The balloon and the needle; a paradigm for political change
Yesterday I published an essay about a starting point for political change. This needs further expansion.
The Elites live in bubbles as we call them, the biggest being in DC and NYC, but others elsewhere too. These bubbles are well-staffed. For illustration, we will consider the Great DC Bubble (GDCB). First we liken this bubble to a balloon for easier visualization although the conceptual similarity remains. The surface of the bubble is coated with Senators, Representatives, Lobbyists, Financiers, Banksters, Pollsters, Media Hacks and other often disreputable types. But the center or core of the GDCB is empty. No values other than to keep the balloon inflated so that the attached parasites will have a nice solid home. But looks can be deceiving, and often are.
Think now of two ways to destroy the balloon, although actually there are more. However adding more than two ways will dilute the impact of this essay which is to elucidate a strategy for political change. Dilution is a topic to which I shall return to later.
The first way to destroy the balloon, if you will, is to put each of two hands on opposite sides of the balloon and squeeze. Squeeze hard because this balloon is tough, especially when covered by the aforementioned parasites. With enough pressure administered, the balloon will break.
When a compressed balloon breaks the fragmentation is unpredictable. Different fragmentary patterns have different repercussions. But those repercussions can only be estimated in advance and not reliably predicted.
For purposes of this essay, with the narrative back to politics. Unpredictable rupturing will distort or destroy adjacent objects. Such objects include, but are not limited to, government and governance, banking and monetary policy, higher order organization of various types, transport, etc. The objects are not merely things, they directly affect people as well. The more chaotic the disruption, the greater chance that the disruptions will be diffuse and therefore more damaging.
The energy released by the rupture can, and likely might, introduce violence into a system already tense with serious internal contradictions, pent up energy, anger, hostility. In short violence. A violent revolution is something about which I and other writers on c99 have written. My view is less sanguine than many here. The longer this balloon expands, the more the externalities are displaced. When the balloon ruptures, a vacuum is immediately produced which is almost as rapidly filled. Shock waves reverberate through the system. Mixing metaphors here, dominos may begin falling.
So the opposing hands compressing the balloon might represent "free traders" (an oxymoron if ever there was one) versus socialists. Other political dichotomies having opposite aims are also possible.
Taking this metaphor deeper, when the balloon breaks, the opposing hands contact each other, the force of which may be minor or quite strong and painful. So in addition to balloon rupturing with unpredictable scattering of debris, both the opposing sides come directly into contact and likely conflict. It is difficult to control the unpredictable--which of course is why it is unpredictable. Therefore results of a bimanual balloon compression result in two things: flying debris and clash of opposites.
I doubt that any readers will need further explanation of the analogies so far, but I will be happy to do so in the comment section.
So in this balloon paradigm is a second method of destruction: the insertion and penetration of a sharp needle directly into the balloon. Here the results are more predictable, less chaotic. The speed at which the needle is introduced as well as the fineness of the point directly influence outcome in a more controllable manner. There are no two opposing hands to slap together. The balloon deflations is more rapid and usually centripetal; whereas the compression method yields a centrifugal expulsion.
The heart of the matter: As discussed in my yesterday's essay we have a needle, if you will, with which to puncture the GDCB. It is Medicare-for-all/single-payer. In my last essay I discussed why this "needle" will be so potent: This is a weapon. Yes, Healthcare can be weaponized. Indeed it MUST be weaponized if we are to use it advantageously.
But you say, are there not other weapons? Indeed there are many. But what weapon do we 99ers have as potent as MFA/SP? None. There are none so potent and as well-considered as this.
When wielded boldly, followed by a definite plan, the resulting vacuum can be anticipated in advance and plans made to control it.
Grab the weapon. The time is right. The time is now.
One Cause. One Issue. NOW

If a concerted effort for MFA works, we have gained control
I am not sure that I want to put my life on the line, but isn't that where many of our lives exist already?
As I said, I am spreading the message via FB. For three hours now. No negative comments, but few joiners, still. Just keep spreading the message, let it incubate.
Peace next.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for taking action.
medicare for all and tuition free colleges and universities for
all. Europe has it, why can't the United States?
