Russian Trolls Fooled Sanders Voters, Including on Here
In the last months before the 2016 election, I was among the peole driven off Kos because of the pro-Clinton trolls. I found C99 to be a haven of sorts, a safe place to critique the Democratic party and its machinations, the corporate loyalties of Hillary Clinton, and to promote my preferred candidate, Bernie Sanders.
Then I began to notice a trend: Some posters on here were pro-Russian, and even giving rationalizations for voting for Trump. Seriously fake news stories got front page play. I stopped posting on here. But it wasn't just me, it wasn't in my mind, and it wasn't just on here.
Huffington Post has a piece by Ryan Grim and Jason Cherkis about this phenomenon. It isn't comfortable reading. But we've all seen it, if we're honest about it. We've all clicked on and passed on fake news stories generated in Russia or Macedonia. We've all been played.

I think that many people see the mocking of
the whole "lets blame the Russians" ploy of the DNC as being somehow pro-Russian, and pro-Trump. I don't think I have seen very much here at all that was either pro-Russian, or pro-Trump...merely pro-reality (and anti-fiction).
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Apparently, it was Huffpo that got played by hoaxers.
gjohnsit sets it out in his OP here:
Meanwhile, the essayist posted the essay before 10:30 this morning and has not posted on this thread since. I know there are an almost infinite number of possible explanations. Still, when something like that happens, questions arise in my mind.
Forgive me, Bisbonian. I replied to you only to make sure this info got posted near the top of the thread. It was your geography, and not your post, that attracted my reply.
hit- and- run job
thx for pointing that out.
big warning- ENERGY SINK AHEAD
The first time I posted on a large political board,
I did not know that the person who started a thread was expected to reply for at least the first hour or two. I posted my first thread starter just before I went to work. By the time that I got home from work, the thread was locked because of how many posters had posted only to vilify me for not replying to posts. So, I try to be understanding because I still have flashbacks. But, this is not a newbie and, by now, anyone who was ever going to reply would have replied.
Technically, mj55 did reply about 8 hours later,
but only to say GBCW neener neener neener. I think they set that up deliberately so they could go off whining self-righteously.
Posters like that, who needs?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Either that was after this post or I missed it.
Either way, I really can't blame him or her. I can understand why anyone who did an OP like that would have been too embarrassed to hang around after proof that the only ones fooled were the ones who took the fake Russian trolls at face value.
Okay, I am going to look for the GBCW post now. Should be fun.
Putin places his people's pensions over the profits of American interests and (gasp) over their own normal-sized military budget, even at a time when ravening hordes are massing on their borders and pointing missiles at them, not that an increased military budget would make any difference.
So, aren't you angry at the Russians now?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@Bisbonian Interestingly, these days
For instance, I can't agree with Vladimir Putin that a hot war between the United States and Russia would be a bad idea without being a "Russian troll"--or maybe fooled by one. What would that make me again, a "useful idiot?" Anyway, I can't agree with Putin on anything at all or else I'm his loyal subject. Hail Hydra.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We're supposed to take the Huffington Post seriously?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I got banned from Huffy in 2007 for posting certain
PS I have always found it somewhat amusing that
That makes sense as
As a former reader of The Guardian I noticed that the Putin is the devil bs. started when the paper went corporate and 'New Labour' lost to the Torie pig head fucker. Corbyn's popularity was a threat to the neoliberal Blairite poodles. Snowden's living in Russia seemed to accelerate The Guardians decent into being a propagandist neoconservative rag. Richard Wolfe the political hack and plagiarist covering the farce of the American election was the final straw for me.
'Fake News' or news speak, abounds in our brave new globalized world.To me it's any publication online or off that is owned by the likes of Bezos or any propaganda organ of the global oligarchical collectivists. NATO is another part of the equation to vilify Russia and Putin. This has been a long term geopolitical campaign to reheat the cold war.
Putin is just another ex-spook oligarch. The list of countries we Americans are supposed to hate and consider an enemy to the USA! is pretty revealing. 'He lives in Brazil' or why don't you just move the Venezuela or Ecuador, is pretty much a bi-partisan nationalistic response by the believer's of the imperialistic USA! USA! USA!. The ruling class, be they Republican's or Demorat's are complicit. The story lines put out by their propagandist's are getting more and more absurd.
Geopolitical reality these days boils down to the fact checking the concocted reality between the internecine power struggles of the duopoly and the global . All the dueling truths are based on a story that has no relationship to anything but the story they use to keep us all living in fear and outrage of the other. Seems to be working pretty good as Putin and Trump are now the new enemy. Crowd control. I can't follow the dark story line anymore as it requires a suspension of belief that my lying eyes deny.
As Muhammad Ali once said “I Ain't Got No Quarrel With The VietCong... " just substitute the Russians and that's how I feel about this hating Putin bs. and the endless wars against our latest enemy.
Why? The most recent Democratic nominee was a
former Republican. The most recent Democratic President described his policies as those of a moderate Republican of the 1980s.
That was the whole strategy of the DNC, turn Democrats into pro-choice, pro-equal rights, pro p.c. Republicans.
Are You Sure?
What makes you so sure they are really "Ex-Republicans" and not "Deep Moles?"
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Perhaps a slight adjustment to your comment
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Don't confuse seeing through the capitalist BS as
being pro-Russia, itself a mafia type capitalist country.
The Huffington Post? Seriously? There are a few reliable sources out there and this is not one of them.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Perhaps you're being played by the huff and puff
The $hill is a war monger. I don't need any hacker to convince me. All I have to do is look at Libya, Syria, and the arms agreements for Clinton foundation donations.
I think the deep state is at odds with T-rump because his election upset the war with Russia cart that the $hill and the neo-libs were driving. Blaming hackers or trolls and suggesting the c99 community is pro-Russian is a shallow analysis from my point of view. I think most folks here (who voted) seemed to go with Stein not T-rump.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Who is the "we" you speak of?
Are you saying The Facebook and The Huffington Post are serious news outlets? I don't think so. They are good at entertainment, selling products, and whipping the masses in to near hysteria, as far as I can tell.
I still can't figure out why Russia is the enemy, more so than the CIA? Probably someone wants to say "read The Facebook and HuffPo to find out". No, I prefer being whipped in to a peaceful state, rather than blind rage, but thanks anyway. Namaste
Us vs. Russia
US Military Budget: greater than $600 Billion (that we know of)
Russia Military budget: less than $70 Billion
US foreign military bases = around 800
Russia foreign military bases = 12
The only thing that makes Russia any kind of threat at all is its nukes, and considering we have them surrounded with more and better delivery systems, I don't see Russia starting a nuclear war by ordering a first strike unless its territory is invaded, do you?
The US on the other hand ...
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Russia's defense budget is set to $45.15 billion for 2017
Russia can't create money from thin air by creating debt at next to zero cost to pay current debt like the US can. It has to actually sell or create something tangible in order to earn the money it spends and to pay debt/interest with.
It is interesting how the government of Russia is responding to the cut in revenues caused by low oil prices. (The American sanctions placed on the country have had a lessor and even a net positive effect in many sectors of the economy by forcing changes.)
What a government without a printing press for war looks like. Like common sense.
Who? What?
In fairness, . . .
. . . during the 2016 election season a lot of crazy stuff was aired. Some of the attacks on Hillary were erroneous -- what you and the Dem establishment are calling "fake news." Remarkably some of it was true. And some of that "fake news" was coming from the U.S.'s own major media.
And even the article (from Huffpo, seriously?) you cite has this little nugget:
So I hope you'll pardon me if I don't get all hot and bothered about how Hillary was wronged.
Most c99ers didn't bandy about the loonier stuff, but in any forum a few commenters will have found something kinda nutty that they just have to share. That's why we have critical reasoning skills, so we can weigh the record ourselves. And the vast majority of critiques of Hillary at c99p addressed her tendency to pander, to lie, to push this nation into wars, to favor the interests of the wealthy over those of the common man/woman. None of that was fake news.
Were we at c99p played? Maybe a few individuals were. Not the site, though, and not the majority of people on it. Compare that record with any other political forum on the toobz. Compare that record with dKos today.
I'm kinda happy here. You don't have to be.
well said
@dance you monster the words "fake news"
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The title is a bit over the top.
I have a different point of view. It is impossible to ascertain the true nature of a comment or an article in a finite span of time.
Alberts reply
I like Albert
but he was (at that time) a bit "old school". To be more direct: It took time for the community to realize that "hidden variables" was not going to cut it. The classical approach to determinism is truly dead and the stochastic nature of nature (or as I prefer: Reality) is most likely true. Near the end Albert had to admit he was not quite on target.
You're the Physicist I am the Chemist/fluid dynamist
We should team teach a class.
If you ever get bored with doing actual work you should come out to Medford and we could workup a routine for the OLLI crowd.
and I am the Walrus
Over the top
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Maybe; maybe not.
I live in a blue state. I never advocated anywhere for voting for Trump. I advocated here for voting for Jill Stein. Had I lived in a purple state, however, I might have voted for Trump myself rather than subject the USA to the long-term effects of another victory by another New Democrat Presidential nominee--and possibly the most rightist New Democrat in the nation; I can't say for certain. Leftists I had known on another board for years did advocate for voting for Trump. Moreover, the fact that establishment media published something the government wants us to believe doesn't mean it's true. Have we forgotten the media run up to the Iraq War and other media duplicity?
It's the content of posts that I see on a message board, not the poster or the nation in which the poster is allegedly located. The content of a post either makes sense to me because it is well-supported and/or welloreasoned and rings true, or it doesn't. In either case, the location, citizenship and motive of the poster is irrelevant. I am not going to reject a true post because I assume it comes from Russian or lose my analytical skills because I assume a post comes from an USian.
On a message board, I am very well aware that anonymous posters could be anyone from anywhere, posting with any agenda or no agenda, other than hobby. For that matter, I have no idea who or where you are or what your agenda might be. I know only that your post is not making much sense to me. For instance, if you left this board (or any board) because people advocated voting for Trump, exactly how did you get played? Or are you using "we" politely when you really mean that everyone who continued to post here got played while you did not?
And why do you assume that people who may be more willing than you to continue to post where people have differing views got played? The posters on this board seem very intelligent to me. To the best of my knowledge, the majority of posters here voted for Stein or stayed home, with full awareness of what that might mean for Hillary at the polls. I assume, but do not know, that, similar to me, they believe that, as bad as electing President Not Hillary might be, electing Hillary would be worse. And they believe that because of what they know about Hillary and New Democrats generally, not because of any post made about Trump.
@HenryAWallace For me, it was because of
(if you haven't watched it before, watch it at the point where Hillary actually starts talking--it's from a speech at the American Legion, and it starts at 4:30)
and secondarily, this:
The first one made it impossible for me to support Hillary Clinton ever, under any circumstances (and I'm still shocked that anybody over 35 feels differently--anyone who remembers the Cold War should know that what she's saying in that speech is reckless to the point of lunacy, and the fact that she doesn't mind that--in fact seems to relish it--is, frankly, terrifying.)
The second one was the bridge-burner for the Democratic Party. I can never support the Democratic Party again, under any circumstances, and if people thought carefully about what that chair-throwing fabrication implied, they wouldn't truck with the Democratic Party either.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
heh, that needs some pushback, I speak for myself only
1. I was never driven away from dailykos because they loved Obama and Hillary too much. I was driven away by their tribalism, specifically the tribalism supported between black folks and white folks. I can be very specific in that but am in no mood for that stuff. I left for that reason alone in Sept. 2015.
2. Sanders declared his intent to run for President end of April 2015. His message clearly got my attention and support.
3. The Black Lives Matter movement, which originated in 2013 as a response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown and Eric Garner, had my full support when they consistantly demonstrated against the deaths of African American by police actions and in police custody or prisons.
4. In the summer of 2015 Black Lives Matter became involved in the 2016 presidential campaign. I personally felt that the Black Lives Matter movement got co-opted by Hillary supporters to go against Sanders, based on racial issues that BLM and people brought up against Sanders. You couldn't criticize the Democrats anymore for using the race bait against Sanders. Being for Sanders became almost a sign of being anti-black and racist. I left dailykos for that as well.
5. I never hated Hillary Clinton, but I didn't like her much at all, I was against her foreign policies way before she ran for President, I didn't like her biography coming to power on the co-tails of her husbands political status. I didn't like her specific brand of feminism, which she played out heavily on her relations to women in foreign countries. I doubted quite a bit that women in other countries loved her as much as she seemed to believe and claimed.
6. I seriously started to be opposed to Hillary Clinton when I realized her actions and reactions to the political developments in the ME. I have no trust at all in her capacities to work for peace and detested her war hawkishness.
7. I never hated Obama, but I was surprised and deeply disappointed in his campaign promises and what he delivered when he got elected. I was not caught up in his supposed "charme". I was releaved he could talk better than GWBush (remember, we were starved out of politicians who could talk thoughtfully and in longer sentences). I still think Obama is capable of expressing situations in context and with sensitivities others are lacking. That doesn't mean that his policies, especially foreign ones, clearly were not horrible and it was a complete betrayal to see how he failed to protect Americans in their civil and human rights internally from abuses. He was supposed to be a constitutional rights lawyer, but consistantly closed his eyes when the constitution was violated by power players inside the US. His foreign war policies were a slap in the face and a punch in the stomach. Unacceptable.
None of this has anything to do with being pro-Russian. Mr. Putin was not on the radar at all since the recent "Putinphobia" with the "cold war intentions of Russia messing with the US" etc. I was never "against Russia", especially not after 1989. I was amazed and suprised. I didn't care for Russia and didn't understand til recently what kind of difficulties the collapse of the Sovjet Union has caused to the Russians as an united empire. I really don't care much about Putin either. This whole shebang is US caused. For all the wrong reasons.
So, get it in your head, not everybody is pro- or anti-Russian. We can be anti-Hillary, anti-Obama, pro-Sanders, anti-EU or pro-EU and anti-NATO or pro-NATO without considering dear Mr. Putin and his Russian empire much. I don't think Germans in the last twenty to thirty years felt ever threatened by Russia.
When I ended up here at the EB, more or less because I wanted to continue to read Joe's EB, I didn't come here because I was pro-Russian. I found a little community which was in its communication style tender, warm, musical and politically pretty down to exact facts and down to earth. I liked that.
Of course I realized and it amazed me a bit to see a lot of emotional "hate" (instead of just political strong disagreements) vis a vis the Democratic Party, H Clinton, Obama, the Republicans) and then surprise, surprise relatively few critical reactions to Trump. I was quite a bit blown away that some posters here considered seriously to vote for Trump. I listened to all their reasons and thought to myself "no, that can't be reason enough to accept a guy like Trump".
Again this has nothing to do with being pro-Russian, even if RT news articles are very often quoted (may be they have a point quite often, no need to be against RT articles and commentators at all, just because some people think they are a propaganda tool, biased and fake news). I like quite a lot of RT's regulars. This doesn't make me pro-Russian or a fake-news believing idiot (so help me God.)
And for the so-called fake news stories and us falling for them Heh, may be you can't imagine that some folks don't read facebook and don't twitter for hours to get the latest farts of any politician.
So, now to finish up my rant, I have to admit that I think Putin is as cute as Obama. Both have 'it'. I hope that clarifies everything. /s
Indeed it is possible to have more than one thought in
Personally there was never any danger of me voting for Trump. Putin is another I dislike intensely. However the sense of betrayal by the Democratic Party over the years caused me to leave both the tone deaf clique that was Kos and refuse to side with the DP until they sort their shit out, as likely as hell freezing over as that is.
I am sure you have a long history following
the politics of Democrats and Republicans as well as the ones surrounding US-EU-Russian relations. I was only like a little girl stumbling into Dailykos, the Democrats and the US political landscape like Alice in Wonderland, ending up here, with no historical or political knowledge at all. I am always up in "wondering" about everything. I just blow in my thoughts, because it's so much fun to talk to you guys and gals. Thanks for your comments and essays here.
Have a good weekend. We have the first sunshine days in months here in grey Hamburg. Spring is in the air.
I can't help to tease you:
I dislike Bibi & The House of Saud more than I dislike Putin
This essayist must confuse the in-depth discussion on this site of the bullshit we've been spoon fed about Crimea and Ukraine, and the reality of the situation in that region, with being pro Putin/Russia. Spin, spin, spin, and twist, twist, twist.
You grasp the point that Cohen overlooks - or hopes
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Just to add, in case the essayist isn't aware that the Likud and the Saudis are effectively directing some of the US PTB's 'foreign policy' and attacks on other people's countries, the former gaining billions regularly in, especially, weaponry, while the latter have been covering some of the costs of some of the worst among various US strategies involving arm/train/support-the-terrorists in the attack, bully, blockade and invade takeover 'policies' used against fossil-fuel-rich countries not yet captured under corporate economic controls.
And at least some of this ought to be common knowledge, considering the popular sites carrying some of this information, at least those pertaining to political enablers.
Which links to:
That's only one billionaire donor, of course - but here's one result:
Some links to some very interesting information on PNAC and other long-uncovered 'pre-mapping' of the global hostile corporate/military takeover in process have been recently posted here on C-9, either in essays or comments.
This web of horrors is far too intricate and spun by too many suicidally murderous PR-spinners to be covered in any comment, but documented/verified answers to questions can be answered by many on C-9 who are far better qualified to do so than am I. Hang around and learn actual facts, often recorded from the mouths of the perpetrators/detailing their specific and documented actions and results, as do those of us in the peanut gallery here.
But the above should help to explain why the anyway pre-exploded RUSSIA!!! claims are not accepted here and elsewhere.
This is not about whether other countries have the best possible leaders or so much about which corporate/billionaire puppets the American people are permitted to 'choose' between but about self-determination, democracy, human rights and the survival of life on the planet beyond this decade or perhaps the next few decades, if that planned 'limited' nuclear war-crime against multiple countries - and which TPTB and their lackeys apparently believe they can survive, since they do not believe in science/biology/reality - does not take place.
This is about hostile and outside powers controlling corrupted and venial governments and the efforts of the people to move outside the corporate/billionaire-supporting 'political parties' being forced upon them to find a way to gain/create the government of, by and for the people enabling equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all which some are even specifically promised in their Constitution.
Very few were silly enough to think that Trump was remotely suitable for any public office but he's still not yet entirely controlled and is unpredictable, increasing survival chances by perhaps only fractions over that of a Clinton Admin - but the American people are offered no real choice in their elections, any real choices concerned with the public interest being nobbled/cheated out every time, and nobody wants a bloody revolution, just a pacific political one.
And truth matters to the reality-based watching those reality-detached who believe that they can create their own and somehow 'make it real', destroying civilization and the natural life support system in the process of endless pathological power- and profit-draining at all cost to everyone/everything else, of whom/which they are evidently unaware that they also rely upon.
Truth may be almost the only defensive weapon many of us have left to us.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Many thanks. Both the Saudi dictators and the Israelis
So with dual citizenship, is Saban an American or an Israeli?
Many thanks for the information, most of which was new to me. Glad I've never read The Onion, now I won't for sure.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Mission accomplished, except, OOPSIE - wrong puppet elected
Yup, and I still think we're marginally better off, at least for the moment while Trump is brought into line/down, having avoided the Mad Bomber, giving us that so-much-less radioactive moment to do with as we will. While there's life, there's hope.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Brilliant. Thank you.
@Linda Wood
Coming from you, who really does brilliant posts... now I feel almost sorta fraudulent, lol. But thanks!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I can only speak for myself.
I'm registered on both Facebook and twitter. I don't use them and pay very little attention to their content. Huffington Post? Well, Arianna Huffington started the site, so I read it with a grain of salt. I never felt like I was played on c99. I worked the Sanders' campaign so had a front row seat to watch the machinations of $hrill. She and tRump are the two worse candidates to ever run for POTUS in my lifetime! I felt that way then and still do now. But played by trolls, Russian and/or otherwise? No. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
First of all, like with the DNC emails, there's no proof
some of these so called fake news stories and sites were the work of Russian trolls. Even the HuffPo story admits as such:
"It might not actually matter if Vladimir Putin or a kid in Macedonia masterminded the flood of fake news."
Secondly, it didn't take fake news stories for most Bernie supporters (I was not a Bernie supporter) to oppose Clinton, she was and is a war criminal, which was enough for most. She was and is a Wall Street neoliberal which was also enough for most.
I'm not sure what the aim here is and of the Huffpo story. Both appear to want to perpetuate the Red Scare more than anything. They're not trying to defend Clinton, they're trying to reinforce the idea that Russia interfered in the U.S. election. That is imperialist propaganda.
From that respect, the Huffpo article itself sounds like fake news and of course Huffpo is a fake news site, part of the oligarchy's propaganda media monopoly.
I should say as I remember there were some
But the pro-Russia business, nah, didn't see much of that. It was more anti U.S. which is always turned around by some to mean pro-something (pro-Assad, pro-Gaddafi, pro-Chavez, etc.) But even if there was, so what, is Russia our enemy? Is that your point?
Yes, there were a few, easily ignored, more quickly forgotten
During the general and for a while afterwards
But back to this piece... it amounts to an appeal to authority... in this case HuffPo's and some random dude they interviewed. In an era of institutionalized propaganda I'm going to need more than an appeal to authority before I can reasonably consider an argument.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Distrusting the junkie nest door isn't "knee jerk bias"
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There was and is nothing knee jerk about it,
What makes you think it is gone? This is a non-partisan site and that definitely includes Clintons, Obamas, and even Bernie.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The pizzagate and Clinton's health issues were important.
Not because they were true but because there was a small percentage of the public that believed them. Just another straw....
The pizza crap emails shouldn't have been on Podesta's campaign chairman Gmail account in the first place. Most knowledgeable professionals have many email accounts; personal, business and disposable. But they did reveal the extent to which Podesta's personal lifestyle is intimately tied up with his role as "King Maker" in Washington for the last three decades.
well, we had a poster here who talked endlessly about
Hillary Clinton's health issues and very few members here had pushed back against it. I sometimes felt I was the only one. If - in addition to be a pain in the neck to read them - they were totally false, then I just wonder how come so many here went along with the author's narrative and enjoyed to support the author's views.
I would have joined you. The only truth to the health issue is
that Her's health is not atypical with someone of her vintage. At 70, she is no longer the spring chicken she once was. We cannot deny that she has had some health issues during the campaign and during her stint as SoS that required her to break her rhythm. Pretending they did not exist at all just added fuel to the match.
pardon me, you appeared on the scene rather late here
you don't have a profile, I can't find your membership number, who are you? I don't trust mystery ghostly members. But thanks nevertheless, I like your comments often, but I dislike your anonymity and think you could easily fool anybody here. Not that you are a troll, of course not, but you could be. And if I am in a good mood, I even like trolls. So, NO OFFENSE.
People here are astute.
We can interact with new participants without the stripping of anonymity.
Or, is this snark?
As you know, this is a blog populated by critical thinkers. Look around if you are not sure. You can trust your friends if your own instincts aren't kicking in.
I agree and will take the comment back
and apologize.
No problem.
hi, CB, I apologize for being rude to you,
I don't like anonymity that much. Why would I like anonymity? It's the death sentence for the online communication on the long run, imo. But that's just me.
I really didn't mean to upset or ask you the "paper please" routine as Pluto had mentioned. I got my lecture and was sent into the corner.
Be happy with being anonymous. Pluto as well. You are all my friends, anonymous friends, online anonymous friends. Sigh. What a pity. I rather had real ones.
I'm not really anonymous. I have a very lengthy background
at DKos that some here may already have surmised.
Time to come out of the closet.
I used to be a shit disturber at DKos.
I got tossed for being a professional Russian troll (my master of English idioms apparently was too good for me to be a common street troll) who actually worked from the basement of the Kremlin. Apparently I was planted many years ago just for this moment when Putin put his man in the White House.
I don't normally carry a pseudonym from one blog to another, but it's OK in this case due to the relationship.
Hi, CB, I seriously apologize again, because
I found your membership number and I really don't know what hit me to comment that weirdly. I hope you accept the apology.
I remember your name. Amazing how long ago you got "tossed to the bones and skulls". May be time to read a couple of your old diaries to put you back into my active memory. Thank you much for being a good sport. And thank you for your very substantial, information filled comments here. They certainly are an asset.
I joined DKos in 2008 because I wanted change from Dubya's
policies and McCain/Palin stopped so they would not be able to continue them. By the time of Obamacare and the intervention in Afghanistan and Libya I knew we had been played for suckers.
It was just a month or so ago when I earned my prestigious Skull and Bones award. Over the years, I saw many, many good people get tossed off the bus for speaking truth to power.
I've written a number of diaries for DKos but never ended up publishing them - mainly because I didn't have the time to attend to them afterwards.
oops, I see I mixed up your joining date at DK
with your "tossing" date. No diaries published, but 13730 comments, last comment in 2017. Ok, I guess that's hard to get back to. Lotlizard followed you over there, so that tells me something (good)
@mimi I pushed back
on Kos. I was also pretty outfront on here with my critiques of HRC as well as the DNC.
I pushed back against the Hillary Clinton story, both on here in comments, and in a diaryI also posted my own version of an HRC conspiracy theory, asking questions about the Rich murder. I don't think that one will ever be solved, but I still don't believe in coincidence.
So much for the implied accusation that I'm a one-shot troll.
The other cheap shots from commenters - that I must be silly or ignorant because I read facebook or huffington post, unlike the extremely erudite and not-at-all-in-an-isolated-news-bubble posters on here - whatever, you can enjoy feeling superior on that one.
My personal opinion is that Russian hackers took advantage of an existing corrupt system at the DNC, took advantage of the widespread, and true, belief that HRC had weighted the scales against a Sanders nomination. Then they proceeded to flood all the social media with propaganda, as the cited Huffpo article states. And we all fell for it, and clicked on it, and spread it. That's fricking what happened.
I'm just saddened to think of you all busy writing back and forth to each other, buried in self-congratulations, not involved at all in the resistance because who can stand to possibly less than 100% pure and no movement is 100% pure. I haven't been on here much lately, but when I have, I haven't seen any "grassroots organizing" posts - nothing about all of the marches or the ongoing resistance to fascism. I think my decision to leave here was correct, and no, I won't let the door hit me on the way out. Thanks.
Hi, mj55, nice to hear back from you,
I have to be honest, most of what you are unhappy about on this site, doesn't interest me much. I don't care for the issues you get upset about. I like to learn from factual news reporting posts and I often find them here. The rest is noise I can live with.
I keep coming back to two points
Second,no one has disputed that the content of the documents. The more important aspect of the DNC documents is the content, not the source from which Wikileaks received them. The real enemy is not the scary Russians, but those within our own system who will go to any lenghths to install the preferred candidate of the oligarchy.
By continuing to claim that the Russians hacked the DNC and somehow manipulated the election with such information, the Democratic partisans are diverting attention away from the real story which is the content of those documents. Every voter even Republicans should be outraged that one of our two major parties went to extensive lengths to manipulate the primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
One day we'll all look back on this and laugh.
There was no "hack." Podesta's password was used by many people to stroll in and out of the DNC and look at stuff. This went on for months and months.
How do you take advantage of facts?
What propaganda? Do you have an example of "propaganda?"
Most Americans never saw a single document from the DNC. Most didn't care. But then, that was NOT propaganda, anyway. It was reality unfolding.
I never saw anything to "fall for" to "click on" or to "spread." Perhaps you can provide an example, in your own words.
So. You think you had an encounter with the Russians?
You should not be telling intelligent people that. You should keep it to yourself.
"That's fricking what happened."
No, that's you imagining you know what happened because the establishment said so. Funny, you think Rich's death was no coincidence--and Assange did say that the information had been leaked (not hacked), yet you are sure the Russians hacked the DNC. Seems like a disconnect of some kind.
But, let's say the Russians did hack the DNC and released the emails without tampering with them. So what? There was not enough information, lawsuits, prosecutions, etc. out there about Trump for voters to make an informed choice?
Purists? That played out falsehood again?
So, what all are you doing for the "resistance," whatever that means to you, besides posting untrue thread starters here about fake Russian trolls to tell Caucusers how gullible they are? (Delicious irony, no?)
Actually kinda wondering why you're certain that specifically hackers are required to spread propaganda, and why what you've referred to as admittedly true becomes 'propaganda' when 'spread around'?
My personal feeling is that truth ought to be known and that people have a right to know how their elections are being run, particularly where any funny business is concerned, as well as any concerning facts about their candidates prior to voting and being stuck with someone they would not have chosen had they known about corruption issues which then logically extended to their abusive treatment both as voters fooled into voting for/being stuck with a bad candidate and as citizens being imposed upon by cheating, corrupt government.
My objections in this area lean more toward the fact that the American people were not permitted any choice other than that between two corrupt candidates from two corrupt corporate/billionaire-representing parties, although I obviously have far more in this area, specifically including all of the paid Clinton trolls on social media pretending to be regular posters, which your post has just brought back to mind.
