Much more than a "squabble"
Robert Reich posted an article in his blog titled The Life of the Party: 7 Truths for Democrats. In it he argued that it is urgent that the Democrats (and presumably the left wing as a whole) need to stop "squabbling" and recognize the seven truths he enumerated:
- The Party is on life support
- We are now in a populist era.
- The economy is not working for most Americans
- The Party's moneyed establishment–big donors, major lobbyists, retired members of congress who have become bundlers and lobbyists–are part of the problem
- It's not enough for Democrats to be "against Trump" and defend the status quo.
- The life of the Party–its enthusiasm, passion, youth, principles, and ideals–was elicited by Bernie Sanders's campaign.
- The Party must change from being a giant fundraising machine to a movement.
The problem with Reich's post is that he characterizes the current situation as "squabbling" which is normally defined as a noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial. I doubt the seven points would be disputed by those on the left who had not swilled the Clinton Koolaid; the "squabble" is actually a very nontrivial fight between those who effectively disbelieve Reich's seven points (the Democratic apparatchiks and their followers) and those who do. Until these functionaries are convinced of the error of their ways or are removed from controlling the direction of the Democratic Party it will continue on its breakneck course into oblivion—characterizing this as a "squabble" is to miss the fundamental nature of the conflict. Heads need to roll and the "no litmus test" folks need to get a clue.

Dollars to donuts they won't change. There will be further
losses in 2018.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
True enough,
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
@dervish Parasites are gotten
Where are the better ideas?
I think the best economic ideas are to be found by looking at folks like Stephanie Kelton, Warren Mosler, Sandy Darity, Steve Keen, and others.
Who do you think has some better ideas than parasitical economics?
The "A" List of Economics
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
@dervish I Doubt They Will Stand Down...
As they say in the 12 Step Programs for the various forms of addiction...
The rational thinking person would think with all the down ticket losses incurred since the Clinton Third Way Hijacking of the
democRATicParty and the few shining moments being the 2008 & 2012 presidential election, that the bottom would have been found...But we have to remember these are sick people indeed...
They may have further to go before the bottom is found...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Further Losses -
I think that if we wait for the Great Donkey to die, it will take longer than we have. we need a new animal in the mix.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Yes, they need to be replaced ASAP
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I nominate the Phoenix
Rising from the ashes of the old Democratic Party.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I nominate Dirt
Everybody's Going To Heaven & King Kong Reggae
- that's my permaculture contribution. Dirty f-cking hippies unite, make dirt not war....
So every night we party
And every night we get too high
And I put myself so close to death
'Til I think that I ain't gonna die
And I realize just a little
Why sometimes I like to feel like dirt
It's the only thing in this day and age
That can make me feel close to the earth
president of the usa
watch the big monkey do the king kong reggae
Edit: with age comes wisdom or something, the "every night we party" thing is how it felt in 1975! was my point. Now I don't know how a sixteen year old might feel. More hopeful? Depends how much wealth you've acquired I guess, if none well c'est la vie! "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" Medication for the masses.
@Alphalop I love your phoenix
@AnotherPeasant And what are the
"Down with the parasites" is a start, but ....
@katie Equal opportunity,
How come rich guys who run the companies make so much more than the grunts who actually do the work?
Why do so many people who work two jobs have a hard time paying the rent?
Why are 1% of our adults imprisoned-- and who is profiting?
Poor people and all working class people are also human beings.
Everyone deserves food, shelter, and health care.
Bring back the death tax.
Trust fund kids can probably manage to get by on a few million inherited dollars. It is not like they are drowning in college debt like so many others.
I am certain that there are many here who have said this all
But of course quite some time ago. Thanks for playing Bob!
I pretty much ingore him
now. He had some article about the signs of tyranny under Trump that I wanted so badly to rebut point by point - as IF Democrats didn't play their part. What a centrist shill, no thanks. Too little, far too late.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
3. The economy is not working for most Americans
That was hilarious. Reich has a lot of nerve. He and Krugman had a Hell of a lot to do with why we're in this fix, these master 'economists'.
They have 8 years to do something. In the end all they could come up with is "I'm with her".
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
@Amanda Matthews Then find some better
I'd suggest Stephanie Kelton, Warren Mosler and Sandy Darity and the idea of a Guaranteed Jobs Program.
Steve Keen for a modern day debt jubilee.
But I'm open to ideas - but the point is we need ideas, not just opposition to the existing order.
Stephanie Kelton, Warren Mosler and Sandy Darity
The concepts described in Modern Monetary Theory should be well known here at c99p.
@PriceRip Yes they should,
The idea of a Jobs Guarantee should be championed by any left of center person, but it's not.
Are you saying what I think you are saying.
I found myself wasting my life constructing a description of the economic process over at TOP and at Reddit. I come at this from the point of view of my profession so I constructed (Feynman) diagrams to illustrate the concepts. Most people just switch off because they are convinced that they can not understand anything I say. I should team up with Stephanie Kelton, then maybe I could get a fair hearing · · ·
I've go one thing to say to Robert Reich...
As of 7/25/16 Robert Reich and all of his buddies in the
democRATicParty can Talk To The Hand...Trump is your president, you made it, enjoy it!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Reich is on my list of people I ignore
or worse.
The whole thing about "stop squabbling" is really "don't try to oust the people who created this mess".
Anyway, there are insiders who I dislike and outsiders who've simply blown it. Who can ever forget Michael Moore tweeting "Woo-hoo! Just voted for Hillary!"? I can't! Or Keith Olbermann's rants about "Russian hackers threatening American democracy"?
I saw something icky yesterday. It was a picture of Hillary Clinton, who recently ran for President and lost. She's looking down with a beautiful blue sky behind her and the word "Stolen" across the top. No mention of the DNC rigging the nomination, though.
Hey, gotta run! More later!
They can fall into line or go back to the Republican Party where they came from. Our way or the highway.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Reich became lost to the Sanders folk 6-ish months ago.
And reverted to his old scold ways. Blah, Blah. An unimportant person now.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I can't help but notice that all of the Dem establishment are on this WE have to "STOP TRUMP!" kick, wherein it is always assumed that we (the actual Left) will fall into line behind THEIR leadership. Screw that. Their criminal behavior gave us Trump. I'm not sure what I find more nauseating; their continued insistence that Hillary won the Primary fair and square, or that Herself was the only one "robbed". Squabble? SQUABBLE? Is that what we call it when delusional Dem 1%-ers are still trying to "Right-splain" it to us? -When they're not screaming insults and threats of violence at us, that is?
They didn't need our votes either, remember? So how did that work out, again?
But I'll relent. I'll be perfectly happy to end this "squabble" when they volunteer to bring us some heads on a platter. Starting with Brock, DWS, and Kos.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
You wouldn't believe how often I heard that at top
They would say that over and over whenever anyone would mention that Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate and would have a very difficult time wining the General, or that we couldn't vote for a pro death penalty candidate, or that we couldn't in good conscious support enthusiastically (or even at all) a war monger no matter how bad the alternative was.
Usually followed by the usual pack of "Keyboard Bullies" dropping variants of the, "Bye Felicia" meme, or quite often worse.
Top it off with some incredibly corrupt primary actions, silencing the actual left side of the party, literally casting them in shadow to be ignored at the convention, all just to make sure we clearly received the point that we were neither wanted nor needed by the DNC and would never have a seat at the table. That we should be grateful for even being allowed,or even tolerated at kiddie table and be seen but not heard.
Then they have the audacity to act all pissed and surprised when after telling us, "We don't need you, leave." lying about us in the media (Anyone got a chair I can borrow?) paying a internet army to slander and harras us, that we said, "Ok"?
But wait, there's more, they also want to blame the "Left" for the loss.
Ummm, no you quivering dipshits, we didn't cause the loss, we fought our asses off to prevent it, even paid an average of $27.00 by the millions to try to show you how wrong you were.
They don't get to blame us for this, they worked for it, we worked against it and I will not let them rewrite history this time.
Fuck that shit...
This isn't petty squabbling, describing it as such is akin to an abusive spouse tearing us apart one day and then the next going, "Why you acting all bitchy, you need to get over it?"
We really need to get a third party together before the 2018 elections so we can be a force to be reckoned with by 2020 or 2024 at the latest...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Righteous rant!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Reich has completely misidentified the problem
Squabbling is, for the establishment Dems, a TACTIC to keep everyone so distracted and divided that they won't start discussing all the ugliness and corruption infecting the current Democratic party. And that has been definitely exposed by Wikileaks.
And Reich is helping them with this "Try this one weird trick" essay. He leaves out who is starting all the squabbling but many of us can simply go to TOP's front page to prove that truth. But I digress.
Had he been truly sincere in wanting to help the party find their way again into our hearts, his list would have looked like this:
1. Admit that corruption has infected the party. ADMIT that MONEY CAN AND DOES INFLUENCE politics AND VERY, VERY bad and awful ways. Expose the wrong do-ers in your party by providing clear proof that both congress AND THE SUPREME COURT can use to change existing laws. Then go get some American history books and document how we have successfully fixed or prevented corrupt influences in government in the past. Make a report of all this and distribute it as REQUIRED READING to every member of the Democratic party.
2. Now FIX your goddamn party. Everyone in your ranks must focus on ways and methods to made it incorruptible. Implement those ways and methods. And then prove it works. And prove it again. Offer rewards to anyone who can still find (corrupt) bugs in your system. It'll be very much like playing whack-a-mole.
4. Discard all journalist's phone numbers/emails from all DNC rolodexes. Including Reich's. Anyone caught trying to plant stories gets banished immediately. Let reporters come up with their OWN stories. If you want stories written about the GOOD things you're doing here's how: DO GOOD THINGS THAT ARE NEWSWORTHY. Allow ANY journalist to cover your activities. Eradicate any attitudes or efforts to "sell access" in exchange for reporters simply accepting your dictation. Fuck reporter's ego's. Make them to do their own god damn job by arousing their curiosity AND refuse to write their questions for them. Ask vast swathes of reporters to KEEP YOU HONEST. (Because duh, that's THEIR FUCKING JOB.)
4a. For extra credit, do a thesis about why the founding fathers wrote the First Amendment and what they envisioned the role of a free press to be when it came to making Democracy work. Make sure you thoroughly cover the concept of The Fourth Estate and how the press brought down Nixon and ended the Vietnam War. And finally, discuss why today's "free press" can't seem to find their way out of a paper bag. Then...(shock)...go back into history and highlight the stuff that enabled our press to wield enough power to bring down presidents and end wars. Share your findings...find someone who can make it go viral. Send it to every journalist in your Rolodex before those cards away. Again, publicly plea with them to DO THEIR JOBS. (And when DO start doing their jobs, LET them ask anything, anytime, anywhere...DELIGHT in them holding you accountable.)
5. Apologize for encouraging all those mainstream journalists to cover Trump during the primary. Seriously. You don't have to apologize for encouraging them to NOT cover Bernie but the Trump shit was absolutely unforgivable. Own up to it and apologize. Profusely. Don't blame your journalistic toadies. Take full responsibility.
5a. Also admit it doesn't fucking matter who leaked the emails, any more than it mattered who leaked the fucking Pentagon Papers. Does knowing the identity of Deep Throat vindicate Nixon? Seriously, just stop with your Russian shit. No one is buying it except the reporters who are acting as your stenographers.
6. Inform your entire membership that they are no longer allowed to use "they have no where to go" as a legitimate campaign strategy. In fact, anyone caught using it, saying it, writing it, or hinting at it should be banished from the party immediately. This was ALWAYS a bad way to think about things...whoever made this up was just trying to tell you what you wanted to hear. It wasn't the truth. Now you know.
7. Hire a mental health professional to identify all the psychopaths and sociopaths in the party. And banish them immediately. We'll let you do this one quietly.
8. Hire a professional media company to create some entertaining Public Service Campaigns that do quick "Stuff you probably didn't know." And that stuff should be historical facts that SHOW/PROVE our country is wisest when it puts its people over corporations. Such as when we decided to break away from King George and the CORPORATION he had hired to govern us. And then that other time, after WWII, we encouraged people to travel ALL OVER the nation by building our highway system AND subsidizing airlines (while also forcing them to fly to even small cities...) There are so many instances where our country found EXACTLY the right balance between capitalism and socialism (especially before the latter was even a term) that the people's wealth and well being EXPLODED. This is how you build your market. When a critical mass of people begin to "get it" you'll have a shiny new, INCORRUPTIBLE party ready to go for them.
9. Discourage identity politics. Banish "us versus them" mentalities and anything that leverages or encourages that kind of thinking in your ranks. If you don't know how to do this or what I'm talking about...go ask Bernie and then FOLLOW WHAT HE SAYS.
10. Encourage younger people to get into politics and when they do LISTEN TO THEM instead of trying to tell them how they should do it YOUR way. Because YOUR way sucked and is still sucking as of this writing. Let them innovate and for god's sake quit letting old career politicians suck all the air out of the room. Find sincere, honest, diplomatic but passionate new faces that truly want to SERVE the people and/or change the world for the better. If you recruit them...I guarantee we won't be able to get enough of them.
