Seth Rich cosmology: big bang, continuing expansion, black holes

Heraclitus ~ You can never step into the same river twice

The water in the river in front of you is not the same as 10 seconds before. But sometimes you must dive in. It is time to do that.

Caveat ~ whenever truth is suppressed, conspiracy theories flourish (AE)

Background information: Please consult my prior essays relating to this subject:

Prologue: DWS, DNC, and the intersection of two colliding investigations.

The Seth Rich Assassination: “It doesn’t matter how…We need to win this MoFo”

Seth Rich: the Official Conspiracy Story so far

Note: for sake of clarity the Awan brothers' spy ring is not discussed in this essay.

The long view:

Seen from afar, we see a galaxy brightly illuminated by perhaps millions of stars. Stars are born and die, just like animate objects, although the time scale is so immense that, except for supernovae, this process is rarely visible.

Let's try to put this enormous structure into a little clearer focus, with which to discern its many parts, for only by so doing can we learn more about the smaller aspects, which although smaller, remain enormously important.

If the modern cosmologists are to be believed, then the universe was born in a Big Bang. Without debating that point, what proceeded the Big Bang? Scaling down hundreds of orders of magnitude, we arrive at a somewhat similar position with regard to human events. This essay centers on the Seth Rich murder. Analogies with the foregoing cosmology are somewhat appropriate.

Big Bang: Seth Rich dies

Antecedents: unlike the Big Bang theory which conflates physics and theology, in human events there are always antecedents. In this case, many facts are known with certainty. Seth Rich was born in Omaha where he was educated. He then moved to Washington where he became involved in politics. His employment was at the DNC, in charge of voter acquisition software, although this might not be an accurate title. His responsibility was to develop software with which to aid the DNC in locating potential Democratic voters. He was very dedicated to his job.The following video from 2015 has emerged in which he addresses the Federal Election Commission (FEC)

Mr. Rich then is appointed to the Hillary Clinton campaign as a staffer, a mere 4 days before he is murdered. On all the foregoing there is no dispute. But the crucial dispute here is whether Seth Rich leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks showing the primary was rigged even before it started. This issue is still not settled, although I believe a growing number of people familiar with this case do believe that he was a leaker--although there may have been more, such as Eric Braverman who worked for Clinton Foundation but had access to more information than did Mr. Rich--another story for another day.

Safety in the neighborhood or lack of safety in the neighborhood

Residents of Bloomingdale, which is about 20 blocks north of D.C.’s Union Station, had long been complaining about a surge in crime. One area resident tells Newsweek her house had been burgled a few years ago while she and her husband were inside. Two other residents who would volunteer only their first names, Jonathan and Kevin, say there were “definitely a lot of muggings and robberies” in the area. Another resident complained on the neighborhood blog about “a small group of guys with a silver handgun terrorizing this neighborhood for weeks with minimal response from public officials.” Residents were particularly incensed about a deterioration in security over the past two years related to a massive D.C. water department tunnel construction project just steps from where Rich was slain. High fences around it left the street occluded, with “hiding places for criminals and [no] sight lines for neighbors,” one resident wrote.

The same Newsweek article goes on to quote DNC sources, unnamed as usual, who stated this "leak was a hack instead":

Meanwhile, sources involved with the DNC’s investigation of a foreign hack of its files last year rule out the notion that Seth Rich had any role in the affair. “There was no indication that any insider was involved in this,” says one source, demanding anonymity in exchange for discussing the sensitive and ongoing investigation. “Every indication is this was a remote attack from a foreign government—the Russians. There is no indication that…there was any nefarious action taken by any employees in that environment.”

Here's DC Mayor Muriel Bowser addressing the issuance of police bodycams to MPD police. Please notice the presence of former MPD police chief Cathy Lanier. Since Lanier resigned one month AFTER Seth Rich was murdered, this video was almost certainly was filmed BEFORE the Seth Rich murder. The announcement of releasing body cam footage in two murders preceding the Rich murder. Also mentioned are the proliferation of CCTV in the Bloomingdale neighborhood as necessitated by the high crime rate, also detailed on this video.

So where is the body cam footage? Ask Liz Lyons:


For those whose screen resolution isn't up to this fuzzy image: This is a John Podesta email, posted on Wikileaks, stating that the leaker, whomever that might be, even if not correct, needs to be made an example.

Reposted from prior essay because this is important: FBI vehicle broken into and weapons stolen hours before Seth Rich shooting. Really!