I wouldn't be thinking of/bringing up such things simply out of the blue, this long after the election, without such a trigger.
Edited to add that I should have guessed I'd be ninja'd a thousand times over to wind up way down here, lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I chose to ignore, I cant be bothered with "the silly"
Lol, it was amusing because of the Clinton factions 'concerns' about Bernie's age and state of health. And you have to admit that she has demonstrated pathological tendencies which should bar anyone from holding public office, regardless of cause, potentially worsened by any other neurological issues from which she might suffer.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Pizzagate was me...
The Catharsis thing you know...
I did offer the "Strap Your Tin Foil Hats On Tight For This One" disclaimer though...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Making unadulterated reality known is not interfering in an
election. A POTUS (Obama)and elected and appointed federal officials making claims like that is interfering with our entire system, starting with freedom of speech and press. So does the support that establishment media has given them in that.
The Huffpost article is more Bernie supporter bashing.
@Big Al She's fucking terrible.
I'm sorry that the establishment attempt to strongarm us into supporting her by creating the horrendous phenomenon known as Donald Trump backfired. That's sad for them. Now they have to create justifications for impeachment so they can rely on their plan B, Mike Pence. Too bad, so sad.
I'm not participating on either side of this pathetic little color revolution, thanks.
None of my ire should be taken as directed at Big Al, who is, if possible, even more against all this shit than I am. I'm just sick to death of this murderous nonsense and the lies that support it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
So, two hours into the essay's life here, . . .
. . . and the essayist has failed to interact at all with his readers in the comments. Who's trolling/playing us, again?
Feels like the dKindergarten all over again.
Market testing, 1 2 3. Tap tap, is this thing on?
Poor trolls, I don't feel sorry at all. In fact I think they are funny. lol
I agree... and not just dems
DKOS died because it's partisan nature was inherently NOT reality based... no partisan viewpoint can be. In addition, they allowed themselves to act like schoolyard children. They were completely vulnerable.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
So true
I used to go there for information and sanity.
What a sickening waste of a once-useful, informative and often entertaining community... although I'm thankful beyond mere words that some of the best of it wound up in places like here and, honestly like the free-flowing-but-well-moderated atmosphere here much better.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Agree on all counts
Shout out - Thanks a million c99 moderators
I stopped visiting over the other place when the owner told me to fuck off that March day, I mean how else was I supposed to take it? It was like I was 15 again, some loud mouth jerk telling me to fuck off and die! Literally.
It Ain't Easy
Peace & Love
I don't believe moderation can really solve anything
Even in it's best incarnation "moderation" could never solve a problem that is deeply rooted within the community's social framework. I appreciate the fact that this place's "social framework", flawed as it is sometimes, is still world's better than GOS.
For my own money, when people post something ridiculous I think community ridicule (think #distractinglysexy) is by far the most effective measure. When they merely post something factually incorrect then an adult rebuttal is what I'd personally prefer to see. That is the change I am most actively working to make in terms of "real world politics". Right now I see political solutions as a lost cause.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
We don't "police" thought.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Succinctly put
GOS burns bright in my mind in terms of things I wish to avoid in a community. They provide an excellent road map of "things to avoid doing".
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
one rule - don't be a dick.
It is the only thing kos ever said in his life that made any sense.
I do remember this poster clucking about every time someone here went too far and crossed his/her what is acceptable to say line. When we couldn't be admonished or shamed into compliance with his/her standards, s/he packed up, left (perhaps still silently lurked), and stayed gone until they came back with this neener, neener. WTF is that?
At c99, we are not limited in topic or philosophy. I can't call you a POS, but I can call what you say a POS. We had real Trump voters drop in here. I mean real supporters, not Hillary spiters and anti-Hillary strategists. Trump people were tolerated atc99 just like Sabir was tolerated with his I'm with her pom poms.
Freedom of expression, high IQs, and the free t-shirts Johnny gives us why we are here.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
@SnappleBC We have a
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think he/she didn't do this for the first time here
I remember something vaguely. Last time the author commented was in Sept. 2016. I guess he/she does it to have some material for his/her "research paper".
Drop The Mic...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,