Thursday Open Thread 4-6-2017
One of the difficult concepts to overcome is the life long training we have received that a commercial business or the government can provide better solutions than we can create ourselves. Using homemade or repaired items is a form of self sacrifice due to lack of money or an putting the needs the earth above ourselves.
I eased into making my own pet food over a long period of time. It started with a kitten who refused commercial food 11 years ago when switching him from a bottle to solid food. He has eaten beef, chicken or eggs with weekly kelp powder for most of his life. I felt a little guilty not feeding him a high quality commercial food for several years. Then the old cat (20+) I had adopted looked like she was at the end of her life refused her kibble. Tempted her that dish of meat, she kept eating it for 3 years until she passed in her sleep.
My dogs are Australian Shepherds age 7 to 15 years and were switched to homemade 5 years ago after multiple dog food recalls. One of my dogs at the time was started having seizures. She was 12 and I was worried about the quality of the commercial food. I don’t know if contaminants were the problem but the seizures stopped and would re-occur with any brand of food she was fed. She lived an active life until she passed at 15.
Their noticed coat condition improved and the amount of water drank has dramatically decreased. Water consumption goes up if fed commercial food or organic bread. There is no smell to the poop and decomposes completely. My current 15 yo has congestive heart failure that acts up when he gets commercial food.
My first rule is to make it as simple as possible for me. If the process is too complicated it will not happen on a daily basis. With humans a varied diet is less likely to cause a nutritional deficiency and I use the same philosophy for the dogs and cats. I primarily use the same food ingredients I eat, so it has allowed me to buy in bulk and family pack items.
How much you make will depend upon your schedule, enjoyment of cooking and freezer space. I feed between 1 ½ to 3 cups of carbs depending on the individuals condition and activity level. Periodically I do a quick rib check to see if they a little heavy or to skinny and adjust accordingly.
If one of the dogs is not feeling well vomiting, diarrhea they will get an active culture yogurt (no flavors or thickeners) and a little dry oatmeal added to their dish. Or simply white rice and yogurt for a few days.
Basically make I make a stew or muffins for the dogs and simply meat for the cats.
The carbohydrates are better digested if slightly overcooked. Add vegetables, 1 tbl fat and 2 oz boiled/roasted meat (or fried egg) to the dog dish. A teaspoon of kelp weekly. Any dog with symptoms of arthritis get ¼ teaspoon or meadow sweet and 1/8-¼ turmeric.
For the rice/barley use a ratio of 1 rice/1 barley/1 liquid (water, broth from boiled meat, pan drippings mixed with water, milk or whey). A low simmer until the barley grains are split open. In a two quart pan about 50 minutes, 4 gallon soup pot 2 hours or low in crock pot 8 to 10 hours. I will also feed them baked/boiled potatoes, wheat (preferably whole) flour, white rice, noodles, organic bread and masa corn flour (check it does not have gar gum added).
I boil or roast the meat separately and use it for the house cats and the dogs. Cooking separately makes it easy to adjust for varying protein requirements. If only fixing for a dog add chopped meat to the grain before cooking.
Any commercial meat is heated to at least a 180 degrees, since I worry about microbial contaminants. If a I roast a chicken or bone-in roast I will boil the bones for a broth to add to the grains or muffins.
Chicken: I like chicken thighs, easiest to debone, higher in fat and you are paying more for meat than bone. With whole chickens I high-grade the breast meat for myself. Good opportunity to practice cutting up a whole chicken or debone.
Beef: I raise my own. If I buy it is large whole fatty pieces to roast or boil. Most ground meat is a mixture of domestic and imported animals and has a high risk of contaminants. If you use cook well done.
The dogs do better on animal fats than vegetable oils. They do not get as hungry between feedings and are calmer.
Vegetables and fruits. What will your dog eat, try what you are fixing for dinner tonight. Mine are a little odd, I used carrots and celery as chew toys when they were pups. Their favorite in descending order cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, apples, broccoli, zucchini, peas, plums, winter squash, lettuce, pears, peaches and celery. Not everyone likes oranges and grapefruit. The goal this summer is to grow and store enough vegetables for winter and spring.
I do not use onions, garlic, grapes (raisins), chocolate or spicy peppers in their food.
I started making muffins when I had to travel out of town. They provided an easy quantity control for the dog sitter. I now keep a few in the freezer for quick meals on days I am busy or know I will be extra tired at night.
Muffin recipe
makes 24 muffins (serving 2 to 3 muffins per dog, if feeding regularly add vegetables)
12 eggs, 1 ½ cup oil or melted animal fat, 4 cups milk or bone broth mix in bowl
add and mix 6 Teaspoons (2 TBS) baking powder
add and mix 4 cups masa flour and 4 cups whole wheat flour. (can change flour and ratios).
preheated oven at 425 for 20 to 25 minutes

Our critters have all passed.
My daughter has critters, and they ain't what they used to be. Besides ringworm as kittens that we all caught, the Siamese siblings are pretty healthy. The saint and pit bull, rescues, are always having issues of one sort or another. I bet your food would help, but there is no way in hell most people would have the time, energy or inclination. Many of us don't even want to bother feeding ourselves. You should start a business.
My husband and I have agreed that if he dies, I starve. If I die, he'll never find the money. I don't hide it, and I have shown him several times how to find it in the computer, but.....
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am done starting and running businesses
I find it easier to run a small acreage and make my own stuff than running a small business with travel, commute time and regularly scheduled hours.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
My pup seems to like tomatoes, but plays with them first
Unlike my previous dog, not a carrot fan at all. I am choosing grain-free dog foods, last dog became diabetic. Got suckered in to buying a Purina formula and realized Purina and Nestle are now conjoined. Never again.
My dog is interested in anything I eat. Of course. She will eat hydroponic lettuce now, grown at home. I will start mustard greens soon, a new taste challenge for her.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
No easy answer, grain-free use other carbohydrates
Yeah for hydroponics, fresh vegetables without risking getting your cast wet.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Hey soe. Had a doberman/shepherd for 15.5 yrs.
Did everything with me. Was so smart, friendly and mischievous. Could negotiate city streets and the hustle and bustle of people and cars by himself. Walked with me without a leash. Though strong-willed and independent, he'd follow me up a slide at the park, or catapult himself over a six foot fence if I called him, or run alongside my Harley down the block of my parents' home. So many stories...Still dream about him.
Thanks for the stories and tips of resourcefulness. Wish I had more of a penchant for that type of life, of living off the land. Brought up in the suburbs but have spent most of my adult life in the city. Don't think I'm cut out for it - but one never knows!
Up extra early today (for the past couple of hours) because the baby's been waking earlier - so thought I'd check in while I can. This mid-life parenting takes it out of you...
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Your land is different than where I currently live, you need
The smarter the dog, the more humor they show. Not above teaching us a few lessons. You were lucky to have experienced such a canine companion.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning all
Thanks for the recipes, SoE.
One of the most challenging classes I took in school was feeds and feeding. Lots of math (simultaneous equations) needed to balance all the carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals (as well as minimizing the cost of ingredients). I did learn a lot about nutrition in those classes (one of the B vitamins was discovered by one of my profs).
We don't raise many animals. All the years of travel with the band precluded much in the way of animal husbandry. We do eat meat, but not everyday. Fortunately we have some organic producers in the area. Pasture raised pigs, yard eggs, grass fed non hormone cows, and goats are available.
We almost have lettuce ready to harvest, and potatoes and onions are up and growing. We still lack a week for our frost free date. We've had over 2.5 inches of rain this week.
Here's hoping all your plants are doing well and your weather is fine!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When it rains I take the day off.
The easiest crop to grow is pasture grasses. It either needs to be harvested as hay or eaten by grazers. I am terrible at running and maintaining machinery. Use the traditional English estate method to clip my lawn grass - sheep. I only breed for self consumption, just do not like having animals I bred going to a commercial stockyard or slaughterhouse.
It is interesting to watch the different species of grazers enter a pasture and scout out their favorite weeds, grasses and shrubs. Have a neighbor's pasture I rent every year or tow for winter feed. The cattle who have been in the field previously will race across it for the raspberries leaves and shoots that have crossed the fence line.
The less choice of feed they are provided the more complex it becomes for us to provide their nutritional needs. It amazing how simple or complex the issue of feeding, depending on our management practices.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for the animal feed recipes!
Wow. Time and commitment involved, but it sounds like a good idea. We have 6 dogs and 5 cats. One of the little dogs is a chiweenie and she has serious skin issues. We bathe her a lot, and occasionally take her to the vet for allergy shots. Maybe a better diet would solve it?
All of our meat based kitchen scraps go to the dogs, and vegetable scraps go to our chickens. Most of our dogs like meat and veggies though. Sounds like we need to give it serious consideration.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Keep it as easy as possible
Most nutritional deficiencies take time to develop. One to two months on a restricted diet generally does not cause a problem in an adult animal.
When I started the dog food I was purchasing 40 lbs of kibble for $26.00 and have kept my homemade dog food about the same. I spend no $$ on vet visits or prescriptions for arthritic pain for the older dogs. The cat food is more expensive, but I have no longer have vet bills due to teeth problems or diabetes, so for me it was a cost savings.
Most days I fill a large oval crock pot in the morning, turn off in the afternoon, feed in the evening and then into the dishwasher. Repeat next day. I save the muffins for occasional feedings. Cook 24 at a time, since I already had two 12 count muffin tins. If I did not have them I would use cake pans.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
You have a rhythm going ...
I will discuss with my better half ... Sounds good ...
Thanks again
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Is this the worst commercial of all time?
Yes - but I am encouraged by the backlash
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Most nauseating and infuriating corporate bullshit ever seen.
I loathe with a vengeance the effect that advertising has on the citizenry. Consumerism is the bedrock of capitalism; buying things to achieve one's self-identity and worth.
I think we'd have a markedly different world if we could somehow make all advertising disappear. One of my main philosophies is making a concerted effort to actively avoid all advertising, in all of its manifestations. I literally avert my eyes when I'm about, from billboards, signs, etc. When reading on a website or newspaper or magazine, same thing. If the place is filled with them, I leave and try not to come back. Reflexively I've trained myself to immediately shut off commercials on both radio and (muting the) tv.
This ad is the personification of all the crass things the Neoliberals represent to me. Phony opposition, well-coiffed actors playing the part of revolutionaries, clean and sanitized protest, etc. And to think these corporate cocksuckers are co-opting something so real to make money by selling their stupid, obesity-forming, junk drink.
As Bill Hicks so perfectly said about this culture, "Is anyone here in marketing or advertising? Kill yourself." He sums up it up quite nicely:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut