This will certainly cause change
Yesterday, possibly the most impotent gay group in the country took a stand against the Trump administration.
Yes, the Log Cabin Republicans have written a letter to Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions. concerning the rights of transgender students.
As an organization, Log Cabin Republicans is proud to help play a part in the President Trump’s goal to “Make America Great Again.” To this end, we request that the Trump Administration and the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights reconsider rescinding the “Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students” and instead improve upon the directive itself.
You know, just like Obamacare "repeal and replace" has worked so well.
In the coming weeks, Log Cabin Republicans will provide the Departments Justice and Education with our recommendations in this regard, focusing on effective, common-sense conservative solutions designed to provide safety and respect to transgender students, including:
1. Acknowledgement of the legitimate concerns of transgender children and their parents.
2. Sustaining the positive elements of the previous Obama Administration guidance while refining those parts that have become flashpoints for controversy.
3. Recognizing the need for both federal rules and supervision as well as flexible local implementation.
It is imperative that the Trump Administration and, specifically, the Departments of Justice and Education act to ensure that any future directives or guidance regarding access to school facilities are not inhibited in any way that would harm transgender youth or impede upon their ability to receive an education.
Log Cabin Republicans stands in support of our country’s transgender students and encourages collaboration on any directives or initiatives involving transgender Americans in the future.
The letter was prepared and signed by four transgender members of LCR and the mother of a transgender child.
I think this is a tremendous opportunity for LGBT Republicans. We really are in a unique position, because we are coming from a place of conversation, dialogue and advisement—as opposed to unrelenting opposition, which seems to be the battle cry of the LGBT left.
I’m confident that we will be able to propose a common sense conservative answer to this hotly debated topic, one that takes into consideration the perspective of Republicans and the center right, while at the same time, still advocating for the full equality of transgender students and all transgender Americans, and one that does not allow for any separate but equal status.
--Gregory T. Angelo, LCR cheerleader in chief
Well now they can say they sent a letter,
which is about as much good as any other letter written by any politician or political organization to elected and/or appointed gov't officials - it gives them (Log Cabin) some free publicity, and that's about all.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott