Font Changes
Submitted by JtC on Sat, 01/21/2017 - 4:14pm
Afternoon folks.
I changed the site font. Did you notice the All Caps are gone? The only way to get rid of them (caps) was to change the font.
Give me some input as to how the fonts look on your machine/device. Too big? Too small?
It's impossible to please everyone, but I hope to strike a happy medium.
OK, let me have it, I've mummified myself in bubble wrap!

It's working for me (desktop PC only)
Thanks, JtC.
I really didn't like the all caps, and this font is contrasty enough that I can read without blowing it up 200%.
The only thing that's wonky now is the comment threading. The indents don't seem to be working the way they should.
I know, I know -- we're voracious. Never satisfied. But the site is looking awesome!
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
The indentation in the comments...
sometimes goes out of line because of the length of some usernames. The names push the indent over. I cannot decrease the size of the usernames so the only thing that will help is for the users with the long names to break their names up so they word wrap. It's the names with many characters with no spaces that cause the problem.
I already decreased the size of the avatars, that helped a lot, but now the usernames are interfering.
If you keep an eye on the comment number under the avatars you'll be able to follow the nesting when it gets out of order.
Can you change the font size for long names?
The new font looks great on my iPad. And thanks for all you do. I'm in software too and I know how much fun it is to try to make automated layout look good! Keep up the good work.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Parking this here at depth 4 to see how it looks
One complaint: Upon activating [Preview] the comment "in progress" displays with Original Article rather than displaying with The Comment to which it is intended to reply. This disconnect makes it a bit difficult for those of us with certain cognitive issues.
I know RIP...
one baby step at a time.
You are a Good Man Charlie Brown"
Using my iPad and, in portrait mode this looks good. So I like it much.
The old layout displayed the same behavior.
The usernames....
already wrap, I fixed that several days ago. The username font can't be decreased below the default, that's were it is now.
It took a couple of days or so bouncing my head off the desk to work through the all caps thing.
so are you suggesting that we all use four letter words...
... as our usernames?
I just am in a mood to throw silly bombs at anybody. Starting next Monday, I will behave.
Hell no!
Yes, I still have a question, JtC
before I ask, my apologies for my silly behavior last night. I already woke up here (and it's around 9 am on Sunday) and am a little bit better off.
I didn't follow exactly what the "problem" with C99p's image uploader is. It slows the loading process down and you kinda said, you regret that you have put it up for convenience of the users here to upload their images directly to your server's space. Then it looked like as if you would prefer we store our images on other hosting sites, may be flickr or photobucket or vimeo?
Not being a techie I sometimes regret that certain videos posted (probably from users inside the US) can't be seen by users outside the US. So I am alwasy appreciative, if I can post videos and would wish they can be viewed by anyone, no matter from where they look at them. And I wouldn't mind storing my images or other people's images, I downlooad, to my own flickr account. I don't know, if it's legal for me to download other people's images to my own harddrive and then upload it to another image host's space like flickr for the purpose to post them on a blog like C99p? I am still a bit unsure of what is proper and legal and what not? Can you clarify what your preferences are for us to do?
What is then the preferred method you would like us to use to not burden your side using C99p server space for our images?
There are many videos I have difficulties to embed, because the original site's producers of those videos don't allow it, I guess. I was quite happy that I could embed today's video from Al Jazeera, which I think was important to look at.
This is very nice on my 17' MacBook Pro
Fvening JtC
All good here on my Android tablet.
Thanks and keep the goodness coming.
I want a Pony!
The only issue I've had in recent days
is a reply ending up in the wrong place.
But that could just be my incompetence.
Thanks for your time and patience JtC.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hi Bollox...
It may be that it isn't really in the wrong place, but just appears to be because of the indentation getting out of whack because of the long usernames, to the left under the avatars.
When you think that your comment may be in the wrong place check the comment number under your avatar with the numbers above it, that will tell the story.
looks nice, and with regards to the indents
I think it's easy to follow the threading subcomments due to your numbering system and the fact that you have at the beginning of each comment the "@userIcommentto" thingy. Looks great on my laptop and as I will never read anything of the C99p on a cell phone, I am a happy camper with your site's design.
I think it looks loverly
--thanks for all your work.
I'm older, and the eyes aren't what they used to be, JtC --
... but the font is too large. Takes up too much space on the screen -- maybe a reduction by 2 points or so?
BTW, how's the funding going? I am not a subscribed contributor, but send something in when I can (generally, just after a client pays up - I now am a participant in the "gig economy", as are many of us) --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Check your browser settings?
JWA13, be certain your browser is set to "normal" text size. That is, be sure you haven't recently increased the text size to one or two steps above normal. I found that I had done that; once I set things to the browser's default size all was wonderful.
I'd much rather that folks adjust their browser settings than constantly adjusting the site settings.
It's impossible to make the font perfect for everyone, there's just too many different devices being used with too many different resolutions.
Looks great on my iPad mini
I have been forgetting to ask about why it takes so long for the image uploader to show up.
Would it help if old images were removed or not?
It's not a big deal, just curious.
Thanks for all you do to keep this site up and running JtC.
I figured out why my comments weren't posting in the right spot. I thought when you said we could remove the 'reply to ' in the subject line that I should remove those numbers that show up too.
Silly dawg.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Hi snoops...
Yep, the image library needs to be cleaned up badly, but the problem is which images to delete without also removing them from the essays they were originally published in.
Sometimes I wish that we didn't allow local uploading, it's become a problem.
How would you work around local uploading?
But I should have because when I cleared out my images on DK, I got the message that I had altered my diaries.
No big deal because they were of Charlie when she had puppies years ago.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
We'd have to go back to...
the old method of uploading images to a image hosting site and then pointing to them. The local uploading is a convenience for the c99 members.
I have no probs using the uploader, but folks with CPU/memory challenged devices will experience long loading times and possible errors. I also suspect that the overloaded image library is the cause of some of the site slowdowns that we periodically experience.
I would prefer to have my images at my own site.
As I get up and running in the coming months I will be producing a lot of image intensive articles. In deference to your situation I think it would be best if I served my images from my non-c99p account at DreamHost thusly:
Thank you...
If you're building a site don't forget to give me the URL so it can be included in the Blogroll.
I thought you knew about it already:
I am building content (laying pipe as we say) here at c99p to be used to build Beamer Presentations that will be housed here: My intention is to get issue oriented individuals from the Medford area involved in the discussions here at c99p. I thought I mentioned all this some time ago.
Added it...
to the blogroll, in the Member's Sites section.
Except . . .
· · · it should be one section down in the Non Political section of the list. Thanks! · · · now I should get to work putting up stuff instead of procrastinating.
I believe the problem is it has to load the entire library list
Also a useful image search as it is a difficult task to scroll through them all attempting to find something. The scrolling delay is a problem resulting from the memory hog of this...
On my WordPress sites I get about 20 images at a time showing (never counted them) but the search gets what I'm looking for very quickly...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
So it was the url import of the font
that was the culprit. Thought so. The last door checked.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
thanks for your help sojourns.
How does the main menu look on your lappy?
@JtC It looks good but the
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Like PR, I use a MacBook pro 17"
It looks great and the font is not too large--I like it as is
Thanks for the input Ed...
Boy Howdy, I don't want to be on the wrong side of no dang gators!
Fantastic here
Running c99p on Firefox browser, macOS Sierra, 15" laptop. Everything up-to-date.
Looks fabulous! Very easy on my old eyes!
Thanks for the hard work!
They look good. Easier to read.
One Issue
I am having one problem and that is that the Username of the Commenter is too small. I can see everything else and it is fine. If I change the Zoom > 100%, then the type is quite large and I still have trouble seeing the Username of the Commenter. I am on a 14" laptop. Is it just me? If so, what can I do?
I made the username...
a bit larger, karl. I don't want to make them any larger because the longish usernames push the comment indentation over out of alignment.
@JtC Thanks, Jtc. I can see
Looks great on laptop with windows 10 (using firefox)
Thanks for everything you do JtC; there is no need for bubble wrap.
Speaking of bubbles, here is a thank-you video:
I like it
The all-caps was too hard to read.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Now I am not sure if I +ed my font size (FF. Win10)
but I like it. Quite legible. Not so pleased with Typewriter font for commenting, but I will get over that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The iPhone 6S still is having problems
Johnny, I gave it a thorough run through on the iPhone 6S...
On the MacBook it looks great in Safari, Mozilla, Chrome, & Opera, I don't have IE but does anyone use that anymore?
I hope this helps, you've come a long way...
Thanks for your hard work...
Have you tried using the Chrome Browser and the Developer Tools built into it to check how pages show up on different mobile devices?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
New font looks fine
to my bifocaled eyes on my laptop with 1080p 24 inch monitor connected. I don't browse the web on my smartphone.
I would add spaces to my user name to fix the indenting problem, but I could not find the form to edit it.
Great job as usual JtC.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Check your email.
looks good JtC
I'm on my 15" laptop, and I can read it fine. Like that the caps are gone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The font in the
body of posts is fine, the header or title is unclear on my iPad. The comments and comment headers are better. Still unable to enlarge on iPad with finger gestures, on my iPhone SE it works though. Confused? Yes. But we'll make it work.
Overall, I like the look. Any kinks will work out in time.
Thank you so much for all you do, JtC!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I noticed and I like it JtC - thank you!
the new font is much better. : ) I'm a happy camper with the new design. Thanks again for all of your hard work to make this a great site.
About long user names
Maybe there is a way to cut them off at 8 characters or so, just for the purpose of display on the left comment-threading margin? Just a guess.
I really like the way the site looks now. Thanks for all your work! Really.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Floating "to the top" button
I see my little grey friend, the "back to the top of the page" button has gone on a diet! I liked it large, but I'll bet I wouldn't if I used a mobile device ... so I understand. Just happy to have it; I use it a lot!