Do we know anything for certain? Here's the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) incident report:

There are several interesting things about this report.
1. It was written at 7:10 AM
2. Time of the shooting is about 4:19 AM
3. Patient reportedly expired around 5:37 AM
4. He was coherent and conversing when police discovered him within less than 20 minutes post-shooting
5. Several policemen were wearing body cameras (bodycams)

What this incident does not report, and perhaps this extra information was not considered necessary for such an information report is
1. Witness (Rich) statements
2. Mode of transport to hospital and by what agency
3. Destination hospital.

To report the beginning (time of shooting) and the end (death) but not reporting the intervening facts, is to say the least, disconcerting.

But we have to back track a bit. Some of the following information may have been presented in my previous essays, for which I apologize.

Where was Seth Rich earlier in the AM? All accounts agree he was in Lou's City Bar (of which location maps have been previously posted. The manager of that bar was Joseph P. "Joe" Capone. Interesting things of note are worthy of mention.

1. Mr. Capone made a White House (WH) visit just before and after the shooting. This, while curious, is not evidence of anything:

2. Mr. Capone stated he was never interviewed by police on the days after the shooting.

3. Mr. Capone says that on the night of the shooting,Seth Rich was sadder than usual

This claim is refuted by Seth's girlfriend Kelsey Mulka in an interview with Crime Watch Daily. She was talking to him on the phone until about 2 minutes before Seth was shot.

4. Capone says he was on vacation hours after the shooting.

Joe Capone was the last person to see Seth on the night of July 10th, 2016. Joe oddly enough was at the White House just days before the night Seth was shot in the back twice. Joe was then seen on vacation just hours after Seth was shot.

Two timelines are included here, with general details of activities related to Seth Rich murder, but which do not contain specifics of the actual events. They are an interesting overview--but not detailed in regard to the actual shooting:

1. World News Daily, the publication for which Liz Crokin works. This timeline deals also with unanswered questions.

2. Reddit timeline which mentions Joe Capone.

After the shooting there are conflicting reports of what happened next. An alleged neighbor and eyewitness stated Seth Rich didn't even know he was shot.

Another neighbor commented on the frequency of local armed robberies in the neighborhood.

And here is a

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote," she said. "He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place."
(Source: 27-Year-Old DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shot, Killed in Northwest DC | NBC4 Washington

Here's a video showing Debbie Washerwoman Schultz at the crime scene.

But DWS was inconsistent about knowing Rich:

Here is a picture of DWS at the Seth Rich crime scene (note: I did not caption the picture)

Now comes the Dishonest Donna Brazile connection:

Then, "Distressed Donna" does something peculiar regarding her former colleague: she warned off detective Rod Wheeler from further investigation.

Other DNC affiliates get involved in the case. One of these is Brad Bauman, a DNC/Democratic "crisis manager".

How did Brad Bauman, DNC crisis manager insert himself as intermediary between the Rich family and the general public? Here is an interview, only the audio, with Bauman by Neil Wolfe, reporter:

Another interview with Jared Beck also contains a further interview with Bauman This includes quoting Joe Capone stating Joe was not at the bar the night Seth Rich was there, immediately followed by a contradictory video of Capone asserting he was at the bar on the fatal night. 560 cameras in the vicinity. This is an excerpt which starts at about 8:50. The prior link contains the entire Bauman interview.

Bauman claims that detective Wheeler is passing on false information about an active police investigation. Bauman doesn't give information about which hospital to which Rich was taken. Bauman deferred the request to the MPD because the investigation is active. He claims he is "duty-bound" not to insert any information about the shooting, insinuating it would pervert the investigation. He would not even confirm that Rich was alive when he received by the police. But Bauman asserted the DC police examined Seth Rich's laptop, after which the computer was returned to the family; moreover, the FBI never had access to the computer.

As mentioned in a prior essay, the ambulance or police vehicle record of transporting Rich from the crime scene has never been released. Furthermore, the receiving hospital's name was originally withheld. It turns out that Rich was taken to Washington's MedStar hospital, owned and operated by the SEI union. The physician in charge of the case was Dr. Jack Sava. Dr. Sava has interesting connections:

Dr. Sava has been notoriously closed-mouthed about any issues concerning Seth Rich, even including whether he even treated him. Nevertheless Dr. Sava had no difficulty spilling his guts about every aspect of the Representative Steve Scalise investigation: here is the suddenly loquacious Dr. Sava.

Black Hole: The Washington MPD "investigation"

Facts about the investigation into Rich’s murder continue to raise concerns about the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department’s efforts to identify Seth Rich’s killers. The public incident report filed after Rich’s death shows that several officers who responded to the scene of the crime were wearing body cameras. But the Metropolitan Police claimed the footage was “lost” when met with requests to release the videos, which might have provided important clues. A May 21st, 2017 report by World Net Daily has also established that police failed to speak with staff at Lou’s City Bar (where Rich was last seen alive) to enquire about whether they had any pertinent evidence.

Even stranger, police chief Cathy Lanier resigned just a month after Rich’s death. Her replacement, Peter Newsham, has been plagued by past allegations of alcoholism and domestic violence. Newsham was also accused of severely mishandling a rape case after the family of an 11 year old girl alleged that he allowed the victim to be charged with filing a false report despite several medical accounts detailing her sexual injuries and genetic evidence indicating that she had been abused by multiple assailants.

It is also not clear why police would seize Rich’s laptop for an investigation into what was supposed to be a robbery gone bad. The Washington Post claimed that neither the FBI nor the police were in possession of Rich’s laptop. But this claim contradicts a report by the Washington Examiner which cited a former law enforcement official who stated that the laptop was examined during the investigation.

New Stars are born

There have been numerous investigations, all done despite MPD obstruction. Pride of place belongs to former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler. The following links discuss Mr. Wheeler's efforts so far, his investigation halted so far by a cease-and-desist allegedly at the request of the Rich Family (wanna buy a bridge if you believe that?)

G. Webb and J. Goodman interview with det. Wheeler.

Jamarl Thomas's 1 hour interview with detective Wheeler.

Hard Bastard 27:42) summary of Jamarl Thomas's interview.

Into the asteroid belt

Is Seth Rich really dead? His survival is plausible as described in this video. The YouTube video touches on other subjects but the main thrust deals with unknowns.
1. Where is the death certificate?
2. What happened at the funeral? Was there really a body in the casket?
3. Where are the hospital records?
4. What does attending physician Dr. Sava have to say? (detailed above)
5. Why did none of the CCTVs record anything, even including the Flagler market, across the street from the shooting site which had 3 cameras?

Another investigator Stranahan doubts that anything can be proven.

One last article comes from an off-orbit comet about Seth Rich being a victim of a serial killer! Yeah, right, a journalism class with neither knowledge of forensics nor forensic evidence brainstormed their way into this bizarre conclusion. They considered very little contextual material, which is described above.
1. Inept MPD investigation
2. Blatant interference of DWS, Brazile, Bauman
3. Absence of body cam footage
4. Absence of CCTV footage
5. Absence of hospital records and attending surgeon's records

This so-called theoretical conclusion is actual bullshit.

Nebulas and space dust

This essay, like the universe is expanding continually. But now the essay has possibly surpassed manageable length, so best to terminate it here. I will have to post a "clean-up" essay filled with assorted information and disinformation. For those brave enough to withstand a meteor shower, I will later present various tidbits with little associated comment.

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gulfgal98's picture

I have been following this and your essay is so spot on. Thank you for sorting through all the misinformation and disinformation on this case. There is some sort of huge coverup and for reasons, I am not sure. Thanks again for organizing all this information.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Alligator Ed's picture

@gulfgal98 If this essay can get something to crack the shell and get to the core of our ills, then an educational result will help us all.

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riverlover's picture

and I have no connection, other that he is the right age to be a child of mine. Even Kennedy's assassinations seem more transparent although they are not. Tragic and senseless for most. We exist in an evil world, especially here in the Land of the Free.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alligator Ed's picture

@riverlover whose lives depend on ending this insane Russian enmity without actual ill-will on their behalf. The Russian hoax, initially an exercise in scapegoating Hillary Clinton's miserable person and campaign, is leading down the road to destruction.

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Which makes the whole thing even more suspicious. Too bad Assange has to maintain secrecy.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

from our experience (with the Feds), it's not uncommon to be assigned one, in some instances. Like in the case of a service member who's taken as a POW--a 'minder' my be assigned to the family, for the protection of the government. One reason for this is that information may be declassified in order to share it with the closest kin. Regardless, the PtB don't want to risk folks spilling their guts to the Press, or anyone, regarding sensitive information. Guess they would consider that a matter of national security.

Which makes me wonder, 'how do they classify the DNC--is it a quasi-government entity?'

BTW, the feds also often offer 'counseling services' to family members of POWs and/or hostages [taken while in the employ of the federal government, etc.]

In some instances, the motivation may be as simple as the culture of 'CYA' which tends to pervade the federal bureaucracy.

