "small" are not compelled to carry navigation lights and may make use of a handheld torch.

To understand this lighting procedure is key to understanding a collision at sea. Imagine otherwise traveling on a road with no lane markers or shoulders.

Vessel tracking service

A traffic organization service is a service to prevent the development of dangerous maritime traffic situations and to provide for the safe and efficient movement of vessel traffic within the VTS area.

The traffic organization service concerns the operational management of traffic and the forward planning of vessel movements to prevent congestion and dangerous situations, and is particularly relevant in times of high traffic density or when the movement of special transports may affect the flow of other traffic. The service may also include establishing and operating a system of traffic clearances or VTS sailing plans or both in relation to priority of movements, allocation of space, mandatory reporting of movements in the VTS area, routes to be followed, speed limits to be observed or other appropriate measures which are considered necessary by the VTS authority.

Marine automatic identification (AIS)

The automatic identification system (AIS) is an automatic tracking system used for collision avoidance on ships and by vessel traffic services (VTS). When satellites are used to detect AIS signatures, the term Satellite-AIS (S-AIS) is used. AIS information supplements marine radar, which continues to be the primary method of collision avoidance for water transport.[citation needed]

Information provided by AIS equipment, such as unique identification, position, course, and speed, can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS. AIS is intended to assist a vessel's watchstanding officers and allow maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements. AIS integrates a standardized VHF transceiver with a positioning system such as a GPS receiver, with other electronic navigation sensors, such as a gyrocompass or rate of turn indicator. Vessels fitted with AIS transceivers can be tracked by AIS base stations located along coast lines or, when out of range of terrestrial networks, through a growing number of satellites that are fitted with special AIS receivers which are capable of deconflicting a large number of signatures.

The International Maritime Organization's International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with 300 or more gross tonnage (GT), and all passenger ships regardless of size.[1]

AIS is extremely important for reasons which will immediately become clear. Note: Military vessels are not tracked by AIS.

Target angle or angle on the bow.

Angle on the bow is a variation of target angle used by United States Navy submarines. Angle on the bow is measured over an arc of 180° clockwise from the bow if viewing the starboard side of the target, or counterclockwise from the bow if viewing the port side of the target. Target angles from 0° to 180° are reported as "starboard [target angle]", while target angles from 180° to 360° are reported as "port [360° -target angle]".[2]

Angle on the bow provided the basis for submarine attack decisions through the world wars. When angle on the bow was less than 90° , the submarine would continue a submerged approach toward the target to launch torpedoes when angle on the bow increased to 90° indicating the minimum range torpedo launch opportunity for the submarine with the given target course and speed. Unless the target was already within torpedo range, angle on the bow greater than 90° required the submarine to attempt to surface and run around the target beyond visual range to submerge ahead of the target. As a practical matter, the speed differential required to run around a target meant most warships and ocean liners could not be attacked when angle on the bow was greater than 90° .[2]

Although this section refers to submarines, the points of reference for general maritime encounters remains appropriate.

One thousand foot warning: lethal force authorized if another ships comes within 1000 ft of US Navy warship:

Officer of the Deck (OOD) duties:

Enough background. Digging in to the details.

USS Fitzgerald on paper with their motto: "Protect Your People"

A Second Front

In a previous essay, I described the initial skirmish of WW3 as occurring in the Black Sea.

Now described below concerns a second front, in the South China Sea (SCS). This war actually began a few weeks earlier, at least as early as the Chinese warning to the USS Dewey
twenty times to go away from their offshore station.

The illustration localizes several different posting of the Dewey in the SCS. Let's take a larger scale look at the SCS:

The cargo ship ACX Crystal is registered to a Japanese owner, but manned by an entirely Filipino crew numbering about 20, including the Captain, Avincula. Here is a somewhat general map of the route taken by the Crystal:

Note the little curly-que in the Crystal's course. Reminder: Military vessels of any nation are not tracked by AIS.

Now a closer view of the Crystal's route. Get used to it folks, we're going to be seeing a lot of this map because it is absolutely vital to solving the gigantic US Naval coverup.

Notes about maritime maps: the signals go to satellite by transponder on board each vessel over 100 tons (300?). What is then displayed is the vessels: course, speed, and aspect. The faster the speed, the further apart are the marking arrows showing course.

Closer view yet. Has anybody ever seen a non-combat maritime course like that--ever? Please, you of sea-faring experience, please explain this to me.

This massive cargo ship, weight between 29,000 and 70,000 tons (empty vs loaded) then continues to Tokyo harbor. This ship's owner refuses to say where this ship was headed. But it did end up in Tokyo Bay. From this map you may gauge the amount of ship traffic in one of the world's largest ports.

Let's take a look at the physical dimensions of the two vessels:


Note the bridge of the Crystal is ten stories high. Quite a view in clear seas!

Here's a schematic comparison of the two ships:



Here is a photo comparing the Fitz. before damage (upper) and damaged areas (lower):

Damaged Fitzgerald area close up:

An even tighter close-up showing probable location of Fitzgerald captain's quarters:

Aerial view of Fitzgerald showing starboard damage:


Another aerial view of Fitzgerald's starboard bow:


Fitzgerald damage: longer view from starboard:


USS Fitzgerald listing to starboard post attack:

Sadly, at least 7 sailors were killed in this action:

Now let us look at the other ship, ACX Crystal, top speed 18.5 knots, minimum weight 29,00 tons, height of bridge 10 stories, length >700 feet. It did not escape unscathed. Here are a few views.


ACX Crystal aerial view of bow from port aspect:

All the images above equate to FACT

Unfortunately outright lies have been perpetrated by both the US Navy and the Crystal's captain. The above pictures are provided for readers to obtain a FACTUAL basis from which to make informed judgements.

Here is the first image which is not fact, but a reasonable supposition of the actual collision course of the two vessels. This is not proof but a good educated deduction from what is know (damage, course, speed, AIS, etc.)

Reasonable. Yes. Definite? Maybe not.

With the Crystal still moving and the Fitzgerald dead in the water (the most likely scenario), the two ships would scissors together at the pivot point (axis of rotation), thus enlarging somewhat the initial collision damage caused. Viewing the relatively localized Fitzgerald damage, there wasn't too much scissoring. The damaged bow of the Crystal shows relatively short contact surface as does the Fitzgerald.

What damage was there below the waterline, which after all, is what almost sank the Fitz? Yes, the above ground damage would have hampered normal operations but no way would have compromised flotation. Significant amounts of water entered the ship below the waterline, hence the starboard flooding causing the Fitz. to list.

Now we enter the land of fact and speculation, known as YouTube

The reader may have noticed a scrupulous avoidance up to this point of speculation. The facts are as pictured above. Make of them what you will. In the video and print search, I have come across a YouTuber named Florida Marquis. This gentleman has broken the story wide open and so far is doing the best investigation. In just under 3 weeks the Maquis has garnered more than 1,000,000 views--not bad with only 3700 channel subscribers.

Here is FM's compilation of his own URLs: Video ACX Crystal Track Analysis on 7/1 Physical Damage Analysis on 6/30 Navy Ban on Independent Investigation 6/29 1st Vid Track analysis ACX Crystal 6/29 AuCoin Press Conf. 2:20am collision time 6/29 3rd and final Lie from Capt Advincula~Crystal 6/28 Sailors manning the guns....General Quarters 6/28 Destroyer Mission Ascertained and discussed 6/27 Capt. Advincula lies twice now 6/27 Capt Advincula statement reveals the Cover-up 6/26 The trail of deceit, treason and betrayal.... 6/26 The Shiloh Connection.... a young sailor is turned...6/25 The impossible phone call from below decks 6/24 Still Frame Speed & track analysis showing the impossible 6/24 High Level info compromised and Filipino access to Fitz 6/23 China warns the USS Dewey 1 week prior 6/22 The MARFORSOUTH connection ...Colombia~Marines 6/22 Example of Bridge Audio from USS Porter 6/21 First Assesment of an EMP dual pronged assault... 6/20 Chinese involvement scenario developed 6/19 Early discussions of possible weapons used to disable 6/18 day after the actual event ... Florida Maquis

The first lie of Captain Advincula of the Crystal:

Here is a quote from an educated viewer to that video:

There are lies within lies here. First of all, how to you make a hard right to avoid a collision and yet still hit the target you were trying to avoid, 10 minutes later? This account cannot be true. Second is an issue I have had since I first saw the pictures of the two boats. What caused the damage bending the solid steel deck railing on the Crystal? There is nothing that high on the destroyer, and no corresponding damage.
Your theory is the best I have found and corresponds well with the "facts" I have been able to gather, but I think there is even more to the story. Perhaps a badly executed false flag resulting in a limping ship instead of a disappeared one?

Another lie from Captain Advincula: AIS shows the Crystal actually turned toward the Fitzgerald, not as a hard right initially claimed by the Crystal Captain:

And yet another view of Captain Advincula:

At this point, information overload has probably overtaken most of you (me included). With only a brief foray into speculation, mainly basic terms and photographs irrefutable FACTS have been presented. Therefore a second essay on this massive cover-up needs be presented. So, in the second episode, we will delve into conjecture more deeply. By so doing the imminent nature of the balance of world power politics will be shown to be affected.

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studentofearth's picture

and personally have not even kept up with MSM (main street media) spin on the story. Appreciate the time you are taking to sort and organize the information I would need to seek out from my regular reading pattern. Implications are a little too big for me to fully consider tonight and integrate with with other odd happenings such as the US special forces in the Philippines due to Islamic terrorists. That story also keeps changing in the press.

edited - forgot link Terror contagion takes hold in the Philippines June 22

For the past month, a large contingent of Filipino soldiers with the help of American intelligence and Special Forces has sought to wrest control of neighborhoods under the control of heavily armed extremist groups linked to the Islamic State (IS) international terror organization.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Alligator Ed's picture

@studentofearth This portion of the easy is based 98% on fact. The 2% which is speculation is the precise angle of collision between the two vessels, but even that gives little margin for error. Coming soon wh shall hear some fantastic but quite real stories which may be of relevance to the Fitzgerald saga, other than obvious BS wafting around to create a brown fog around something which can only be described as an act of war.

But, no spoiler alert here other than to say get ready for weird and weirder.

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I will look and listen to all your links after work.
Every time the government lies to us, I become afraid of the unknown. I can't prepare, can't make rational decisions.
This is no way to live.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

our government and its lapdog press are not going to come right out with the truth about what happened to the Fitzgerald. It will be up to "conspiracy theorists" and us "nut jobs" to tease out bits and pieces of the truth and then perhaps deduce how those pieces fit together and, if we are lucky, reveal what is actually going on.

I do enjoy a good puzzle, but am already concerned that this big brown fog of disinformation and obfuscation is an attempt to cover up a Big Fucking Deal.

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“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

earthling1's picture

is in the very first video, at the very first change of direction.
The author describe and order for hard RIGHT rudder and wonders why the ship turned left. On any ship, if you turn the rudder right, the ship will go left or the opposite of the rudder direction.
So, nothing to see there.
Also, he first says the captain realized the ship was on a collision course with the Fitzgerald. After ordering a hard RIGHT rudder, he describes going around an island. Was the collision course with the Fitzgerald or the island?
Beginning to sound to me like someone was drunk and the Crystal missed it's port o' call, probably while the Captain was asleep.
After traveling a considerable distance, whomever was driving realized they were way off course and did a bat turn.
Possibly someone on the Fitzgerald was asleep or drunk as well and failed to understand the drunk driver steering the Crystal was going to pull a hit and run on them.
Cover-up? Probably. Both sides at fault.
Thank FSM for no fault insurance.
Didn't bother to go forward with the rest of the videos. Maybe later.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Alligator Ed's picture

@earthling1 Many more coming. For the next essay, clothespins may be suitable gear if you have delicate olfactory sensation.

One comment, which will be restated in part 2, is that the Fitzgerald episode is the FIRST in large scale crime solving own an internet size scale, somewhat like multi-player online games, but this time with a real and productive purpose: get the truth.

A comment upon Florida Maquis: he is sincere, he admits when he speculates, and he graciously accepts errors when more knowledgeable people add to or correct the fact base. It is for these characteristics that have earned my trust him to lead this online inquiry.

Advance warning: whatever the Navy "investigation" official report concludes, it will have the verisimilitude of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin".

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@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed I am very hesitant to write this off as drunks piloting ships.
What are the odds on that happening, and drunks at the helms being protected by blah blah blah shit internationally.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp It stretches credibility to the extreme in order to believe that a billion dollar asset of the Navy would be entrusted to drunks. To believe in that narrative, in view of all other circumstances "is a refuge of fools".

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@Alligator Ed

Robert Plant | 'Ship of Fools' | Official Music Video

A little slow for my tastes, but it's not crashing into anyone else either, so there's that.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Ellen North but my slow boat to the South China Sea had to turn around. I foun another song to complement your contribution. Hope you like it.


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