Til Tuesday 02/23/16
Have you ever noticed that economic charts and graphs resemble webs spun by spiders who are drug victims?
Something else one cannot help but notice: men do not know how to dress themselves.
This is because the male human brain contains but two folds: the porn fold, and the sports fold. And dressing so that, when one hits the streets, people are not compelled to shriek and poke their eyes out, this is not information naturally contained or imparted by either fold.
Women have many folds in their brains, and some of these are apparel-related. This is why when a man dresses in a way so that people do not clamor that he should be locked up, generally there is a woman involved. This is simply a Fact, proven by Science, in many Studies.
Take a look at this horror:
This is a football man. He has won many Victories, made many Monies. Yet he dresses from a wino bin. Actually, many winos, they would reject such a shirt. Others would prove capable of buttoning it. But no. Not this man.
There are many CTs swirling round the tubes at present that the football playoffs this year were "rigged." Said playoffs were, in truth, rigged, but not for any of the reasons mentioned in the CT tubes. They were rigged because the football rulers instructed the referees to not permit this man's team, under any circumstances, to win the Super Bowl. Because they did not want him to, after, appear on the television, as The Winner, in one of these outfits that would cause viewers to blind themselves. The football rulers, to make the monies, they need the viewers, and people cannot view, if they have removed their eyes.
There is a lesson here. If this man had paid less attention to the football, and more to the women, at least to the extent of allowing one to select for him a shirt, and then button it, he would today be The Winner.
It is true that sometimes women will appear in public in clothing that should be burnt. But this is almost always because they have been compelled to do so by some male "designer." Exhibit A: Mrs. Kenyan.
And people wonder why spiders eat drugs.
Males are also incapable of properly packing grocery bags. If you are in a grocery store, and the clerk is scanning your purchases, and some male appears and attempts to bag your groceries, do not allow this to occur. Demand that he remove himself at once, and a female be summoned. Otherwise, the male attempted-bagger will put the eggs on the bottom of the bag, and then heave on top of them a watermelon. He will consign to another bag the arugula and the green onions, and then he will take the stew beef, pierce the plastic with his unsane fumbling clumsy male fingers, and then place it, upside down, atop the vegetables, so they will be coated with beef blood. He will then smoosh it all into a perfectly indistinguishable mess, by slamming home the jug of laundry detergent. If you buy chips, he will pummel them into powder by hurling your cantaloupes into the bag. In the end, none of these bags will make it from the store to your car, because they will all burst in the parking lot, as male baggers have no sense of weight, and insist on cramming more into the bags than the bags can bear.
I am noticing an increasing number of tubes that are offering to buy groceries and then deliver them to your home. I know why this is. It is because shopping in the grocery stores is no longer safe and sane. There are the psychotic criminal baggers, the piped-in soul-killing music I recently mentioned, and also there are the fat-carts. These are the lumbering motorized vehicles orginally intended for people with some grave disability, but that are now used almost exclusively by people who are too obese to even be in a grocery store. They should be off somewhere fasting, for, like, thirteen or fourteen years. It is increasingly difficult to navigate around the grocery stores, because the aisles are clogged with behemoth Americans asprawl in fat-carts. Yesterday I attempted to venture down an aisle to pluck from the shelf some ghost-pepper salsa, but I never made it, because the aisle was jammed with phalanxes of fat-carts. The fat-carts had become ensnarled, and could not be separated. The store people attempted to dislodge them with those little in-store forklifts they have, but to no avail. When I left, they were busily removing a section of the roof, so they could reach down into the store with big cranes, to pry apart and remove the fat-carted Americans.
Is this what the country has come to? Is this why John Henry wintered at Valley Forge? Big Bill Broonzy and his blue ox Babe lumberjacked to matchsticks all the jungles of the Amazon? Why Custer crossed the Rubicon? And Little Lulu baked humble pie on Easter Sunday? Why Roy Cohn ate Carl Furillo and Ethel Roosevelt for breakfast? Captain Kidd sailed opium into Pearl Harbor? Why Don Ho tiny-bubbled in a stagecoach across all of Utah to found Neil Diamond? And Jim Dandy bollixed Uncle Sam? Why Horatio Alger whipped the women, just around midnight?
The drug-victim spider Jim Morrison, he foresaw all this, in his timeless ode, "Fat-Carts On The Storm":
there's a fat-cart on the road
the wheels wobble, will not hold
if you give this man a ride
your car will surely die
fat-cart on the road
The Statue of Liberty, her guitar gently weeps, there in Boston Harbor.
Speaking of Boston Harbor, Michael Dukakis, former governor of Massachusetts, once upon a time, he was going to be the president.
But then stepped into the road Lee Atwater, Prince of Darkness. Atwater makes scumbucket political operatives like David Brock and James Carville look like Sleeping Beauty; even Karl Rove, Voldemort, and Sauron, they would bow down before him. Atwater was working for George I, the Republican trying to be the president, and he let everyone know that Dukakis was Greek, which was just another form of Negro, and scoffed that Dukakis was such a principled girly-man he would oppose the death penalty even if his own wife were raped and murdered. Atwater put on the television doom-laden ads that showed Dukakis releasing through the revolving doors of a prison many menacing big buck Negroes, disappearing into the night, bent on murder and rapine. Atwater goosed George I into thrice-daily damning Dukakis as "a card-carrying member of the ACLU," thundering that Dukakis allowed schoolchildren in Massachusetts who did not want to recite the pledge of allegiance, to not do so—which had only been the law throughout the nation since the 1943 West Virginia v. Barnette Supreme Court decision. He degenerated the George I campaign into tours of American flag factories, with the candidate reciting the pledge of allegiance from the stage, at every campaign event. It was a terrible time, and caused many spiders, to eat many drugs. There, yes, was also the grievous Dukakis self-inflicted wound, of The Tank Photo.
And so, in the end, George I became the president. And Michael Dukakis went back to Massachusetts, to serve out the final two years of his term as governor. And then, he more or less disappeared.
Shortly thereafter, tumors moved into Lee Atwater's brain, and he died before George I completed his term. Before he went, he said he was Sorry.
I hadn't thought of Dukakis, in any meaningful way, in years, until this week I see this article in Slate, where it is clear the man is no longer drinking the jamba juice they provide to all the ex-politicos, so that, publicly, their mouths won't misbehave. In this piece, Dukakis is sounding more like Noam Chomsky, than someone who once ran for president at the head of one of the two major political parties. Now that the article has been published, I hope he's okay. (In the excerpts below, the italicized lines are from the interviewer, some embarrassing beanbag monikered Isaac Chotiner.)
At a time when the country ought to be feeling better about itself, we have this situation in the Middle East, and we all know where that came from, right?
It started with the invasion of Iraq, but to be perfectly bipartisan, can you tell me what the hell we are doing in Syria?
We being the United States?
Yeah, what the hell are we doing in Syria?
In Syria? I don’t think we’re doing all that much.
Now, four years ago, in case you've forgotten, the secretary general asked Kofi Annan to come out of retirement and become a special mediator to try to deal with the situation. The man worked his head off for 11 months, and finally put together an international conference with 16 countries, including Assad, the Russians, ourselves, and Iran, without whom you cannot solve the problem in Syria. Can we agree on that?
They are sort of running the war, so yes we can’t stop the war without them.
The man works hard to put this together, and we say, "if Iran is there we are not going." And it broke up the conference. And there was general agreement at the time, Isaac, that this conference was meant to put Syria on a path to democracy, and Assad had agreed to that.
Count me as skeptical that Assad would have followed through on that.
Unless you try it you'll never know.
Sometimes you know.
So what happens? We broke up the conference and have hundreds of thousands of dead people and 12 million displaced people. A humanitarian catastrophe that is now threatening the EU. Why do we do these things? I don't understand it. The president—who I like—said Assad has got to go. I said, "Oh my God." I mean, if there is one place where we should not be intervening, it's Syria, right?
And what about Libya? I mean, another fiasco!
But on foreign policy, [George I] and Gorbachev negotiated effectively and well, and ended the Cold War. And the only thing Gorbachev asked him during those negotiations was that we not expand NATO. And Bush said, "don't worry, that's a commitment." So how are we doing on that one? We are doing everything we can to shove NATO right up to those borders.
If Russia would stop invading countries in that region they'd have a stronger case to make about NATO encroachment.
Who's been invaded?
Yeah, after we participated in a coup, right? That’s what it was you know.
That's not precisely my sense—
Oh yeah, oh yeah. The guy was supposed to serve out his term. He was a lousy guy. Nothing new.
I am not sure that means annexing Crimea was okay.
I am not excusing it, but Crimea is Russian. Always has been.
Khrushchev just sort of stuck it onto Ukraine.
You are well aware that states and their borders exist for all sorts of ridiculous reasons, but that doesn't mean—
I am not defending the action, but I am saying it is more complicated than that. I don't understand why we are expanding NATO, do you? What the hell is this? NATO was designed to stop Russia or the Soviet Union from invading Western Europe. That is not going to happen for the next 300 years.
I hope not.
It won't, believe me. I am a fan of this administration. I think they have done one hell of a job under very difficult circumstances, but, in case you missed it, incidentally, we are now putting a major U.S. base in Southern Spain. Are you aware of that?
I was not.
3,000 Marines are going to be there. You know why?
Catalan separatists?
No, so we can intervene in Africa.
I was kidding.
I mean, where is this going, Isaac? It is going to be a never-ending thing here.
The Hairball, he is also a never-ending thing here, and today he will be winning the Republican caucuses in Nevada. He will then take to his twit machine, to there beat his chest, like King Kong, that he is The Winner, and everyone else is a Loser, who should Die.
The Herrenvolk of The Hairball, they will laugh and dance and sing, making merry well into the night, by the light of a huge bonfire, that shall mark the burning of a million Mexicans.
"We know that Herr Hairball shall become the president," senior Hairball aide Horst Wessel explains of the Mexican-burning, "and so we all figured: why wait? Herr Hairball, he determined it would just be too much trouble, to deport the Mexicans. And so we are burning them. We are roasting marshmallows! Come down and have some!"
When it was pointed out to Wessel that The Hairball does not yet possess full legal authority to set fire to a million Mexicans, Wessel scoffed. "Who's going to stop him? The Supreme Court? With Scalia dead, they're so deadlocked they can't agree to tie their own shoes. And besides, as Herr Hairball likes to say, quoting his senior policy advisor Herr Kurtz, 'I am beyond their timid, lying morality. And so I am beyond caring.'
"'Burn, baby, burn.' Isn't that what the Negroes used to say? Well, now the Herrenvolk are saying it. We will march on a road of bones!"
The Democrats, they are not having any caucuses or primaries to make the president until Saturday, when voters in South Carolina will choose between The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, a Jewish man, and The Mad Bomber, a black woman.
No one ever has been, or ever will be, blacker, than The Mad Bomber, in the days ahead. Informed sources indicate that on Friday night she plans to emotionally announce that she intended to name her first and only child George Washington Carver. But her husband, The Clenis, beat her to the birth certificate, and dubbed the child Chelsea. The Clenis, it seems, was jealous that the child's true father was not him, but rather Martin Luther King. "The Deli Man may have marched with Martin Luther King," The Mad Bomber shall shriek, "but I bore his child!"
Remember when playing the Beatles songs backwards revealed that Paul was dead? And playing "Stairway To Heaven" backwards revealed it to be a hymn to Satan? Now, today, if you play The Mad Bomber backwards, you can detect that her Power Pack is failing.
The Tralfamadorians, they are trying to block delivery of a new Power Pack. If they succeed, then, one day, on stage, The Mad Bomber will just . . . run down. Like HAL.
my mind is going
i can feel it
i can feel it
Remember John Ashcroft? The man who lost an election to a dead man, rubbed himself up with Crisco before taking the oath of office, abjures calico cats as agents of The Evil One, and threw a shroud over a statue of the Spirit of Justice, lest her bare stone breasts wreak havoc across the land?
He's another guy who, like Led Zeppelin, when you play him backwards, reveals himself to be an imp of Satan. Oh yes. For his alleged patriotic barn-burner, "Let The Eagle Soar," is, as can be heard and seen below, in truth a Luciferian paean called "Oh Sweet Evil." In fact, it is a little-known Fact, that John A. and Jimmy Page, they used to shoot up together, and then get naked in Black Mass. With drug-addled spiders. Spinning some wild Charts.
Belching. That is something that, in contrast to bagging groceries and dressing decently, males can do. It comes from the sports fold of the male brain. Therein, lies the Will and Desire, to engage in violently loud public belching.
Down a ways from here is a lube shop. Those who work there are generally pleasant people. However, they are males. And one of these males, he is possessed by the Need to recurrently burp as loud as humanly possible. Which is pretty damn loud. And because this is a lube shop, the big metallic door to the thing is left open at all times. Presumably so that passing motorists will, from this open door, suddenly experience a brainshower that they could use some auto-juice, and so pull into the place. However, this open door also means that whenever Belch Boy is possessed by his deliberate ructus disability, I get to hear it.
First thing this morning, this guy was over there vibrating his esophagus at decibel levels that caused blood to spout from all nearby ears. And, it then occurred to me, that no human female, in the entire history of the species, has ever somehow thought it "cool" or "funny" or "impressive," or whatever burbling it is that passes through the sports fold, to burp so loud that birds fall from the sky.
As such, one would think that deliberately belching louder than ten trains would have long ago been bred out of the species. But no. The impulse must be truly strong, and deeply embedded, somewhere there in the y-chrome. Where it needs to be Removed.
My brother was not only a loud public belcher, who could out-sound twenty bombs, but was also one of those males who could, and would, emit words, and even entire sentences, during the course of a belch. This so mortified his partner, that she was compelled to invent new narcotics, in order to remain Calm.
But that was not the worst of his behaviors. He would also, in the grocery stores, pick up The Weekly World News, and leaf through it, and sometimes add it to his goods, and buy it. His partner was so embarrassed to be seen with him thus, that she purchased for him a subscription, so the paper could be delivered to his home, and, thereby, no one, but the postman, would ever See, or Know.
My brother used The Weekly World News to keep up with who would be the president. Because the publication always featured stories wherein The Alien would be pictured giving The Nod to the next to be anointed.
The Weekly World News no longer publishes. And therefore no one any longer can really be certain, who will be the president.
Except the spiders.

I love your writing
I am not sure where you get this stuff, but if my brain on caffeine looks like that spider's web, I am in a bad way.
Thank you for gracing us with your wit and wisdom (?) twice a week. Love it!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Wisdom is sold in the desolate market, where none come to buy."
William Blake, he Saw, and he Said, and he Was, that.
As for the rest, and as I've confessed here before: I do my best thinking, on the bus.
the bus came by
and i got on
that's where it all began
know our love
will not fade away
It has been said that "You're either on the bus or off the bus."
but that bus ride is meta-Heisenbergian. That bus is a klein bottle, having but one side and no edges, incapable of dividing space into an inside and an outside, it has no boundaries and a mere three dimensions cannot contain it. Once you become sufficiently aware of it, you are on it, for everything without it is within it and vice-versa and thus time goes on within and without it unimpeded by its presence.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great stuff today.
I was reading that bit about Ukraine...and that's exactly the conversation that I have with anyone who supports NATO just bellying up to Russia's border because reasons.
This diary over at the GOS explains why I can never vote for Hillary Clinton:
The Definitive, Encyclopedic Case For Why Hillary Clinton is the Wrong Choice
The fact that the trolls can't even get in and try to straw man it to death tells you a lot. No inane threadjacking from Turkana (who has become totally ridiculous lately), Christin, and the others. It's written in a "Just the facts, ma'am" manner and it's irrefutable. Can't troll the truth. Well--you can, but it always ends up looking silly.
I rarely share stuff
on social media, but I did share that diary. The usual Hillaryites were definitely conspicuous by their absence. Turkana has become a total sell out as evidenced by how hard he ties himself into pretzel knots. It is embarrassing to watch. Good to see you here cybrestrike!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
following armando, to whom he clings, now and forever, like a limpet, wished, publicly, in the early days of the 2008 contest, to have as the president Chris Dodd, avid king fellater, of the banksters.
Turkana, he is a sadsack, a minor, gay, would-be poet, lost and unknown, in the outer stratosphere, of the wet Northwest.
He sold his soul, and cut off his penis, to attain his dKos FP status.
Now, there is nothing left of him.
No one need, pay him any attention, whatsoever.
sorry to say, but I forgot again who Turkana was
before he/she got a new nickname. It's all my fault, I remember having asked that question quite a while ago and have forgotten the answer again.
He was Turkana
now he's Lawrence Lewis. I liked Turkana a lot, he was a smart liberal person who tried to get people to get along . He took 'centrist' lessons from Armando. This other guy he morphed into is embarrassing. He used to be 'stuck in the middle' and now he's the fool, Lawrence of Hillary. He once posted this vid to me when we were friends and allies even though he knew I was a flaming lefty. What mental process do the democratic turncoats use to rationalize their support of Hillary the Hun's policies and Kissinger kissing? He sure unstuck himself from the middle.
is a drug victim. Of bad drugs.
We knew such people, back in the day.
They would claim to be all righteous and high, and then we would present to them the Owsley, and they would run down the street, with their pants falling down.
If you ate LSD, you could not support The Mad Bomber. If you support The Mad Bomber, and you thought you ate LSD, it was not LSD.
Turkana—after the Dodd disability—was a screeching Hillary-lover, back in 2008, until he exiled himself from dKos, in February of that year, to go to the Left Coaster blog.
Where he mumbled darkly, at Warp 10, about the Bad Dark Man. Until the Bad Dark Man was elected president.
Then, a week or two after Inauguration Day, turkana, he reapppeared on dKos, to begin jumping up and down, as if on a trampoline, upon the Bad Dark Man. He stabbed and stabbed and stabbed and stabbed, every available knife, into the Bad Dark Man.
Until, in the course of things, six or so or eleven months ago, the Good White Woman, she appeared, again, to try to be the president. At which time turk rolled flat upon his back, opened his mouth, and urged her to drip every drop, upon his eagerly distended tongue.
People, for some reason that I don't know, they don't remember this shit. I do.
I have an idea about Lawrence Lewis
... not my kind of guy. I don't remember Turkana, but I remember Armando going to Talk Left, or not? And if Turkana went over there with him ... ok ... and the left coaster I don't remember having ever read over there, but I remember the nice image on the left upper corner.
But really, I think neither Armando, nor Turkana, and certainly not Lawrence Lewis were commentators I liked or specifically followed. From Armando I ran away, even.
And yes, my brain doesn't work anymore as it should be. After almost one and a half year I revisited my former employer's office this evening, because I saw through the windows a technician from the old times, who was sent as a replacement for four weeks from Germany, and we had a hearty hallo, how are you thingy going on. Then a lady came down the stairs said hallo to me and hugged me. Of course I knew her face, but then I said oh yeah, you are the one from Martha's Wineyard and she looked at me sternly and said, I am the one from LA. Geesh. I still don't remember her name. Well, we were never on the same wavelength, but that is still no excuse to not remember her name. It's awful. So, I know how much my brain is losing and I am aware of it. Sorry, if I get all the nicks and handles mixed up and don't remember anymore, if I once liked their comments or not.
Thanks for helping me out to both of you, shaharazade and hecate.
He's like a symbol of the Democratic party progressives
that believes they're liberal or progressive but are just as caught up in the cocoon of American propaganda, brainwashing, and conditioning as any of those on the conservative side of the house. It was brought home to me one day when he made a comment about a Counterpunch article I referenced. Now this was a guy that once pleaded with me not to leave Daily Kos because "we need antiwar voices" and had pretended to be of that ilk. but when presented with evidence and facts about Obama's wars and imperialism via the Counterpunch article he said to me, "I don't read that Counterpunch tripe". Thus showing that his information and his world views are shaped through mainstream media and a refusal to explore alternative information and media. Very common, Turkana is far from the only one among the more known at Daily Kos. At this point you can make the case that anyone that continues to vote for the Democratic party is part and parcel of that problem.
I read all the tripes for a couple of paragraphs
and if I don't get what the author actually wants to say ... I click away. I like radio. (Not Waldmann though ... he is so chatty). Then I like to follow up what I heard and watch the video. That's not always a good idea. The other way around, first the video and then just the sound or text, is also eye-opening. Often the visuals distract and skew your view about what has been said. Sigh. Hedges has written a great book about the Empire of Illusion - The end of literacy and the triumph of the spectacle It covers how intertwined and embedded and suffocated we are in the illusions the media empire generates. Tough book to swallow, but excellent to read.
Yesterday night I listened to the whole Chris Hedges Book TV video. Three hours. At one point he said, he will never have his own website and he doesn't twitter or fb, he doesn't want to fill his head with all the "spectacular junk" or so. He wants to read his books, and you need solitude for that. It clicked with me.
At that point I started to remind myself about the difference between silence, solitude and loneliness and how I once puzzled a kossack lady, which I like and met in person. Somehow, we were in a group, and the conversation was about churches. I dropped in in my usual inappropriate ways and said I don't like Catholic Churches without thinking about it as something special. She looked at me and tried to laugh about what I was saying and asked: "Why?" And I said "it's always so noisy in Catholic Churches, so many people running around, several mass performances at different corners in the Cathedral etc." "I like the silence of some of the protestant churches I knew and there are very few I do and even fewer where I would sit down to enjoy the serenity of the silence. I think that is the solitude I am looking for.
I do not go to facebook, just cancelled out of ebay, try to get rid of skype, and actually don't visit a lot of websites. Each morning I try to stretch the time a bit longer before I log on to the PC. I remember times in the 2004 at the gos where people were harrassed for not being a fan of all sorts of digital gaming. The whole brouh-ha-ha how great the www is and the internet itself. You were either dumb or an outcast or old fashioned puritan something and whatever they want to tell you.
Manipulation is terrible. The gos lives off it. I wouldn't want to make my living with it. (Of course there are many writers who do not participate in those manipulative moves) So, yes. I don't like it. I can't stand the joy people have to be "mean". I never liked the hate-mail palooza or whatever it was called, kos posted each week.
I thought that Hedges is exactly right. I like the truthdig site. No "in your face" visuals, extremely easy and efficient to navigate and seldom an article I wouldn't read to the end. It has also a nice and modest design. I never read comments over there.
At the gos I read more comments than diaries. That's the drug, the addiction, getting your fix of "assholish" mind farts. I hate this. Never liked it. It is so addictive, because of loneliness of people, not realizing that they are used. We are scared of the silence being offline and need solitude to meditate and read to overcome it.
Ok, I talked too much.
Here I just can't get all the musical "hints". Will not be able to, but enjoy at least to listen to them and mostly know immediately what I like and what not. But that's not enough to make comments. I hope people don't mind that I just can't do more about it. I feel people tolerate me here quite a bit and I am thankful for it.
Good Night.
you are a pleasure, my dear. And more insightful than you can imagine.
don't tell me you are one of those terrible
socio-psychological-psychiatric analysts, who gathers all my word dumps, puts them in charts, makes a rule out of them and puts the "research" results up in a "scientific" paper. You know, I hate those types. Cruelty you are my middle name ... /s

Another kossack lady I met and I like told me once that yes, she controls and watches out for what her son says on his facebook page and I asked her why she does that. Answer was, I don't want him to mess up his life. And then she told me she works several hours a day to read diaries on kos and tries to promote them based on her judgment of being of quality. For free. Unpaid. I couldn't forget what she said. Scared the hell out of me. She also told me that she became an example for some sociologists in their research papers. She tried to shrug that off her mind, laughing, but it wasn't a very convincing laugh.
I am scared and dare not read what my son puts up on his facebook page. Facebook has done damage to my life. I am very, very unwillingly accepting that for some folks and issues facebook is their only way to organize themselves. So, I do understand that I have to accept "our oh so interesting times". So annoying to do that though...and if I were a billionaire I would lawyer myself up to the teeth and sue the hell out of Mr. Bookface and Mr. Gate-me-in. Hell yes, I would.
Thanks, JtC.
igittigitt ... yack .../nt
your sig!
Hairball, he is in Nevada, already triumphant!
And so, they, there, the Herrenvolk, they shall, now, commence, to set the fires.
The fires: to burn: a million Mexicans.
One. By. One.
come on baby, light my fire
try to set the night on fire
Yee. Haw.
and what's all the fuss
they ain't like us
it doesn't matter
he's all alone
and he cries like a pup
it doesn't matter
hecate, I wonder how it would be living with your brain
... you write like ... the goddess Pele, may be? Really love it, at least as much as I can understand what you are referring to. But that what I do understand is just outrageously funny.
You are even clearer than Chris Hedges...
Just thanks. It's always a rough roller-coaster to read through your OTs, but then, who wouldn't want to ride the roller-coaster, it's just ... what is the word I am missing here... I am too chicken to ride the roller-coaster and that makes me angry, because I miss a lot of "highs" just because I am a chicken. Darn it.
this is a
brain, that cries out, for many Medicines.
Do you have any? ; )
Also, chickens: they can be—and, very—cool.
a couple of great albums, a bunch of great songs
never been the same, though, since Lowell George said "take 5" or "take 10" or "take forever"...a very long pause for the cause.
they did the memorial service for George, they found that no one coud do "All That You Dream." Because no one had that range. Not even the octave-goddess of that their there karass, Linda Ronstadt.
Because Lowell, he was a sole, soul.
This is by far one of your best.
I chuckled all through it. Mrs. Kenyan and that dress. Mrs. Mad Bomber, the black woman. You really struck to the core of that charade. I expect her, Chelsea, and the Clenis to blacken their faces, put on Bernie wigs, and to move to Flint to clean lead from pipes from now until November.
Thank you so much for this diary. It really made my day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Whenever I write, I try to go somewhere, but inevitably realize that, once it's done, I've gone nowhere.
I agree with you that this particular gibberish, seemed like it was less like nowhere, than most.
And, in any event, it, as you said, "really made [your] day." Which means, on the most important connecting level, it's a winner. So, thank you, for that. So much. ; )
And Chelsea, she will go into the pipe. They will actually Sacrifice her. In order to try to make sure, The Mad Bomber, becomes the president.
Ah, you do go somewhere, but it is the same
somewhere. It is all the same fucking day, as Janis said, and you are always on the bus. Baba Ram Das said to "be here now", but one cannot be otherwise except in their derangement and misperception. Buckaroo got it right "...wherever you go, there you are." and "Nothing is ever what it seems, but everything is exactly what it is."
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
well, hell:
if I am always predictably somewhere, I guess I should then try nowhere. ; (
I agree dkmich!
Thank you, hecate. This was marvelous. I've no idea how you think of it, but am so glad you do.
Don Midwest is marching and on the roll today
in LieparDestin's BNR today. Worth to have a look at all the links he has put in his comments.
Sometimes I would like to rec his stuff over there. But it's good I can't comment on the gos. Kos and some others are constantly pushing my buttons that trigger the "stink bombs" falling at the wrong place and hit civilians, who shouldn't get killed.
I enjoyed this.
The Mad Bomber in helmet.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
oh yes, that too ... :-)
Your OT
has put me in a great mood where absurd laughter feels fine. Getting off the computer now, Best to log off on a high note as it's going to be all downhill after reading this. Your almost better at making me laugh and getting a rational perspective then the joker's who post funnies on my fb. feed.
personally believe that absurd laughter is the highest form of Understanding on this planet.
Today, for instance, you could watch The Hairball declare himself Wondrous and Triumphant.
Or, you could watch a mechanical monkey, maniacally slapping together cymbals.
I think the latter, in the end—painful as it may sound to the ears—has more of value, to offer.
Back in the days of my youth, Mad Magazine had a piece
wherein the Romans, have risen to great power, allowed themselves to become slothful, overindulgent, decadent and overly corpulent, whereupon they were overrun by hungry hordes from the east. Later after not too many plot twists and turns, we were presented with the image of Americans, seriously egg shaped like cartoon humpty-dumpties and riding those little scooters being overrun by hungry hordes from the east.
In all fairness, however, there must be some who, through injury or disease, became quasi-immobilized and who, as a result, engirthed themselves.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Stevie Wonder responds to Hillary:
I definitely lol'd whilst reading.
But, in truth, you had me at Crimea.
lou reed,
he say, before he passed, of Ukraine:
sweet ukraine
ah now baby: sweet ukraine
ah: sweet ukraine
Stevie Wonder, he recorded what, some say—including me—is one of the finest songs, in the history of music:
a poor man's son
from across the railroad tracks
the only shirt i own
is hangin' on my back
but i'm the envy
of ev'ry single guy
'cause i'm the apple
of my girl's eye
when we go out steppin'
on the town for a while
my money's low
and my suit's out of style
but it's all right
if my clothes aren't new
out of sight
because my heart is true
she says:
ev'rything is alright,
uptight, out of sight
she says:
no one is better than i
i know
i'm just an average guy
no football hero
or smooth don juan
got empty pockets
you see i'm a poor man's son
and it's all right
what i can't do
out of sight
because my heart is true
before I forget, Merry Christmas everybody!
the older I get the faster the days go by
♥ ... Happy New Year ! Cheers ! I made it /nt
Oh man h...
I chorckled, I snorted, I belched, I even squished a fucking spider cause he was up on his hind legs looking at me like I was a swirling paisley microdot flashback. Come to think of it, I woke up the other morning feeling like I was romping with the Merry Pranksters the night before, wonder if that little fucker bit me?
That was just a mass of hilarious wordage, my friend. Great stuff, I laughed, I cried, I said "Hell yeah" after I looked at myself in the mirror, and you are also 100% accurate in your male grocery store bagger analysis, I think that could be spider related too. Good, good shit, dude!!
I'm an anti-Belicheck...me at home
I wonder how you really spell that coach's name. Anyway...
so that's me, just "chillin'".
I have two goals in life (really about a dozen but for right now...two). One is to live a good long time and then set the record for the 100 yard dash by a 100 year old person. The second is to be a dandy.