For sure, the Rich story is an intriguing story. Hopefully, one day his parents will feel free to speak out.


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal

Which makes me wonder, 'how do they classify the DNC--is it a quasi-government entity?'

It's part of the big misdirection going on. DNC email leak = Russia hacked the election.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

PriceRip's picture

          If the modern cosmologists are to be believed, then the universe was born in a Big Bang. Without debating that point, what proceeded the Big Bang?

          You seem to have a problem with this ... ?

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Alligator Ed's picture

@PriceRip We could invoke Aristotle's Prime Mover with as much certitude as any modern day cosmologist's certitude into what is essentially a metaphysical question and not a physical one.

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PriceRip's picture

@Alligator Ed

          The big bang is about the fact that we have no way to know what happened at the singularity known as the Big Bang. That is we can not say anything about a before. The "prime mover" or any other "explanation" of a before is bullshit from the point of view of science. Just like the bullshit about what is happening inside the event horizon surrounding a black hole. Any such discussion is a work in progress.

          ANY pre-1900 individual has absolutely NOTHING of any interest of value to say because they didn't know anything about the science that I know today. So, if you want to quote any of them to argue with me ... we are done ... as I have no interest in debating with dead people that are ignorant of the relevant details known only to those born since about 1900.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

PriceRip's picture


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@PriceRip @PriceRip

Sorry about the video, maybe a failed attempt at trying to inject humour. I think cosmology is fascinating and I am very ignorant of it.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Alligator Ed about this. We don't seem to be equipped to understand the universe. We can't visualize infinity, and we can't visualize nothingness. So I feel that at this point in our level of understanding there is more to the universe than meets the eye or that meets the tools we use to measure and observe the cosmos. Time and space are more than we can comprehend, it seems to me.

It's like an ant trying to love Bach.

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PriceRip's picture

@Linda Wood "It's like an ant trying to love Bach."

          My more famous colleagues use this and even more eloquent imagery to good effect to express the true nature of our relative relationship with the universe.

          Alligator Ed's comments about the Big Bang are code for: Scientists don't know everything therefore, they don't know anything. That and this:
"unlike the Big Bang theory which conflates physics and theology" coupled with him invoking Aristotle's Prime Mover convince me that I am wasting my time here. So, have it your way, with the "god of the gaps" and other such anti-science memes.

          Describing the Big Bang as metaphysics bordering on religious (whatever) demonstrates a total lack of understanding of the Big Bang "story" as develop in real life by real scientists. Yep, I might as well be whistling past a graveyard as to say anything about Reality in this place. His analogy sucks.

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anti-science. I grew up in a family that stayed up late at night talking about physics for fun when my grandparents and uncles and aunts and cousins were over. We kids sat there enraptured. Sorry for the choice of words. I am not a scientist, but I look to science for enlightenment.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood interpretations of theories. The referent of your comment has a propensity, at least in this essay to attribute words or beliefs to certain people, far outside the reality of what was said. Furthermore, the referent's comment can be most charitably viewed as looking for sports scores in the real estate section of a newspaper. Is he so naive as to believe my essay was about cosmology?

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studentofearth's picture

Thanks for doing the heavy lifting of keeping us aware of the possibilities of what happened being explored.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

studentofearth's picture

@studentofearth @studentofearth for the Newsweek and Rawstory article discussing a serial killer Independent investigators: Seth Rich 'likely' murdered by Contract Hitman published on

Having trouble with the link

The findings include:

  1. Seth’s death does not appear to be a random homicide.
  2. Seth’s death does not appear to be a robbery gone bad.
  3. Seth[‘s] death was more likely committed by a hired killer or serial murderer.
  4. There may be additional video surveillance of the crime and crime scene.
  5. The resolution of prosecuting the individual(s) responsible appears to be hindered both actively and passively.
  6. Seth’s killer(s) most likely remains free with the community.

Effective misdirection (my bold) by more mainstream alternative press to ignore the original source - caught me originally. Provides a lengthy discussion of timeline, information key findings and interviews. I believe most of the info has been covered by Alligator Ed. Most of the article focuses on a possible hit man and no lengthy discussion of a possible deranged serial killer.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture

Very interesting that the police report doesn't go into detail about what Seth might have said about his shooting. I'm pretty sure that the police would have asked him who shot him in order to get a description of his attacker.
We have noticed that when anyone talks about his murder, they are shot down and told that they are believing in a debunked conspiracy theory. Same thing with the DNC lawsuits and the other convenient murders of anyone connected to the election

One thing that stands out is the silence from the republicans as stated in this article.
How Seth Rich finally brought Dems, GOP together

Bombshell: Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device The Whole Time
On a side note, the FBI had Hillary's emails the whole time that Comey was saying he was investigating them. If this is true, then the FBI lied to the country about their investigation.
Only a few people had the power to shut this down.

