The Evening Blues - 1-26-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features folk, jazz and blues singer Barbara Dane. Enjoy!
Barbara Dane - Trouble in Mind
“When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.”
-- Michael Ende
News and Opinion
I learned a new word today:
The Birth Of F**kery: How To Think About Donald Trump's Lies
Fuckery is ascendant in our time, and while Trump is not its inventor, he is its most effective practitioner at the moment. The urban dictionary defines fuckery as “absolute bullshit; utter nonsense; something rather suspicious that can bring forth uneasy, angry and irritated feelings.” It’s a lie that is told, not just to achieve an objective, but to demonstrate the power of the person telling the lie relative to those affected by it. Fuckery creates a wall between the person or group telling the lie and the people hearing it. Fuckery throws down a gauntlet: It is too big to ignore, yet so absurd that it promises to debase anybody who grapples with it. It makes a mockery of the very idea of truth.
Thanks to writers like George Orwell, we are usually on the lookout for political language that says one thing, but implies another. In his 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language,” Orwell writes that “political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible,” hence the need for euphemisms, “question begging” and what he calls “sheer cloudy vagueness”. Fuckery reinterprets Orwell and defends the indefensible in the least-imaginative way possible. Why? Because the audacious lie creates the “spectacular display of power.” The speaker is so powerful he doesn’t need to bullshit. ...
The power of Trump’s fuckery will be boosted by his ascension to the Oval Office, given that a key driver of the effectiveness of fuckery is the power of its propagator. In this sense, a political establishment that normalizes his fuckery out of “respect for the office” ultimately demeans it. The office of president has a number of expectations and requirements that Trump seems unwilling and unable to meet. Highlighting the shortcomings of the man doesn’t diminish the office. Removing those expectations does. ...
And when Trump tweets that interest in his inauguration is so big league that Washington has sold out of dresses, he should also be mocked. Instead, the media makes a mockery of itself by by calling Lord & Taylor and inquiring as to whether they still have dresses. (The shocking finding: They do.) When Trump claimed he could never have participated in a golden shower ritual with Moscow prostitutes because he is a “germaphobe,” the media fact-checked the claim by noting that urine is, in fact, sterile, followed by fact-checks of the fact-checks, noting that urine may be sterile in the bladder, but isn’t by the time it flows out. By engaging with this fuckery, the media is instead pissing all over itself.
Trump's Constant Lying Is a Power Game Called "Fuckery," and He's Winning At It
Yes, Virginia, that man said "fuckery." It's a lovely word with a lovely place in hip-hop culture. And it's exactly the word we need to understand Trump's (and really, all Republicans') outrageous lies and shenanigans, and also how to deal with them effectively.
Bottom line: Donald Trump isn't just lying, he's "fucking with us" and challenging us to call him on it. This is exactly the "Who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?" problem. And here as there, it's not about the lies; it's a naked show of power. It's about whether one person can impose his will on another person and make him publicly ignore the truth. This interaction is especially true of Trump and the national media, which Trump needs to bring to heel in order to rule for the next four years.
Cheating husband to spouse: "I can make you say you didn't see what you saw. Now, are you going to leave me? Thought not."
Trump to the media: "I can say whatever I want and make you swallow it. I can make you "fact-check" my language instead of laughing in my face for lying straight to yours. Watch me do it ... again." ...
After all, do even the mighty hosts of MSNBC call out these lies as "lies," or do they use words like "counter-factual," again and again and again? Do they call out the constant lying as "pathological" — which it certainly is if it's not fuckery? Not in my hearing, but maybe my ears are lying to me too.
Fuckery in action:
The White House is already skewing crime stats to fit Trump's agenda
Americans are meant to trust data and statistics published by the federal government. But in this new era of “alternative facts,” some criminologists are expressing concern that the integrity of official crime data used to shape criminal justice policy, drive decisions about law enforcement funding and personnel, and tackle problems like gun violence could be under threat.
In fact, just hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, the White House website touted a misleading crime statistic. On a page entitled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” the White House bemoaned the “dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America” and that “killings have risen by 50 percent” in Washington, D.C.
There were 135 homicides in the nation’s capital — a 17 percent decrease from the previous year, according to D.C. metro data from 2016. In a statement to VICE News, the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department also pointed out that violent crime overall dropped by 10 percent last year.
It’s possible that the Trump administration mistakenly cited an old statistic — in 2015, murders increased by approximately 50 percent from the previous year. That year, however, was an outlier in a steady two-decade decline in violent crime in the district. Regardless, the White House website was amended Wednesday morning to say instead that “killings have risen by 50 percent in the past four years.”
“I can’t think of a time in my adult life where the White House puts something out and you start with wondering if there’s any truthful basis for it,” said Philip Stinson, a professor of criminology at Bowling Green State University who has collected extensive data about police misconduct. “It’s bizarre that the facts don’t matter, science doesn’t matter, and good data doesn’t matter. There seems to be a very cavalier attitude [in the White House] for the purpose of creating confusion.”
Hide, find Zen: Ultimate survival guide for Trump era (according to some media)
Draft Executive Order on Secret CIA Prisons Signals a Return to the Darkness of the Post-9/11 Period
A draft presidential order being circulated in the Trump administration could signal a return to the executive-branch lawlessness that followed September 11, 2001.
A draft of the executive order obtained by the New York Times and Washington Post calls for senior officials to consider re-opening the CIA’s network of secret prisons, where terror suspects were disappeared and deprived of their rights.
And by rescinding President Obama’s 2009 executive order that banned torture and closed the CIA’s prisons — where many of the worst abuses of CIA’s post-9/11 torture program took place – it paves the way for illegal torture to take place in secret.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer disputed the authenticity of the draft order on Wednesday, saying that it is “not a White House document,” and that he had “no idea where it came from.” But when asked whether the administration was considering re-opening black sites, Spicer refused to answer, saying he would not comment on the document.
Trumpemada the torturer is back with more fuckery:
“We have to fight fire with fire”
Donald Trump has advocated for a possible return of torture, saying: “Absolutely I feel it works.” The president is likely to face a backlash among the military, intelligence and political classes in Washington for such remarks, with experts already worried about reports that say he plans to bring back so-called “black site” prisons.
President Trump on waterboarding: “I feel it works,” but will rely on team’s guidance and do everything “legally."
— ABC News (@ABC) January 26, 2017
In an interview with ABC News released Wednesday, Trump said he would defer to his national security team as to what could be done legally to combat terrorism. But when asked if he thought a torture technique such as waterboarding works, he answered in the affirmative. His opinion was formed after he spoke to unnamed people “at the highest level of intelligence” this week. When Trump asked if such methods were effective, “The answer was yes, absolutely.”
US defence chief heads to Japan and South Korea to strengthen ties
The new US secretary of defence, James Mattis, is to reassure Japan and South Korea of Washington’s commitment to the security of the volatile Asia-Pacific region, despite suggestions by Donald Trump that he was ready to scale down the US’s military presence there.
Mattis, a retired Marine general, will reaffirm America’s role in strengthening security ties with its two strongest allies in the region when he visits South Korea on Tuesday and Japan the following day.
“The trip will underscore the commitment of the United States to our enduring alliances to Japan and the Republic of Korea, and further strengthen US-Japan-Republic of Korea security cooperation,” the Pentagon spokesman, Jeff Davis, said.
Trump rattled nerves in Tokyo and Seoul during the presidential election campaign when he suggested he would withdraw tens of thousands of troops from Japan and South Korea unless their governments paid more to maintain US forces based there.
In an interview with Fox News last April, he also intimated that the two countries should be able to develop independent nuclear deterrents – a move that would trigger a potentially catastrophic Asia-Pacific arms race.
This is one of those must-read articles. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently made a fact-finding trip to Syria and Lebanon. This is her narrative about her visit, which has become a media propagandist feeding frenzy because among the people that she met was Bashar al-Assad.
The Syrian People Desperately Want Peace
As much of Washington prepared for the inauguration of President Donald Trump, I spent last week on a fact-finding mission in Syria and Lebanon to see and hear directly from the Syrian people. Their lives have been consumed by a horrific war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians and forced millions to flee their homeland in search of peace.
It is clear now more than ever: this regime change war does not serve America’s interest, and it certainly isn’t in the interest of the Syrian people.
I traveled throughout Damascus and Aleppo, listening to Syrians from different parts of the country. I met with displaced families from the eastern part of Aleppo, Raqqah, Zabadani, Latakia, and the outskirts of Damascus. I met Syrian opposition leaders who led protests in 2011, widows and children of men fighting for the government and widows of those fighting against the government. I met Lebanon’s newly-elected President Aoun and Prime Minister Hariri, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard, Syrian President Assad, Grand Mufti Hassoun, Archbishop Denys Antoine Chahda of Syrian Catholic Church of Aleppo, Muslim and Christian religious leaders, humanitarian workers, academics, college students, small business owners, and more.
Their message to the American people was powerful and consistent: There is no difference between “moderate” rebels and al-Qaeda (al-Nusra) or ISIS — they are all the same. This is a war between terrorists under the command of groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda and the Syrian government. They cry out for the U.S. and other countries to stop supporting those who are destroying Syria and her people. ...
I heard testimony about how peaceful protests against the government that began in 2011 were quickly overtaken by Wahhabi jihadist groups like al-Qaeda (al-Nusra) who were funded and supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the United States, and others. They exploited the peaceful protesters, occupied their communities, and killed and tortured Syrians who would not cooperate with them in their fight to overthrow the government.
Establishment Media Launches Smear Campaign Against Tulsi Gabbard After Syria Trip
Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard gave an interview to CNN’s Jake Tapper today about her recent fact-finding trip to Syria. The purpose of the trip was to move toward peace in Syria. In addition to the CNN interview, Gabbard sent an email to her supporters and posted pictures and details about the trip to her social media accounts. During the trip she met with Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad. The corporate neoliberal media is predictably turning the story into an opportunity to smear Congresswoman Gabbard by focusing on her meeting with the Syrian President rather than the overall purpose of the trip.
