US would see drastically less corruption from first day of Bernie's presidency
Jane Sanders talks about how Bernie would change US government radically from his first day of the presidency.
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“We’d like to see a closing of the revolving door, between lobbyists and big campaign contributors and corporate interests. And working in the FDA or the EPA or any of these – Can you imagine a Cabinet under Bernie Sanders with an environmentalist at the head of the EPA? With somebody without ties to Monsanto or the chemical companies at the head of FDA? I mean, those kinds of things, we want to say, ‘This is the future.'”
I remember my dismay, after working so hard to elect President Obama, when he started naming his appointees. WTF! A Wall Streeter to regulate Wall Street? A Monsanto and factory farm industry crony to head the FDA?
This is where the rubber hits the road. We must tackle the crisis of Climate Change and this is how Bernie gets started immediately: By naming someone like Bill McKibben (my choice) to head the EPA, by naming someone who is a real anti-factory farm and clean food advocate as head of FDA.
How about Robert Reich as head of Treasury? It doesn't get better.
Can you imagine Tulsi Gabbard as V.P.? I can. She could echo Bernie's positions on the dangers of unfettered regime change and war.
This would be real change, real fast. This would silence the naysayers who question Bernie's ability to get any of his policies implemented.

Dept of Agriculture
If there is one department, other than Defense, that needs a complete overhaul, I think it's Agriculture. The department promotes Big Ag, with the over reliance on hormones, pesticides, and fertilizer - all of which are polluters that the public must either live with or clean up - and allows vested interests way to much influence with agencies like the Forest Service.
I like to imagine a Dept of Education where all signs of Arne Duncan are removed.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Certainly the Selection of Cabinet Members and Advisors...
Will slam the door shut on the lobbyist money...
Relegating their input to a we'll consider your point much like anyone else's...
Certainly it would be a refreshing change in government right from the start...
I'd like to see what action could be taken by executive action on other politicians...
The DOJ will certainly be a busy bunch until the word gets out this is serious...
Once a couple of necks have visited the chopping block for corruption I'm sure most will cleanse themselves...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I had a diary
I had a majorly recc'd diary on TOP a while back with Eliz Warren on this subject, sorta. Lemme go look for a GOS-free link.
(oy, 555 recs on Jan 29...)
heres her original OpEd at NYT
I'd say Attorney General would be a key appointment as well.
We’ve seen what a disaster a no-op as AG can be.
Now I grant you that often “disaster” is in the eye of the be-Holder, but . . .
The Department of Justice
God, who named that thing?
Anyway, it's been the most confusing part of this primary for me. What exactly would change in a Clinton administration to make it better?
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
The DOJ was named
by the people who set the CIA motto as: "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free".
I'm awfully sure that Jesus is spinning in his grave over that one.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Okay, I had to look that up.
Wikipedia reports that John 8:32 is indeed the CIA's motto. Un-believ-able.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It all starts at the top. Period. Whether it's direct corruption like Harding or Nixon, or the benign neglect of appointing scalawags and giving them free reign as we've seen so often since Carter left the White House (the last truly moral president): the POTUS sets the boundaries. Through action or inaction the POTUS is responsible. What a welcome change President Bernie Sanders will be in this country.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
An anti-trust expert at DOJ would be welcome
Clintonites say Bernie couldn't get anything done as president. If he did nothing other than stop our meddling in the Middle East, put the DOD on a carbon-neutral path and audited the waste there, and brought back trust-busting from dusty history books, he'd be the first great president of the 21st century.
Naming rafts of young liberal economic justice experts to Federal judgeships would also change the country for generations. The de-Scaliafication of the federal judiciary is a project Hillary will barely acknowledge, much less carry out.
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Tulsi for VP and then the 1st female president after Bernie.
McKibben for EPA is a great idea. If HRC wins it'll be interesting to watch heads explode over at TOP as she loads up her cabinet with a bunch of Wall Street corporate tools. The cognitive dissonance is seriously deep over there at Corporate.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I hate to tellya this, but there will be no exploding heads over any Clinton appointments of Wall St. tools. There will be cheering and excuse-making justifications...
(just sayin'! I agree with you otherwise)
Tru dat
could it be any clearer?
love your title too!!!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Good post. Thanks.
He wouldn’t be handing out ambassadorships to donation bundlers,