Open Thread Sunday 01-31-16
Good morning 99percenters!
Sunday news dump and music by Blue Highway.
Thousands Mobilize in France Against 'Headlong Rush into Authoritarianism'
'It is urgent to clearly demonstrate our refusal of this obnoxious policy'Thousands of people in Paris and other French cities hit the streets on Saturday to protest the controversial state of emergency that one organization says is an indication of a "headlong rush into authoritarianism."
The measure, imposed following the November attacks in Paris, is set to expire February 26. Debate in the bicameral parliament is forthcoming, as Agence France-Presse reports, with "Senate [...] to vote on the proposal on February 9, followed by a vote in the National Assembly on February 16."
At the action in Paris, police said 5,000 took part, while organizers said the turnout was 20,000. Dozens of similar protests also took place Saturday in other cities across the nation.
Corporate Crime Runs Rampant Thanks to 'Rigged' System: Elizabeth Warren
Report suggests 'some giant corporations—and their executives—have decided that following the law is merely optional'"Corporate criminals routinely escape meaningful prosecution for their misconduct."
This is the damning verdict of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) report released Friday, Rigged Justice: How Weak Enforcement Lets Corporate Offenders Off Easy (pdf).
Described as "the first in an annual series on enforcement," the 12-page booklet "highlights 20 of the most egregious civil and criminal cases during the past year in which federal settlements failed to require meaningful accountability to deter future wrongdoing and to protect taxpayers and families," according to a press statement from Warren's office.
Take the Education Management Corporation, the nation's second-largest for-profit college, for example.
AMERICAN AND BRITISH INTELLIGENCE secretly tapped into live video feeds from Israeli drones and fighter jets, monitoring military operations in Gaza, watching for a potential strike against Iran, and keeping tabs on the drone technology Israel exports around the world.
Under a classified program code-named “Anarchist,” the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, working with the National Security Agency, systematically targeted Israeli drones from a mountaintop on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. GCHQ files provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden include a series of “Anarchist snapshots” — thumbnail images from videos recorded by drone cameras. The files also show location data mapping the flight paths of the aircraft. In essence, U.S. and British agencies stole a bird’s-eye view from the drones.
Several of the snapshots, a subset collected in 2009 and 2010, appear to show drones carrying missiles. Although they are not clear enough to be conclusive, the images offer rare visual evidence to support reports that Israel flies attack drones — an open secret that the Israeli government won’t acknowledge.
Since 2011, Syria has fought desperately to hold itself together as a single, unified nation. Threatened from the beginning by the "Libya precedent," Washington and its regional allies have openly conspired to divide up Syria as a consolatory objective upon failing to topple Damascus outright.
US policymakers, some of whom had previously played a role in laying out invasion and occupation plans for Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, have published numerous op-eds and entire policy papers regarding the planned partition of Syria.
It was hoped that the Syrian government could be pushed from Damascus and sent fleeing to Syria's western provinces of Latakia and Tartus. From there, the US hoped to create a Saudi-Qatari-Turkish dominated central state with a Kurdish territory linked up with US-backed Kurds in northern Iraq. Forever divided against itself, Syria would never again function as a powerful ally of nearby Iran, Lebanon's Hezbollah or Russia and distant China.
‘Cut-out’ Anti-Drone Protest Brings Arrests
The U.S. government’s lethal drone program continues to spark protests from anti-war activists, including a novel “blockade” outside upstate New York’s Hancock air base where a dozen protesters arrayed life-size cut-outs of the late anti-war activist Jerry Berrigan and faced arrest.
On Jan. 28, 30 life-size cutouts of the late anti-war activist Jerry Berrigan – brother of Dan and Phil Berrigan – blockaded the main entrance of Hancock Air National Guard Base outside Syracuse, New York, where Jerry Berrigan lived. The cutouts of Jerry Berrigan were accompanied by 12 live nonviolent drone resisters, who were arrested after blockading for an hour and a half.
