Samba dancing

Samba dancing to the most appropriate tune

Above: Samba dancing to the most appropriate and telling song, 'My Way'

The weight of the thoughtform that says everything can be solved if government just gets out of the way and lets corporations do whatever they want stills weighs heavily on the United States. No matter that many of the most profitable corporations got that way through government sweetheart deals or expensive government actions on their behalf.

If such a rancid, out-of-date thoughtform refuses to go away, then one of the ways to kill it is to allow it all the rope it needs to fully demonstrate its putridness. With Trump and his billionaire / right wing / corporate cabinet, along with the senate and congress fully in the hands of republican free market fanatics, the ideas which captured the nation with the election of Ronald Reagan now have a clear track to come to their ultimate, gory, stenchy trainwreck of a conclusion. Now we can have undiluted 150 proof corporatism just like many on the right, and many hiding on the alleged left, fantasize.

For those who have long awaited a world where sharing, brotherhood and justice mattered; the Trump stink bomb stands as the possibility of finally wrecking the obstacles to acceptance of that higher path. Instead of this slow societal death, an overwhelming momentum for American to chart a path antithetical to the past 35 years can emerge. Instead of listening to the same tired voices, voices of a rare and illumined nature with experience dealing with the challenges we face can finally find a receptive ear.

Within the Bhagavad Gita, there are conditions where such an ambassador of Love, an elder brother embodying that most splendid cosmic principle, appears. It is stated:

Whenever there is decay of righteousness, O Bharata,
And there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth ;

For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers,
For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age.
- as translated by Swami Vivekananda

The level of corruption seen globally in the political, economic and religious fields today fit the conditions described above.

Yet a brother pure and evolved enough to demonstrate the qualities of Krishna is hardly welcome when the public still clings to the hope that the institutions and ideas of the past, however corrupt and useless they may be, could still keep the world afloat. For many, it is no longer about shooting for the stars but living within a world with constantly diminishing rewards that at least is familiar.

Trump's possibility is to take the past unhealthy momentum and so forcefully drive it forward that no longer is there room for hardly anyone to feel comfortable with the old. This strategy is known in eastern culture as the destroyer, Shiva, who comes before and clears the way for a great embodiment of the creative force of Cosmic Love, Krishna.

A sage, Sri Chinmoy, tells such a story of Shiva and Krishna.

In it, Krishna approaches Shiva with a request to grant him a son. Shiva cannot understand why Krishna, who is greater than Shiva, would make such a request. He says, though, if Krishna would perform prayers he would consider. After Shiva's wife, Parvati, hears the constant prayers of Krishna she asks for Shiva to welcome Krishna. Shiva does so and asks what Krishna really wants. As Sri Chinmoy writes:

"“I wish to have a son exactly like you,” Krishna said to Shiva. “It has to be exactly like you, otherwise I do not want it.”

Shiva and Parvati both smiled and immediately Shiva granted Krishna the boon. Krishna returned home and, after some time, his wife, Jambavati, bore a son. They named him Samba.

What does it mean to have a son exactly like Shiva? On the one hand, Shiva is always lost in trance. But, on the other hand, Shiva’s function is to destroy. From destruction comes transformation. This boy, Samba, did many unbearable things during his life. Eventually he brought about the total destruction of Krishna’s family. So you can say that Krishna knew that transformation was needed and transformation must be preceded by destruction. That is why he prayed to have a son like Shiva."

We will soon see if Trump's presidency will be an inspired dance of Shiva. If it is, we can expect a warm welcome for the one who emerges to speak, as Krishna would, of rebuilding the world upon the foundation of sharing, brotherhood, justice, peace and Love.

Dance, Samba, dance.

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MarilynW's picture

if I understand it correctly we cannot move forward until "the old" is completely destroyed and Trump is an agent of that destruction. It sure looks that way and it forebodes a great deal of suffering before we emerge to rebuild.

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To thine own self be true.


It's like an alcoholic. When people are willing to put up with destructive habits then we can move into the new.

Hopefully we do not have to wait to get to rock bottom before being receptive to going into a 12 step program.

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mhagle's picture

Thank you for sharing the story of Krishna, Shiva, and Samba. It's a good one.

It seems to me that Mother Earth is giving birth to a Samba.

If it(she) is, we can expect a warm welcome for the one who emerges to speak, as Krishna would, of rebuilding the world upon the foundation of sharing, brotherhood, justice, peace and Love.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo