Short and sweet: the 'people' we should fear the most

are running our government. Whether we like it or not, we are all being screwed by the people who are supposed to 'protect' us. We shouldn't trust ANYTHING that comes out of our 'intelligence community (IC for short).

Snowden Says Cyberweapons Dump Underscores NSA Hacking Tools Are Not Secure

On Friday, the hacking group Shadow Brokers released a cache of cyberweapons developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) to access computers that run on Microsoft Windows, a release described by Vice New's Motherboard as "the hacking equivalent of a bomb."

This means that any computer-savvy individual could download the tools and hack into any of the millions of personal Microsoft computers worldwide.

"This is as big as it gets," security researcher and hacker Matthew Hickey told The Intercept's Sam Biddle after news of the release. "Nation-state attack tools are now in the hands of anyone who cares to download them…it's literally a cyberweapon for hacking into computers…people will be using these attacks for years to come."

Microsoft told reporters that no one from the NSA or government alerted them of the security breach, but late Friday the tech company announced they were able to patch most of the exploits.

Regardless, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said the release makes clear that the "'lawful access' debate is over," and the government's claim that "nobody but us" has access to these surveillance tools is moot.

It's gotten to the point where we're at risk from every kind of attack imaginable (cyber, bomb, car, whatever) and the source of all our problems are the people running this place. They are not 'patriots', they are criminal psychopaths. Especially the IC. And I include Barack Osama, oh wait...had my mad bombers mixed up. That would be Barack Obama.

This mess is on Obama. He covered for these sneaky incompetents, and look at where it got us. The IC is out of control. And after this little escapade I use the word 'intelligence' simply for shits and giggles.

EDIT: forgot link

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Pricknick's picture

It's only the power that is protected by our government. You and I are not important. Yesterday Joe posted a very poignant piece by Noam Chomsky about this. If you haven't watched it please do.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture

can be blamed on Obama and the list of things that he did or didn't do
The list is so very long and you all know what he did or didn't do.
This article sums up his presidency quite well and because of what he did during his tenure and now Donald f'cking Trump is the damn president of the United States of America! But he too ran on stopping the wars and helping main stream Americans, just like Barry did.

I agree with what this author says,

What do I think about the Obama Presidency? I think it would have been a good idea.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt