Trump and Democrats to Play Hardball with American Lives
Our very own "Dear Leader", Trump, fresh off illegally firing Tomahawk missiles into Syria killing six children and the Mother of All Bombs into Afghanistan, is "thinking about" sticking it to American peasants to make the Democrats negotiate away our health care. These bastards.
"In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, President Trump said he was thinking about overhauling the Affordable Care Act by withholding subsidy payments to insurers to entice Democrats to negotiate.
Under current law, the federal government repays some money to insurance companies for covering people with very low income. President Trump said he was still considering what to do about those payments. Bob Atlas, president of healthcare consultancy EBG Advisors, said legally speaking, Trump can do that.
“It’s very legal," he said. "The question is whether it’s moral to hold these people’s payments hostage. Trump said he doesn’t want people to get hurt, but he thinks this threat will lead to negotiation.”
Really? There's a question? Exactly to whom does such a question occur to?
That, fellow peasants, is an act of war against the American people, akin to placing sanctions on those with lower incomes, like my 68 year old sister living on $1200 monthly social security payments, to force the democrats to deal. It's like Trump placing a gun to our heads and telling the democrats, don't shoot or they die". It's completely gutless and sick. It's typical of our government to place sanctions on other countries to make their peasants suffer so they will rise up and force their leader to action or help our government topple their government. In this case, Trump is thinking about making the American people suffer as a way to make the democrats come to his table.
That's fucking despicable. But then, so is illegally dropping 60 Tomahawk missiles into Syria killing six children and dropping an obscene military industrial complex orgasm into Afghanistan to show how serious he is. He's willing to kill. He's an American Born Killer.
"Jonathan Gruber, professor of economics at MIT and one of the Obamacare architects, said he doesn’t think Democrats will take the bait.
“Basically they’re going to say, 'look, you’re the party in power, not just the presidency but all of Congress. If the exchanges blow up, especially through an action like this, it’s on you, buddy,'” he said."
Oh hell ya, the democrats will hold out, let the peasants suffer, because "it ain't our fault, it's Trump's".
Our political "representatives" are prepared to play hardball with each other using American lives, just as they do with the rest of the world with their bombs.
How low can they go? Or maybe better yet, how low will we let them go?

That's exactly what they are doing and have been doing
for a long time.
They don't give a rat's behind for we the people, they only care about making their donors happy.
All the people who Trump appointed to his cabinet positions are both unqualified to do their jobs and they want to dismantle their departments.
They know that if they cut the subsidies for low income people that they won't be able to afford their insurance and they will die.
Trump wants to eliminate the LIHEAP program that helps low income people to pay for their gas and electricity bills during the winter. How many people will die from either not being able to heat their homes or pay for their prescriptions?
And they want to cut other programs that help lower income people and give that money to the military and defense companies.
Bastards doesn't quite cover what those people are.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I hate to say it,
but it's time to buy a mini 14. [sigh]
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The American people
didn't think they would have a turn. They've been doing as they're told - consuming, watching cable reality shows, getting wrapped up in sports and the entertainment industry. Not paying attention and staying involved leads to our government getting the drop on us. We thought they would not come for us and here they are! I am of the lucky few with healthcare through my employer, but realistically I'm no safer.
Unless the people are willing to begin participating by standing up and pushing back as hard as they can, we will have shit pie on our plates. I've expressed this sentiment in as many ways as possible. We must get our fellow citizens engaged. I've got one writing LOE's alongside me. That's progress!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Don't forget that the Republican party is leading the charge.
to dump the USA into an Oligarchy. The Repugs are forgiving the treason behind Trump and the passage of his policies.
Go Bernie !!

I would only argue that we are an Oligarchy already
Don't forget the D party has obediently joined the Rs
Oligarchy is not new here, electoral politics are no longer effective. Keep going, but don't expect others to believe focus group marketing is grassroots politics, Democrat or Republican. Thanks and good luck.
Peace & Love
also cut LIHEAP funding, three times IIRC.
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right."
Dear Dems: You lost the WH, Senate, House, dozens of governors, state level SOS and AG and about 1,000 state legislative seats.'re doing something wrong.
All a God Damned Political
game to these people, isn't it?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We are not getting our tax dollars spent internally
other than to pay the salaries of all of them. Money wasted. A focus group of 6 random Americans could come up with many ideas.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Does anyone actually think
Does anyone actually think that the Dem leadership cares about the American people dying due to 'austerity' piled on poverty created for them by 'democratic' corporate/billionaire-serving governmental public servants enabling their incrementally imposed draining by those already having most and wanting it all - with a cut for their enablers?
As various of the Great Evaders (such as WordSalad Speaker Pelosi, and Not-Held-Public-Office-In-How-Long? Clinton) have stated (mostly post-election), they are capitalists, and therefore. I suppose, the non-billionaire Poors who can't massively buy them merit capital punishment for being already-drained Poors.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.