Open Thread 1-19-17: Insanity the Day Before...It!
We've seen the amusing Twilight Zone comparisons. You know...the photo of Rod Serling standing in front of a dismal, glowering Trump who's sitting in the Oval Office. Or that Scottish preview of the inauguration. What? You haven't read that? Wait a sec...
After a long absence, The Twilight Zone returns with one of the most ambitious, expensive and controversial productions in broadcast history. Sci-fi writers have dabbled often with alternative history stories - among the most common is the "What If The Nazis Had Won The Second World War" setting - but this huge interactive virtual reality project, which will unfold on TV, in the press, and on Twitter over the next four years, sets out to build an ongoing alternative present.
The story begins in a nightmarish version of 2017 in which huge sections of the US electorate have somehow been duped into voting to make Donald Trump president. It sounds far-fetched, and it is, but as it goes on it becomes more and more chillingly plausible. Today's feature-length opener concentrates on the gaudy inauguration of President Trump, and the stirrings of protest and despair surrounding the ceremony, while pundits speculate gravely on what lies ahead. It's a flawed piece, but a disturbing glimpse of the horrors we could stumble into, if we're not careful.
ho ho ho, that's hilarious. I think there could also have been a Twilight Zone built around Hillary Clinton if she'd won. It'd be different, maybe subtler. Anyway, I've been thinking that our entire existence is like science fiction now. There were stories back in the 60s and 70s about how political types would put hallucinogens in the air to make the population docile or angry or whatever. I bet the Army thought it was possible. But sci-fi writers liked how ridiculous it would be, so they used it for stories.
And now here we are. I think there must be something in that air. We've gone crazy. I'd say 95% of the country is totally insane. Not you, of course...or maybe you, too. And when I say "you" I mean me as well. But for sure, 95%, maybe a higher number, is whacko. When the two worst candidates ever get 95% of the vote then the voters have to be nuts. I was discussing this on my football chat group, how there are instigators on both "sides" who do nothing but stir up outrage and hatred, so much so that normal people will end up believing the stuff and think "yes, I'm voting for this terrible candidate AND convincing myself that this terrible candidate is great!"
Now we've got some protests coming up against Trump and, jeepers, they seem to be pro-Hillary too. What, you might ask, does protesting Trump have to do with still pushing Hillary? There's something hinky ["Something as yet undefinable is wrong, out of place; not quite right" - Urban Dictionary] about this Woman's March on Portland. I normally hate our local centrist weekly, the Willamette Week, but there was something of interest in the issue that just came out. This March is scheduled for Saturday.
Activists complained the event's original organizer, who lives in Eastern Oregon, refused to give a platform to minorities, immigrants and trans people.
(That organizer, who asked not to be named because she fears being targeted by anti-government militias, declined to discuss those specific claims. "It's really sad that we have to be fighting these same battles again and again," she says. "The real reason that Hillary did not win is, she's a woman.")
There's more here:
I'm really uncomfortable with some sort of protest against Trump that keeps the Hillary zombie alive. Meanwhile we have all of these rumors, no doubt pushed by the Clinton circle, that she could win a race for New York City Mayor. I doubt it. But CBS News has this headline:
Hillary Clinton would dominate a hypothetical race for mayor of New York City against incumbent Mayor Bill de Blasio if she were to run as an independent, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday.
The poll found that 49 percent would back Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, while only 29 percent would support de Blasio, a Democrat
She'd be inevitable! Like how she had the 2008 nomination sewn up in October 2007. Or how she was 40 points ahead of Bernie, or 13 points ahead of Trump. But this is science fiction time where everyone is deranged. Now she can return and all her fans can, one more time, talk about how wonderful she is.
So, to sum up (have I said anything yet?) we have people divided into two camps. Each side is completely bonkers, believing the other side is all that's wrong with the world. Thus they perpetuate this acceptance of the worst, the Clintons, Trump, Pence, Kerry, Lieberman, the Bushes. And they just can't let go long enough to look directly at what's in front of them.
How long will the Hillary delusion last? I'm thinking six months before my friends stop saying she was a great candidate. They'll still be nuts, though, just saying some other crazy #$%&.
You know what's coming, right? Here you go!
and this one...
and so on...

I have seen the words Philip-K-Dick multiple times this week. In that order. Still have edema in legs, peed out volumes, getting better, I hope.
Today's first attempt to embed a golden (and sad) oldie:
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Be vewy vewy qwiet
US Congresswoman makes secret visit to Syria
Go Tulsi. Kucinich too.
blessed are the peace makers. I'm more than slightly. Thanks.
Love Queen
My first view of that! Wondrously mad!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
More good news, well, not bad anyway.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Tulsi and Dennis giving them something to talk about !
Not Kucinich's first time there...
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Something to talk about
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
TY one of our favorite songs. Saw her
perform it live in Austin back in the day~!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Here's your daily Dore jagoff!
No holding back on Corey Booker, woo! Go Jimmy. Probably NSFW because profanity, so turn down the sound? Or just turn it up and rant along.
Hey Shahryar interesting this popular neolib keeping his gig
even though Trump transition had announced recall of all.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Good morning Shah and all
Seems more like a surreal dream to me... (5 min)
I guess some Twilight zones episodes are surreal too.
More than a march...a two day strike.
There's a little march on the mountain Saturday we may attend if it isn't raining too hard. It isn't a pro$hill effort.
Looks like y'all are having sure enough winter weather in the NW. We've had 7 days in a row of 70 degrees - a new January record!
All the best.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Alice Cooper's brain
love mother earth
I love the Intercept....
It is loaded with news on the vile DeVos family and the role they bought in the Trump administration.
I wish Taibbi was there. Too bad his deal fell through.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The Intercept is great..
Brave New Films has put together a piece on DeVos too - Betsy DeVos is not fit to be the next Secretary of Education! Watch to learn more about how she ruined education in Michigan through for-profit charter schools – (8 min)
She's not doing well in the interesting to see if she gets through the process.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
From what I've seen, Devos not fit to be a secretary
To thine own self be true.
My question is
My theory is that as we saw with the pharmaceutical amendment the Demorat's will use the insane right wing as cover for their own corrupt mendacity. Neither side gives a fig about restoring the rule of law or the system of checks and balances. Separation of powers? It's all theatrical partisan politics which is useless as it really is a duopoly. In a one party state that has two fake wings what good does it do to focus on the 'worst evil' Republicans that the Democratic party has empowered since at least 2006?
Hey Shaz
I sure have lost all faith the dems will stand up. As you suggest they had the opportunity with the pharma bill. Once Chuckie was selected as the senate point man all else became plain...they're feeding from the corporate trough and they can't quit. Forget 'em.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, Shah and folks!
The last day of sanity in the United States. Oh, wait - not so fast - it hasn't been that sane around here for decades!
So happy for Snowden's extended stay in Russia. I hope he remains safe. I heard some asshat on NPR talking about Manning's release being a horrible thing for our future safety, even though no one was hurt by anything he released, but Patraeus especially didn't do any harm because what he showed his girlfriend, ur, biographer, was less stuff. Now, THAT's insanity!
Thanks for removing all that @ stuff. It was driving me "insane!"
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
"a horrible thing for our future safety" Squirrels!
So glad you are here, RA. Good day!
I nominate Rick Perry for biggest idiot of 2011.
2017 nom is still up for grabs.
In case you don't recall, when Perry ran for the gotp nom for potus in 2011, he advocated closing down the dept of energy. He couldn't remember the names of one of the other depts he wanted to axe, leading to his infamous "oops" moment.
Now that trumpee has nominated him for sec of energy, it turns out he never knew, until his secretarial nomination, what the dept of energy actually does. See, now he thinks energy's mission is critical. And he's right, this time.
Well, I am critical too, of his astonishing ignorance and arrogance. He is as unqualified as trumpee for public office.
Trump planning to tell him "You're Fired!"?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I would bet Rick Perry found out
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Speaking of insanity -
The video I wanted to post here isn't a supported provider. Oh well.
I feel your pain. Or not, just testing @ mean girl
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm not sure what the "supported provider" thing is all about,
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What kind of video...
are you trying to embed? Where's it from?
@JtC It's from a meme
You can embed a gif...
just like you would embed an image.
if'n I could only embed an image!
Great Shah...
that should help using the image uploader also.
@JtC Thank you.
Yarn test
- are you talking about this site?I could embed one using the C99 Insert/Edit image widget, I copied the URL by selecting GIF not Embed from the meme page, and then used that location for the c99 image path. I always use width=500 (or less) and let the widget fill in the height.

@eyo Thank you very much
Thanks, Shah. Interesting that HillTrolls are openly
trying to coopt anti-trump actions and repurpose them as pro Hillary propaganda and myth spreading. OTOH, many are hard core mainline dems, conservadems and neolibs, and many more truly swallowed the mythology lock, stock & barrel, so one shouldn't expect anything else.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hillary would win by a landslide
If she were to run as an Independent.
Oh my dog, you've got to be kidding me. I don't even know where to start with that one. Does that mean we can start accusing her of "not being a Real Democrat" now? :SMFH:
Here's a musical contribution. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Trump tweets he is "building the Great Wall"
Yes I have been trolled. I do not follow social media, but reading about people freaking out in California about immigration made me see it.
LA Times:
How can people stand it? I'm not gonna survive. Need relief, medication.
I also just saw this on the Standing Rock Rising Facebook page; wondering if BlazeinAZ (or anyone else) has any further information:
thx, Eagles
I think it's really important to always remember that each individual water protector has his or her own perspective. I've seen various responses to the current actions taking place every night at the Backwater Bridge, and I've seen various responses to the decision about allowing out-of-state lawyers (which comes with a number of restrictions).
I really appreciate your reposting this view, and I'll try to get an essay posted later today with other info
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
@blazinAZ And thank you, Blaze -
I agree that every Water Protector has his or her own perspective. I was disheartened to learn that Oceti is shut down, but am hopeful that's somehow a good sign.