The Insidious Nature of Faux Progressives — I’m calling out Farron Cousins of ROF
Preface — This is just my opinion and you are here by notified, profanity alert! (Also I published this at
Farron Cousins of ROF (Ring of Fire) claims to be a progressive but the video he released on June 3rd, in which he lets his audience know he has no sympathy for Trump voters who, according to a report in Politico “Are Stunned” by president Trump’s budget, and how it will hurt them, especially rural voters who voted for Trump, is proof he is not only not a “progressive” but he’s a fucking piece of shit of a human being, much like many republican, and democrat members of our government.
First and fore most, Trump voters did not elect president Trump. Let that sink in. How could they? Hillary received over 3 million more votes than the Orange Monster with tiny hands. Second it is not the voters who elected president Trump, but the electoral college. I might be vastly mistaken, but I was under the impression that Mr. Cousins was an attorney, who, theoretically understands that the constitution is the foundation upon which all other laws of this country are based. Our constitution makes perfectly clear who elects our president, and it is not the popular vote, but the electoral college. For Mr. Cousin to blame Trump voters for electing Trump to be our president, clearly indicates he has ZERO understanding of our constitution, and in my personal opinion, proves he’s a fucking ignorant moron, just as ignorant as the voters he derided in his video.
Mr. Farron Cousins has stooped to the level of knuckle dragging republicans, proving, to me anyway, not only is he not a progressive, but an insidious hate monger. He withholds his sympathies for his fellow Americans based solely on who they voted for. Much as republicans do with withhold their sympathies based on who they fall in love with, or the color of their skin or their gender. The principal is the same and it’s disgusting to me. What’s ever more disgusting is that he claims to be a progressive, while engaging in the same kind of hate mongering we all know to well the republicans typically engage in.
It might be true that many people that voted for the Orange Monster with Tiny Hands are less informed, or even ignorant. Fine, I can live with that. We can over come this by simply educating those voters to the error of their ways. But again, is was not the Trump voters that elected the Orange Monster, so withholding your sympathies for someone based on a completely wrong assumption, is a logical fallacy.
I might not like who someone voted for, especially those ignorant morons that voted for Mrs. Clinton, a war mongering cheerleader for Wall Street, as well as someone who actively engaged in lying and cheating Senator Sander in the democratic primaries, but they are my fellow citizens and I won’t withhold my sympathies simply based on who they voted for. That’s acting just like republicans withholding their sympathies for people that fall in love with someone of the same gender, or who has more pigmentation in their skin or whether they have tit’s, balls or both. It’s disgusting to me.
If one looks at the comments being posted to his video, kind of proves my point about his video being a hate mongering video. The hate that fills the comment section about Trump voters is palpable. It’s fucking disgusting how all these commentators think Trump voters are stupid, or deserve to die and other such nasty things. Not realizing they are proving themselves to be ignorant fucking morons, who know nothing about how our constitution actually works or who actually elects our president.
It boggles my mind how many people in this country have never taken the time to read our constitution, much less take the time to understand it, which proves to me, they are not only ignorant, but really don’t give a shit. They just want to engage in emotional out bursts like fucking petulant, spoiled children who didn’t get their way.
If you want to be pissed off Mr. Cousins, then direct your anger first and fore most at that white privileged asshole staring back at you in the fucking mirror. Where was your outrage at the democrat party super-delegates that voted for Mrs. Clinton, when clearly Senator Sanders won their state’s primary, and usurped their will of the voters? Where was your outrage when we learned that in fact the DNC, the Hillary SuperPACs and the entire democrat establishment, along with their media “partners”, colluded to cheat Senator Sanders out of the free and fair democratic primary? Hypocrite much you fucking moron?
Mr. Cousins, if you don’t like what I have written, then I fucking dare you, double dog dare you, to fucking sue me. I won’t even need an attorney because your own videos will prove my case of what an insidious faux progressive you are. And most importantly, just how un-American your truly are. Not to mention how fucking ignorant of our constitution you truly are.
Unlike you, you piece of shit, I did serve in the military and understand what it means to defend our constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic, and in my opinion, you are an enemy of the constitution.
Fuck You!
PS: [video:]

And ... if one reads ...
the literature of the time the architects of our federal government were quite specific in constructing a gap between the individual citizen and the functioning of that federal government.
Those architects were not prescient and could not know that our technology would change our society so radically. So, even though they allowed for changes to be made, we all have been way too timid to make the changes of the type even the architects would approve.
Our archaic "Civil Religion" has prevented us for following in their footsteps, they are weeping in their graves.
What a stupid essay.
It doesn't fucking matter one bit that Hillary scored 3 million extra votes in California. The US president is elected by the electoral college. The electoral college is decided by the voters. Voters in 30 states gave a majority of their votes to Trump. Hillary only won 20 states (40%). Voters in 2,643 counties gave a majority to Trump. Hillary only won 489 counties (15.6%).
Please delete this piece of trash essay and go back to Orange State.
@edg I think you might have
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Of late Ring of Fire has become more regressive than progressive
David Packman did a deceitful hit piece on HA Goodman recently, semi-justifying the DNC fraud as a conspiracy theory. Packman is part of the ROF syndicate. WTF is going on with all these newly-born weasels? I suppose, just like Cenk, they were weasels all along.
Peer Pressure
It's tough being the voice in the wilderness. It only takes a couple accusations of being a russkie-symp to get them back in line.
Add him to the NeoLiberal Hall of Shame
Fake Progressive Section - right up there with Markos.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Well, maybe if Clinton had been elected and she did the same
things, the Clinton voters shouldn't get much sympathy either. Maybe he's right, albeit hypocritical because of his support for other duopoly politicians, that voters reap what they sow. How long do we let ignorance excuse the perpetuation of our slavery.
Big Al, we have been living with "you voted against your own interest, so fuck off!" for decades. Republicans screw themselves. Then, Democrats screw themselves.
There is no party out there that has an interest in us.
It is not left and right. It is top against bottom.
Any talk about race, gender, blah blah blah, all those fuckers will enact a law in a heart beat that kills babies, if their corporate donors want it done.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I feel the same way about the protesters who have been
gathering all over the country against Trump being president.
The whole damn world protested the Iraq war.
The whole damn world protested Obama's use of drones, the Libyan and Syrian warsThe whole damn country is protesting Hillary not being president.
The whole damn country has been protesting the increase of civilians being killed in Iraq, Syria and especially Yemen where they aren't just being killed by the weapons that were sold to Saudi Arabia, but are also dying from starvation and cholera.I'm so happy to see that people have their priorities straight, aren't you?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
President Hillary is the
biggest priority ever. Ever! How can we go on without Her being president?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.