June 5, 2017 Open Thread; World Environment Day

June 5 is the 156nd day of the year. There are 209 days left.


Today's number is 5


5 is the third prime
5 is the third Sophie Germain prime
5 is a Fermat prime
5 is the only prime that is the sum of 2 consecutive numbers
5 is the only prime ending in 5
5 is the fifth Fibonacci number
There are 5 Platonic Solids (and myriads of Platonic relationships)
A 5 sided polygon is a pentagon (lower case)
A building full of insane war mongers is a Pentagon (Capitalized initial letter)
A 5 sided star is a pentagram
5 is the length of the hypotenuse of a 3,4,5 triangle, often used in construction & carpentry.
5 is boron
A pentatonic scale has 5 notes per octave
The Book of Five Rings by master swordsman Miyamoto Musashi is must reading, trust me.
I-5 connects San Diego, CA with Blaine, Wa
The Five Families refers to the Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese crime families.

5 is an important number in Discordianism. There is the Law of Fives as well as the Pentabarf, which has five rules. Each page of the Principia Discordia is labeled with five digits.

To relax or take a break, especially of 5 minutes duration used to be called to

Only 5 Platonic solids

"Easy fifth roots"

Pentagonal tilings




was the Year of the Consulship of Octavian and Appuleius
John the Baptist and/or Jesus of Nazareth may or may not have been born.

29 CE
was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Sulla
Tiberius conquered Germania Inferior
Wang Mang, was granted the "Nine Awards of Imperial Favor"
Livilla married Drusus Julius Caesar,
Julia, daughter of Drusus Julius Caesar and Livilla was born


On this day in:

1817 -- The Frontenac, the first Great Lakes steamer, was launched
1832 -- The Paris Uprising of 1832 (inspiration for Les Miserables)
1851 -- The first installment of a serialized Uncle Tom's Cabin was published
1862 -- The Treaty of Saigon ceded parts of southern Vietnam to France
1862 -- Guerilla leader Truong Dinh chose to continue fighting the imperialist bastids French
1883 -- The Orient Express' first regularly scheduled run
1915 -- Denmark's constitution was amended allowing women to vote
1916 -- The Arab Revolt broke out (think Allenby, T.E. Lawrence and Faisal)
1917 -- The draft for WWI began in the US
1933 -- Congress welched on US debts by abrogating the gold standard
1944 -- The Normandy coast was heavily bombed in preparation for D-Day
1945 -- The Allied Control Council took control in Germany
1947 -- U S Secretary of State George Marshall called for economic aid to Europe
1956 -- Elvis Presley introduced "Hound Dog" on The Milton Berle Show
1963 -- John Profumo resigned as British Secretary of State for War
1967 -- Israel launched a sneak attack on Egypt, starting the 6 Day War.
1968 -- Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert F. Kennedy
1975 -- The Suez Canal reopened
1975 -- The UK considered and rejected Brexit
1981 -- The CDC reported that 5 people in L.A. had what is now known to have been AIDS
1984 -- Indira Gandhi ordered an attack on the Golden Temple
1989 -- The Tiananmen Square Tank Man faced down a column of Tanks
1995 -- The first successful production of a Bose - Einstein condensate
2006 -- Serbia declared independence
2009 -- The "Battle at Devils Curve" near Bagua, Peru, part of 2009 Peru political crises. See below

Peru signed a so-called "Free Trade Agreement" with the US that required that private companies be allowed to access the Amazon for purposes of resource exploitation. The Indigenous population, knowing that this meant the destruction of the Amazon, its natural resources, their villages, livelihood, and way of life began a long series of protests and blockades. The police attacked blockading tribesmen resulting in the deaths of 23 indigineous people and 9 cops. The next day the cops massacred even more protesters, but in the end the government rescinded the laws enabling the rape of the Amazon.

Presley? 1956? What?

Born this day in:

1646 -- Elena Cornaro Piscopia, mathematician and philosopher, first female phD
1723 -- Adam Smith, philosopher best known for ridiculous psuedo-science & invisible hands
1760 -- Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist, physicist, and mineralogist, discovered yttrium
1819 -- John Couch Adams, mathematician and astronomer who correctly predicted Neptune using math
1850 -- Pat Garrett, buffalo hunter, gunman, lawman, cowboy, killer and more
1878 -- Francisco "Pancho" Villa, revolutionary, general & politician.
1883 -- John Maynard Keynes, improved upon Smith's psuedo-science
1884 -- Ivy Compton-Burnett, author & "fierce Victorian atheist"
1898 -- Federico Garcia Lorca, poet, playwright & director
1905 -- Wayne Boring, cartoonist
1914 -- Beatrice de Cardi, Archaeologist
1920 -- Cornelius Ryan, journalist & author
1934 -- Bill Moyers, journalist
1937 -- Helene Cixous, author, poet, critic & feminist
1941 -- Martha Argerich, classical pianist
1941 -- Erasmo Carlos, singer & songwriter, part of the Jovem Guarda
1946 -- Wanderlea, singer, TV host, another Jovem Guarda
1946 -- John Du Cann, guitarist
1947 -- Laurie Anderson, singer, musician, songwriter and performance artist
1947 -- Tom Evans, singer, songwriter & guitarist - badfinger
1947 -- Freddie Stone, singer, pianist, pastor and co-founder of Sly & the Family Stone
1949 -- Ken Follett, author
1952 -- Carole Fredericks, singer
1956 -- Richard Butler, singer songwriter
1956 -- Kenny G, audible sedative, in California it illegal to listen to him while driving
1965 -- Michael E. Brown, astronomer who helped kill Pluto


Died this day in:

1900 -- Stephen Crane, poet and author
1910 -- O. Henry, author
1993 -- Conway Twitty, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1999 -- Mel Torme, singer, songwriter and actor
2002 -- Dee Dee Ramone, singer, songwriter and bassist
2004 -- Ronald Reagan, mediocre actor & worse politician, creator of the DLC's agenda.
2012 -- Ray Bradbury, author


In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter--bitter," he answered;

"But I like it
"Because it is bitter,
"And because it is my heart."


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
Feast of Nur (Bahai)
World Environment Day

So, for music 

Martha Argerich
Erasmo Carlos
John Du Cann
Laurie Anderson
Tom Evans
Freddie Stone
Carole Fredericks
Richard Butler
Kenny G
Conway Twitty
Mel Torme
Dee Dee Ramone





Martha Argerich


Erasmo Carlos




John Du Cann


Laurie Anderson (OK, so why wasn't I told about this??)


Tom Evans


Freddie Stone


Carole Fredericks


Richard Butler


Kenny G


Conway Twitty


Mel Torme


Dee Dee Ramone


OK, what's on your minds?


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Saturday morning June 3, 2017 Yosemite National Park....

Link to Article from National Geographic

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, CALIFORNIA—Renowned rock climber Alex Honnold on Saturday became the first person to scale the iconic nearly 3,000-foot granite wall known as El Capitan without using ropes or other safety gear, completing what may be the greatest feat of pure rock climbing in the history of the sport.

He ascended the peak in 3 hours, 56 minutes, taking the final moderate pitch at a near run. At 9:28 a.m. PDT, under a blue sky and few wisps of cloud, he pulled his body over the rocky lip of summit and stood on a sandy ledge the size of a child’s bedroom.

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enhydra lutris's picture

Thanks for posting.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

PriceRip's picture


          and then there is this. I am thinking the word "insane" might be part of the moniker.

          I have free soloed. I taught my daughter to free solo. But, but, ... this ... never.

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Freerider tests nearly every aspect of a climber’s physical abilities—strength of fingers, forearms, toes, and abdomen, as well as flexibility and endurance. Environmental factors, like sun, wind, and the potential for sudden rainstorms, are also factors that Honnold had to carefully calculate.

But the true test for Honnold was whether he could maintain his composure alone on a cliff face hundreds or thousands of feet up while executing intricate climbing sequences where positioning a foot slightly too low or high could mean the difference between life and death. Elite climbers have pointed to Honnold’s unique ability to remain calm and analytical in such dangerous situations, a skill that Honnold has slowly developed over the 20 years he has been climbing.

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Lookout's picture

Quite a rain here last night...about 2 inches worth. After last summers drought I'm not complaining, but I am hopeful no more trees have come down. Lost a large hickory and an oak last week. Wet soil and high wind brought them down.

On top of the mountain where the soil is thin, there are many dead trees from drought. Today it is literally, "onward through the fog".

The river is flowing strong and two people died in the canyon last week. One slipped and fell. The other drowned. On average 8 people die each year in the park.

little river falls kayak.jpg

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

fog and all

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

riverlover's picture

Another rain day, no summer-like temperatures until later this week. My heat is still running for 15 sec bursts of hot air every few hours overnight. Insomnia, still. I read inconsequential books on my Kindle because my retention is not great in the dark.

Does anyone use a cane? I am sure there are best practices, but I have yet to get a "referral" to my PT. So opposite bum leg or same side? I am still practicing both ways. And have not tried walking over uneven surfaces. The metal implant in my foot does not agree with me. Orthopod appt for a review of that this week. I think I only go out for Dr visits and to the grocery to buy more vegetarian foods.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

QMS's picture

@riverlover Hey riverlove - Height of cane is important. Just above the wrist from a dangling arm works well for me. The cane is usually used to transfer some of the weight from the bad side stride. On stairs lead with the bad going down, lead with the good going up. Cheers

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

riverlover's picture

@QMS And I still keep up that practice. I can now most of the time do a single-foot stair. But not when tired. I am so out of shape!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

enhydra lutris's picture

used a stick, normally on the injured side. Good luck.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

MarilynW's picture

taught me to use the cane on the good side, so that you are assisting the hurt side with every step. Makes sense.

Then John Le Carré used the cane as a clue and he insisted that the suspect used the cane on his hurt side. Who would dare correct Le Carré?

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To thine own self be true.

@riverlover @riverlover and was taught (by doctors, physical therapists, and rehab folks) to use / carry it on the opposite side from my weak leg.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

cybrestrike's picture

It's another one day in my daily routine. Log into email, check for job offers, receive calls from headhunters, call back headhunters, apply for more jobs. Not in that order, but close enough.

In the real world (ha!), I've got a few meaningless predictions:

1. Hillary Clinton, despite the revelations in that The Hill article describing unnamed officials and functionaries within the Democratic Party, will never go away. She has too much of a fanbase of hardcore loyalists. Even within circles of my friends who should know better.

When Dukakis, Gore, Bush the Elder, Romney, and McCain lost their presidential elections...they retreated from public life and did quite nicely for themselves (I mean, they're already rich). But Clinton is playing victim, not assuming responsibility for her actions, and poisoning the well for any political discourse beyond "Russia! Russia! Russia!"

I don't have a problem with her joining the ersatz and self-styled "Resistance", but she's made this whole thing all about Her, and nothing much else. It's time for her to retire gracefully, like any other political loser. Being a creature of the DC way of life, I thought she knew that.

2. There won't be any "bombshells" from the Russia probe or anyone testifying this week on Capitol Hill. Sure, someone might take the fall, but no one important. In the end Il Duce will still be president. And since Il Duce cannot get anything passed in Congress as a legislative victory...he will continue on his rampage of executive orders to satiate the societal backwards-thinking lust of his conservative base.

3. Theresa May will win the snap election handily. But the real story will be how many MP seats will flip. If it's close enough to be deadlocked, the UK will turn up okay. If the Tories win a big enough majority to further ruin things for the general populace, it'll be generally horrible...temporarily. Because it's the Tories and they'll always manage to screw things up when they're in power. Jeremy Corbyn had a good run against an openly hostile media and traitorous Blairite elements within Labour. But it was too little, too late. Close but no cigar and all of that.

Okay, back to looking for a job. This should be fun. Have a good day, everyone!

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enhydra lutris's picture

creating a "little johnny one-note" prty, but she's "having her say" and to suggest cutting tht off is pure sexism. Heh. The Dems will go into 2018 with no substantive mission, message or agenda, thanks mostly to Hillary, and then blame it on the left and Putin.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

riverlover's picture

@enhydra lutris Much as Trump is becoming an anchor for the Republicans. They may together destroy to duopoly here, isn't that a refreshingthought?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.


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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

NCTim's picture

Pentagram and Pentagon coincidence? The devil is in the details. Without pentatonic scales, there is no rock and roll. Add 7ths and 9ths for coloration.

Thanks EL, stay cool.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

Thanks for the tune, too.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

MarilynW's picture

I bought their albums while my friends were buying Elvis albums. Listening to them now, I realize I had good taste way back then. Thanks for posting it.

For me it's the number 8 that is significant. A lucky number for some Chinese people. I could sell my phone number for thousands because it has 3 eights. Years ending in an 8 have been significant for me, from birthday, my father's tragic death at age 32, my wedding day, divorce day, birth of my youngest son, move out west. Some years were not too significant, like the year I started my first garden. Nevertheless, I'm apprehensive about next year.

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To thine own self be true.