Justice Watch also revealed that the Comey’s FBI handed the device over to the State Department – which has not searched it at all.

Remember that Lynch told Comey that he should say this was a matter not an investigation. Who gave her the authority to do that?
Curious and curiouser.
I searched the web to see if I could find other news outfits had this information and there are more than this one. Way of the Bern also covered this.

Judicial Watch knows about this and they are still covering her private server email and are releasing information on their website.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture


The silence of Republicans – the very ones who could not stop slinging mud at Obama and Hillary – now that they could bring down the entire Democratic apparatus, is strangely conspicuous. An even bigger mystery is Trump. He could take the air from the tires of the Russia “collusion” story overnight, just by appointing a special investigator to examine the Seth Rich death. So why doesn’t he? Are they all just holding hands with the “Deep State,” doing the circle dance through the hall of mirrors?

Answer: because they (the Republicans) need a Democratic boogeyman to raise money. If there were no Democrats, which may all happen without any effective Democratic resistance, why would anybody bother to fund them?

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@Alligator Ed

And most of the money raised and spent on campaigning goes to the obliging - and ever-shrinking, especial thanks being due to the Clintons, who these so whole-heartlessly supported - corporate media...

The Two-Faced American Corporate Party is a boundless gift from the unwitting American public to those in turn buying the politicians into public offices where the delegated powers of the American people are to be used against, rather than for them.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture


“Platte River Networks subcontracted out to Datto which is a company in southwestern Connecticut. Datto backed up everything that was on Hillary Clinton’s server into their cloud, which is a series of servers,” he said. He says that the device also contains backups of her voicemails and Blackberry text messages.

Kawa is outraged at the behavior of the FBI and DOJ, alleging that they had no motivation beyond covering for Hillary Clinton. But has some good news too. The contents of the backup device have been ordered to be released to the public, though not until next year.

“They sent America on a wild goose chase,” Kawa said. “There was a hearing on January 24 and then another one on February 6. DC district court judge Randolph Moss asked the DOJ how come you never searched it? They said we were never compelled to!”

“Judge Moss ordered a rollout of all the Datto contents by September 2018, right before the midterm,” Kawa said.

If Dumbocrats believe this information will help their cause, they are sadly mistaken. Most informed citizens see Comey for just what he was and still is: a weasel.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed
The million dollar question was if this article is true, why didn't the FBI investigate her private email server? Who gave the FBI the power to shelve the investigation and mislead the country and state that they had completed their investigation and tell us that even though Hillary had been careless with handling classified information, he couldn't prove intent, but anyone else who did what she did would be charged for doing that?

People are saying that investigation of Trump's ties to Russia is bigger than Watergate, but if the FBI deliberately lied to the country about this, wouldn't one think that this has more potential to be bigger than Watergate because of the number of people who were involved with it. People such as Obama, Lynch, the Clintons, Comey said who knows how many other people?

After the Seth's murderer is brought to justice, the DNC lawsuits are finished as well as the other murders connected to Seth's, the investigation into Hillary's emails and their ties to the Clinton foundation and its ties to Hillary's time as secretary can be investigated. We can extend the time of investigation into the Clinton's shenanigans from 30 years to 40-50 years Smile
Hey, a gal can dream can't she?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Please dream on. Without hope, what is life but a daily groveling to get by.


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a hole card is Kim Dotcom

he says that Seth was in touch with him and Seth took the DNC files

has not made public what he has

waiting for the family and attys

establishment trying to kill the story as you point out

again, thanks for keeping up with it

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Alligator Ed's picture


[Kim Dotcom] says that Seth was in touch with him and Seth took the DNC files has not made public what he has waiting for the family and attys establishment trying to kill the story

OR kill Kim.

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River Rover's picture

If the bloody bandage ever gets ripped off of this, there is a good chance it will bring down more than just the Democratic Party

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Rivers are horses - and kayaks are their saddles

Alligator Ed's picture

@River Rover especially Nancy Pelosi for their miserable performance in 4 special elections: 0 for 4. Suggestions have also been floated, although less prominently, about Chuckles Schumer exiting too, not including Trump tweets.

Amazingly, D's know they need a message but, except for Bernie and Tulsi cannot seem to get one. Since Nina Turner is not in elected office now, I excluded her.

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