Paul Street's article in today's CounterPunch: a confirmation of what many of us suspect.

Paul Street published an article in CounterPunch this morning entitled "Bernie Sanders, the Company Man". You can find the article here. The article strongly confirms the suspicions many of us here at c99p have about him.

Here's a taste to get you to link to the whole article and read it:

As I pointed out back in July of 2015, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (“I”-VT) is not the independent left politician many progressives claim he is. He’s a Democratic Party company man.


It was clear when he decided to the run for the U.S. presidency as a Democrat and promised to back the Democrats’ eventual nominee (Hillary Clinton).

It was evident when he failed to go for the jugular against “the lying neoliberal warmonger” (LNW) Hillary Clinton during the primary race.

It's a worthwhile read, folks.


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snoopydawg's picture

I read that he and Perez are coming to Utah next week and that's when it hit me. What Bernie is doing with all his speeches is exactly what the author points out.
He is distracting us from what is happening in congress. It's to distract us from how many democrats voted to confirm Trump's cabinet. The only person who they fought against was DeVos.
Warren voted for Carson as head of HUD for Dawg's sake.
Mattis is another confirmed war criminal and unfit to be in charge of catching dawgs.

You’d think all this Russia madness would have really pissed off Bernie Sanders, official leader of the nation’s progressive Democrats. You might think that Bernie would have called bullshit on the establishment Dems’ whole preposterous Bear Ate Our Homework narrative. You might fancy him saying something like this: “Look, it’s not like Gucifer, WikiKeaks, and the Kremlin or whoever made it up that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC rigged the primary election against me. That really happened – and if it hadn’t, my fellow Americans, Donald Trump would not be your president today!”

This and his saying that Hillary won the election fair and square when he was asked about it.
Then there is the fact that he didn't fight for the people who were kicked off the voting rolls and had their party affiliation changed. Why the hell didn't he speak out about that?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


the time has never been riper for a false flag terror attack

I agree that there is going to be some type of false flag attack within 3-6 months.
If people aren't buying into the propaganda about why we need to blow up a country or we fight back against more troops being sent to one of the countries that we are fighting by drones or bombs, they will then do a false flag attack. And what's sad is that people will buy it.
Look at how many they have already done that people won't admit were false flags.
I hope that me and the others who are thinking this are wrong because there will be innocent people who are going to die when it happens.
Just remember Operations Northwoods if you think I'm paranoid.

Oops, the false flag is from a different article on counterpunch, not the one about Bernie. My bad.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Mark from Queens's picture


The trippiest thing just happened. Was just surfing around the site, read this comment, remembered hearing on WBAI an amazing discussion about this. Then went to fill up the plastic cup the Boy is learning to drink from. And when I came back, as per usual, he had flailed his way on top of the keyboard, and the search box was opened with 6 random letters, something like "axzxl" and up came this page:

I'm not kidding. Was the weirdest surreal thing....

I agree about the false flag thing being one of the biggest concerns going forward. The whole purposeful, shit-slinging modus operandi of the man child, acting in the interests of his brainwashed "religious" conservative Christians buffoons, who orgasmically masturbate to the prospect of an apocalypse at the hands of the mentally unstable, thin-skinned, 8th grade intellect moron/real estate sleazebag, I think, is the pretense to something really bad happening. On top of which, in his home city and mine, he was undoubtedly put up again the biggest target on us since 9/11, because he is so fucking loathed, not only here (in NYC) but unanimously around the world.

Haven't heard many speak about the unwelcome danger he is bringing back to our city also. People are still having trouble coming to terms with the hard-to-believe, cartoonish mendacity now the status quo in the Oval office and looming over all our lives. But I can also see something very bad happening to this city, all aimed at his smug, gloating, ostentatious asshole-ness. He is the dumb, capitalist, Ugly American incarnate.

Disconcerting thing is we'll be totally unprepared mentally for all of this. Because no one reads history, and have also been sufficiently been scared away from dissenting voices, such as I.F. Stone and Howard Zinn, to tell them the truth of what's being done in our names with the Stars and Stripes flying high overhead.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

I was a complete idiot for Bernie, maxed out contributions and boy, do I wish I had that money back.
No politician will ever get a cent from me.
I might put up a yard sign, might vote, but not cent will they get.
Bernie taught me a great lesson.
I give him that, not much else.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp
not after Obama and Bernie didn't deliver on their campaign promises.
I bought Obama's Hope and Change the first time around, but didn't vote for him for his second term and I bought Bernie's too. I started questioning him when he said that he was tired of hearing about Hillary's emails, but that was because I had read about her pay to play shit with her foundation and Bill's speaking fees at the same time period that Hillary was making deals with foreign governments, financial institutions who had business before her state department and other companies that she intervened for because they had broken some laws and after she intervened for them her foundation got millions in donations and Bill got paid to give speeches.
And a lot of that information came out when they looked into her emails. We wouldn't have known about this if they had taken Bernie's advice.
I was never comfortable with Bernie's foreign policies especially after he voted for giving Israel more bombs when they ran out of them after shelling Gaza for over 50 days. Plus he never said anything about Obama's drone program or questioned whether it was legal.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg I actually wanted him to focus on me, mine, let the "damn emails" take care of themselves, which I thought the Republicans would do for us.
I clearly suck at this multi-dimensional chess game shit.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

from the beginning, due to the fact he didn't care about The Damn Emails. But hope and or despair probably caused many (including myself) to see or believe things that really aren't there. I forget who said it but its what I'm going with, When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time !

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@pro left @pro left even before the first vote was cast, Bernie was saying (often as a direct quote) he wouldn't be a "spoiler" if he lost the primary. To me, that said a ton and cast a shadow over his entire run. That he handled Clinton with such kid gloves over issues that anyone who is now out there telling any microphone in his direction what the Democrats need to do to fix themselves (while still pulling enough punches not to piss anyone in the party off too much) really just confirmed the sinking feeling I had. And now that he can say she won fairly and totally ignore the flat out illegal treatment the DNC pulled on his supporters really tells me that we been had.

EDIT: I almost forgot, the final nail in that coffin is Bernie's regurgitating the standard Russia narriative. That, to me, is simply unforgivable.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter 100%

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@Dr. John Carpenter @Dr. John Carpenter

will cost many many lives. It really is unforgivable.

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mimi's picture

here at C99p. None of his critics have been in his situation and have proven to be more effective than he was. I don't agree with Sanders foreign policy view points as far as he exposed them at all. I disagree with some other points and consider him caring mostly for internal US social problems and not be a politician with a world view confronting globalization and many other issues. Trashing him like that is not what I will do. Can't stand the blame games that are played with him.

YMMV. I am not with you on this.

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@mimi That is perfectly fine with me, mimi.
I hope I am not trashing him. What I want to say is he taught me well.
I can say there was a life and certain understanding of United States politics before and after Bernie. It was blurred and waters muddied.
Let me forever drink of the pure mountain water, and keep my money in my pocket.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

I don't see Bernie as being guilty of anything except being a team player. He feels he can be most effective by working within the system, which is what he has always done.

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other people their lives is a fairly major guilt. That defense, even I-was-just-following-orders, didn't fly at Nuremburg, either. Is Bernie's highest value "The Team" (Democratic Party, Senate Club, DC Insiders)?

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Wink's picture

@native @native
" Bernie, w/ Perez a few yards away backstage: "Our job is to radically transform the Democratic Party into a 50-state party." " – Dave Weigel
That sounds like the same ol' Bernie to me.
Is Bernie a "company man?" Could be, but what politician at that level ain't? Name one. You don't get much beyond County level without "toeing the party line."
Had he run as an Independent in 2016, instead of a Dem, Maybe he would have had the wiggle room to blow off the DNC and the Dems and run his "revolution" as he damn well pleased. Maybe. But he didn't.
I can tell you this... if Bernie had ANY clue as to his political power - more political currency than ANY current Dem or Repub - he COULD be out there shaking it up, kicking some ass, building a progressive wing (or new party even). No other politician can say that. None. Not a one. Why he leaves that on the table is his to know, I guess. Maybe he will write a book. But, it's frustrating knowing how much ass he could be kicking out there, Transforming the Dem party he talks about transforming not in a course of years but in a course of months. [sigh]

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

SnappleBC's picture

@mimi I read that entire list of indictments and none of them particularly concerned me. He's believes that it is best to play within the system so he's trying to do that. Insofar as Russia-gate... my answer to him is the same as everyone else... "put up or shut up". Ditto if he's supporting the Assad/Sarin meme.

I am still waiting for information... real information... to come out. In the mean time I am holding judgement on both issues. When I'll really just up and decide he's evil is if it turns out there was no Russia-gate and there it wasn't Assad.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Wink's picture

buying Russia-gate. Put up or shut up. If "they" had sumpthin' we would have heard about it by now. That we haven't... it's so much to do about nothing. Just more Benghazi.
"I read that entire list of indictments and none of them particularly concerned me."
Me, neiither. Just people whining, thinking they were scammed by Bernie.
Can't support Bernie? Don't. Won't affect 2018 or 2020 one way or the other. With or without Bernie, and whether he fucked us all or not, 2018 looms.
What are you going to do about it?