A google search for Tulsi Gabbard yields mostly stories with titles about her ‘secret trip,’ with titles that all but insinuate that she was there conspiring with al-Assad to destroy America. I’m actually surprised I found no articles accusing her of stopping over in Moscow to hang out with Vladimir Putin on the way home.
First of all, the trip was not a ‘secret.’ As Politico reports, Gabbard had to clear the trip before leaving. It simply says she did not notify Paul Ryan or Nancy Pelosi, but last I checked neither of them were Gabbard’s master. Politico also makes it a point to note that Gabbard’s “attempted peacemaking with the Assad regime is not likely to go far,” as if it’s reasonable to think she expected to solve the entire crisis by meeting with the Syrian President for a few hours.
Even worse than the clear slant of the Politico piece is the treatment given to Gabbard’s visit by the liberal establishment website, Talking Points Memo. They focus on nothing except that she met with Assad. No clarification is given for the purpose of her visit. Just a few paragraphs letting everyone know she hangs out with Assad.
Free Syrian Army Faction Wiped Out by Al-Qaida in Syria
The jihadist group Fateh al-Sham has taken over areas held by a Free Syrian Army rebel faction in northwestern Syria, effectively crushing it, two FSA officials said on Wednesday. ...
Fateh al-Sham was Al-Qaida's official affiliate in the Syrian war until it officially broke the ties with it last year. The factions it attacked on Tuesday had representatives at a Russian-backed peace conference in Kazakhstan.
Trump eyes ‘safe zones’ in Syria
President Trump is expected to order the Pentagon and State Department to develop a series of “safe zones” in Syria, a move that administration critics claims could draw the U.S. military deeper into the country’s civil war.
The safe-zone mandate was tucked into the text of a draft executive order by Mr. Trump obtained by several news outlets* that establishes curbs on the flow of refugees from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other conflict zones from migrating to the United States. The order also institutes a revamped screening process for all U.S. immigrants.
Defense Secretary James N. Mattis and Rex Tillerson, Mr. Trump’s pick to be secretary of state, would have 90 days to submit a blueprint to the White House on the establishment of “safe areas in Syria and in the surrounding region in which Syrian nationals displaced from their homeland can await firm settlement,” according to a copy of the draft order, obtained by The Huffington Post.
As president, Barack Obama resisted calls for the safe zones along the borders of Syria, designed to be a protective shield for Syrian refugees fleeing the violence, for fear that the U.S. would be forced to defend the zones in a war in which Syrian rebels, Islamic State militants, Kurdish militias and soldiers from Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Turkey and Iraq are all involved.
Trump’s Muslim Immigration Executive Order: If We Bombed You, We Ban You
A draft text of an executive order was leaked to the Huffington Post and Los Angeles Times. Titled “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” it would suspend the issuance of visas for at least 30 days to most people in the seven countries while the administration revamps its vetting procedures. Most citizens of foreign countries must first obtain a visa before being allowed to enter the United States. ...
The draft relies on Division O, Title II, Section 203 of the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, which lays out security-related exemptions to the visa waiver program, to derive that list of seven countries. In the 2016 law, Iraq and Syria are explicitly listed, Iran and Sudan are included as state sponsors of terrorism, and Libya, Somalia, and Yemen are in the “area of concern” as designated by the Department of Homeland Security.
What all seven countries also have in common is that the United States government has violently intervened in them. The U.S. is currently bombing — or has bombed in the recent past — six of them. The U.S. has not bombed Iran, but has a long history of intervention including a recent cyberattack.
We bomb your country, creating a humanitarian nightmare, then lock you inside. That's a horror movie, not a foreign policy.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 25, 2017
Doomsday Clock closer to midnight in wake of Donald Trump election
The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists, an expert group formed in 1945, takes into account the likelihood of nuclear Armageddon as well as other emerging threats such as climate change and advances in biotechnology and artificial intelligence. ...
The world is now a more dangerous place than it was a year ago, the scientists said, referring directly to the election of President Donald Trump and alleged Russian hacking during the campaign.
Trump’s comments on growing the US nuclear arsenal have been called ill-considered, they said, as they expressed concern at his “troubling propensity to discount or outright reject expert advice” on global security.
The scientists also described his appointments to environmental roles as people who “dispute the basics of climate science”.
The statement added: “In short, even though he has just now taken office, the president’s intemperate statements, lack of openness to expert advice, and questionable cabinet nominations have already made a bad international security situation worse.”
Intel Panel Member Calls For 9/11-Style Joint Investigation Into Russian Hacking
The top democrat on the House intelligence panel wants a joint congressional committee to investigate whether high-ranking Kremlin officials were involved in ordering the hacks of key American figures and institutions in an effort to influence the U.S. presidential election.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, suggested a joint investigation, not unlike the commission organized in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.
On Tuesday night, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and ranking member Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., announced that they would be conducting an investigation into Russian hacking. On Wednesday, the House Intelligence Committee revealed its own ongoing inquiry into the alleged Russian meddling.
At the event in Washington on Wednesday morning, Schiff said he saw the Senate announcement as a problematic division of resources.
Democrats reluctantly accept James Comey at FBI as Russia inquiries expand
The director of the FBI has few friends among Capitol Hill Democrats after his high-profile statements about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election. But some consider James Comey preferable to any FBI director Donald Trump would appoint, particularly in his weakened political state.
Comey is under significant political pressure. The US justice department’s internal watchdog has opened an inquiry into his decision to publicly discuss, days before the vote, an FBI investigation of Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, in violation of department regulations.
Democrats were further stunned and angered after Comey refused to confirm any FBI counterintelligence inquiry, either in public hearings or in private briefings, into Trump’s associates’ ties with Russia. Days later, Trump shook Comey’s hand in a White House ceremony, which was followed by reports that Trump would retain Comey. The FBI director’s tenure runs through 2023, but is at the pleasure of the president.
There is little sign of any thaw between Comey, a Republican and Bush administration veteran whom Barack Obama appointed in 2013, and Democrats, according to multiple Capitol Hill sources.
But some are pivoting to focus on whether and how Comey’s FBI examines any Russia connections to Trump’s circles, as well as its contributions to congressional inquiries into the same subject – one of which announced an expanded remit on Wednesday.
Trump orders construction of border wall
As Trump Orders Wall, Mexico’s President Considers Canceling U.S. Trip
With just a few strokes of the pen on Wednesday, the new American president signed an executive order to beef up the nation’s deportation force and start construction on a new wall between the nations. Adding to the perceived insult was the timing of the order: It came on the first day of talks between top Mexican officials and their counterparts in Washington, and just days before a meeting between the two countries’ presidents.
The action was enough to prompt President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico to consider scrapping his plans to visit the White House on Tuesday, according to Mexican officials. In a video message delivered over Twitter on Wednesday night, Mr. Peña Nieto did not address whether he would cancel the meeting, saying only that future steps would be taken in consultation with the country’s lawmakers. Instead, he reiterated his commitment to protect the interests of Mexico and the Mexican people, and chided the move in Washington to continue with the wall. ...
Calls began to come in from across the political spectrum for Mr. Peña Nieto to cancel his visit, and to respond with greater fortitude to the perceived menace from President Trump. On Twitter, Mr. Trump’s action was referred to by politicians and historians as a “an offense to Mexico,” a “slap in the face” and a “monument to lies.”
Historians said that not since President Calvin Coolidge threatened to invade a “Soviet Mexico” had the United States so deeply antagonized the Mexican populace.
The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers...
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017
of jobs and companies lost. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017
[Looks like the Mexican president, Enrique Pena Nieto decided to cancel: Mexican president cancels US visit over Trump's order to build border wall]
How former Mexican president Vicente Fox uses Twitter to troll Trump
Donald Trump is not the only politician who enjoys writing 140-character diatribes.
For some time now, former Mexican president Vicente Fox has been using the platform to directly challenge, and troll, the new US president. As press secretary Sean Spicer insisted “Mexico will pay” for the border wall, Fox made his views clear:
Sean Spicer, I've said this to @realDonaldTrump and now I'll tell you: Mexico is not going to pay for that fucking wall. #FuckingWall
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) January 25, 2017
#FuckingWall then began trending worldwide. In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, he repeated: “I have said and I have told the Donald, that Mexico will never pay for that fucking wall. And now I have to repeat it to this guy Sean Spicer. ...
Of course, Fox’s expletive-laden criticism did not escape Trump’s notice. He tweeted back in February 2016 that Fox “must apologise” for swearing while discussing the wall. Fox doubled down, repeating: “I am not going to pay for that fucking wall” on live television.
Trump may ask whoever he wants, but still neither myself nor Mexico are going to pay for his racist monument.
Another promise he can't keep.— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) January 6, 2017
Trump you came to Mexico derailed government and President Peñ lied and betrayed Pena. We need a WALL so you don't come back.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) September 8, 2016
As Trump and GOP Descend on Philadelphia, Protests Erupt In the Streets
People have taken to the streets in response to the Republican Party's retreat in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, voicing outrage and opposition to President Donald Trump's threats to healthcare, the environment, immigration, and human rights.
"If we don't get no justice, they don't get no peace!" the crowd of hundreds chanted as they rallied downtown, where the GOP conference is taking place from Thursday to Friday.
At a Thursday morning discussion, rally, and march called "Fight for Our Lives," organized by SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania and PA Home Care Workers, healthcare workers discussed the ramifications of the GOP's plans to repeal and replace Obamacare, and the lives at stake if millions of people see their healthcare disappear. The groups then rallied near city hall, where they were joined by other local progressive organizations and unions committed to resisting Trump's right-wing agenda.
Later Thursday, as Trump arrives to speak at the convention, the coalition plans to march to the Loews Hotel, which is hosting the retreat, and protest outside.
