Make America Great Again, out of the Barrel of a Gun
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"
During the spectacle of demockery we call our presidential election, Trump the Terrible made "Make Amerika Great" one of his rallying cries. The dupes fell for it thinking somehow that would translate into an extra steak dinner per month for them. While some on the left were debating who the lesser evil was, this time, I reminded people how America became "great" in the first place, by being the world's bully.
Now we have a true bully as our feckless leader. This morning I read this:
"Trump threatened Germany on several occasions with trade war measures before taking office. Without going into detail, Trump raised the issue again at the press conference, declaring, “The negotiators for Germany have done a far better job than the negotiators for the United States. But hopefully we can even it out.”
He then added menacingly, “It’s probably the reason I’m standing here, maybe number one—that and maybe the military—building up our military, which we will do, and we will be stronger than ever before—and hopefully not have to use it. But we will be stronger, and perhaps far stronger than ever before.”
Trump, the President of the United States, thinks he was elected because he believes he's a great negotiator. He knows he was allowed to be elected because he's agreed to make increasing the size and capabilities of this country's military, and the accompanying wars and escalations of wars that go with it, the centerpiece of his administration. The funny thing is, why would such a great negotiator need such force with which to conduct negotiations? Sounds to me like Trump is more a chickenshit bully than a great negotiator. Like the mafia boss that brings his thugs to negotiate with the local merchants, that's his idea of negotiating. The inference is obvious.
"Make America great again", at the barrel of a gun.

"Should the United States budget for military defense
be increased ten%?
-reduced by 10%
What if we had a referendum system like we had at the state level where we the Serfs could actually vote on this stuff? Instead we're forced to grin and bear it basically. What we think makes zero difference unless we organize and come together. Simple as that and right now is the time. What they're trying to do here with OUR health care and the increased military has to be opposed strongly. I think what could be done is start a campaign, like a political campaign, to accept small donations toward the goal of organizing opposition. That is one thing Bernie showed can be done.
Trump's incoherent rambling
What the fuck is he babbling about, Germany's negotiators? I have no idea, and I'm pretty sure no one else, including him, has any idea either. He just reels off buzz words with no content. He never makes a bit of sense. He's as bad as Sarah Palin with the meaningless word salads. I willl never understand how anyone thinks he's a competent leader. He's a one man bullshit factory.
That linked article is scary though. He seems determined to start WW3 with his belligerent, pointlessly aggressive nastiness toward everyone. He really needs to be removed from office, like yesterday, or things like healthcare and social security will be meaningless in the wreckage.
Obama was one thing and Bush, but this guy
I agree completely Big Al
Trump takes warmongering to a whole new level, unlike anything we've seen before, and with the American military and nuclear arsenal at his disposal we are in real trouble. It's so obvious he's completely nuts and recklessly aggressive. But will our useless congress do anything? I hope so, and honestly I do not care what they use to remove him - even the ridiculous Russia claims - as long as he's taken down. Pence will be bad for us, but he's not going to instigate war with the entire world like Trump is apparently hell bent on.
That anyone thought Trump was the guy to avoid war is so ironic. He has been a belligerent bully his entire life... giving someone like that such power is insane. Giving *anyone* that kind of power is crazy, of course, but handing it to an obvious lunatic with delusions of grandeur is a recipe for disaster.
To say that we want to impeach Trump
is to say that we want to install Mike Pence as President. I fail to see how this would be a desirable outcome, and I wish people would stop advocating for it. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire would not be in any way helpful. It seems to me that with Trump in office, we now have far more leverage than we would have with Pence instead.
Trump's Presidency creates an extremely high-entropy environment. The consequences of this will not necessarily be entirely negative, but certainly they will be disruptive and conducive to chaotic outcomes. I think that a Pence Presidency would be quite the reverse. It would likely be able to pull the nation firmly and decisively to the Right. And very possibly to keep it there for quite some time. This could result in a much more stable situation -- but not one that would be of any long-term benefit to the 99%, or to the world as a whole.
No, I must respectfully disagree
I want Trump removed from office. Now. I've decided in the past two days, and I will advocate for that - not that my tiny opinion makes a whit of difference, of course. I know that. But nonetheless, I believe it's the right and necessary thing to do at this point.
That is not to say I "want" Pence. I absolutely don't want Mike Pence as president. I just want Trump even less. Pence is a consequence I'm willing to accept, because I think avoiding escalating worldwide war, possibly even a nuclear war, is more important than any political games in this country. Trump's penchant for creating "chaotic situations" is not a plus; it's dangerous to everyone. This country is drifting to the right regardless, since our "two" political parties are both dedicated to the same goals anyway. Fear of Mike Pence is no reason to allow an aggressive, warmongering crazy man like Trump to hold the reins of power. The country will survive Pence. The world will survive President Pence. Trump on the other hand ... no telling, but his reign is extremely high risk to say the least. I want him out.
Agree CS.
Yes, I'm with you on that
I sincerely wish there were a way to end this charade of our fake democracy and bring about an end to the American empire in a relatively peaceful way. If I had any idea how that might happen, I'd be all for it. But I feel like a microscopic bit of matter caught up in a gigantic machine that keeps on turning and churning, with no notice of people like me whatsoever. We are, as you often say, the serfs. We live in this fading but still powerful empire, that unfortunately possesses the military capabilities to do enormous harm on its way out, and there isn't jack shit we can do ... except try to survive, and maybe even find a bit of personal happiness here and there, like all serfs throughout history. We have no say in what our government does. Voting and participating in politics is a pacifier that keeps people docile but doesn't accomplish anything. Sorry to be a downer. I hope I'm wrong.
Mike Diva is a prophet!
He saw Trump the Warmonger coming from miles (and months!) away!
[video: width:500 height:350]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I have to ask.
Are you surprised?
For myself it's nope, nada, and het.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
In addition to this statement
, did he also agree to go along with the republican's plans to gut the safety programs such as housing and the other programs that helps the poor and disabled?
And just about every other legislation that the republicans have been itching to get their hands on?
I know that he isn't in charge of who he is appointing to his cabinet because he doesn't know all the players that he has appointed to run the departments that they have wanted gone or had no experience. I wonder who it is that is making those decisions for him.
Ben Fucking Carson as the head of HUD? Seriously, he has absolutely no qualifications to run that department. Nor does DeVos and others he has appointed.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Big Al, no worries, America is better than its populists
and Europe is stronger than theirs. See my sig line. Oh, and the life-time of a Trump twitter is as short as Merkel can blink with her left eye.