Tom Perez gets called out on DNC corruption

When your corruption is so obvious and blatant that CNBC, the business channel that couldn't see the fraud of the 2008 financial bubble staring them in face, can call out your bullsh*t on-air, then you aren't fooling ANYONE!


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snoopydawg's picture

Asking if the super delegates are going to pick the next nominee, then why go through the primary process since the American voters didn't last time. Most of the super delegates were picked before she announced that she was running by the DNC and people in her campaign. And while people were working behind the scenes to get them on board for her campaign, she was giving paid speeches to the banks which is against the rules. Many people called this out, yet of course nothing happened to her just like nothing happened when Bill went to 4 polling places in Michigan which was also against the rules.
Rules are for the rubes, not the Clintons.

Perez of course blames the Russians AND the Trump administration for their involvement in the election.
Blaming Trump is new.

The Washington post wrote an article about how Hillary blamed the FBI, the Russians, Wikileaks and the misogynistic people for why she lost the election. She just doesn't understand why people, especially women didn't vote for her.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

karl pearson's picture

@snoopydawg Tom Perez needs to blame Hillary Clinton for why she lost. When Rachel Maddow hosted a town hall and asked Clinton about Bernie and his supporters, she was arrogant and made no attempt to court these voters. In fact, Clinton criticized Bernie in her responses. Hillary Clinton deserved to lose and Donald Trump did not deserve to win.

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snoopydawg's picture


Don't you hate it when you accidentally tell people the truth?
And as usual, his statement wasn't covered by the media.
The Podesta emails showed how the DNC and Hillary's campaign tried to derail Bernie at every step and instead of talking about what was disclosed by the emails, people shifted the topic to who leaked them and then blamed it on Russia.
Even Bernie played their game when he was asked if Hillary had won the primary fair and square and he said yes. Now he too is saying that Russia interfered with the election.
I have no idea what happened to him to get onboard with this.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg It is hard being a puppet!

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snoopydawg's picture

this Russian bullsh*t.
And that's another reason why people think that he is being a sheep dawg and trying to herd people back to the DP.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


I even thought that when I was living there for awhile. I felt very cooperative. Heh.

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@snoopydawg 'picked.'

The group is comprised of elected officials, such as the senators and house representatives.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@dfarrah And corporate lobbyists.

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@snoopydawg If she wants to know why she lost the election, she should look in the mirror. Who told her that it was a great idea to skip campaigning in the rust belt? Who told her that a large number of the American people would love being called deplorables? I will be extremely pissed off if the DNC runs her again in 2020.

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Pricknick's picture

speaks (you notice I didn't capitalize the name),
It's time to say loudly and proudly,

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

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snoopydawg's picture

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

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snoopydawg's picture

But that's only because I deleted my images of who the superdelegates were.
They were people who were obviously very rich and were involved with the corporations and banking industry and other types of companies.
Maybe this one is equal to yours


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


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was not only a huge3 killary fan, but has bankrolled the TV show designed to glorify Her.

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Mark from Queens's picture


I think I remember that too, but not that he bankrolled Her. So many sickening examples of people hung up on the symbolism of the First Women President, Her "experience," and her "endorsements," completely blinded to the mountainous baggage that was her cozy affiliation with the criminal banks and concentrated power.

I think there's an important distinction to be made between liberalism and Neoliberals that we shouldn't forget going forward. All those rich and successful people from Hollywood, in sports, media, music, etc that get trotted out as examples of "Liberal" people are almost always not. They're Neoliberals, which is that they are socially liberal but financially conservative. Fuck those smug, self-centered people. They are impediments to a system that works for the 99%. Everyone from the late night comics who grandstand as liberal - all multi-millionaire phonies protecting their investments, including Jimmy Fallon, Colbert/Stewart and John Oliver, to athletes, actors and reporters, most all your mainstream entertainers.

Neoliberalism infects so much of the citizenry. Being a liberal or progressive or whatever we're calling it is not just about recycling, or shopping at Whole Foods, or driving a Prius, or being vegetarian.

It's about taking a stand against unregulated capitalism and the monopolies it creates, and especially against the multinational conglomerate banks who have created a monstrously evil system of indebtedness and control over literally everything in our lives.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens
is the producer (and sometimes director) of CBS's "Madam Secretary". It is one of the better written shows but I can't stand to watch it anymore because IMO it was designed to boost Hillary prior to and during the election.

