This is why we can't have nice things. Berkley

Well, here ya go.

Somehow the Black Bloc is now a tool of Breitbart? MSM, really? This is your best play?

Umm no.

Hello. Black Bloc? What the hell is that? Where the hell they come from "all of a sudden"?
Um Seattle WTO 1999? Oh, that.


Just take a guess who the unwashed masses that have defeated Democrats since 2010 think is "at fault" the gay militant conservative who wanted to speak or whoever smashed and burned and rioted against free speech? Waiting. Done? Gosh you're right.

Idiots on TeeVee.

And it's failed Labor Secretary and failed MA Guv wanna be (nice bus) Robert Reich.

On CNN Thursday, UC Berkeley professor and former Democratic Secretary of Labor Robert Reich suggested the anti-Trump riots on campus were actually a right-wing plot to delegitimize liberals.

“I wouldn’t bet against it,” Reich said. “I saw these people. They all looked very– almost paramilitary. They were not from the campus. I don’t want to say factually, but I’ve heard there was some relationship here between these people and the right-wing movement that is affiliated with Breitbart News.”

Yes. He was checking Student IDs... What a f'g hero/tool. Who the hell is paying him?

Oh, the CA University System. Can you say Janet Napolitano? Well, can you?

Sheeple. Baaaa

Go figure.

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CS in AZ's picture

Without the protests or the violence or the large fire burning in the middle of Berkeley, the talk would be covered by no media outlet save for Breitbart Tech. ...

His book is coming out in March and the anarchist who pepper-sprayed the young woman in the Make Bitcoin Great Again hat during the Berkeley rioting only helped Milo sell more copies. Every time the provocateur provokes, his reach and influence only expand.

And there’s proof. On Amazon pre-orders for his book Dangerous shot up dramatically in the charts. Those protests really taught him a lesson…

How can anyone know who the "men in black" actually were, or why they were there? But this article is right about the fact that without all the big drama and controversy, his book and promo tours would be entirely dull. He requires attention to sell books and grab the spotlight. People reacting to him are helping him, whether or not that's their goal.

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EdMass's picture

@CS in AZ @CS in AZ @CS in AZ Really? You believe that?

He doesn't need any added attention. The MSM, ToP et al and College SafeSpacers give him all the PR he needs.

You believe some internet fool organized that riot to sell his book? Really?

Guess you missed BB & OWS. Who are those people in Black with metal pipes and molotov cocktails screwing up our noble goals? Who?

IMHO. This is the Black Bloc and you know it.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

CS in AZ's picture


I never heard of this Milo guy until yesterday.

Yes, I do believe the amazon stats that his book sales increased dramatically overnight, and its obvious that his act requires attention to succeed, which he would not be getting without the protests.

I actually have no idea at all who "black bloc" is, other than people who wear black outfits and masks and claim to be anarchists and act violently at various protests. I don't know why they do this. Is it not true that anyone can don black clothing and ski masks?

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EdMass's picture

@CS in AZ I apologise.

You might want to find out more about the history of US Anarchists and Black Bloc in particular and their efforts for over 20 years here in the good old USA.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

CS in AZ's picture


I wanted to tell you that I always smile at your sig quote -- one of my all-time favorite lines from my favorite scene in The Holy Grail. Smile

I did read a little about black bloc yesterday, but found a lot of conflicting and confusing stories. For instance, a number of OWS people seem convinced that they were government infiltrators whose goal in inciting violence was to discredit the protesters and/or justify crackdowns.

I've only known one person well who was a true, fully committed anarchist, and he was deeply opposed to violence (but fond of monkey-wrenching and breaking what he considered stupid or pointless rules of authority). He was Australian, however, not American. But he and his anarchist friends didn't dress in black or attack anyone, ever.

Anyway, whatever the motives of the "real" black bloc, it's still easy for others to dress up the same way and act out for reasons of their own. So I remain skeptical.

As for Milo, I honestly believe he should just be ignored. His career is pushing buttons. Reactions to him are his bread and butter.


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thanatokephaloides's picture

@EdMass @EdMass

You might want to find out more about the history of US Anarchists and Black Bloc in particular and their efforts for over 20 years here in the good old USA.

One of the first things that history will teach you is that nihilistic Anarchists like the Black Bloc are only a small minority of Anarchists anywhere. Far more Anarchists exist who want to devise a human society after alpha bosses than those who just want to destroy everything indiscriminately.

(#$!*%!! Anarchopedia is down again!!) Diablo

When it's up again, Anarchopedia in English can be found here.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture

@CS in AZ

I actually have no idea at all who "black bloc" is, other than people who wear black outfits and masks and claim to be anarchists and act violently at various protests. I don't know why they do this. Is it not true that anyone can don black clothing and ski masks?

Welcome to the wild and wacky world of the nihilist. Nihilistic Anarchists have no interest in any future human society; they just want to destroy everything indiscriminately now.

There exists a vast spectrum of Anarchism beyond such childishness. Your phrase "claim to be Anarchists" hit the nail squarely on the head, perhaps even more so than you realized when you posted it!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture

@EdMass @EdMass

You believe some internet fool organized that riot to sell his book? Really?

No need. CS in AZ's point is that the book sales will be the effect, sought or not.

And you are correct about this "extra sauce" not being needed; but you have it nonetheless.

No conspiracy theory required; ordinary, garden-variety, publically transparent neoliberal cravenness quite suffices, thank you!


Edited after receiving additional information about the "black bloc" nihilists.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

@EdMass Similar to the Toronto G20 Riot Fraud where police dressed in black mixed in with the protesters attempting to turn the protest into a riot...

Every time it happens I suspect the same thing...
Rioting Police!



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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
travelerxxx's picture

@Oldest Son Of A Sailor

I am suspicious as hell. Naturally they would have learned to at least to not all wear the exact same footwear as their brother cops.

They can't resist the temptation to nail a Starbucks, though. Here they are seven years ago:

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earthling1's picture

TPTB own the media. They control the national narrative. They can engineer a new narrative, at will.
All we have left is word of mouth and the internet. Online forums, where the people meet, will soon be under attack. The Super predators, aka the 1 percenters, cannot allow free expression or communications between the little people.
Once we lose the Internet, the conquering of our democracy will be complete. Any further resistance will be futile.
The feetkissing will begin in our grandchildrens lifetimes.

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 just reading on Counterpunch today about Extinction 2026 so ya never know, protests might be moot by then. Sorry, a bit of snark but not really snark, heartbreaking black humor more like it I guess.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Alex Ocana's picture

The Black Bloc is a protest methodology, not an ideology.

I like this article's explanation:

And ths Meme from Black Lives Matter Disrupt J20 in DC:

Here is something published in 2013 found on Vanessa Beeley's site.

Black Bloc,' Egypt Masked Protesters, Add Mystery To Unrest

CAIRO -- An unpredictable new element has entered Egypt's wave of political unrest: a mysterious group of masked young men called the Black Bloc who present themselves as the defenders of protesters opposed to the Islamist president's rule.

They boast that they're willing to use force to fight back against Islamists who have attacked protesters in the past – or against police who crack down on demonstrations. The youths with faces hidden under black masks have appeared among stone-throwing protesters in clashes with police around Egypt the past five days in the wave of political violence that has shaken the country.

During protests in Cairo on Monday, masked youths celebrated around a police armored vehicle in flames in the middle of Tahrir Square, waving their hands in V-for-victory signs.

In Portland there is Rosa Negra (Black Rose).

One recent event listed is this:

Black Rose / Rosa Negra - Portland shared Hermandad Mexicana de Oregon's event.
31 January at 18:30 ·

A primarily-Latino Christian congregation is asking that Portlanders assemble outside their mass on Sunday in order to protect them from racist intimidation by notorious bigoted right-wing street preachers. On Sunday the preachers heckled the congregation at St. Peter Catholic Church as its mass let out, then proceeded to the anti-Muslim-ban protests at PDX where they argued with crowds and made racist gestures. Preacher Grant Chisholm was punched by two people after a brief confrontation, knocking him unconscious.

In a message accompanying a video of the preachers' antagonism of the congregation on Sunday, there appears to be a call not to engage them physically if seen at the church next Sunday.

Also, the event page calls for support at 11:30 PM Sunday, while the event text says that the event is for 11:30 AM.

Of course the reaction to all this is:

On tonight's episode of "Know Your Protestor", we will be learning about Blac Block Anarchists. These people are totally unhinged.

Black Block Anarchists hate all political parties, forms of government, and private property. Black Block Anarchists tend to go around breaking shit in the name of anarchy, and really don't have a purpose or goal, other than to spread destruction.

And my favorite description Smile Makes me like them actually.

Portland, Philadelphia, DC; peaceful protests disrupted by property destroying ANARCHISTS from Black Block groups. Not liberals, not Democrats, not progressives, not the Left.

Well, at least the Black Bloc aren't tulips.

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From the Light House.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Alex Ocana

Black Block Anarchists hate all political parties, forms of government, and private property. Black Block Anarchists tend to go around breaking shit in the name of anarchy, and really don't have a purpose or goal, other than to spread destruction.

Nihilists. Gak!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

earthling1's picture

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

zett's picture

Discredited: The Left, which in the 1%'s preferred narrative is everybody from Hillary Clinton to the actual Socialist Party USA.

Whose goals get served? Anyone who wants the population to shut up and work harder to make them richer and need an excuse to make that come true by force.

I am not underestimating liberal stupidity here, but protests have been infiltrated before. COINTELPRO really was (is?) a thing.

I'm not saying that is definitely the way it went down. What I really mean is that we have to keep our eyes and ears open and never accept anything at face value in this time of power struggle/upheaval inside the Establishment.


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