Democrats Deny Their Problems Attracting Support From Ordinary Americans At Their Peril
Recently I wrote a story at Daily Kos criticizing Markos that noted that Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America. And not only with white males but his support is strongest among women and people of color, and those who claim otherwise are fomenting more divisiveness with their absurd demagoguery. Now the latest Washington Post/ABC poll shows that more people believe the Democrats are out of touch with the what concerns Americans than either President Trump or the Republican party.
Only 1 in 10 of those who voted for Trump in November think he’s out of touch — but 90 percent of Hillary Clinton voters do. Partisan views are slightly more moderate, with 20 percent of Republicans and 87 percent of Democrats holding that position.
When it comes to the Republican Party, the numbers are a bit worse. Sixty-two percent of Americans, and 30 percent of Republicans themselves, think that the GOP is out of touch with the concerns of most people in the United States. [...]
But none of this means that Democrats are seen as echoing the concerns of the common man. In fact, the Democratic Party is viewed as more out of touch than either Trump or the party’s political opponents. Two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch — including nearly half of Democrats themselves.
Trump came in at 58% out of touch, the GOP at 62% and the Democrats 67 percent. That should be troubling all Democrats. Here’s how it breaks down based on demographics (graphic from the Washington Post):
Considering that 75% of Independents consider Democrats out of touch (only 68% of Indies rate the GOP as out of touch), a higher number than third party voters, and that 44% of Democrats agree believe their party is out of touch with the concerns of Americans (much higher than the number of Republicans who think their party is off the rails — 30 percent) should disturb anyone who claims they want to advance progressive policies and positions. Or you know, elect more and better Democrats.
Blaming Sanders, independents, third party voters, racism, sexism, Russia, etc. for the Democratic Party’s failure to win elections is sheer delusional thinking. It certainly hasn’t resonated with the American public. Maybe those who believe the Democratic Party is just fine as it is need to pull their heads out of the sand. When Democratic leaders and mouthpieces in the media (and I include Markos and many of the prominent front pagers here at DKOS here) attack Sanders, who a large majority of Americans view as the most popular politician in the country they are behaving badly, and being disingenuous, divisive and counter-productive. The country wants the policies, such as single payer health care and a higher minimum wage Sanders promotes by large margins.
If the Democrats believe they can simply take back the Senate of the House in 2018 merely by relying upon their standard lesser of two evils approach to selecting candidates, they will fail miserably. Because as this poll reveals most Americans don’t trust Democrats, or at least the status quo Democrats the party keeps running as candidates for Congress. Democrats either can learn from history or they can fool themselves because denial is easier than accepting the truth.
And the truth is that most of America is just not that into the current status quo Democratic party, its agenda, and its failures to adopt and advocate strongly for the policies that the majority of Americans want rather than just pay lip service to them. Policies that progressives who supported Sanders, not because of his innate charismatic personality but because he has a long history of advocating avidly for a progressive agenda, want to see more Democrats run on.
Bashing Sanders, Gabbard, and other progressive voices is not working people. Its alienating potential voters among all demographics and making them less enthusiastic to vote for the “same old, same old” that the Democrats have been offering since the DLC and its follow on organizations (including “liberal think tanks”) assumed control of the party, its electoral strategies and the policies it supports (as opposed to claiming to support). Democrats can either change or die. Until the party realizes it needs to change by abandoning their corporate donors and embracing a true grass roots progressive strategy to win elections, it will continue it long accelerating decline into irrelevance.
(Also posted at TOP - no link provided intentionally)

Screw the D's, they're fucking hypocrites
an excellent article, Sanders one ups the hypocrites again.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
From the article
Bing! n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
This, exactly.
More from the article
The democrats in 2006 ran on rolling back the Bush abuses, the first act of Hope and Change and when we put them in power they continued to fund the Bush abuses and his wars. I still don't know what "keeping their powder dry" means, but they never think of using it when they have the chance to stick it to the republicans. The senate intelligence committee was told about the torture and did nothing about it.
Then came Obama with his catchy slogans of hope and change and yes we can. I watched a few videos of him saying that recently and now I see his grinning after saying his spiel as "do they really think I'm going to do these things?"
They had both houses of congress for two years and we were told that they just didn't have the votes to pass their legislation and Obama never used the power of his office to make them get the votes.
We were told that the ACA was a step towards single payer, but for the next 6 years did anyone work for that?
Next came Hillary with her message of Stronger Together
What the hell did that even mean?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
As always, an excellent comment
As for this:
My translation: Party unity my ass. "I'm With Her?"
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for the compliment gulfgal
I wonder at times if I'm too wordy and people think TL:DR
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Quite the opposite!
Speaking from the peanut gallery, one of the (many) things I love about this place is that this is where people who can follow a train of thought hang out. Another involves the information and quality of both writing and thought displayed in essays and comments by people like yourself.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
goes up, does the meter break with trump or do we have to elect
another before the meter breaks
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I don't think that people are going to buy anything from
them again. Not after Obama's betrayal.
He betrayed us even before he was elected when he voted for the FISA bill that he promised he would filibuster.
And next up was his cabinet picks after kicking out all the people who helped him become president.
The final act for me was the ACA that didn't include the public option that he promised to veto if it wasn't included.
Then Bernie came along and wiped off any blinders we still had.
I still can't believe that Obama left office with an 80% approval rating. That shows how many people who say that they are progressives are neoliberals or neoconservatives or maybe just plain neocons.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Who funded the poll showing Obama with an 80% approval rating? (Considering the number of faked polls we've seen.)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
TOP hasn't banned you yet? Color me surprised.
Although I'm sure Markos and his toxic identity lynch mob will find an excuse. They've proven beyond any reasonable doubt they don't give fuck one about issues they claim to champion.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Gave you a rec over there
but I am not commenting again for a while. It is too ugly when people personally attack you for presenting documented comments. Some of those people are truly unhinged over there and want to blame everyone but the obvious, the substantiveless Democratic party.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It's ugly but in a good way
The worst possible scenario right now is for the progressives to just roll over without a fight...again.
The only thing that makes this ugly is because the arrogance of the corporate Dems to even share a little bit of power. They've made this fight inevitable.
Which is why
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
As best I can tell, the goal of US politicians is to be rich.
They manage that even if people stop voting for them. Look at Cantor, Lieberman, Dodd, Kerrey, Daschle, Dean et al. All of them lost their following and either read the handwriting on the wall and stopped running, or lost elections. They are all raking in the big bucks.
One of the first things we need to do is imagine these people share our goals or have the goals we imagine they have. Look at the result and work backwards from that. Yes, it's nice to be elected and have money, too. Just ask Hillary Clinton. However, if they have to pick, they'll take the money. Just ask Hillary Clinton. She could have campaigned on economic justice, but how would Goldman Sachs have dealt with that?
Markos does and says what he is paid to say and do.
He was a paid operative for the Howard Dean campaign, and he never bothered to tell anyone until he got outed. The Dems are not going to undo the damage they did to themselves by stealing the primary from Bernie.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Even more serious than stated...
I think we here all agree with these comments (Markos, and the TOP-Mafia aside).
But I think the critique and dysfunction of the Democratic Party is even more serious than described.
Their problems go way beyond the rejection and obstruction of Bernie Sanders, or the rejection and obstruction of a meaningful issue-oriented agenda to run on. In addition to that (which is bad enough), they have managed to brainwash, misdirect, and castrate all the energy that should be summoned by the progressive/liberal electorate. This is done by knowingly and deliberately coloring every issue through the false lens and false outrage of: Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Race-Baiting, Gender-Baiting, and a new type of modern-McCarthyism.
Did the Democrats ever speak to these issues? No. There is not one single Democratic Establishment figure (including Obama) who ever confronted these issues publicly and directly and sought to genuinely solve them. Instead these issues were just made into evidence of "White Supremacy", Racism, Sexism, "Xenophobia", Conspiracy, Hate Crimes, Hatred, (and hey, while we're at it let's throw in anti-semitism, and homophobia too).
As long as the Democrats continue down the path of false outrage, "political correctness", and "Fake News" they will continue to suffocate opportunities for genuine progressive political discourse and discussion, and they will inspire no one.
And beyond this, we know that the Democrats remain beholden to the Big Banks, Wall Street, Big Pharma, and the War Establishment. As speaker Nancy Peloser famously quipped right after the historic coast-to-coast, across the board losses and wipe-out of the entire Democratic Party in 2016, "We don't have to change a thing" (the plan is working).
The Democratic Party would rather (happily) lose elections, and continue to align itself with right-wing, Corporatist, Cartel-controlled, Global Warfare, DeIndustrialization policies -- then it would ever seriously considering true Reform and growth (and getting a real agenda that the American public could be drawn to). In short, the Democratic Party exists for no other purpose than to snuff out and cut down the progressive movement, and to function as the final graveyard for progressive agenda. That's the game.
Bernie Sanders cannot save this Party from its death spiral. It is far too institutionally corrupted around right-wing policies cynically camouflaged by the smokescreen of Identity politics and empty, vacuous "together we're stronger" platitudes in order to deceive, misdirect, brainwash, and mollify the general public.
This is where the Party wants to be, and it isn't moving.
The reality is that it will be Bernie Sanders who will be compromised and corrupted by this Party apparatus, rather than Sanders overturning anything. These problems go way beyond Sanders himself.
We have the Oligarch puppeteers, and two puppet Parties. The system is what the system does.
Well said
Hear, hear!
The bitter pill.
I guess I had the vague notion that riding shotgun over the progressive legions of the democratic party were corporatists who managed a coup to take over the party. Not so. The corporatists are in power because they have support from large sections of the base--and add to this, the rich donors.
This is why there will never be a Tea Party type of revolt in the democratic party. Emerging groups like the Justice Democrats will not succeed for the sole fact that they are outnumbered--plain and simple. No incumbent will be ousted because of their odious corporate voting record. I cite as my evidence the case of Blanche Lincoln who had the unions and even TOP going after her. And for me, still the most mind-bending thing--the SEIU endorsing Clinton during the primaries.
And I believe where there appears an insurgency that might have the numbers as with Bernie, it will be cheated, and again, that cheating is supported by a significant part of the base either knowingly or unknowingly.
A bitter pill to shallow after so many years voting for democrats and working elections.
NARAL endorsing Clinton.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Why do democrats vote against their own interests?
Union leaders are politicians.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Tea Party for The Left
There will be no Tea Party for "The Left", because unlike the Republican Party (who values their political base), The Democratic Party would never bother to pay attention to it, or embrace it.
The Occupy Wall Street movement was a good example of this. This was, for a period of time, much larger and disruptive and issue-oriented than the silly "Tea Party" protesters ever were. But that whole movement was just stomped out anyway by use of the Police through Corporate and Political pressure. The Democratic Party acted as if nothing at all was going on, and did not even try to embrace any of their issues. The Democratic Party is the "Let them eat Cake" Party at this point.
The only thing they ever react to is the false outrage of Identity politics, because it helps them disguise the fact they are a right-wing, Corporatist, Global Authoritarian Party.
So give up the idea that the D-Party will ever respond to a political uprising. What we need to do is really build a new, genuine, National, 99%-Party. One that can one day overtake and replace the D-Party. Bernie Sanders, however, won't be supporting us. He'd rather fade away into oblivion, and endorse the next Hillary Clinton for 2020.
We're going to have to do this ourselves...
Nope. The reality is
Bernie will lead followers away from the Dem party simply by doing what he's doing (and been doing). He doesn't need the Dem party, nor does he want it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
He's not sponsoring independent candidates, always just Democrat ones. He tells people to stay with the Democrats. The Democrats don't want to change, but still wants the voters, which Bernie is trying to willingly give them.
Everyday he doesn't do an independent movement or 3rd party just solidifies more and more that he is just a Democrat, except he just likes to call himself an Independent.
Edit* Sometimes type a bit too fast and don't check for errors.
People that show up
at Bernie Events (under the guise of whatever umbrella) go there to see and hear Bernie. They're Not there to patronize any party identity, have no use for party identity, they're there to see and hear Bernie. And neither does Bernie. He pushes policy, not a party.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink "He pushes policy,
Ok, but to what end though?
The Democratic Party won't embrace those policies though. So he is pushing policy without a vehicle to enact them. The Democrats don't want single payer, Hillary proudly stated it was never ever going to happen.
He endorsed her, he campaigned for the Democratic Party. So OK, great he is pushing policy...then what?
I'd like to smoke what you're smoking....
Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, and even personally campaigned all around the Country on her behalf. He proved his utter disloyalty to the Independent Green Party movement, and to Dr. Jill Stein.
He does not have an Independent bone in his body when the real stakes come down to it. He did run a great Primary campaign and that is to his credit. But he wilted under the pressure of Democratic Party Unity, and he will do so again, and again, and again....
He is not leading an Independent movement at all, and he has even said as much....many times publicly.
Exactly !
No, she's not kidding.
When he campaigned with HRC, it was *with* her, not *for* her. If you recall, when he stumped, he didn't say, "Vote for Hillary." He outlined the farce that is Trump, then repeatedly said, "Hillary Clinton knows that [insert progressive platform issue here]." Bernie knew damn well HRC didn't support any of those things, which was exactly his point.
It's what he's doing with (to) Perez right now.
I agree with Wink that more and more people will follow Bernie's message out of the party. I don't know that it will amount to anything, since Democrats even now only comprise 27% of the electorate, but it will happen.
Hmmm.... he campaigns with her, not for her? (whatever that means?)
You are trying to thread a needle way too fine here.
What is the point (Sanders) of going around endorsing and Campaigning for people who are decidedly corrupt, and do not support any progressive policies? He is just destroying his credibility by doing that.
A far more productive exercise would be to combine his massive following together with The Green Party infrastructure that exists, and try to actually build a true parallel political Party, and a parallel political movement.
You cannot claim that he is doing that, by playing "unity politics" with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Tom Perez. Clearly the Democratic Party needs to be replaced, and not whitewashed over by a few photo-ops taken with Bernie Sanders.
And... unless Sanders really does make the effort to build a new political Party -- then tell me where will all the people currently leaving the corrupt D-Party go?
They'll just stay home, sit it out, and become non-participants the longer that this charade is carried on because no real alternative exists for them.
Either Build a new political Party, or drop the whole notion of any Independence. Sanders has yet to prove he is the slightest bit Independent when it counts.
Independents don't endorse the Establishment, and bother to Campaign either with them, or for them.
We see things differently.
I'm truly not sure what you mean by this. Has anyone else out there been advocating for Medicare for All as long as Bernie? (And that's just for starters). He may be forced to work within the system, but he also knows how to work the system.
YMMV. But I don't see Bernie as my personal messiah. I'm just grateful to remain his constituent.
Indeed, Dems are shrinking rapidly and the largest voting group is still that of Indies - which is what Bernie is, despite using the public access for message-spreading which only the Dems and the corporate media (which denigrated and blacked him out when corporate owners/TPRB/Big Donors of the Dems, etc. ordered this) can provide.
How come so few among us seem to be able to figure this out? On the other hand, the Dems don't seem to understand how Bernie strategizes to get things done for the public good, either, being so corrupt themselves, so perhaps it's not that surprising the assumption that all politicians must be corporate crooks is just that common.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Say it, Brother! ;-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
In Germany it’s the same, except there are FOUR puppet parties
A fifth party, Die Linke (“the Left”), makes the right noises on many issues but is ineffectual on the national level. It’s hobbled by links to the former East German communist regime. It opposes any limits on immigration, despite suggestions in that direction by one of its own popular leaders, Sahra Wagenknecht.
That leaves the right-wing populist AfD, who, like Trump, really only has popular dissatisfaction with globalism and Merkel’s immigration policy going for it. Though ideologically nationalist, in power it would probably turn out to be just another bunch of politicians that back neoliberal economics for lack of any clear alternative vision.
They're still searching for the magic "message"
To hell with that. The Democratic Party has spewed enough hot air to float a Brobdingnagian-size balloon brigade around the world. Twice.
What millions of us want from the dregs that remain of the Democratic Party:
Issues, not labels. Substance, not slogans. Policies, not platitudes. Demonstrate what you stand for, not against. Stop talking and start walking.
And that means now. Really, NOW. The sands of your hourglass have nearly run out.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Ummmmm, the Dems have been showing all along what they stand for.
"We are Capitalists - it's not possible for the public service to spend any of the public's money on anything the public/country actually needs" - because everything must be drained/poisoned/destroyed so that the top fraction of 1% can have (of whatever remains,) it all. And globally, we're all swirling the drain while The Parasite Class scrape the dregs away from us.
Since the silly buggers think that they'll survive a nuclear exchange, I'm kinda wondering if they think they can exterminate all of those annoying country-owning publics by tossing nukes around the globe and have Super-Tech swoop in to save only them by replacing life with patented
enrichment factorsartificial replacements which everyone else but the owners must pay through the nose to lease and maintain if they want to breathe air, drink water and have anything they can term food. Actually, it appears that they do think that, at least regarding the postulated miraculous Super-Tech save for billionaires only. No wonder the enabling politicians are so greedy for extreme wealth.And it also apparently hasn't occurred to them that monetary wealth would actually become pretty much useless in the New World Order lifeless, airless, radioactive ''You Built That' wreckage with what? for life-determining power, air production, etc. in their luxury bunkers? Even if any large stores of fuels hooked up to their bunkers are not ignited during their 'limited' nuclear attacks.
And they have a number of the 'disposable wealthy' conned into thinking that they'll survive radiation, 30% sunlight, freezing temperatures and no more oxygen/food production in New Zealand - On The Beach...
They knew better than now, way back then, without even what's been gained in knowledge about how disastrous global dimming is and how much worse and longer it will last from any modern nuclear war than from volcanic emissions which caused major extinction events in the past, but which at least allowed enough small-scale life to survive to continue evolution, this known, thanks to modern tech using more and better data, despite all disinformation promoted by those not reality-based, then and now, regarding nuclear power profiteering and 'safety' claims. Ignorance, in this case, means 'blitz'.
Kick the asses irresponsible for this good-bye, rather than all of us herniating discs trying to kiss our own asses goodbye. And those of our loved ones.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.