Repigs Move to Gut Americans With Disabilities Act
I didn't know about this until I read an essay titled 'They're Coming for the Americans With Disabilities Act' written by a deaf poster on TOP. There are two bills currently going through the Repig controlled house to do this.
The first is HR 620 which was introduced by that dumb son of a bitch, Ted Poe of Texas:
This bill requires the Disability Rights Section of the Department of Justice to develop a program to educate state and local governments and property owners on strategies for promoting access to public accommodations for persons with a disability. The program may include training for professionals to provide a guidance of remediation for potential violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
The bill prohibits civil actions based on the failure to remove an architectural barrier to access into an existing public accommodation unless: (1) the aggrieved person has provided to the owners or operators a written notice specific enough to identify the barrier, and (2) the owners or operators fail to provide the person with a written description outlining improvements that will be made to improve the barrier or they fail to remove the barrier or make substantial progress after providing such a description. The aggrieved person's notice must specify: (1) the address of the property, (2) the specific ADA sections alleged to have been violated, (3) whether a request for assistance in removing an architectural barrier was made, and (4) whether the barrier was permanent or temporary.
The Judicial Conference of the United States must develop a model program to promote alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve such claims. The model program should include an expedited method for determining relevant facts related to such barriers and steps to resolve accessibility issues before litigation.
And then there's HR 1493, introduced by the current House Judiciary Committee.
To make a long story short, these two bills will not only hinder the ability of one who has been discriminated against to seek recourse, but it actually makes non-compliance by businesses easier. Oh, and don't forget about those nonexistent frivolous lawsuits and serial litigants, we can't have those.
Based on their actions over the last 25 years, I have no doubt whatsoever that most of the 'New' Democrats will go along with this. They did pass a Republican alternative to Single Payer, after all.
This should make anyone with disabilities, or those who have family members with disabilities, angry. I've had to rely on walkers and wheel chairs to get around many times because of physical issues I wouldn't wish on anyone. And now if the Repigs and Vichy Dems get their way, we won't even have that. In fact, I'm sure they'll go after our scant employment services, if they haven't already. Rick Scott, governor of my state has slashed those to the bone for the sake of enriching himself and his corporate buddies. Sound like anyone else we know?
See ya around,
Saw that "First they came for..." diary over there. Meh.
It didn't stir me at all really, seems like more fear mongering to raise money. Call Congress? Okay, who? My D rep Huffman? He'll vote against, but so what? Harris or Feinstein? None of them will take direct action to prevent passage, but they'll pad their voting records nicely. Something to point to later, see how that works? DK diversion ftw! BayArea still a sewer.
Sacramento is rotten at the core, a billion here, a billion there, I stopped posting Juan Browne's excellent reports, but here's the chance to rethink the whole Central Valley Project., except that was Jerry's dad, so legacy. Who thinks such a complex system is sustainable? That is b.s. marketing from the data lobbyists if you ask me. More contracts, more consultants, we are being public/privatized to death here.
Back on topic Mercury News: Serial ADA lawsuit filer striking Bay Area
Yeah that happened, so what? It's baby out with the bathwater time, everyone can point to the example now. "That's the system."
Meanwhile ('nother local gripe), where our watershed needs the most help, this kind of bickering continues: Guerneville community meeting muddles homelessness question. So much for new D blood, ker-plunk! People have grown hard, because the system is so broke.
I feel selfish, that is the next step for me when the landlord says "out", could be any time on a 30 day month-to-month contract, that's it I'm done. There is nowhere to go. So, Ds and Rs acting per usual doesn't get my snot in such a knot anymore. Rs never cared about disability, except I started receiving benefits in 2003 during Bush, saw Medicare get wrecked after the ACA took hold, and now I prepare every day to see the check stop, because why not it's Trump after all. And I am on all of the "wrong" kinds of lists belonging to the government right now. Thanks Obama. Feels like ping-pong.
Thanks Aspie Corner, I do care about you and I like your essays. I care about all of us, just feel powerless to do anything now, and the head-shrinkers keep telling me to "accept" more. Oom. My path to acceptance begins with "who cares", giving back what I've been given doesn't seem right now. Thanks for making me realize that. Peace
One can only bang their head against a wall so many times.
@eyo They're going to get what they want. They always do because the people are too polarized against one another to give a damn. Not a new technique considering the bourgeoisie have been doing this shit since colonial times. Still, you'd think people would be aware of this shit by now.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Life can be a bitch, and the politicians just make it worse.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon