I thought I'd post something that didn't involve me ranting about one thing or another.

The reason I thought I'd throw this OP together is because it might give someone else a chuckle or two. And more than one person here said this is what would happen with a Trump presidency. He's just not crazy enough for some people.

I've been a big political/news website fan for a long time. I'm just an elderly internet troll. I used to get up early every day before work to hop on the internet for at least an hour before getting ready for work. Generally I'd start my day at mediawhoresonline.com and work from there. That's when I became familiar with sites like Drudge and Free Republic. I don't know how popular a site they are now, but at one time they had their pointy little noses into everything. Free Republic's been around since pre-bush** and I just looked, and they're still there. They've always sort of represented your typical wing-nut point of view and it's always been interesting and entertaining to troll that place. Today they really made me laugh out loud.

They are proudly flying their wing-nut colors and they're at each other's throats. More than one person here predicted that this would be the outcome of a Trump presidency. Right now half those people are madder at Trump than they are the left. And opinions (and attitudes) are 180 degrees opposite and the the talk of "who we gonna run in 2020" is already popping up. And this is why I was less afraid of Trump than I was the Clinton Creature.

Donald Trump declares war on Freedom Caucus
Twitter ^ | March 30, 2017 | Donald Trump
Posted on 3/30/2017, 8:57:15 AM by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

"The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!" - Donald Trump

He is getting very bad advice. Does he think conservatives voted for him so he could cave to the RINOs who did not? He is killing his chances to hold the House next year.
3 posted on 3/30/2017, 8:59:13 AM by XXXXXX

I am going to call this and say this is from the Ivanka/Jared/Dina(wifeofTeneoExecutive)/Gary camp.
4 posted on 3/30/2017, 8:59:28 AM by XXXXXXXXXXX

When you embarrass the boss publicly and contribute to his defeat in his first major initiative, there is a price to pay. This could have been avoided if the FC had gone behind closed doors and worked out a deal privately. No one should have been allowed to leave the room until a consensus was reached.
6 posted on 3/30/2017, 9:00:41 AM by XXXXX

He is threatening to help defeat them in 2018.

I hope he doesn’t think his election was personal, his election was based on his positions. He’ll make a grave mistake if he attacks his voters beliefs.
15 posted on 3/30/2017, 9:03:31 AM by XXXXXXXXXXXXX

If the information that I have is correct. When he met with the Freedom Caucus, they voiced their demands and he gave them what they asked for.
He then thought that he had their votes on healthcare.
The Freedom Caucus then unilaterally changed their requirements without asking or informing Trump and voted against the bill.
That is why one of the founding members left the Freedom Caucus.
They didn't keep their word.
24 posted on 3/30/2017, 9:05:31 AM by XXXXX (II don't know how to past the images.)

Time to start thinking about who we run in the 2020 primary.
30 posted on 3/30/2017, 9:06:19 AM by XXXXX


Wouldn't it be something if a big chunk of the Pubbies split off from the herd, sort of like Sanders supporters did? And I had to chuckle that some of them don't like the first family taking over the White House. As time goes on I wonder how they like how much the first family profits off the White House? They sure had fits watching the Clinton's pad their bank balance at public expense (and innocent lives). The irony is they're being taken by a (supposedly) bigly hugely rich rich rich man. At least when the Clinton's left the White House they were 'dead broke'./s

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I think that the lion's share of Sanders' supporters were alienated by the Neo-liberals long before the 2016 election. They were self-identified independents because they felt that the Dems left them. If anything Bernie rallied many of them to come back to the Democratic Party.

The fact that many Sanders supporters are still trying to resuscitate the Democratic Party shows a very different attitude than that of the Freedom Caucus who are trying to bully the (already) strong GOP into goose-stepping even farther to the right.

Why are so many people abandoning the Dems? Unlike the GOP, who can fight on multiple fronts, the Dems can only do one thing at a time - sorry, it is not time for us to focus on the economy guys. Learn to settle for less. Sigh. I wish we could persuade Republicans to adopt Democratic values - I think that would be easier than to teach Democrats how to actually win.

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Not Sure I Can Take Much More

Amanda Matthews's picture

@Sonny Boy
all of that out of what I posted? I didn't say Sanders supporters became disillusioned recently NOR did I make any attempt at providing a reason for the disillusionment. All I was commenting on was the actual #Demexit, the SPLIT from the Dems by Sanders supporters and wouldn't it be funny if now the Repubs split up in the same manner (I gave no reason for what anyone did or might do). After that I commented on the Trump family and our common irritation at their opportunism and made a snide reference to the Democrats own history of having a family that made the most of their own time in the White House. It wasn't War and Peace, it was a simple commentary on current similarities on both sides of our political system, and about validating a prediction that I read here from a couple writers who said Trump was going to be in over his head and have mess on his hands and would have a hard time controlling his supporters.

Wouldn't it be something if a big chunk of the Pubbies split off from the herd, sort of like Sanders supporters did? And I had to chuckle that some of them don't like the first family taking over the White House. As time goes on I wonder how they like how much the first family profits off the White House? They sure had fits watching the Clinton's pad their bank balance at public expense (and innocent lives). The irony is they're being taken by a (supposedly) bigly hugely rich rich rich man. At least when the Clinton's left the White House they were 'dead broke'./s


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Sonny Boy

I gather that the only way a new Party has ever replaced one of the American parties throughout its entire political history is by someone (popular among the people) leaving the failing Party at the right moment to an already organized party (fitting his platform) and carrying a whole swack of voters with him. Food to Bern for thought...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Sonny Boy other than stay on the gravy train?

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riverlover's picture

Is that how it began? The earth is warning us it will be the worst. Trump (but not Hillary!!) is in office, on occasion, between advertising hotels and golf links he "owns" with OPM (other people's money) no doubt. Ca$h cow central. Of course his loyal followers are getting upset now. He had more people not vote for him than did, we are harangued. But Rules, folks! He won the angry and disappointed Rust Belt. And those strange flat then bumpy states moving east to west.

The USA has official malaise. And official warnings of a bad tick year, for those who like to worry. I think CDC got that warning out before they were collared.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

@riverlover the opioid addict belt. That explains a lot, doesn't it?

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Wink's picture

states that Hillary should have won. Would have won had she actually campaigned rather than pranced. I'm glad she lost. She deserved it, got what she deserved. That don't happen often.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

ggersh's picture


+ Anti-Iraq War President Trump, like his predecessor anti-Iraq War President Barack Obama, now brags about US forces “fighting in Iraq like never before.”

+ US airstrikes in Mosul killed more than 200 civilians. In its defense, the Pentagon claims, without a shred of evidence it must be admitted, that the women and children were being used as human shields by the bad hombres of ISIS. Maybe when Trump said he opposed the Iraq War, he was actually talking about “war.” Totally cool with killing 100s of civilians….

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

"Right now half those people are madder at Trump than they are the left."

I feel their anger and I'm more pissed at Democrats right now than Repugnants, and for me that is a big deal. I've blamed Repugs for years for the entire mess, not realizing and not wanting to see what our ConservaDems really are. While I could probably not bring myself to vote Repugnant ever, that "line" is getting blurrier and blurrier.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

The numbers/tonnes of bombs reportedly dropped on Yemen (Counterpunch) is astonishing and just repulsive. This is a freedom-loving(TM) country? WTF? I know, Saudi Arabia dropped them on Yemen, but please, Bushes. And Clinton. And now Trump. Freedom-loving country, my a**. Sigh.

I think a faction of the Trump crowd wants America first which would involve bringing home our troops from most of these overseas bases. Trump talked about this during his campaign. So I agree that there is common ground between/among us.

Anti-war action is necessary, but we need the Millenials. It's the only way to be heard, I think because, 'Hippy-commies!'. The military loving public won't hear it from us middle aged. [Where is Bernie on this? He could make a difference... The Millenials love him.]

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