The Oliver Stone Putin interviews are available on the 'tubes
Submitted by CB on Fri, 06/16/2017 - 9:25am
It's a 4 part series:
I have no idea how long they will last.

I highly recommend watching them
Not only do they give us an insight into Putin as a man and as a statesman, they also show how short-sighted American foreign policy, controlled by the MIC and Deep State since the end of WWII, has created and exacerbated wars and conflicts all around the world.
Thank you.
I plan to watch it this weekend, and I hope the American people can tune out the negative barrage that has stared before anyone has seen it.
Putin realizes Stone will get attacked
Closing comments from video #4
Stone: Thank you, Mr. President.
Putin: My pleasure.
Putin: Have you ever been beaten?
Stone: Oh, yes.
Putin: So, it's not going to be something new,
because you are going to suffer for what you are doing.
Stone: Oh, sure. I know. But it's worth it,
if it brings more peace and consciousness to the world.
Brilliant! n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
And this article about them may interest the viewers too
Oliver Stone Hopes ‘The Putin Interviews’ Can Ease U.S.-Russia Relations - Posted on Jun 16, 2017 - By Robert Scheer
hmm, I remember Stone's films being very noisy...
These are excellent, I'm only on #3
but it was great, and hilarious. Putin lays out a pretty accurate case.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Colbert demeans Oliver Stone
Watch how ignorant both Colbert and his dumbed down audience are.
That interview was apparently edited as well
Funny how that works.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Colbert is an idiot.
I thought better of him when he first got the show, before he turned into a mindless propagandist. It sounds like junior high school Mean Girls on the late "humor" shows now.
Thanks for the links.
I hope to watch this weekend.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Watching episode 4 now
It's amazing, and hilarious. Just Wow.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
All but #4 still up!
Amazingly enough, all these links to the Stone/Putin interviews are still up - with the exception of video #4, which has been taken down. However, I was able to find episode #4 at this link. Should that link go down, you should still be able to find it by doing a search at youtube. I searched for "stone putin #4" and I had several choices. A couple of the results were spammers, so watch out for that. If you find yourself directed to another site, go back to your search results and try other hits.
Since I won't have time to watch them for around a week, I downloaded them all. They all downloaded in mp4 format, so replay will be easy.
#4 is the best one.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."