Protesters getting rowdy, righteous and numerous with #IBelieveThatWeWillWin chant #TrumpinPhilly #ResistanceInPhilly
— Paul Costa (@Oreland827) January 26, 2017
Exodus de Résistance? Entire Senior Staff at Trump's State Dept. 'Unexpectedly' Resigns
In what some are interpreting as a collective—and "unexpected"—expression of dissent aimed at President Donald Trump and his soon-to-be Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the entire senior management at the State Department reportedly resigned from their positions early Wednesday afternoon.
According to the Washinginton Post's Josh Rogin, who first reported the news:
Tillerson was actually inside the State Department’s headquarters in Foggy Bottom on Wednesday, taking meetings and getting the lay of the land. I reported Wednesday morning that the Trump team was narrowing its search for his No. 2, and that it was looking to replace the State Department’s long-serving undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy. Kennedy, who has been in that job for nine years, was actively involved in the transition and was angling to keep that job under Tillerson, three State Department officials told me.
Then suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, Kennedy and three of his top officials resigned unexpectedly, four State Department officials confirmed. Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, followed him out the door. All are career foreign service officers who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations.
"It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate," David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry, told Rogin.
Trump is prepping an executive order with drastic cuts to the U.N.
The Trump administration is preparing an executive order proposing dramatic cuts to the United Nations, according to a copy of the draft order seen by VICE News.
The order, still in draft form and subject to change, calls for a detailed, yearlong review of all U.S. funding to the U.N., and recommends a decrease in voluntary payments to the U.N. by “at least” 40 percent.
It also specifically calls for the end of any funding to an array of U.N.-affiliated organizations that meet a vague set of criteria, including any organization that includes the Palestinian Authority as a member, and any organization that supports or encourages abortions.
Though still subject to change, the order is in keeping with a series of executive orders being rolled out by the Trump administration this week, including new restrictions on immigration and refugee resettlement. The New York Times also reported on the draft orders Wednesday.
Mnuchin Lied About His Bank’s History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
Treasury Secretary Nominee Steven Mnuchin lied in his written responses to the Senate Finance Committee, claiming that “OneWest Bank did not ‘robo-sign’ documents,” when ample evidence proves that they did. ...
In a Florida foreclosure case, a OneWest employee plainly admitted to robo-signing. On July 9, 2009 – four months after OneWest took over operations from IndyMac, with Mnuchin as CEO – Erica Johnson-Seck, a vice president with OneWest, gave a deposition in which she admitted to being one of eight employees who signed approximately 750 foreclosure-related documents per week.
“How long do you spend executing each document?” Johnson-Seck was asked. “I have changed my signature considerably,” Johnson-Seck replied. “It’s just an E now. So not more than 30 seconds.”
Johnson-Seck also admitted to not reading the affidavits before signing them, not knowing who inputted the information on the documents, and not being aware of how the records were generated. And she acknowledged not signing in the presence of a notary. This resulted in false affidavits being submitted in court cases that attempted to take borrowers’ homes away. ...
OneWest continued filing sketchy documents for years, even after Johnson-Seck revealed the robo-signing scheme. According to a Reuters investigation in 2011, OneWest issued “foreclosure documents of questionable validity,” including filing mortgage assignments that establish ownership of the loan months after the foreclosure action, meaning OneWest (by their own evidence) didn’t own the loan at the time they decided to foreclose on the property.
Republicans look poised for three-part plan to repeal and replace Obamacare
House Republicans seem poised to use a three-part process to repeal and replace Obamacare, as laid out to members in the party’s annual retreat.
The first involves repealing the Affordable Care Act through the reconciliation process, a mechanism that allows only budget bills to be passed in the Senate without being subject to the filibuster. This would effectively change the threshold for passage in the upper chamber from the 60-vote super majority to a simple majority of 51.
The second involves executive actions through the Department of Health and Human Services following the confirmation of Georgia congressman Tom Price, who has been nominated by President Trump to lead the department. The third would be a separate standalone bill.
This three-pronged approach stands in contrast to that outlined by Trump who has urged a replacement “very quickly” after repeal. Pennsylvania Republican Charlie Dent noted to reporters this was “a little different than what leadership had represented at the time”.
Creating Jobs That Destroy The Environment Is Like Hiring Someone To Spit In Your Food
Could you imagine if some eccentric billionaire decided to start paying thousands of people to spit in all the food in Seattle, Washington? ... How crazy would it be if instead of defending the people of Seattle, people started defending the billionaire instead? If they started citing the fact that the billionaire was employing thousands of food spitters as a justification for what he was doing? How crazy would it be if the President of the United States signed an executive order that the food spitting should commence, saying, “This is gonna create a lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs, great food spitting jobs.” ...
This whole argument, that you can’t stop your nation’s ecosystem-killing policies because some people earn their living killing the ecosystem, might just be the single dumbest thing that humans have ever come up with, and we’ve invented war, religion, and Comedy Central.
President Trump ignored the voices of millions and put the short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry ahead of the future of our planet.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) January 24, 2017
Never mind the fact that Trump is vastly exaggerating the number of jobs that the construction of the pipelines will create. Never mind the fact that after one or two years of construction there’ll only be 35 permanent jobs at Keystone XL and probably not much more at Dakota Access. Never mind that pipelines are used to make professional transporters like truckers obsolete. I don’t care about any of that right now. I care that the fundamental premise of the argument is absurd. ...
“Well if we stop people from earning a living destroying the environment, we’ll have to let them starve to death. Is that what you want? For them and their children to starve, all for your stupid precious ecosystem?”
That’s not the sort of world I want to live in, where people are forced to wage war upon the ecosystemic context in which our species evolved and upon which our survival is built under threat of poverty and starvation. That is sheer madness and should be fanatically opposed, but it’s upheld as a perfectly normal and sane way of looking at things. If someone finds a way to make money by dumping actual, literal fish poison into the sea, you can bet your ass that Republicans and corporate Dems will all be there cheering them along in the name of job creation.
Thousands Take Part in Emergency Protests over Trump's Move to Revive Pipeline Projects
Iowa oil spill underscores pipeline risks day after Trump revives major projects
Just a day after Donald Trump signed executive orders to revive the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects, a pipeline rupture spilled 138,600 gallons of diesel fuel in northern Iowa.
Magellan Midstream Partners, an Oklahoma company with more than 10,000 miles of oil and ammonium pipeline, acknowledged that the spill began on Wednesday morning in Worth County, Iowa, and said it was “unsure of the cause of the incident at this time”.
The oil has pooled in an agricultural field, according to Karen Grimes of the Iowa department of natural resources (DNR), but cleanup efforts are being somewhat hampered by heavy winds and snow.
The spill does not appear to threaten any waterways and has not caused any injuries or evacuations, according to the company and the DNR.
While the spill in Iowa is “not a major disaster” compared with other spills, said Greenpeace researcher Jesse Coleman, it does draw attention to the risks of pipelines.
Government Scientists at U.S. Climate Conference Terrified to Speak with the Press
While Donald Trump was reviving both the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, muzzling federal employees, freezing EPA contracts, and first telling the EPA to remove mentions of climate change from its website — and then reversing course — many of the scientists who work on climate change in federal agencies were meeting just a few miles from the White House to present and discuss their work.
The mood was understandably gloomy at the National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy, and the Environment. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. No one knows what’s going to happen,” one EPA staffer who works on climate issues told me on Tuesday, as she ate her lunch. She had spent much of her time in recent weeks trying to preserve and document the methane-related projects she’s been working on for years. But the prevailing sense was that, Trump’s claims about being an environmentalist notwithstanding, the president is moving forward with his plan to eviscerate environmental protections, particularly those related to climate change, and the EPA itself. ...
Directives have left scientists fearing reprisal for merely mentioning the global crisis that has been at the center of their professional lives for years. It’s the topic “whose name cannot be uttered,” as one Forest Service employee put it to me. A nearby USDA employee offered a series of euphemisms — “extreme weather events, very unusual patterns,” he riffed — before turning serious. “I’m actually scared to talk to you,” he said, turning his hanging name tag inward and backing away from me. The look in his eyes and the tight smiles I received from several federal employees after introducing myself as a reporter reminded me of interviewing scientists in China. My presence inspired fear.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Constitutional Crisis Lurks Behind Trump’s Obsession With His Public Mandate
Tulsi Gabbard Knows More About Syria Than You Do
Read Draft Text Of Trump's Executive Order Limiting Muslim Entry To The U.S.
Mattis, Pompeo stunned by CIA 'black sites' report
Here are the potential sinister motives behind Donald Trump's voter fraud lie
Trump Did Not Fulfill His Day-One Promise to Drain the Swamp
Why the Corrupt, Worker-Hating New Democrats Must Be Purged
Double Standards: Where Were the Liberal Protestors During Obama’s Wars?
National Park Service climate change Twitter campaign spreads to other parks
The Keystone pipeline will create just 35 permanent jobs. Don't believe the lies
Standing Rock Camp Founder Refuses to Shut Down Water Protector Camp
Mark Zuckerberg 'reconsiders' forcing Hawaiians to sell him their land
A Little Night Music
Barbara Dane - I'm On My Way
Barbara Dane and The Chamber Brothers - You've Got to Reap What You Sow
Barbara Dane & Lightnin' Hopkins - I'm Going Back, Baby (Back Behind The Sun)
Barbara Dane - Mama Yancey's Advice, Love with a Feeling
Louis Amstrong and Barbara Dane - Old fashioned love song
Barbara Dane - Go 'Way From My Window
Barbara Dane - Why Don't You Do Right
Barbara Dane - Misery Blues
Barbara Dane W/Frank Hamilton & Bill Lee - Dink's Blues
Barbara Dane - Railroad Bill
Barbara Dane - Ain't Nobody Got the Blues Like Me
Barbara Dane - Hallelujah, I'm a Bum

Trump's Cray Cray State Department
I just hope they're together enough to send me a passport by the first week of April.
evening crider...
good luck with that passport thing. hopefully, the folks that do that work are in non-controversial areas of the state department which won't be much affected by the trumpers.
in a voice:
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
evening steven...
wow, that gal has an impressive set of pipes! thanks!
Thanks Joe, good collection of articles on Trump's lying
I think his behavior is pathological rather than calculated, but the effect is the same; people are completely flummoxed at how surreal his behavior is.
Maybe it's just too frightening to admit that we elected someone who is demonstrably mentally ill... some people insist it's a brilliant trump strategy, and the media keep acting like he's not crazy and might actually respond to being called out for his many "falsehoods." I wonder how far this will go before it starts to sink in.
evening cs...
i haven't yet been able to decide conclusively whether trump's behavior is pathological or calculated. he seems delusional enough, but on the other hand, he also seems incredibly cunning and the business
dealsfrauds that he has engaged in are very complex - and he has managed to do business with the sharks from a wide range of banks and he still has his shirt on.perhaps being delusional and cunning are not mutually exclusive, but you would think that it might get in the way.
anyway, he has spent his adult life running cons, and i have a hard time believing that his lying behaviors are not an intentional part of a con game.
Yes, con games are by definition based on lies, that's true
Trump does sometimes lie intentionally, as part of his cons, I don't doubt that. I've worked for a few psychopaths who were quite successful at business and making loads of money, which is often dependent on lying through ones teeth and convincing people they are savvy and smart even as they make consistently terrible decisions. Craziness and business success are definitely not mutually exclusive.
There are also many times when Trump lies for no reason at all, except to feed his own fantasies of how amazingly fantastic he is. Even sometimes about small, unimportant trivia. And he surrounds himself with adoring crowds so that he can screen out anything negative and believe he is widely loved and respected. That's when it becomes clear to me that his delusions of greatness are true in his own mind, and his obsession with and belief in his own infallibility and status is pathological. That's why I feel he is exceptionally dangerous and needs to be exposed and removed from office as quickly as possible. I just don't know how that's going to happen, with the useless media, a feckless and complicit congress, and a generally clueless public. I've never been more worried about the future. Sigh... back to listening to music and loving my dogs and family. Thanks for being here. It helps.
@CS in AZ
The Clintons are clearly pathological as well; only the suicidally stupid and pathological would agree to work toward the destruction of democracy, civilization and the Earth's natural life-support system for money from murderous/war-mongering polluters/control freaks, so that the corporate electoral choices will not be - cannot be - normal human beings with empathy and ethics. Nor can they or their paymasters be anything but appallingly ignorant and delusional, just as we see so baldly displayed in Presidential and other typically winning-because-raising-most-corporate-money political candidate offerings in corporate/billionaire-controlled/influenced elections.
People should not be allowed to buy other people, never mind whole political parties...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Ow! The toilet is about to flush
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening riverlover...
lots of people have been expecting the us to stumble and find that it has no real friends in the world. this looks like such an opportunity for such a stumble. or perhaps there will be a market crash due to the still-deregulated banksters...
The Tulsi article was a great read
And I am not surprised that she is being denigrated by the media who are taking their talking points from the DP.
The reason why she is being treated that way is so that the truth about Obamas's moderate rebels doesn't come out. He and every other person who has agreed to finance those groups aren't brought up for impeachment because they have broken their oaths that they swore. They are aiding and abetting our sworn enemies and allowing them to commit heinous atrocities. How they can watch these things happen to young boys and girls is despicable. Hillary's defense of women and children goes out the door when she turned a blind eye to those activities.
The moderate rebels beheaded a 12 year old boy and posted a video of it and still Barry continued to support them. Good god he makes me sick knowing what he allowed to happen.
And it's too bad that the American people aren't aware that they are paying for Saudi Arabia and Qatar to be able to build pipelines in Syria. Or that those moderate rebels are actually Al Qaida or that Barry allowed ISIS to get stronger hoping that they would be able to oust Assad.
This is a fun article to read too.
And she's now going to have the say in which candidates are going to be funded, just like DWS did when she funded people who weren't as 'progressive' as another candidate.
This proves that the DP isn't ever going to change or that the hold that the Clintons have on the DP is done just because she isn't the president. Oh no, she, Bill, Barry and others of their ilk are going to be working behind the scenes to make sure of that. That's why Barry is staying in DC, not so the youngest daughter can finish high school.
ETA: Wow, this article is incredible. I have read it twice because it details exactly what the DP has been doing, why they have and who has been funding it.
And who funded it first? This is a surprise.
Thanks for the link to the article joe
In case you missed the link
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
i hope that gabbard's article gets a lot of attention, there is important information for americans in it about what the empire has been doing and the mainstream media has been covering up.
bill black's article certainly demonstrates that the democrats do not plan on making any deviation from their corporate whoring. if there is to be a party of the left, either the republicans will have to transition left or a new party will have to rise.
Great article
Indeed, two sides of the very same coin, even more so than we'd been thinking.
I did know that they had massive interests in the Alberta tar-sands and hold them responsible for Harper, both for the creation of the type via 50 years of presence/influence in the area and for his suspect election as Canadian Prime Minster AKA the Sulky Petty-Tyrant and wonder how many other governments they've had a role in/influence on corrupting...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Trump the "caudillo"
Trump is the U.S.’s first Latin American president

The U.S. Was Just Downgraded from a ‘Full’ to ‘Flawed Democracy’
Yesterday even Dan Rather said on Rachel Maddow that we are in the Twilight Zone.
The political revolution continues
evening shockwave...
i wouldn't expect that trump would go so far as to take notes. i think that it is instinctive, an extension of his personality.
Tradition of 19th century tin pot dictators.
From the Light House.
Thanks for the history.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Did't know about Melgarejo
trump's pathology may bring us all down.
The political revolution continues
Hola joe! How goes it? Guess our trip falls into the zen
Seeking part of the 'Hide and Zen.' Not going to hide though.
Gabbard, like Kucinich, gets the screws for questioning the PTB line.
Hopefully Democracy Now will cover her.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
hey do...
they say that it's good to hide now and zen.
i hope that democracy now and other left institutions will help gabbard fight back against the sliming by the neocon dems. it would be a shame if she suffered the fate of dennis kucinich.
We be fuckerized
fucknundrum - A conundrum of fuckery
fucktual - Something that includes an obscene amount of fuckery.
fuckboi or fuckgirl - One who exudes fuckery.
fuckaneer - One that engages in fuckery.
poopschlager - a synonym for fuckery
My favorite thesaurus at:
From the Light House.
evening alex...
heh, does your thesaurus have an entry for fucknado?
Don't call it an orgy, call it a "fucknado"
From the Light House.
@Alex Ocana
Thanks for Fucknado! I can't imagine a better descriptive term for life, the universe and everything right now...
Whoops, should have been to joe shikspack - sorry!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Reading the EB I get scared and have nightmares,
I mean that. Thanks anyway. Better an end with horror than horror without end.
evening mimi...
sorry that the content of the eb is occasionally unnerving. i hope that tonight your dreams are quite satisfying and quite pacific.
Hola, Joe & Gang! Quick drive-by--
thanks for tonight's excellent edition of News & Blues!
If I can get in here earlier tomorrow, I'll share an excerpt which explains the Democrats' faux vote on negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies.
Since it's been such a harried couple of days, and I'm truly 'plumb tuckered out,' I'll just send my greetings to all!
BTW, temps will dip into the mid-20's for a couple days, or so, which suits me fine. As much as we enjoyed the beautiful Indian Summer earlier this Fall, with the exception of about two--maybe three weeks--we haven't had a winter, here. Heck, I'm already dreading what will likely be oppressive summer heat!
Have a good one.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
[my boldface and re-paragraphing]

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
heh, get a good rest. glad you are ready to enjoy a visit from mr. polar vortex.
have a good evening!
@Unabashed Liberal
Yay for Unabashed Liberal and for an American regime change for a democratic government!
Edit: am very eager to hear what, beyond pathological greed, '... explains the Democrats' faux vote on negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies. ...'
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Poor Patrick Kennedy...
Hillary's State Department email fixer unceremoniously tossed out on the street. Just what is a corrupt, deep state neocon to do?
Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more purging of these 'career officers' who have built those careers on the miseries of so many innocents. Good riddance.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Evening (or goodnight) joe and bluesters.
Thanks for the Barbara Dane antidote to all the fuckery. Thank you for the introduction. She's just the right remedy.
Best show on TV
They put the petrochemicals business obsolete. Pipelines? done. Defunct idea? most certainly.
Didn'r see that one? Then I missed it too.
Can we move beyond petrochemicals? Use solar to charge steam engines, if you dare. Use solar to generate power to split 2H2O to 2H2 + O2. Retard the Carbon cycle.use the 2H2 to power hydrogen engines. Rocket fuel baby! If you meant to stay on surface travel and be subject to whatever happens in the gravity well, that is a choice.
If you would rather go past the stupid, to advance humanity. Please attempt your best, at any free moment.
If you leave it to me. I will be insulted, and you will have to share in my humility. Furthermore, denigration is an additional insult. Best ideas must win to move beyond the present mess.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
@fight2bfree Hydrogen reacts
Here is a comparison of the explosions of a balloon filled with pure hydrogen and a balloon filled with a 2:1 mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
A better way to advance in use of solar for transportation would be better batteries or some less explosive combination of chemicals.
lead, follow, or get out of the way
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
@fight2bfree Gas in pressurized
Hydrogen is an extremely poor choice for energy storage. I am not guessing. I have taught environmental science at the university level and this is a professional opinion.
From quotes within the OP,
From quotes within the OP, forming the nonsensical argument used to support polluters:
Lol, like they won't die of industrially poisoned and diminishing air, food and water? How about the fact that the environment forms our life-support system and that there won't even be oxygen without it? Where do they think that which sustains us comes from? Yup, it grows with and on (among other inter-dependent and predominately living things,) trees. Collectively the environment
Science deniers might better be termed obvious 'reality deniers' as that covers the situation more accurately.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.