11. Don't let Hillary or anyone connected to her campaigns anywhere near another Dem's campaign. Ever. Any advice you hear or read from any of them should be ignored. Banish her and hers immediately. Admit she was bad for the party and, having made a total disaster of TWO runs for president, she would have been a disaster as the chief executive of the nation. Just do it because you know it's true and it'll allow many of us to breath easier (and more trustfully) that the Clinton infection has been totally eradicated and isn't just laying in wait to re-infect at a later date. Consider this a REQUIRED VACCINATION against future infections.
@eltee What you have written is
To be an economist today you must forever divorce the "political" from the "economy" and only study the economy as if it exists independent of the power structure. An economist who studies and writes about the political economy is labeled "radical" and is unemployable by academia and corporations.
This divorcement has led academic economists to be mere apologists for capital instead of social scientists. They want that Riksbank prize, mislabled a Nobel prize.(There is no Nobel prize for economics - Alfred Nobel created 5 prizes and economics was not one of them.) The Swedish bank prize dates from 1969 and goes to someone in the service to big capital. The winners this year studied the socially useless topic of CEO compensation and argued that the enormous pay packages to them was fully justified - apologetics is what they got their money for.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I may have a slightly easier solution than this...
Lets just kill the thing and start over.
It would be a LOT less work ultimately to create a new, non corrupt party than to try to root out the corruption from this one and then take it over from the bottom up.
I would rather spend my efforts and energy building a new house than fighting someone for one infested with rats and roaches...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Superb comment, eltee. Should consider for an essay.
Love the idea of public service campaigns to show that many of the answers and antidotes to today's Wall St/corporate heist, monopoly ownership of all of our resources and unbridled capitalism are to be found in our past. Just as many sat bemused by Occupy, it's because they didn't know that literally the country was formed through acts of civil disobedience.
The big problem is we don't teach real history to our children, a big impediment being the RW infiltration of the Education boards (DeVos is a glaring and frightening examples by proposed by the Orange Anti-intellect himself) which dumbs it down and propagandizes it. The education system has been sanctioned and sanitized to prop up false and dangerous ideas of American Exceptionalism, the purposely elusive American Dream and the very unhealthy and stupid Worship of the Rich, while conveniently omitting or not emphasizing that the country was founded on civil disobedience.
Overall, we must get people to change their reflexive negative notions of protest to a positive one, in which everyone begins to naturally gravitate toward shutting shit down (i.e. as in France) and feeling comfortable standing together in public against injustice (after all that's all we've got. As Hedges says, "you can't vote against the interest of Goldman Sachs"). Besides being fulfilling, it's fun.
TYT had a good segment on why the Dem party failed that overlaps some of what you are saying:
(damn autocorrect wreaks havoc on me sometimes!)
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
bing! n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
We can still do our own
I was writing to them, not us. At this point the work needed has to be done by them, not us. We know they won't do any such thing so, yeah, we need to build a new party, one that follows our ideals and puts people first.
The "left" - such as it is, needs a unifying
idea that can appeal to large numbers of people, and that is both reasonable and radical at the same time, both incremental and revolutionary, both small (in the grand scheme of things about which we can be constantly outraged) with potentially large effects.
I don't see many folks (weather "leftists" or otherwise) working very hard to either developing that idea (or some small number of them) or searching out those ideas.
Or, if they do, they might tweet a tweet or write diary or story, but then it's onto other stuff.
My vote goes to a Guaranteed Jobs Program because it potentially has large appeal in these times. It provides jobs, economic stability thus social stability, insures full employment while providing price stability, it insures the work force necessary to address climate change (and other General Welfare items), it insures the government use our national currency for broad public purpose, it reduces poverty and thus the "need" to control "unruly" populations and so reduces our reliance on police force, as well as other things. It addresses class, racial and gender issues. Economic and social issues.
It has the potential to garner support from "leftists" and "liberals" as well as some average Republicans.
John Birch Society "libertarians" will hate it, but then they just pretend that money magically appears from the pores of their skin when the work hard, and never begin with the fact that the federal government issues our national currency, so must fund something so we can earn a net income.
A matter that far too many "leftists" and "liberals" are also confused about.
If not a Jobs Guarantee, then some other idea (ideas) need to be championed in a consistent manner.
I'm really not seeing much effort in this direction. It's scary.
I will add an 8th Truth to Reich's list
8. Stop listening to people who told us to swallow our ideals and vote for a War Monger, Wall St Whore.
Opps, looky there. That includes Reich himself.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.