I agree with you about all those public figures being neo-liberals. The problem is that they all run in the same rarefied circles - politicians are celebrities too. So none of them ever get to visit real people with real problems who really represent "the people". Have you noticed how people who live in television shows always have much nicer homes and furniture and appointments than regular people can afford? This is how they think we are living.

In fact, the barriers between the wealthy in general and the human populace have grown thicker and taller over the past few decades - this is what facilitates the kind of callousness and rapacious greed we have seen increasing as income inequality has grown. They never have to see the consequences of their behavior up close, so living without a conscience is easy for them. They don't even notice its absence.

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@gustogirl these rich people are, I always remind people in my cohort that we too live in a bubble - we're "middle class" or "upper middle class" really and we do NOT see the poverty that is all around us. We go to work and back to our neighborhoods, to the mall or wherever, and even we have no real clue of just how bad things really are for far too many.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


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@Mark from Queens

I am not deep into this theory, but it did cross my mind when I watched that show that the Clintons may have been behind it somewhere. The show's heroine is have a blonde female SOS who tended, at least during the first season (I stopped watching)to wear pantsuits. She was smart, chock full of integrity, etc. She was even acting POTUS during one of the episodes the first season. In any case, whether or not it was intended to be one long campaign commercial for Hillary, it sure struck me that way.

Lawrence O'Donnell produced West Wing, which was practically a love letter to a Third Way Democratic President. When it began airing, in 1999, Bill Clinton was the only person who fit that description.

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"My supporters will pretend to believe anything."

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ZimInSeattle's picture

Bernie would have won and Killary et al stole the nomination from him. As time goes on and the Pumpkin Fuhrer reneges on his campaign promises and is absorbed into the Deep State neocon nexus, even more people will realize that it's Killary's fault for this mess.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

snoopydawg's picture


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


means very little to Peterson, the Koch brothers, Soros, et al. Whether a woman can get a safe, legal abortion in her state, or whether she is hetero or bi, or whether she marries outside her race may matter to them, but it does not affect their money or their power or their lifestyle. They and the their moms, wives, daughter and friends will always be able to do what they want. But a liberal who wants both social and economic justice? Katy, bar the door!

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I'd actually be rather surprised if such 'social issues' as human rights in certain areas affecting the non-billionaire Poors mattered to most of these billionaires.

Personally, I tend see them more as social bones thrown to appease the masses and, importantly, give corporate Dems something to pretend to be 'different from the Republicans' on within the Two-Faced Corporate/billionaire Trade-Off scam, so that some illusion of choice being permitted to the people by The Parasites That Be may be maintained to prevent anything being done to ensure actual electoral freedom of choice by the people.

It smells to me like a minimalist con-job strategy which, as you say, costs them nothing but a temporary (and rescindable) shred of the totalitarian control a number of them seem to be seeking.

Especially as much of the 'social engineering' over the past few decades has been toward conditioning the American population toward a point of acceptance of having their basic Constitutional guaranteed rights stolen for 'security!!!' claims and their concept of a wealthy industrialized democratic culture sustainably paying a living wage which allowed for some traditional comforts first removed in creating a culture where the lack of the most essential necessities for even those working long and hard (or trying to) is presented as being the fault of the underpaid/under-employed/corporate-injured worker, rather than as that of complicit and corrupt public officials perverting law and government for the abuse of the people and country by destructive self-interests.

The huge and rapidly expanding pool of the poorest and most down-trodden class of American citizens are to be so far beneath notice as to not even be mentioned in election campaigns; they are publicly designated disposables, much as are the rest of the 99% sinking by 'incremental change' into that category, with the shrunken 'middle-class' typically appealed to only for assistance to the Parasite class, rather than by public servants doing their jobs in working for the people and the results being appealing to the people, who then continue to vote for them.

The corporate-political party viewpoint of the public has shifted from any concept of public service being supplied by public servants to a narrowly calculated window within such as the mind-set of the Dem political Parasite Class demanding votes-as-a-right (which both corporate Party wings will happily deprive the public of, where it suits their/their paymaster's purposes) and the 'optics' of plausible electoral public support levels - and desperate attempts to siphon funding out of those not yet entirely drained, since people were willing to do without lunches in order to invest in the future Bernie tried fighting for against the global corporate/billionaire machine, which (duh) cheats.

Not to mention that long-running strategy of destroying the concept of and faith in government (intended to be working for the public good) and of law and order (intended to be working for the public good) and that in the media (intended to be reliably informing the public, for the public good) by corrupting these to work against the public good and inculcating, via right-wing media and think-tank anti-public propaganda, an attitude that not the corruption but the institutions themselves forms the problem, in order to prevent the public from taking these back for their intended purposes, which specifically include forming the united force of the people against those who would predate upon them.

Psychopaths have the capacity to care only about achieving their own goals; these are ready and apparently eager to destroy life on the planet ASAP because they imagine totalitarian control over the rotting remains. What more can I say?

Except: never vote for evil to ravage the Earth again!

(This assuming that the opportunity rises again and that actual votes will ever count again, except as Homeland Security and the parasitic self-interests running it please.)

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture


And, they did it for the money and connections. They thought they were set for life.

As time goes on and [he] is absorbed into the Deep State neocon nexus, even more people will realize that it's Killary's fault for this mess.

We are almost at the same point of Neocon global suffering, murder, and mayhem that we would have been with Hillary.

I thought Trump might be resistant and hang onto his will, but it only took about 20 minutes for the Deep State to thoroughly brainwash him.

I don't blame Hillary. She's the same as she was at 18 years old, when she was a Bitch for Barry… or was it… Goldwater Girl?

She stands before us soaked in the blood of the Libyan people.

And, her light is going out. Finally.

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The new Squirrel!

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Most people are unaware his propaganda is coming from.

This was intended as a response to snoopydawg

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literally looks sick. Poor bubbie.

But...of course CNBC also knew the real story behind the 2008 crash was not lying borrowers. No matter how many times they shouted about that, they knew better. However, acknowledging the truth off the bat would have been unthinkable. I've never been a regular viewer of CNBC, so I don't know if they eventually acknowledged the truth, but they always knew it.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Wall St criminality and the impetus behind starting the Teabagger Party, both times covering for the banks while shifting the blame to people for buying bad mortgages and blaming the black president for everything?

I'm thinking particularly of the corporate clown puppets Jim Cramer and Rick Santelli, who sold their souls to run cover for the banksters.

Now the network is taking on the DNC for its fraud?

I guess it's good to see, purely to hear it said in public by anyone. But man, it's such a bizarre time.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Wink's picture

@Mark from Queens
going with the Russians?" LoL. Yep, strange times.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Mark from Queens

heard screaming about "LIAR LOANS!"

It makes sense, though, that if you are FOX-ish, you would call out corruption at the DNC, doesn't it? Well, assuming anyone calls it out, one would expect the right to be calling it out. However, left and right were aghast, or pretended to be, whenever Trump talking about "rigging."

I agree, though. It's good that someone somewhere on TV calls it out.

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Rikon Snow's picture

on practically a weekly basis since the election. Nope, sorry.

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But that's all we do: strike attitudes and imitate poses. We merely play at being Romans, and deceive ourselves, sometimes, into accepting the imitation for the reality. -- Robert Silverberg, Roma Eterna

@Rikon Snow Nancy Pelosi, James Fucking Carville, Martin Sheen with some dopey thing about "President Bartlett," even Carole King not too long ago. I cannot unsubscribe from them so I just hit delete. And I guess its DCCC that bugs me, not DNC directly but then I'm not sure that matters.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Creosote.'s picture

@Rikon Snow
for weeks now. For any other messages marked junk, my browser adds an orange symbol, and when they're deleted most don't appear again.
The brower has never flagged DCCC mails as junk, though they now often begin with a personal name followed by "(via DCCC)" nor have the mails stopped. More sheepdogging, or worse?

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@Creosote. @Creosote.

Got something today from (or similar URL - it's gone now, anyway) saying that 'We noticed that you haven't read our emails for a while...' wanting me to fill out a survey.

I unsubscribed and 'deleted all emails from', of course, but - I really wonder about that phrasing, with the deep ties between the Clintons/corporate Dems and the White House with the Deep State and the deep ties between the White House and Google...

Can they tell whether we've been READING? their emails or not - and the Dems aren't even forming official government? If that's the case, that actually wouldn't be surprising...

Of course, Hillary - who hasn't held public office in how long? still has access to sensitive security information and is being treated as an important political figure by the media...

Edited for typo'd letter and punctuation mark.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Creosote.'s picture

@Ellen North
Might be a fair number of people like me who only need to see the four letters. If I were them and my responder charts drooped like site visits at the other place, I'd probably want some numbers. Assume they must keep statistics anyway.
Pardon late response - buried in a book project here.

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