Catherine Austin Fitts and productivity

I just recently became aware of the work and opinions of one Catherine Austin Fitts. Her opinons, as expressed on a variety of radio programs, are, to say the least, provocative and original. For example she has expressed her belief that Sanctuary Cities were established to provide Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Wall Street with cheap labor.

Here is one example I hasten to add that I am no fan of Rense, a rank amateur who won't let his guests say what they have to say and asks the wrong questions.

Among other things, Fitts said that we, the American people, are to blame as well as the usual villians for our predicament, and I don't dispute that. We all need, she says, to become "more productive". I am guessing here that she means something other than what the Dept. of Labor means when it measures "productivity".

So, more productive is it? Sure, Ms. (or is it Dr.) Fitts. Love to, but lets just take a look at what that would entail, shall we?

1. First, everyone in the employing class, from personnel officers to supervisors to business owners needs to reward and encourage being productive, as opposed to emotionally satisfying qualities like personality, pedigree, social standing, ethnicity and physical appearance. News flash: high scores in things like social standing, et al, DO NOT EQUAL "doing a good job", much less anything which could remotely be considered "productive".

2. A lot of people stand to lose a lot of money, very much including minorities and immigrants, or anyone else whose plan for getting ahead is selling crap to dummies. Productive people (PPs) don't spend. They invest in things like good tools, which they don't buy at Walmart, and they maintain and pass on those tools, but they don't spend Saturday at the mall or Friday night in a bar. PPs have learned not to waste time, energy or money on distractions like the latest gizmo, cable TV, or the shopping channel. PPs might take the family out to dinner for a special occasion, but they cook at home the rest of the time.

3. PPs also can't be bothered to rearrange everyone else's lives. (Alt right opinionators and "progressive activists", I am looking at you here.) PPs are not going to get on board with your latest obsession to fight evil halfway around the world, nor are they impressed with "environmentalists" who drive Yuuge vans and live in houses which could easily accommodate the entire homeless population of their town. PPs do tend to think that laws are in place for good reasons, and one needs to abide by them until such time as one can get them changed.

4. Most of all, Ms.(or Dr.) Fitts, a lot of working and lower middle and middle class people do right now have good skills which they can't use to make livings BECAUSE OF the insanely high prices of housing, health care, utilities, and insurances. Which means, that everyone who has investments in real estate--and persons like Ms./Dr. Fitts do tend to have such investments-- needs to be prepared for those investments to decline in value by about 50%.

So, anytime you, Ms./Dr. Fitts, or someone like you, wants to get serious, how about renting out one of your properties at half the going rate for your area to a skilled craftsperson? How about using your influence to get your city to regain control of its utilities and charge only what is needed for salaries and maintenance? How about telling your Senators and Congresspersons, whom I am sure you know personally, that you expect them to introduce and vote for a single payer health care/Medicare for all program for the entire country sooner rather than later?

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…some time ago, when I was studying international economics. She was such an orginal voice in the world of economic; she was quoted often in both the popular media and in academia. Seeing her name again is a blast from the past, although I know she is still active in her field. It was I who drifted off… into geopolitics.

During those years, Jeff Rense maintained an interesting page of eclectic links that you couldn't find in in one place, anywhere else. Hard science and alien science, medical breakthroughs and UFO medicine, geopolitics and conspiracy theories, art from the Left and the Right, and every kind of opinion piece — all co-mingling and updated daily. It was all presented as a possibility, without comment. I know he was on the radio, but I never heard one of his shows. I only knew him as the guy with the 1970s haircut.

Ah, his website is still there and very much the same [scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, heh]. One must suspend judgement to get a kick out of it.

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@Pluto's Republic @Pluto's Republic

…to her premise on productivity. (I haven't reviewed the clip yet, but I felt the heat of your fire.) "Productivity" is such a curious concept to be using at this time; odd because in my opinion, Americans may be the most productive workers in the world. They certainly work the longest hours and have some of the meanest and stingiest labor laws in the world. It's a disgrace that I have gotten around to, yet.

All that aside, productivity is the crux of the problems afflicting Americans these days. They are far too productive. Productivity will never be the solution — until American workers are sharing in the profits from work product of what they produce. Anything else is more of the same spiraling income inequality and political and social dislocation.

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@Pluto's Republic Rense had a website. ON my way to check it out.

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Mary Bennett

because Jeff Rense is such an insufferable jerk -- wasting half the time by interrupting Ms Fitts with his irrelevant inanities. Nonetheless I persevered, as I was fascinated by her perspective on the financial aspects of Trump's ascendancy. I don't know whether she's right or not, but she is certainly a knowledgeable and original thinker. A lot of what she says (though not all of it) makes a lot of sense to me. Particularly her theory that two opposing forces -- the Globalists vs the Nationalists -- are in contention for control of the future of the nation.

As for how "productive people" are to be identified, I fully agree with all of your suggestions. Maybe Ms Fitts would agree with them too... or maybe not.

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@native I agree with that assessment. As many years as, according to Pluto's Republic, he has been on air, you would think he might have learned some manners.

I also found her perspective most interesting, till she started in on "productivity", never defined by her.

I think she needs to read The Great Wave, by David Hackett Fisher. What is holding people back today is high prices of everything, but starting with rents.

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Mary Bennett

She's obviously in the tank for Donald but I found her take on what/who the election was all about was quite thought provoking. Only half way thru the interview so haven't gotten to the so-called productive part. But if I had to guess she's trying to tie the productive meme to the whole gold standard/globalism's demise.

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@eltee I could even go so far as to agree about us American hoi polloi being in part responsible for our own predicament.

I think what corrupted Americans was not "feminism", or "permissiveness", but mass culture, advertising in particular. Advertising does more than promote products. It also delineates the borders of what is to be considered socially respectable.

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Mary Bennett