The opposite of DemExit
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 6:47pm
The last time I voted for a Democrat was 1992.
I've been registered Green Party ever since. If anything the Democrats have gotten worse and more disgusting ever since.
So why in the world would I ever consider registering Democrat?
You see, there is something special about me:
I happen to live in Nancy Pelosi's district.
And this afternoon I ran across this article.
San Francisco attorney Stephen R. Jaffe is a lifelong Democrat and he intends to do what no Democrat has been able to do so far: make it to a runoff election against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Jaffe, 71, is an employment attorney who became a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign last year.
"I was a pretty hard-core Bernie supporter," said Jaffe, who gave money to the campaign and volunteered during the Nevada caucuses. He was one of two attorneys who filed for an injunction on behalf of Sanders supporters in the California primary, requesting "re-votes" and an extension of the voter registration deadline. (The request was denied.)
Jaffe said he was "devastated" by Sanders' loss to Hillary Clinton in the primary season and that Sanders, in part, inspired him to run. He says he supports single-payer healthcare and criticized Pelosi for raising money from corporations and special interests.
Oh Hell Ya!
For the chance to knock off Nancy Pelosi, I'll register Democrat for the first time in 25 years. Hell, I'll canvas for the guy.
Knocking off Nancy would be sweeeeeeetttt!

Chances are good
that she'll succumb to liver failure before then. She's an obvious lush.
I would gladly join you if it were my district.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I Registered Dem in NY to Vote Against Schumer 4 Years From
It helped that I would be able to bang my head against the wall and vote in the primaries for the Better Democrat that was always defeated by the monopoly guy, but it was mainly to vote against that Soulless Chuck Schumer.
I'm full of good schtick this week. Soulless Chuck Schumer, ought to stick, one would think...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Call it "DemObstruct"!
At this point we need to exorcise the DLC demons by any and all non-violent means which come to hand.
And it would appear that a rich opportunity has fallen into your hands.
Cat prosper you!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Don't have to register Dem/Rep here
So I can happily not vote for either Franken or Klobuchar (which I do when necessary) with very little malice aforethought.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Shout out
Both of them make anodyne seem compelling.
Especially Klobuchar.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Often told Franken/Klobuchar are "progressive".
Such a dead term. Every Democrat now is progressive. Nothing more than milquetoast, bland, and utterly subservient to the power structures of this country.
Remind me how many times Franken voted
for cuts to SNAP again? Don't know about Klobuchar. Although I am "coastal," I had donated to Franken's recount battle twice and soon regretted it.
Yeah, "progressive" is not a synonym for "liberal." Both Hillary and Obama claim to be progressive. Hillary in particular bragged on her "conservative roots," as well as on being a progressive and a moderate. However, she shuddered visibly and demurred when Chris Matthews referred to her as liberal. I'm sticking with "liberal," no matter how much the right and center right try to pretend it means the same as "Democrat." I wish we had another word, though, because our friends across the pond view "liberal" as corporatist. Before the world wide web, that was less of a problem than it is now.
Doesn't California have jungle primaries?
Or do you have to pick a party to vote in the primary, even though all parties run at once? That seems weird.
Doesn't California have jungle primaries?
Or do you have to pick a party to vote in the primary, even though all parties run at once? That seems weird.
(Oh for crying out loud. This posted twice? I'm such a NOOB tonight. Long day. Need a vacation.)
Generally, I don't agree with messing in another Party's primary
But it's legal, so I can't say you are wrong.
I've voted consistently (D) from 1992 to 2016 (2016 primary only). But I've voted in my last (D) primary.
In April, I skipped my first election ever. It was the local election and most candidates were unopposed. There was a Village Trusteeship open and "No Candidate" I toyed with voting for myself, but it turns out that 53 people voted, but no one won. The rules on write-ins are complex in Illinois which is why I urged people to vote for Stein, who was on the ballot, rather than writing in Bernie. The Duoploly likes it like that. You also need ten times the number of signatures to be on the ballot if your party was not one of the top two in the last Presidential election (Gee, what party's would that be?).
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Nothing is wrong with voting strategically in what is,
is your view, the best interests of your country. Primary or not.
Let's say Godzilla is running against JEB! in the Republican primary. I would see nothing wrong in voting for JEB! to try to make sure my country doesn't get subjected to rule by a monster, no matter who wins the general.
What would be awful, IMO, would be voting for Godzilla in the Republican primary to try to improve the chances of the Democratic nominee or Green Party nominee in the general. That way, I'd be risking subjecting my fellow Americans to monster in order to help my preferred candidate in the general.
Oh, wait. Didn't McCaskill do something like that with Akins to try to improve her own chances in the general? And, because she succeeded, everyone told her she was smart. I thought she was the height of selfishness and recklessness. I think many would have seen her that way, had her gamble failed.
I'll agree to that.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thanks to Limbaugh, a lot of them voted against her
in the 2008 primaries. Rusted must have thought that a white woman who had a WASP surname (two actually) and a lot of name recognition would have a better shot in the general than a black man named Barack Hussein Obama who had been on the national scene a relatively short time. In any event, he urged his bots to vote for Obama. And I was posted with some who did. I knew why they did it, but I didn't care because I was supporting Obama then.
I wonder how they felt about their clever 2008 Democratic primary vote after he won the 2008 general. And the 2012. And she lost the 2016
Think this through!
Godzilla, allied with Mothra and Rodan, saved the world from an alien monster, Ghidorah. Remind me what Jeb did again.
Why do you need to register as Democrat?
The only good thing about CA's jungle primaries is that third parties/NPP can vote for whoever they want. Of course, it's complete bullshit that somehow the only time that rule doesn't apply is during Presidential Primaries.
It's the same in Arizona
We can vote in any primary, except the presidential. I think all primaries should be open to any voter. I've heard the argument, it's their party, so we who are not registered members shouldn't have a voice in their candidate selection. I say if you want a private "members only" vote, then run it and pay for it privately. As long as these elections are publicly funded, that means everyone pays for them. And of course everyone is stuck with the outcome. So everyone should get to vote.
They want to make people join the party to participate... sounds like another ploy. I came so close to re-registering as a dem again in 2008 to vote for Obama over Hliz, but in the end I didn't. Then again I almost did it for Bernie last year... but ultimately found that I just can't join the party, even temporarily. I donated to and promoted them both, volunteered for Obama GOTV even, yet I ultimately procrastinated and did not to sign up as a democrat myself for either of them.
I was raised as a democrat and kept my registration as dem by default until about 1998. Bill Clinton was the end of the road for me then. I changed my registration to independent, but I pretty much checked out of politics for the next 10 years. Obama made me think about it again, because I wanted so much him to defeat Hillary. Then Bernie also made me seriously consider it last year, because I really wanted him to win. But I'd become so sick of democrats by then, I just couldn't do it.
I seriously just want the Democratic Party to wither and die. Now more than ever. Nothing will entice me into it. I'm starting to get really irked with the way the democrats continue to be portrayed as the "Left" party, while the republicans are right-wing. That's a false narrative. They are two arms of the corporate party. It is a two-headed snake that needs to be beheaded. I'm not going to help revive it.
I think this is what you're talking about
Yes, exactly. If I knew how to add pictures to my comments, I would have posted that one or something similar. I actually searched for two-headed snake images -- there's a surprising number of them! -- but I couldn't figure out how to post one of them.
Thank you!
Forget elephants and donkeys, very fine critters, and remember, this is the real symbol for the "two parties" ... and we are its prey.
Sign up to It's easy
Thanks AE
I've wondered if I need an account at another site to post pictures. Videos from YouTube are easy, pics not so much. I'll check out the site you suggested. Thx
@CS in AZ
What could possibly be more democratic than having two private parties not answerable to the public supply what are in effect the only electoral candidates, also presented as not answerable to the public, which the people are permitted to vote for? What could possibly go wrong?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Not anymore
They closed the primaries in CA after 2010.
CA has open primaries, except presidential
Voting in the Primary Election
You don't have to register as a dem to vote against Pelosi. Great news! But wait, it gets better:
It doesn't even matter what party you're registered as, because all candidates are on the same ballot. That's a cool system, I like it.
Pelosi's time has
come and gone. Hell, she barely qualifies as a middle of the road Dem these days, more closely alligned, it seems, with the DNC. And, DiFi's welcome has Long worn out.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
About Nancy
You don't need to change your registration
What would count a whale more than voting for Jaffe yourself is convincing a bunch of those San Franciscans who seem to be dissatisfied with Pelosi (and there may be lots if that chart is correct) to get off their butts and vote. And I'd bet the vast majority of those folks, if they're registered at all, are Democrats.
I switched parties to vote for Bernie.
Fat lot of good that did.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
@Cassiodorus I went from indie back to
I've been through this twice now. In 2000, I was horrified that the Dem senators just sat there and let the CBC plead with them to refuse to certify George Bush's non-election, and I left the party on that account. I came back because of Howard Dean, basically (though I'm also one of the people that didn't hate John Kerry; under the old system, he seemed a reasonable enough choice for President, certainly better than Bill Clinton.) I remained a Democrat from 2005-2013, by which time I'd seen more than enough writing on the wall, and I left again. I thought I'd never come back again, but I came back for Bernie. And then left again, early this year. Actually, that makes three times I've left the Dems.
Three strikes and I'm out.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I live in a closed primaries state.
I can't participate in the primaries, but I do get to help pay for them!
Respectfully, you should fight that as hard as you can.
I think the DNC establishment's days are numbered
Either they stay in charge and cause the destruction of the Democratic party or they are replaced by Berniecrats in a revitalized Democratic party. It's hard for me to give up on the Democrats as long as people like Tulsi Gabbard, this Jaffe guy and Barbara Lee are still in it. It's hard to break out of the two party prison.
Beware the bullshit factories.
There's a lot more that's special about you,
gjohnsit, than merely living in
Pelosi's districtthe district Pelosi is supposed to represent.Flattery aside, Pelosi is past her sell by date and, by that, I don't mean her age. I mean she has already been sold very long ago. She has not truly represented that district in a long time. She even said caged COLA was not a cut to OASDI when Obama wanted it. I wonder how poorer people in her district feel about that. She represents only (in the following order) Nancy Pelosi, Paul Pelosi, the Democratic Party, whichever Democratic President may be in office at the time, lobbyists and the establishment.
Go for it.
Do all you can to get rid of her!
As Henry Wallace said, she's way past her sell by date as she sold out long, long ago. My Tea Bag mother hated her and DiFi with a blind passion, and have to say, I know my mother's laughing her ass off somewhere seeing me hate on the Dems almost as much as she did. Completely different reasons, of course.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I'd love to see her primaried
along with every other Dem party leader.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Steny Hoyer would come next
A lot of layers to that onion.
Yay, maybe we
can get rid of her.