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mimi's picture

it took me a couple of days, but the latest emails I got in my inbox from the Bernie folks and his plans leave me unconvinced.

I think my attitude is of not blaming him and not being critical of his efforts for what he believes is the best way to go on politically for himself and his followers, but one that has given up on following him in his efforts. I do not believe anymore it's good to be part of the party and electoral system.

Just saying. Not that it means anything to anyone but myself. I wish his campaign luck. I wished I would be wrong and could be a 'believer' and 'follower', but I feel that is not what my mind can do.

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I read the article earlier. My reaction was so-so.

I cannot speak to Bernie's motives. I am disappointed in him for not waging the mother of all wars to take both parties out. It could be because I began with unrealistic expectations, or that he took advantage of what the meaning of is is. The only thing I asked of him was that he either run to win or stay home. I had nor heard caveats about giving the protection of Hillary and the Democrats a priority.

One thing I do believe is that Bernie actions killed his own movement. No one can rev up crowds and momentum like he had and then say, oops, I quit, and oh btw, be sure to vote for that awful lady I was telling you about. Our Revolution can't raise money, and their protest crowds are dwindling. Whatever opportunity the people had to reform the system, Bernie blew.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Wink's picture

the chance to blow both parties out of the water. His "revolution" would have been over in a matter of months, a complete victory.
That it didn't happen... I can only conclude that Bernie woke up one morning with a horse head in his bed, but we'll have to wait for the book.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Looks to me like the same old Bernie, focusing on the worker and the basic issues applying most generally to virtually all Americans, doing whatever he can for the most vulnerable Americans and doing whatever he has to do to continue doing this, even if I violently disagree with some of the things I've been told he's come out with.

But overall he beats hell out of virtually all of the other damn few - and also imperfect - US politicians worthy of any degree of respect, some of which are speaking out on various issues Bernie isn't concentrating on at the moment, since he can't argue all points at once, and since speaking out on certain topics closes down the chance for awareness-raising among corporate-media-restricted Americans. He can speak to the workers on corporate TV of certain topics, since shutting him down makes the Dems look even worse, but that's about it.

So why is Bernie being so consistently and strongly attacked for imperfections by virtually every Dem - including various once-left politicians and media - when he's about the only person in politics trying to get people both aware and active in promoting basic democracy, with government working for the people instead of against them, within America? Could that be why?

Why is it that those within the Left always seems to splinter and fragment in turning against each other in factions - this couldn't be something TPTB work to encourage, could it?

TPTB have long worked to discredit the public's faith in government, law-and-order and in the actual concepts of democracy and such increasingly desperate-sounding attempts at discrediting Bernie's message among his supporters - particularly where he's been so often misquoted and misrepresented, much as has been everything from Occupy to American 'wars' throughout, pretty much, history - raises my suspicions.

TPTB are terrified of Bernie and of the 99% rising to enforce democracy, and this sort of slanted opinion piece smells to me of their fear.

I tried looking at the writer's web-site, btw; it's shut down for a major overhaul for a few days, so I can't.

But many writers and publications I once read and respected have, in the fairly recent past, switched to suddenly promoting such as Hillary and Monsanto, and my trust levels, under these circumstances, are very low when I see so much similarity in others attacking Bernie.

How many trustworthy sites actually remain now, and how rapidly do they shrink, while censorship spreads across the web?

Know thine enemy - and select those you so designate with caution, is all that I can say.

But throwing away any of the few progressives in political office, along with the good they're doing and trying to do, because they aren't doing it all and all at once, ensures there will never be any chance at all and benefits The Psychopaths That Be only. And they're subverting new supporters all of the time.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Wink's picture

@Ellen North
For everyone whining about how Bernie threw away everything he ran on, sold us all out... how many other politicians out there doing a damn thing to turn the party Leftward? Anyone? Bueller? All I hear are crickets. Not a one of 'em stands with Bernie. What does that tell ya? Most here are pretty smart!
"Well, it tells me, Wink, that they feel sold out by Bernie so why should they now support him?"
Well, you might have sumpthin' there, sunny, except none of 'em - not a friggin' one of 'em - supported him during the campaign. Not even Al fucking Franken.
Anybody else? Didn't think so.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.