Yeah, that's right, establishmentistas. Two needles are better than one, but one will do the trick.
Mimi, Ae and I think that's asking for a big gulp
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Medicare-for-all/single-payer ...
... is but the first domino:
This happened yesterday.
"Nobody dies because they don't have access to healthcare."
please, who is that man?
Republican-labelled Idaho state representative Raul Labrador
I must add, Congressman Raúl Labrador ...
is typical of the republicans from the interior of Oregon, Washington, and most of (if not all of) Idaho. The few I know personally are not actual idiots like this particular specimen. So, while the pool is reasonably deep, those elected to higher offices tend to come from the more shallow parts of the pond.
Labrador does not look a swamp critter
And not one Vegetarian Alligator in sight, damn.
Whoever that arrogant bastard is, he needs to be gone.
Great video, PR!
I am thinking:
I should propose constructing a permanent installation of this at the ScienceWorks Hand-On Children's Museum in Ashland. I am thinking I could develop a full spectrum multidisciplinary teaching module around this one idea. Ashland is a hotbed of "radical" thinkers so I wouldn't even need to disguise its true intent.
American education has been deliberately dumbed down
Problem to me, is riling up indignation in a consumer culture
That is the major hurdle, I think. I'm even less sanguine on such occasions as this.
Let's face it, Americans are way too soft, coddled, and addled by endless consumerism, which is a purposeful tool wielded by the monopoly Capitalists to keep people, many of whom are in crappy jobs just for the healthcare "benefits," numbed by the false sense of abundance and well being through over-the-top consumerism, while they remain willfully ignorant that they're purchasing cheap, disposable goods primarily made by slave labor in SE Asia, because the profiteers don't care about the welfare of human beings or people's jobs. Try to have these conversations (I do) with family and friends, and they look at you with blank stares or like deer in headlights, sometimes turn angry. The truth cuts deep. And no one seems to want to bear any personal responsibility, instead defeatedly muttering the inane, attempt-at-profundity, "it is what it is." Thanks for the enlightening response, bozo.
During Occupy we had the best chance to rile up the indignation necessary to throw over this rotten, soulless, predatory, inhumane system - and though there were critics amongst even our friends, they couldn't argue that the basic premise was right on. We are controlled by the interests of big money in government, they call all the shots; and it is primarily the Economic Terrorists of Wall St whose speculations, shareholder boards and schemes are directly responsible for war, the rising cost of living, the loss of jobs/decrease in salaries/loss of pensions/increase in healthcare costs, staggering student debt, the hollowing out Main St USA small business replaced by ever more franchises and big box stores. A nation full of zombie debt slaves (mortgage/consumer/medical/student). But no one wants to revolt.
I think perhaps healthcare as the one issue could be a galvanizing point, because it really does effect everyone. But there's such a beaten down mentality here, a constant barrage of propaganda that keeps people apathetic and inert, insanely repeating the RW "think-tank"- generated slogans heard on Faux News and RW radio in service of their masters to defeat their own interests, such as "we have the greatest healthcare in the world," "people come here to do to doctors," etc - when just the opposite is true. Not having even the faintest clue that across the rest of the entire world, from Barbados to Belgium, from Mexico to Norway, every citizen has their healthcare paid for by its government.
Propaganda and consumerism are our biggest enemies.
Face-to-face town halls and meetings, community discussion groups and reading groups, activist hubs and community centers, the way people have done over the centuries, all over the country, will be the only way to accomplish this. It has to shift from online, to in-person. Online starts it, in-person is where things really happen.
The counterpart to this is folks need to be convinced that mainstream corporate media is poison, and have to start turning off their tv's, radio, stop reading the daily newspapers and find trustworthy sources of news/journalists (and read some history).
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Correct we need our own propaganda machine
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Many fine points in your comment
Unfortunately I too have intelligent family members who yet are either afraid, disinterested, or just plain ignorant of the real state of affairs.
Precisely. The masses are collectively so brain-washed they do not realize they are shackled to the pens in which they are confined.
This is what activism is all about.
Speaking of cheap disposable goods
Thanks Mark from Queens.
Try searching for document called "the-politics-of-global-production-Jenny-Chan-Ngai-Pun-Mark-Selden-2013-NTWE", It academically explains my tech worker disillusionment.That paper really made me glad Leopard was the last product I consumed from Apple, just curious about OSX. As someone who rode the Clinton tech bubble in the 90s, experiencing the downfall and "rebirth" of Apple was pretty pretty disgusting.
While I'm glad that many Chinese have achieved middle-class status, fuck their billionaires. I am very very sad about the CO2 and lung cancer given along with Most Favored Nation status. I'm sure my Dell and HP machines helped too, tough the data scientists don't tell the full truth about globalization.

"That's the system." It's my opinion Bill Clinton did more climate damage then any president ever, so far. So fuck Apple and their billions wanting to "come home" now, now that wages are shitty enough, and the EPA is being dismantled. Don't buy Apple stuff, don't reward bad behavior, that's what I say.
That graph is scary
@PriceRip @Alligator Ed There has been
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Well everybody knows that Science is a junk magazine
..... in addition to qualifying for "The Single Issue" in its own right, can also be a potent propellant for the weaponizing of our healthcare quandary.
After all, the "fiscal conservatives" will come demanding "How are we going to pay for all this?"
And the answer is obvious: "STOP spending more on war than all other nations combined!" We could have a full-service National Health System for a small fraction of the money we would save if we got out of the "Global Policeman" business and only bought the military we really need to defend ourselves and help our genuine allies. (Which, BTW, does NOT include anything in the Middle East or the Levant!)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
stop the war
leads naturally to what to do with all the extra money.
not only is it our first duty to stop the war, but even if MFA is your issue, it is not separate from costs of war.
If anything I see the MFA as helping us frame "stop the war" as a practical way of paying for the social programs we need. Stop the war so we can have MFA. How do they argue against that?
blowing our money up in bombs makes us poorer in every sense.
stop the war >>>>>>>> MFA >>>>>> (15/hr,etc.)
how can they argue against that?
1. My point exactly!
2. Watch them do just that! (After I saw PriceRip's video where that asshat from Regress told his audience that nobody died from lack of access to healthcare, I'll believe these conservas will argue against anything, no matter how good!)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
See my response to irishking below
We do not need deflection from others about various aspects of "peace", such as retaliatory strikes versus pre-emptive attacks, nukes vs conventional weapons, etc.
The focus must be on one issue, healthcare, where any attempted deflection will be seen for what its: a deflection. Elected officials must either stand with the vast majority of the citizenry or face their electoral wrath if they don't.
Stop the Wars is noble and correct
bullyingdominance. Peace, as vital as it is, will NOT succeed as the opening attack of the GDCB--but will be as a counterargument against those who assert "how can we pay for all this stuff?" The key, as I have been saying is to save other issues for later. The peace movement took 7 years to get us out of Viet Nam but by itself the peace movement did not affect the overall power structure. We must initiate change in the overall power structure. The initiating issue MUST BE healthcare.again, my point exactly
Again, my point exactly. Healthcare is the needle; peace is one form of push we can use behind the needle. It gets all of us peaceniks on board and wipes out one conserva defense.
Other such will be required. I don't deny it. ALL the right-wing nonsense hurled against single-payer healthcare must be wiped out.
Please do understand: I agree with your idea and support it. I speak as I do because, in the 2016 General Election campaigns, I witnessed all manner of skulduggery (short of violence, thank Cat!) applied by the profit "healthcare" industry to make sure that ColoradoCare, a very workable single-payer system, didn't become law.
We need to be prepared for just that kind of thing here. And I mean we need to be ready to wipe out any resistance on contact. Rest assured, amice, that resistance will come. Wall Street is very resourceful when it comes to this manner of thing.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you for your comment., an attack of 10,000,000 mice will be irresistible. We, "little people" must be the mice.
Their power relies a lot on marketing, advertising, and branding
I was reading about Aaron McGruder’s comic strip The Boondocks and its TV series spinoff the other day — reportedly, one of McGruder’s recurring themes is how BET (Black Entertainment Television) and similar media propagate attitudes and values that hold African-Americans back.
While I have no doubt about targeted media propaganda