DNC - Wikileaks - Election Update - SUN 7-24-2016 in case you missed this story - after 1,000 join suit OVER 13,000 additional Voters have individually asked to JOIN Class Action Lawsuit - Story of the Week
Wikileaks has definitely and dramatically moved the goal posts for:
- The DNC
- the anonymous "Super Pac"
In three legal areas:
- fraud,
- election law, and
- ethics
1) THE DNC WIKILEAKS are a major part of the JAM PAC - National Class Action Lawsuit seeking redress for the fact that the Bernie Sanders Donors and Voters were defrauded by how the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz ran the Dem party primaries THE DNC WIKILEAKS are a major part of this lawsuit as they prove the DNC fraudulently violated their contact with the Sanders campaign and donors.
7-13-2016 Video update from lawsuit attorney [600 views as of 9-21-2016] - JAMPAC Video - OVER 13,000 Voters ask to JOIN Class Action Lawsuit -Update # 3 in the series of videos on the Wilding et al. v. DNC et al. class action lawsuit against the DNC and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Jared H. Beck answers questions about service of legal process, the Amended Complaint, public support for the lawsuit, and distinguishing between the legal and the political worlds.
7-11-2016 Video update from lawsuit attorney [900 views as of 7-18-2016]
6-30-2016 – Observer – Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served Class Action Lawsuit for Rigging Primaries This is the first of many consequences the Democratic Party will face for manipulating millions of voters – On June 28, the Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz… The fifth claim alleges the DNC broke its fiduciary duties during the Democratic primaries to members of the Democratic Party by not holding a fair election process.
6-30-2016 DNC Fraud Class Action Court Documents
DNC Fraud Lawsuit Facebook Page
6-30-2016 Attorney Answers Questions about the lawsuit [1,000 video views as of 7-4-2016] Update #2
6-28-2016 – WE FIGHT BACK: Attorney explains Nationwide Class-Action filed Against Democratic Party and Debbie Wasserman Schultz – Update #1 - WATCH THIS VIDEO YOU WILL GET A REAL SENSE ABOUT THE LAWSUIT AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED - [7,000 video views as of 7-4-2016]
JAMPAC – The SuperPac Funded By YOU – Place to support the DNC lawsuit – JAMPAC was started by Husband-and-wife attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck founded JamPAC in February 2016. JamPAC is the first and only truly progressive grassroots Super PAC. It is powered by ordinary citizens to serve the people, rather than billionaires and corporations. JamPAC is fueled by donations from individuals from all over the country. JamPAC aims to hold politicians accountable to the citizenry. Its goal is to restore the voice of the people to government.
6-16-2016 - TYT - Hack Confirms DNC Worked Against Bernie Behind The Scenes [311,000+ youTube views as of 7/21/2016]
2) The DNC Wikileaks proved CA Election were broken by by the DNC and HRC and an anonymous group called "SuperPac".
From: BrinsterJ@dnc.org
To: Comm_D@dnc.org
Date: 2016-04-24 11:54 Subject:
RE: FNS 4-24-16 ... and the money quote is:
"Yes, Super PAC paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters"
WOW!!! Stunning omission. Here is what is wrong with that for CA Campaigns - because their paid posters often - or always - chose to not identify themselves online when posting - choosing to attack anonymously instead - their actions violate CA Fair Political Practices Commission CA online election law. Last Dec-7-8-2015 i did two detailed posts on the CA online election law on the dkos site - The information in the series comes from the CA FPPC - CA-RULES Brief CA Information for Campaign Staff and Volunteers using the Internet - Part 1 - and CA-RULES Brief CA FPPC Rules on Independent Campaign Expenditures - Part 2. [side note: i was repeated attacked for these posts (and troll rated and temporarily banned because i troll rated the hostile comments - likely from paid unidentified staffers on the dKos site [still they were likely known by dKos since i let them know - and i strongly suspect dkos collects IP and other data from their posters to sell to others]. It now appears dKos has scrubbed all comments from these stories.).
Note: The Koch brothers (and/or other hidden right wing campaign groups) also hire regular anonymous and illegal online posters (many of whom seem to be supporting Trump - or maybe they are Trump paid posters?)
3) Wikileaks also revealed that the DNC likely spends annually millions on 3 election integrity/voter rights organizations -
The DNC spends MORE $ than ALL the groups that also work on elections spend COMBINED on their election work- THE DNC has VIRTUALLY nothing to show for how they have spent our money for more honest elections/ensuring voter rights.............. We are actually much worse off after 20 Years of their efforts.............. Pathetic.
The DNC Election Justice groups are:
Not even sure i should even list these 3 organizations since they disgust me with their hypocrisy:
- The DNC official Election Justice Page is called -DNC VOTER EXPANSION PROJECT - "because [in the DNC own words] it's not enough anymore for the DNC to simply protect against voting restrictions" -
2) The DNC - Voting Rights By the DNC is mostly pictures and drawings from 50 to 150 year old election struggles.- and their 3rd group is called -
3) The DNC Voting Rights Institute "a permanent organization created to monitor developments in election law" [the DNC's own words again - reminds me of the current TV ads with the person who only job is to monitor security or monitor health issues - not actually do anything] - [not sure where the action items are in this multimillion dollar DNC institute - this might just be a cynical honey pot to attack donors to one of their off the DNC books Super PACS - like the they have called: "End Citizens United" a conservative DEM Super PAC] - finally from the Web site itself about the DNC Voting Rights Institute: "Under the leadership of its chair Donna Brazile, the Voting Rights Institute focuses on the protection and expansion of voting rights in a variety of ways, including:
- Voting Rights Policy Development
- Research and Publication
- Voter Protection Organizing
- Redistricting Support
- Voting Rights Litigation Support"
From Wikileaks one of the DNC Election Justice action emails:
In the lawsuit brought by ODP and others, a federal district court has held that the Ohio legislature's elimination of "Golden Week" violates both the 14th amendment of the Constitution and section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. This is a big win.
Perkins, the campaigns and our team are still reviewing the decision.
Pratt Norton Wiley National Director of Voter Expansion Democratic National Committee w. 202-488-5029 m. 617-953-8579 wileyp@dnc.org<mailto:wileyp@dnc.org> @prattwiley http://www.democrats.org/voterexpansion
Note: New DNC Wikileaks Reddit page DNCLeaks is an excellent resource for links and analysis of many of the actual explosive emails out of the 30,000 emails
Action Items:
6-30-2016 TrustVote.org Is Seeking Volunteers To Help Recount Votes
Donate to TrustVote.org to help CA Election Lawsuit
Support JusticeServed.org is The People’s Social Network for our Political Revolution. It’s #1 purpose is to assist the lawyers of the Nationwide Racketeering Lawsuit being filed by Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis to prove that Bernie has in FACT received more votes then Hillary and has won by such a large margin he does not need the vote of the super delegates to receive the Democratic Nomination.
Donate to JAMPAC to support lawsuit against the DNC
To report a problem with your voting experience, please fill out the California Voter Declaration at WatchtheVoteUSA.com.
7-8-2016 – HuffPo – Californians Call for a Grand Jury Investigation of the Primary – A Grand Jury Investigation Into the Role of the Press – The media’s influence before, during, and after the election would perpetrate a fraud on the American public. The Associated Press called California’s election the day before, giving voters the impression that there was no need to waste a visit to the polls. The day of the primary, the press announced Hillary Clinton the winner without certifiable election results. And California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla remained silent even though the County Registrars established that too many vote-by-mail and provisional ballots were still uncounted to be certain of the outcome. These tactics by the media are propaganda at its finest, to the detriment of the democratic process. Voters who have suffered any of the above issues are urged to make their problems known to WatchtheVoteUSA.com. The group seeks to start a Civil Grand Jury investigation as soon as possible. To file a California Voter Declaration, visit WatchtheVoteUSA.com.
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law – 866ourvote.org – 1-800-Our-Vote
No More Stolen Elections Group and Pledge We pledge: No More Stolen Elections! - WE REMEMBER Florida 2000, Ohio 2004, Wisconsin 2011, and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court in 2014, and we are willing to act this year if the right to free and fair elections is denied again.
WE SUPPORT efforts to protect the right to vote leading up to Election Day, November 8th.IF NECESSARY, WE PLEDGE to join nationwide pro-democracy protests starting on the next day, either in my community, in key states where fraud occurred, or in Washington, D.C., and if necessary, to demand a recount, investigation, and criminal prosecutions of those responsible. CLICK HERE TO JOIN US: Sign the Pledge of Action - Initial signatories* . . .
- Noam Chomsky, professor, MIT
- Thom Hartmann, author and journalist
- Medea Benjamin, co-founder, CODE PINK
- Jill Stein, presidential ticket, Green Party
- Cheri Honkala, Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
- Rocky Anderson, presidential nominee, Justice Party
- David Cobb, initiator, 2004 Ohio Recount
- Ben Manski, founder, Liberty Tree Foundation
- Margaret Flowers & Kevin Zeese, Popular Resistance
- Laura Bonham, Justice Party USA
- Tom Hayden, co-founder, Students for a Democratic Society
- Nancy Price, co-chair, Alliance for Democracy
- Jerome Scott, co-founder, U.S. Social Forum
- Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, co-founder, Move to Amend
- Bill Fletcher, co-founder, Rainbow Coalition
- John Matthews, retired Exec. Director, Madison Teachers, Inc. (MTI)
- Daniel Wayne Lee, Los Angeles based anti-corporate activist
- Mimi Kennedy, actress
- Lee Camp, comedian
- Daniel Ellsberg, The Pentagon Papers
- Karen Dolan, Cities for Progress
- David Swanson, author, War is a Crime
- John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies
- Jim & Rebecca Goodman, Family Farm Defenders
- George Martin, former co-chair, United for Peace and Justice
- Frances Fox Piven, professor, CUNY
- No More Stolen Elections! is a non-partisan campaign committed to voting rights, election reform, and deep democratic change. This effort is not supportive of any particular political candidates or parties. Instead of seeking the elevation of one candidate over others, we see "No More Stolen Elections!" as an important part of building the kind of movement that can achieve the reforms promised in the Voter Bill of Rights. partnered with Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution and Move To Amend
Closing Thoughts
Who are you going to believe: us, or your lying eyes? That’s the good word from Democratic Party powers that be and their transcribers in the corporate media, in response to the “allegations” by Bernie Sanders supporters that the nomination was stolen by Hillary Clinton.
I used scare quotes around the word “allegations” because the truth is plain to see and undeniable by anyone with a microgram of honesty: Hillary Clinton cheated. If the rules had been followed, Bernie Sanders would be the nominee.
As with all things Clinton, of course, definitions matter. It depends on what the meaning of “cheat” is.
To most people, “cheating” means breaking the rules of a contest. By this standard definition, there’s no doubt that the Clinton campaign, its political allies and the Democratic National Committee cheated in favor of Clinton and against Sanders. They broke the law. They disenfranchised voters. They broke party rules. And they violated long-standing customs that are so widely accepted that they are essentially de facto rules of the Democratic Party and the American political system.
Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, ran a clean campaign.
Right of revolution From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In political philosophy, the right of revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests. Stated throughout history in one form or another, the belief in this right has been used to justify various revolutions including the English Civil War, the American Revolution and the French Revolution
we are mostly out with "but"
Tomorrow will will be crash and Bern or phoenix rising. Up to us.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Really want to thank you for this series you are doing.
Full of news, useful information, and up-to-date action items. Thank you for doing it and sharing it with us.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Any idea how Oregonians can get help?
Every series has states but not Oregon.
I contacted our Elections Office the day I found out my registration had been wiped. Me and spouse. I then got in touch with our Secry of State who seemed all excited but never called back or returned calls.
I contacted Sanders' campaign folks and for a few days they were very helpful and provided numbers for me to call but now... bleh. Nothing.
I just got a postcard from the Elections Office stating that I was a registered Democrat now. But that does me no good when I wasn't allowed to vote in the closed primary because after ten years of being registered as a dem and at the same address... somehow this years different and it was fraud.
I'm not the only one here in Oregon who got hit with this fraud.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Dear Oregonian
Is there no State agency to file a complaint with in Oregon? If not, perhaps file a complaint with your counties Grand Jury? As always - after you file a written complaint do a press release with copies of the complaint.
CA Democrat
DNC Lawsuit Mid 2017 Events
Sorry to resurrect a very old thread. I just want to bring to the attention of those on this forum that Jared Beck (council for the lawsuit) has expressed a need for protection citing the deaths of Seth Rich, Beranton Whisenant and Shawn Lucas.
Video presented by Mr. Beck. 6/13/17
Request for protection denied
Last Thursday, 6/15/17
I really hope this is nothing new to this community and if this video and document are determined by others to be false, please post reasons for it. I do not believe they are false.
The problem is and the primary reason I'm posting here (assuming Jared Beck video is valid) is to suggest that MSM outlets need to make following this case a priority. Lives could possibly be at stake and the more people are aware of Jared's perceived risk, the more meaningful it will be if anything does happen.
5/17/17 Media silent on DNC lawsuit.
At least to me, for one to be 'perplexed' is hugely naive but I won't go into the reasons I believe that. Two sides of the same coin (DNC/MSM).
Anyhow thanks for accepting my application to post here.
BTW, now that I have 'search' access, I've posted the same on a more relevant recent thread. I hope this doesn't violate any rules.
Thanks again.