March 13, 2017 Open Thread; L Ron Hubbard's Birthday
March 13 is the 72nd day of the year. There are 293 days left.
Today's number is 13
13 is
13 is a prime number, it is the 6th prime
13 is a Wilson Prime (see numberphile video)
13 is also a prime if the digits are reversed (31).
13 is a fibonacci number (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13).
13 is the hypotenuse of a right traingle with sides of 5 & 12. 5, 12 & 13 can be used to test for right angles, like 3,4 & 5 can
There are 13 Archimedean Solids.
1/13 is the non-ending decimal 0.076923 with endless repetitions of 076923 thereafter
A deck of cards has 4 suits of 13 cards each.
The US was formed from 13 rebellious British Colonies
Title 13 of the US Code is CENSUS.
13 BCE
was the Year of the Consulship of Nero and Varus
Yep, that damn Varus again, Publius Quinctilius Varus. Ptui!
13 CE
was the Year of the Consulship of Silius and Plancus
One assumes that Silius was really played by John Cleese or Michael Palin
Strabo published a book on the shape of the Earth & Ovid published books 1-3 of his Epistulae ex Ponto.
On this day in:
0624 -- The Battle of Badr, known as the turning point of Islam.
1639 -- Harvard College was named
1697 -- The capital of the last independent Maya kingdom fell to the conquistadors.
1781 -- William Herschel discovered Uranus
1845 -- Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto premiered
1884 -- The Siege of Khartoum began
1897 -- San Diego State University was founded (originally San Diego State Collge)
1943 -- German forces liquidated the Jewish ghetto in Krakow.
1954 -- Viet Minh forces under Vo Nguyen Giap began the Battle of Dien Bien Phu eventually resulting in a US invasion
1979 -- The New Jewel Movement staged a nearly bloodless coup in Grenada leading indirectly to the later US invasion
2013 -- Pope Francis was elected
Born this day in:
1593 -- Georges de La Tour, painter
1700 -- Michel Blavet, composer & flautist
1781 -- Karl Friedrich Schinkel, architect & painter
1855 -- Percival Lowell, astronomer & mathematician, founder of Lowell Observatory
1864 -- Alexej von Jawlensky, painter
1892 -- Janet Flanner, author & journalist
1902 -- Mohammed Abdel Wahab, singer and composer
1908 -- Walter Annenberg, publisher
1908 -- Myrtle Bachelder, chemist who worked on Mnhattan Project
1910 -- Sammy Kaye, saxophonist, bandleader & songwriter
1911 -- L. Ron Hubbard, author, con-man, nutbag & ""religious" leader", Xenu's gofer,
1913 -- William J. Casey, politician & spook
1921 -- Al Jaffee, cartoonist, most notably for MAD.
1925 -- Roy Haynes, drummer & composer
1929 -- Bunny Yeager, photographer & model
1930 -- Blue Mitchell, trumpet player
1932 -- Jan Howard, Opry singer
1933 -- Mike Stoller, songwriter & produce, especially with Jerry Lieber
1938 -- Erma Franklin, did original Piece of my Heart, Aretha's big sis.
1939 -- Neil Sedaka, pianist, singer, songwriter
1942 -- Scatman John, pianist, singer, songwriter
1950 -- Charles Krauthammer, physician & author
1951 -- Charo, singer and guitarist, Cuchi-Cuchi
1956 -- Jamie Dimon, uber capitalist, chief of shadow government of the USA
1960 -- Adam Clayton, U2 bassist
1962 -- Terence Blanchard, trumpet player, bandleader & composer
1966 -- Chico Science, singer, songwriter, founder of manquebeat
1975 -- Glenn Lewis, singer & songwriter
Died this day in:
1842 -- Henry Shrapnel, general, inventor of shrapnel
1906 -- Susan B. Anthony, activist
1938 -- Clarence Darrow, lawyer
1943 -- Stephen Vincent Benet, poet & author
1990 -- Bruno Bettelheim, quack & mis-educator, shrink
1998 -- Judge Dread, singer who holds record formost songs banned by the BBC
1999 -- Lee Falk, cartoonist, playwright, director & producer
2006 -- Robert C. Baker, anti-gastronome, inventor of the chicken (mc)nugget
2013 -- Cartha DeLoach, feeb, sleaze, Jedgar's gofer
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
L Ron Hubbard's Birthday (Scientology)
So, for music Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto Michel Blavet Mohammed Abdel Wahab Sammy Kaye Roy Haynes Blue Mitchell Jan Howard Mike Stoller Erma Franklin Neil Sedaka Scatman John Charo Adam Clayton Terence Blanchard Chico Science Glenn Lewis Judge Dread-
Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto
Michel Blavet
Mohammed Abdel Wahab
Sammy Kaye
Roy Haynes
Blue Mitchell
Jan Howard
Mike Stoller (got a couple of days, we can do a full retrospective)
Erma Franklin
Neil Sedaka
Scatman John
Adam Clayton
Terence Blanchard
Chico Science
Glenn Lewis
Judge Dread (not his forte, but safe for work)
OK, what's on your minds?
Bonus: Some Lieber & Stoller
13 to make magic
Only 3 to make a coven, 13 can make powerful magic. Merry meet, merry part.
Edit: it's deja vu all over again because I think I posted this last year?
Fibonacci's Fractals in five minutes. Love fractals.
Oh, you mean like Jesus and the 12 Apostles!
Think about it: all male, 12 coveners, one High Priest.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Numberphile has a bunch of videos relating to fractals,
3 that I recall have to do with the Mandlebrot set, the dragon curve, and sandpiles, but I'm sure that there are more or ones devoted to other topics that venture into fractals. A lot of series will relate to fractals.Then there's Sierpinski's triangle, a simple pen & paper "look ma, fractals" exercise.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Vihart of the Khan Academy is my favorite.
She has an attitude. I like math with an attitude.
I especially liked her rant against Pi and in favor of Tau.
I think that we should all celebrate June 28 as Tau day.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Abdul Wahab was a freak of nature.
He was a singer, composer and instrumentalist, playing several stringed instruments (and maybe the Middle Eastern drum--not sure). He also acted.
He composed a total of 1820 songs, including movie scores and--wait for it--three national anthems: Libya, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. A film in which he starred is still shown in Egypt from time to time.
Geez, and I'm proud of myself when I get all my chores done.
I looked up his wiki because I had thought he was a singer, but there was no singing on the video you posted. I am in awe.
Yeah, I read a bit about him, but figured I would, as with
most of those I list, try to keep it short. I also decided I would definitely not do any of the national anthems.
Thanks for bringing it up, though, as folks really should know more about him than I included.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
But why are we scared of 13?
I had to look it up...
Here's hoping your day is filled with good luck and fortune....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks. As I rule, I generally skip number superstitions,
numerological theories/beliefs and numbers in religion because there are such an immense number and, if you start down that road, you have to be all-inclusive.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Did you know...
mentioning Hubbard brought this to mind
question everything
Actually, I did know about that, and it is pretty
uncool. They denied its members deductions for the various processing sessions as charitable because services were received, then as medical because quackery, but then buckled and allowed it as charity after all. Parallel situations with other religious groups were not treated the same.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Scientology: more information
Yes, I knew that.
More information on these kinds of things can be had from the following:
"Something Can Be Done About It", the blog of Mike Rinder, formerly in charge of Scientology's "dirty tricks department". This blog works much like ours; one can register and post comments (I don't know about essays, though; I think essayists submit to Mr. Rinder who then decides on publishing.)
"The Underground Bunker", Tony Ortega's blogsite, also dedicated to exposing Scientology.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
OT: Mexico Approves 4 Trademarks for Trump
So familiar, I'm not even shocked or stunned anymore. Billionaires handing money around between governments and stuff. Mexico China United States. Same same same. Better Trade Deals for Trump, waiting for trickle.
Thanks. I expect that registering trademarks like that
is pretty routine these days.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --