MSM is circling their wagons

as big bad Trump is about to burn down their houses. Yes, like the pioneers (read: hostile takeover of native Americans lands) did when attacked by uncivilized yet deadly foes, they circled the wagons to provide mutual protection. Now even Fox Spews is cowering within the enclosure. In a display of unanimity unmatched except for their unalloyed adoration of the Evil Queen ( except Fox of course), the creators of fake-news have banded together in order to fight off an oncoming storm of arrows (and slings) being loosed by The Trumposaurus.

The Trump Raptors (voracious carnivores) smell blood as the chief Dinosaur, Tyranosaurus Trump leads a war of extinction.

Expect Mr. Trump to delegitimize the so-called MSM in the coming months.

The problem for the encircled pretenders defenders of the First Amendment is that they are rapidly running out of ammunition.

Even such staunch defenders of the Status Quo (read: propaganda) such as the New York Times are coming to realize that they are in trouble.

Growing distribution systems belonged to technology companies and their users. Publishers had become mere guests, their own distribution systems, like printed newspapers, stagnant or shrinking. So a news organization’s ranking in that online world — one in which the importance of legacy was diminished — meant something.

Expect to hear vehement refutations of their impending demise from many talking heads, while the wagons catch fire.

Will the Goebbels Ministry of Truth arrive in time to save them? Tune in next month for another exciting adventure.

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This is the time for the Internet sites to take away the patrons of the newspapers. Give them the real scoop, and provide more verification of sources than the MPM (mainstream propaganda machine) generally gives. Earn the trust of the people with veracity. The MPM can't counter that sue to having sponsors to please - or go under.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

I do get a little kick out of the daily emails from the NYT offering discounts to come back. And I'm going to finally cancel Vanity Fair. I've had the subscription for years and they used to have some very good articles in there, but no more. Yeah, its a magazine for the 1% totally, I knew that and enjoyed the pictures anyway. But now it's just nothing but fluff and apologia and self pity for "Democrats." All print media is hurting, I need to add my small part to that pain.

The Nation for now I will keep, I can spot the crap now and avoid those pieces. When the whole thing goes to ConservaDem land, and it's getting closer, they're gone too.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Pricknick's picture

you speak of?
Should I miss them? Are they important or impartial?
I feel so left out of the mainstream.
Now where did I put the vape?

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Mark from Queens's picture

the first newspaper to actually run meaningful headlines calling out the endemic corruption of pay-to-play politics beholden to Big Money/Wall St with real, hard-hitting stories, but connected and explained in the simplest and clearest terms as the reason why the populace's standard of living (i.e. healthcare via insurance companies, bloated military budget, corporate tax breaks and deregulation of business, etc having a direct effect on every aspect of your life) had been eviscerated, will be the newspaper that will survive and thrive no matter what technology comes our way.

People are looking for news outlets to reflect back to them what they're going through in their own personal lives. And that means an explanation why there's such widespread inability to keep up with ever-rising housing/healthcare/student tuition costs and consumer and bank debt, etc.

Just like Bernie shredded the idea that a candidate had to grovel to Wall St and Corporate America for campaign donations by refusing their dirty money, and then being rewarded exponentially by people who are clamoring for such integrity, news outlets can start getting tough and adversarial toward the powers that be - and be rewarded handsomely for it.

There's a massive opportunity for any one of these on-life-support papers to fill the void, with the incentive of the Trump Fear now, to actually stop shirking their journalistic duties by running interference for the oligarchs with manufactured controversy, obfuscation and celebrity gossip, and begin honoring their Fourth Estate credo.

Just look at how well real, cutting edge, speak truth-to-power progressive online sites like TYT, Jimmy Dore, Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp are doing now. People will be seeking out more places like Democracy Now, the Intercept, The Real News, Counterpunch, in a time in which the MSM has become discredited to many.

Some big traditional news outlet, if they were to find such courage and intrepidity, stands to win big now.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

ZimInSeattle's picture

web traffic data at the 200+ alt media sites after WaPo claimed they were publishing fake news. I'll bet their traffic has increased significantly. We are cancelling our subscription to the Seattle Times since I have been shadow banned in the comments and I recently got a subscription to CounterPunch. It seems to me that the people are beginning to realize the MSM is the prime purveyor of propaganda. May they all crash and burn. Extremely well attributed essay here on the DNC 'hack': Did the Russians Really Hack the DNC?

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Assange says the DNC info they received/released was from an internal leak at the DNC. Well it wouldn't surprise me, but were they also hacked? Were they also hacked by more than Guccifer 2.0?

I find your reference to be very confusing and, as much as I like and appreciate counterpunch, i do not understand why they are offering this long and somewhat confusing story about hacking the DNC. Really, I thought it was more simple than that (read para I), and it is already very difficult to talk with friends who only watch FOX, CNN. NBC, etc. And I'm one who spent decades in the computer tech world.

What I try to tell people is that a good hacker knows how not to leave a footprint. It is just one of many indications she is running a superior game. Even easier is leaving the footprints of an innocent party, thus shuffling the blame off oneself and perhaps ruining someone who makes you unhappy.

The most promising thing I've heard Trump say is that he's going to add a lot of security to our essential computer systems. What scares me is how much an excuse it will be to tamp down the 99%.

So, what counterpunch is talking about in the referenced article is not strengthening my argument with tech un-savvy people. It's just convincing them that the arguments are too technical for them to understand. Ergo, they must rely on the "experts". Not good.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Another Russian mole in our midst. I have long suspected PriceRip of being a mole. All this attempted infiltration of our readership with facts! GG, that is unAmerican. Please surrender your passport and deliver yourself to DHS.

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Steven D's picture


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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

When i read your uaername, i hear lynn samuels saying, mark from queens, you're on the air.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Checking my email today I found an online petition by I think moveon must be getting neoliberal or politically senile. Their email request has pointedly notable omissions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Angelo Carusone
To: [redacted]
Sent: Thu, Jan 12, 2017 2:42 pm
Subject: Trump vs. CNN (sign the petition)

Dear MoveOn member,
At Donald Trump's first press conference as president-elect, he berated and blacklisted CNN reporter Jim Acosta for daring to ask questions in reference to CNN's bombshell reporting on Trump's relationship with Russia. The incoming White House press secretary threatened to throw Acosta out for daring to do his job and ask questions, and another Trump adviser verbally attacked him, too.Will you sign my petition calling on the White House Correspondents' Association to stand strong against Trump's outrageous bullying of the media?

If Trump blacklists or bans one of you, the rest of you need to stand up. Instead of ignoring Trump's bad behavior and going about your business, close ranks and stand up for journalism. Don't keep talking about what Trump wants to talk about. Amplify your colleague's inquiry or refuse to engage until Trump removes that person or media outlet from the blacklist.
Sign Angelo's petition

You would expect that the press would be outraged at such behavior from the administration. But you would be wrong. The press acted like none of this happened.2 They ignored that their colleague was being punished and shut out right in the middle of the press conference and continued engaging with Trump as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

Trump has a history of doing this to the press—and worse.

He banned The Des Moines Register from covering his events. He banned Univision from attending his events. He revoked The Washington Post's credentials for a length of time in retaliation for a headline that he didn't like. He revoked Politico's credentials for a while to punish them for an article that he didn't like.3 BuzzFeed—which Trump called a "failing pile of garbage" during the press conference—has been on a blacklist since June of 2015.4 The Daily Beast is on the blacklist and is almost always denied credentials as a result.5 And this list isn't exhaustive.

But journalists covering Trump don't learn. Time and time again—as one outlet after another is frozen out—reporters continue to go about their interactions with Trump and his people as if nothing is wrong.

Enough is enough. Some principles are more important than competition among news outlets.

If a free press has any hope of surviving the next four years, we need the journalists covering Trump to pledge: If Trump blacklists one of you, the rest of you need to stand up.

Tell the White House press corps: If you see Trump blacklisting a reporter or a media outlet, speak up and fight back. If not, you could be next.

My response:

I am totally in agreement with Trump on this one. CNN is nothing but a propaganda unit for the elites, most recently for the Clintons. They broadcast more fake news than they broadcast truth. Plus they completely failed to mention the huge Bernie protest rally outside the doors of their main office in NYC. Why should anyone support these worthless liars? If they ever resume being more comprehensive in their coverage and stop distributing fake news, I might reconsider. You [] claim to be protectors of free press. How about honest press? There are plenty of alternative news sites available. Readers can pick and choose what they want. As long as there is alternative news, there is no reason for the continued existence of the so-called main stream media. MSM has now become the "alternative" and not a preferred one at that.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

I use to support them, but it does seem they've drank the neo-liberal KoolAid. Any organization that only supports the Democratic Party is suspect anymore.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

and that reason was not entertainment or money making

The US media pack needs to rediscover its teeth, for the Sake of Democracy

Delicate power balance

But what of the bizarre chorus of whooping and clapping in the background? While the president-elect was ranting about Nazis, and Buzzfeed and China and the benefits of being pals with Putin, you could hear applause and cheers coming from the serried ranks of the press corps. It was as if Trump’s fan club had been allowed to penetrate the ranks of the fourth estate. In fact, as has since been reported, the Trump machine had packed the room with aides who laughed at some of Trump’s arch comments and heckled the odd reporter that appeared to be going off-piste.
This is dangerous for democracy – without a robust, assertive and challenging media to put the president of the US to the question, all is lost. This depressing little event brought to mind for me a quote from the late, great journalist, James Cameron. He described his dispiriting experiences of following the media pack from arranged presser to organised event: “Thus did we trot and bark around the caravan.”
The US media pack needs to rediscover its teeth, not least to remind the next president of the balance of power and the value of third-party media advocacy – the presence of people whose job it is to argue about issues they consider important. But it’s important for all our sakes as we hurtle into this new and worrying US political era.
So stop trotting and barking around Trump, US media folks. Please remember what you’re there for – to make politicians feel uncomfortable and ask the questions they don’t want you to, time and time again.

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4-year-old who has read 1,000 books named 'Librarian for the Day' at Library of Congress

and she doesn't have white skin

OMG what does future hold?

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Glenn Greenwald's third book published in 2008

A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency

First - Bush not a tragedy, but the tragedy of not acting properly after 9/11. Went for oil and world domination.

Almost 1/3 of that book was about Iran. Sy Hersh broke the story that plans to invade Iraq and they were later scrapped. Totally crazy. Zionist project. 3x size of Iraq a d 3x population

An article in TomDispatch. Intro by Tom and then the article.

Tomgram: Rajan Menon, The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump

Begins with overviews of some of CIA overthrows of governments

Such thoughts came to my mind because, in today’s piece, Rajan Menon, author of The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention, explores Donald Trump’s possible plans for tearing up (or living with) the Obama administration’s Iranian nuclear deal -- and for tearing into or living with Iran itself. After all, if there is one thing the men he’s appointing to his national security team seem to have in common, it’s their obvious Iranophobia. Their sky-high level of animus and anger toward that mid-sized regional power is, or at least should be, striking. It would be inconceivable, had the CIA, in cahoots with Britain’s MI6, on the orders of American President Dwight Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, not taken out the popular elected government of Mohammad Mossadeq in August 1953. They did so in response to its nationalization of the properties of the British oil company we now know as BP. That CIA-engineered military coup, which put an autocratic and oppressive Shah firmly on the Peacock Throne for the next quarter century and consigned democracy to the trash heap of history, led directly to the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini, the revolution of 1979, the embassy hostage situation of that year, and all the decades of enmity that followed. The present Iranian situation -- now one of the most combustible on the planet, as Menon points out -- might as well be stamped “creation of the Great Satan.” But who would know it here? Who cares? Who remembers?

Those who forget history are fated to... well, perhaps be Trumped by it, as we may soon see. Tom

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What fun!

Britain dragged into Donald Trump 'dirty dossier' row amid claims Whitehall knew of the file

Britain has been dragged into the frantic row over the “dirty dossier” on Donald Trump after it was claimed that the Government gave the FBI permission to speak to the former MI6 officer who compiled it.

Sources in the US have told The Telegraph that Christopher Steele, a former spy, spoke to officials in London before he handed the document to the FBI and met one of its agents.

Is this a novel?

Christopher Steele | A career in the shadows
Christopher Steele, who wrote reports on compromising material Russian operatives allegedly had collected on US President-elect Donald Trump, is a former officer in Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, according to people familiar with his career.

Former British intelligence officials said Steele spent years under diplomatic cover working for the agency, also known as MI6, in Russia and Paris and at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.

After he left the spy service, Steele supplied the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with information on corruption at FIFA, international soccer’s governing body.

It was his work on corruption in international soccer that lent credence to his reporting on Trump’s entanglements in Russia, US officials said on Wednesday.

Emails seen by Reuters indicate that, in the summer of 2010, members of a New York-based FBI squad assigned to investigate “Eurasian Organized Crime” met Steele in London to discuss allegations of possible corruption in FIFA, the Swiss-based body that also organizes the World Cup tournament.

People familiar with Steele’s activities said his British-based company, Orbis Business Intelligence, was hired by the Football Association, Britain’s domestic soccer governing body, to investigate FIFA. At the time, the Football Association was hoping to host the 2018 or 2022 World Cups. British corporate records show that Orbis was formed in March 2009.

Amid a swirl of corruption allegations, the 2018 World Cup was awarded to Moscow and Qatar was chosen to host the 2022 competition.

The FBI squad whose members met Steele subsequently opened a major investigation into alleged soccer corruption that led to dozens of US indictments, including those of prominent international soccer officials.

Senior FIFA officials, including long-time president Sepp Blatter, were forced to resign ........


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ggersh's picture

white house correspondents dinner, jeez even the building up of trump as a candidate, the MSM and TPTB are stronger together, the truth is the last story they will cover.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

to focus public attention on this that and the other thing. Lately however, this that and the other thing have been able to focus public attention on corporate media.

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