Jerry Berrigan, who died on July 26, 2015 at the age of 95, dedicated his life – as did his brothers Dan and Phil Berrigan – to Jesus’s command to love one another. Jerry Berrigan came to the base on a bi-weekly basis whenever he was able, in his words, “to remind the base commander of our government’s pledge under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, a treaty to safeguard non-combatant’s well-being in any warzone in which U.S. forces are engaged in combat.”
The Dangerous Ideology of Religion
Ideologies are pre-set forms of thinking that shape people’s worldviews and, supposedly, help to order and simplify reality. While this supposition is always flawed to one extent or another, ideologies can be very seductive. In part this is because they free their adherents from the hard work of critical thinking. Thus, they are often held onto tenaciously.
Because ideologies distort reality, they are particularly unsuited for those aspiring to power as well as their devoted supporters. History is full of examples of politically powerful ideologies that underscore this fact: fascism, communism, various military cults (particularly popular in South America and the Middle East) and even the ideology of democracy as manipulated by corrupt elites, who play the Pied Piper to the masses.
Yet there is still one more ideology out there which, even now, wreaks havoc by either claiming for itself the trappings of secular power or attaching itself in some influential advisory way to the institutions of power. That ideology is religion in its various institutional manifestations.
US Building Boom Fuels Spike in Construction Worker Injury and Death
They fall from ladders, roofs and scaffolding, get electrocuted, and breathe in toxic chemicals and dust. They get hit by falling objects and find themselves on the receiving end of mechanical failures and equipment malfunctions. For 7.45 million construction workers - one-fourth of them foreign born - going to work as a bricklayer, carpenter, electrician, framer, mason, painter, plumber, or drywall or tile installer means facing acute dangers within their daily work.
Indeed, despite efforts by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to oversee workplaces, train workers and ensure that adequate precautions are taken, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that fatal injuries on construction sites increased by 5 percent in 2014, to 874. In addition, hundreds of thousands of workers are injured on the job, filing an incredible 1 million workers' compensation claims a year for both temporary conditions - such as broken bones and sprains - and permanent injuries, including paralysis and loss of limbs.
The reason, say experts, is a residential building boom in cities across the country, among them Phoenix, Arizona; San Francisco and San Jose, California; Miami, Florida; New York City; Nashville, Tennessee; and Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas.
The True Inside Story of How a College Professor Sells Out to Monsanto
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now know the extent to which U.S. academics have been quietly supporting the food giant's propaganda.Former University of Illinois food science professor Bruce Chassy is known for his academic gravitas. Now retired nearly four years, Chassy still writes and speaks often about food safety issues, identifying himself with the full weight of the decades of experience earned at the public university and as a researcher at the National Institutes of Health. Chassy tells audiences that before he retired in 2012, he worked “full time” doing research and teaching.
What Chassy doesn’t talk much about is the other work he did while at the University of Illinois — promoting the interests of Monsanto Co., which has been trying to overcome mounting public concerns about the genetically engineered crops and chemicals the company sells. He also doesn’t talk much about the hundreds of thousands of dollars Monsanto donated to the university as Chassy was helping promote GMOs, or Monsanto’s secretive role in helping Chassy set up a nonprofit group and website to criticize individuals and organizations who raise questions about GMOs.
But emails released through Freedom of Information Act requests show that Chassy was an active member of a group of U.S. academics who have been quietly collaborating with Monsanto on strategies aimed at not just promoting biotech crop products, but also rolling back regulation of these products and fending off industry critics. The emails show money flowing into the university from Monsanto as Chassy collaborated on multiple projects with Monsanto to counter public concerns about genetically modified crops (GMOs) – all while representing himself as an independent academic for a public institution.
Argentine Social Movements Strike Back Against Monsanto
The world's largest GMO corporation never imagined that it would suffer one of its major setbacks in a small, rural town in central Argentina.
Popular opposition, irregularities in the company's environmental impact assessment, a protest blockade at the entry gate, and a court ruling stalled the construction of its seeds plant three years ago.
The most recent blow to the corporation occurred when it made a new attempt to enter the site in the municipality of Malvinas Argentinas, in the province of Cordoba. Protesters received an eviction notice, but local socio-environmental assemblies mobilized to strengthen the blockade, and a prosecutor suspended the order.
On Jan. 8 simultaneous marches were held in different cities across Argentina. The demand was one and the same: "Monsanto, get out of Latin America!"
Beekeeper Who Sounded Alarm on Colony Collapse Disorder Loses 90 Percent of His Hives
David Hackenberg, who first announced the phenomenon now known as 'Colony Collapse Disorder' (CCD) back in late 2006, has lost 90 percent of his bees. Again.
"We've lost our bees before, but it's never been this bad," says 43-year-old Davey Hackenberg who now runs Buffy Bee, his father's East Coast operation. The father-and-son team went from 1700 hives at the beginning of winter to a little less than 300. And for the first time in years, they're not driving cross-country to the Central Valley to pollinate almonds. They don't have enough bees. Many commercial beekeepers depend on the lucrative almonds – a 6.5 billion dollar crop that spans 500 miles—to stay in business.
Bret Adee, the biggest beekeeper in the world, also recently lost a massive amount of hives. He went from 90,000 hives to 40,000. This is not the first time Bret has lost a big part of his operation.
Cloud Blanket Is Warming Up a Melting Ice Cap
LONDON—Researchers have identified another piece in the climate machinery that is accelerating the melting of the Greenland ice cap. The icy hills are responding to the influence of a higher command system: the clouds.
An international research team led by scientists from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium report in Nature Communications journal that cloud cover above the northern hemisphere’s largest single volume of permanent ice is raising temperatures by between 2 degrees and 3 degrees C and accounting for 20-30% of the melting.
The conclusion, based on imaging from satellites and on computer simulations, is one more part of the global examination of the intricate climate systems on which human harvests, health and happiness ultimately depend.
El Niño Is Here, So Why Is California Still in Drought?
A parade of El Niño-fueled storms has marched over California in the last few weeks, bringing bouts of much needed rain and snow to the parched state. But maps of drought conditions there have barely budged, with nearly two-thirds of the state still in the worst two categories of drought.
So what gives?
The short answer, experts say, is that the drought built up over several years (with help from hotter temperatures fueled in part by global warming) and it will take many more storms and almost assuredly more than a single winter — even one with a strong El Niño — to erase it.
The issue for California comes down to this: there are short-term drought impacts and long-term ones.
Blue Highway - Pikeville Flood
Blue Highway - Between The Rows
Blue Highway - Union Man
Blue Highway - Still Climbing Mountains
Blue Highway - Clear Cut
Blue Highway - Farmer's Blues
Blue Highway - Don't Come Out Of The Hole
Blue Highway - That Could Be You

Morning folks...
I've been a bit under the weather the last few days, better today though.
It was tough finding non horse race articles this morning, but I did find a few. I don't know about you but I'm pretty sick of this wacko election season.
morning and thanks, JtC, yep, sicko too here...
... but that too shall pass. Have nevertheless a good Sunday.
May you have...
a great one too, mimi.
morning jtc...
glad to hear you're feeling better. i'm working on fighting off some nasty sore throat/cold thing that one of the kids dragged in.
Morning Joe...
yep, that time of the year, my grand daughter introduced us to this one.
hi, JtC
If you were under this weather, you would be wet. : /
Here is a non-horse-race story. A Novosibirsk lawyer is attempting to invoke the Russian law prohibiting promotion of non-traditional "family values" to cease press coverage of the friendship between a goat and a tiger.
trees "count, learn and remember; nurse sick neighbors; warn each other of danger by sending electrical signals across a fungal network known as the 'Wood Wide Web'; and, albeit for reasons unknown, keep the ancient stumps of long-felled companions alive for centuries by feeding them a sugar solution through their roots."
I don't know if this violates any Russian laws.
How dare...
those woody beings work together cooperatively. Forget Russian law, this violates Conservative (huge oxymoron there) dogma world-wide. The woody public education system must be privatized so those bark laden sun worshipers will forget that "count, learn and remember" nonsense. Laws must be enacted to stop the photosynthetic homeopathic medicine that these leafy flora practice. The roots must be tapped by intelligence services to stop the secret fungal network known as the "Wood Wide Web" (damn that Edward Snowden!). And lastly those ancient stumps must be poisoned to make room for Monsanto to make profits, what are those plants, commies or something! Damn pinko soil suckers!
Mycorrhizae feed their neighbors
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
can also feed your head.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
lol, you talk like an old European Oak tree :-) /nt
pinko soil suckers
are on the march.

Morning hecate...
I don't know which is worse, the Russian law prohibiting promotion of non-traditional "family values", or the slimeball law-twisters that take advantage of the homophobic laws. The world's in a rush to walk back the Enlightenment. Stoopit humans, perhaps the sciencemen were too hasty to classify mankind as Homo Sapien sapien since we still as of yet haven't worked out all the Cro-Magnon tendencies. And it just may be that I'm being too harsh on the Cro-Magnons.
the law, there would be nothing for the slimeballs to twist.
Meanwhile, Satanists are twisting the panties of people in Phoenix, because they are utilizing American law and case-law to deliver an invocation at a city council meeting.
I don't know why there should be any uproar. For I'm sure the council chambers has a time or two suffered the sulfurous presence of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, an actual imp of Satan.
Hey Johnny....
get well; me too, hope Bernie kicks ass Monday, be done with the postulations of soothsayers.
Thanks and sending good health vibes.
Hey smiley...
here's good health wishes to you also, and good luck to Bernie. The people are pissed and it's blowing minds!
Morning Johnny
Lots of liquids and self medicate.
I am nursing nagging injuries from moving around Sweetie. The wrist will let me play guitar every once in awhile. The shoulder compelled me to ratchet back working out.
Yup, and the followers of The Prince of Peace are a vengeful warmongering bunch.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Ideology take two
Trickle down is mathematically proven not to work.
Guns kill people. That is what they are made for.
Regulations save lives and provide a little protection from predators. The reason OSHA exists is because of exploitation of the working class. Is it any wonder that income inequality and the push to deregulate go hand in hand?
Corporations are not people, otherwise they would be incarcerated, executed and held accountable to the law.
We are creeping to an authoritarian state. The French, article above, are generally a more thoughtful bunch than our reality TV culture and are not concerned that their police will kill them, or they will be fired from their job, or they will be demonized by oligarch activists. The result is protest. Americans are either brain washed, afraid or intellectually challenged and maintain subservience to their masters.
EL percussionist led ^^^^
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Creeping toward an authoritarian state? More like in
dead full gallop if you ask me.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Morning Tim...
take care of yourself, my friend.
Television is the antidote for that trouble maker "critical thinking". It causes the brain to detach from the senses.
I have always been amazed by the ...
cognitive dissonance created by the marriage of pious and conservative. Stewardship of the planet, pishaw. Brothers keeper, pfft. Empathy for the poor, children, disadvantaged, ... Anti-choice, but pro-death penalty? Aurgh!
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
U.S. looked to rendition Snowden
terrorists and stuff
Meanwhile, the White House continues to over-react
The US intelligence agencies will
…probably have to stick with the Mormons when it comes to recruiting and staffing.
They come pre-brainwashed and hierarchy-broken, right out of BYU.
(Which probably goes a long way to explaining the Bundys, their followers, and their litters of children.)
I finally learned what
a sister Souljah moment is. Reading Simon Head's articles and Dallas Doc's diary somehow got me through some links and made me to actually watch Bill Clinton's speech back then. Oh, sisters, where art thou?
At least I learn something sometimes just accidentically. I am always feeling like what I vaguely remember from Wolfgang Borchert's play "Draußen vor der Tür, literally "Outside, at the door" when it comes to "sisters". Most of the sister's doors seem to be closed to me. Is it just telling that there is no word for female "comrades" or "friends"? Oh, no, but the Germans have something female for the German version of the word "comrade", we say "Genosse" and there we have "Genossin", which is a female comrade. Ha. I am very proud of my German language. See, we are not THAT sexist...
But I find hecate's reading material about Mr. Wohleben's musings about trees really much more enjoying. Just wonder how it is that hecate ends up reading THAT KIND OF STUFF. Her root connections must be vast and holding the underground world world wide together.
Oh my, you all are killing me. Genossin mimi talking here in gibberish tree language.
Have a nice Sunday, all. It's time I shut down the computer and do real work, like cleaning the garage. Sigh.
is it true,
as Mark Twain claims, that "in German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has"?
yeah, but in German the soul is female,
the earth is female, the heart is neuter and the brain is neuter and the body with all its hate is male, together with the the ocean. And a turnip is just the most awful veggie you can imagine. It's the poor man's veggie, may it had to be female for men to eat 'em at all. And a tomcat is male, only en masse they become female. Or may be bisexual?
Geez, what with Mark Twain's language? It's all without any sex. Everything is "the" neuter thingy. I can understand he got all hot over that many sex the Germans had...
the mind is also neuter - may be that's
why English folks want always to win hearts and minds, because though both are neuter (and that's what English folks might like), if both come en masse they become female. Oh wonderous world of words. A word is neuter too, but they all become female as soon as they come in multitudes. Sigh, sorry. Twain, that's a fellow of some special sort, super male. He messes up my mind and I get emotional. Uh, oh ...
sorry, I was messing and joking around /nt
A german guide on a Rhine Cruise last year told me that
madchen, madel, and fraulein (sorry no umlauts on this keyboard) are all no longer with us because they are so sexist, insofar as there are no male equivalents. True? I wondered what would then become of Der Todt und das Madchen fifty years from now.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
well then he must know, I am old and think the guide
might have been a Bübchen (kleines Männchen, small young man), which would be the male equivalent in my mind for Fräulein. As to addressing a woman with Fräulein, it is really not done anymore since at least the mid sixties, because you used to address only unmarried women with Fräulein back in the days and that is indeed nobody´s business. Mädchen (little girl) and Mädel (more South German usage for little girl) I thought was still used.
Heh, I am jealous, you are cruising around in Germany and I am sitting here stuck near DC and never come out of it apparently. Good day and much good health to you. What did they say for "Good Bye", "Tschüs" or "Ciao" or "Bis dann" ?
Bis morgen, tschüs.
There was also
this diary from bobswern that lays out the racist dog whistles the Clintons have been using for decades now. The trolling in that diary really reveals a lot about Hillary's support.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
FBI investigation of Hillary getting serious
Russia has those emails?
only a rumour
the foghorns
of hate radio have been bellowing for months that the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the headcutters, the Man in the Moon, etc., all snuffled around The Mad Bomber's emails, and there they learned Everything. This is one of the reasons they think she should be put in the Stockade.
This is another thing about GOS that annoyes me
If Hillary gets indicted, or even if a criminal investigation is started, then she's finished. And with it is the Democrats chances (unless Bernie can knock her off).
But discussion of this real possibility on GOS is near impossible.
Can you imagine what people would say if Bernie was under an FBI investigation. How many Hillary fans would be calling for him to step down for the "good of the party"?
We know one thing for certain:
The other 50,000 plus classified documents Hillary handled during her four years as SOS were not stored on her personal server.
The 30-or-so that migrated to her server (out of 50,000 total) in the form of attachments or in repetitious conversation threads initiated by others, probably did not hold the Keys to the Kingdom that the boogymen are looking for so that they can attack the United States.
Folks who are glomming on to this email "squirrel" are enabling Clinton to get away with the human atrocity in Libya, for which she is directly responsible. Playing on your biases is how the Neocon war criminals remain in control.
Our Overlords do not indict war criminals for anything. I'm with Bernie. It's a nothing burger. Move on.
In other news, Eric Holder just endorsed Hillary for President.
did you see this?
NEWS EXCLUSIVE - ‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying.
I guess I am just not up-to-date and I have no feeling for the source, but it's pretty clearly worded. How does the IG Krongard know that, as he stopped serving as an IG in 2008, which would be before HRC became SoS ?
It's getting harder for the evening anchors of that network
to plug their ears and yell "Lalalalalalala I can't hear you!" all the time with this stuff and retain any shred of credibility.
Me, I just relish this as sauce for the goose, given the way Hillary indignantly went after Edward Snowden over his whistleblowing.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon