Brock Wants Bygones With Bernie in Fight vs. Trump. Berners Remind Him of What A POS He Was/Is.

Good evening, good 99%er folks...

Haven't had much desire to follow the whole Scare Circus enveloping the nation surrounding speculation about the Pumpking Fuher and his nauseating and tawdry crony capitalist boneheadedness. Instead I've been watching Glen Greenwald appearances in which he successively eviscerates one ill-equipped mainstream pundit after another. Can't get two more polar opposites of intellect and integrity than these two human beings, and that's where my head is now.

However, on my YouTube news subscription tonight I saw Thom Hartmann, who currently resides for me, sadly, in the Neoliberal Apologist camp, had this segment, "David Brock Apologizes to Bernie Sanders...What!?!?", and was curious.

Apparently the $hills alpha attack dog wrote a piece called "Dear Senator Sanders: I’m with You in the Fight Ahead" He pays Bernie some compliments, but short of a mea culpa, simply tries for a common ground, let-bygones-be-bygones and let's unite in the fight ahead. As pathetic as this asshole is, at least he had the decency (maybe the wrong word to associate with him) to acknowledge how long Bernie singularly led the fight against corporate media malfeasance and monopoly.

"Throughout your life of advocacy and career in public service, you have been a leader on some of the same issues to which I’ve devoted my professional life. You were one of the first to identify and call for media reform...

You have consistently devoted yourself to ensuring a fair and free press. In your House days, I remember you being one of very few to attend a Congressional hearing about the fairness doctrine where, despite a mostly empty room, you posed thoughtful and penetrating questions. You introduced a bill to restore that doctrine, to guard against wildly biased and inaccurate media outlets. And how prescient that concern was.

I'm not buying Brock's bullshit, and neither are any Bernie supporters it seems.

So let's have some fun and see how some folks responded to his open letter:

You are a cruel and narcissistic shell of a human. Any Sanders supporter that had to deal with your malevolent team of paid internet trolls knows this. Your vile tactics alienated young people and turned countless rust belt Democrats into Trump supporters. I witnessed as your bullies broke down young, hopeful, and idealistic new voters until they were cynical Pepe Frog worshipping “Deplorables.” You harassed and abused countless high-school and college aged voters. You poisoned a generation.

It breaks my heart seeing what you and the neoliberal Democratic establishment did to these kids. Make no mistake, you are a major symptom of why Trump won. I would genuinely rather eat 20 raw horse penises than team up with you. You’re a monster and your misdeeds will not be forgotten or forgiven.

As a Sanders supporter, I appreciate your apology but cannot accept it. This letter reeks of hat-in-hand, save my own ass by trying to get on the right side of history. Too bad, Mr. Brock, I’ve read your tweets, I’ve followed your PAC’s actions to harm Mr. Sanders’ candidacy — you did everything BUT play fair and now you want to align yourself with the only candidate who was honest and could have beaten Trump? No way. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.

"Please join me in pressuring these forces to stop facilitating the pollution of our public discourse."

Oh wow. I’m nobody and nothing who lives in a s**thole and every day between May and November of last year, at least two or three of your employees called me a c**t, b***h, whore, “lesbo bull dyke” (personal fave) and told me I was “hate-filled” and also … let’s go in order: misogynist, homophobic, RACIST for volunteering for Bernard Sanders and later when it became known how horrible #DNC was, registered for the Green Party and got even more of the above abuse for supporting Jill stein and Ajamu Baraka. Fortunately my s**thole is a gated community so you can be blocked at the gate.

In addition, I’ve re-scanned this article. You can’t write. All you can do is call names. You are a terrible writer. “Please join me in pressuring these forces to stop facilitating the pollution of our public discourse.” To whom do you refer? Who are the forces? Russian Nazi Racists? Well I’m sorry, they don’t scare me. My gated s**thole will protect me. spent a million bucks hiring mercenary trolls to oppose left-wing progressives. Do you know how massive the face-palmprint of a lefty being called sexist/racist is?

Several, including a few whose Facebook profile pic was a selfie with Hillary Clinton herself, posted child pornography on pro-Bernie sites. I was personally attacked by the now infamous Kitty Alveera — one of your “Barrier Breakers” armed with a CTR blessing and a filthy mouth — the standard namecalling, sexism allegations, and downright despicable posts and private messages, with her HRC selfie for all to see on Facebook. Reality must be a hike from your position should you think you have any role in the political future of this country. Your work guaranteed minimal progressive carryover to Clinton. Can you blame them?

This puts you (at best) on par with Nixon’s CREEP committee. The digital world knows of what stuff you are made. The idea that you could be known for being inclusive or helping cultivate a vibrant democracy is laughable...

Your partnership is not wanted, your skills are better served by joining forces with the Bannons of the world — those folks lie, distort, deceive — you should fit right in. I’m sure the right will welcome you back. Thanks again for the worst SCOTUS judge in history, by the way. Maybe you could take a page from his book and STFU for a decade or so.
At best, your penchant for dirty tricks puts you squarely in the ‘obsolete’ category (that is, if we are to purge fake news and the tabloid scene).

Otherwise, a vibrant, inclusive democracy requires your type to be barred from politics and any public office. Go sell sugar water.

You have GOT to be kidding. You paid trolls to derail Bernie’s campaign. Fuck you and fuck off you neoliberal creep.

Too stiff a jab?
Let’s be clear: you basically called him a racist.

“David Brock, just declared disparagingly to the AP that Bernie Sanders’ new TV ad is evidence that ‘black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders.’”

I’m assuming this is what you are apologizing for, yes? Specifically?

Anyone who supported Hillary over Bernie needs to be forever banished from the democratic party….but since that’s not going to happen, it looks like Bernie’s supporters will need to leave the democratic party. People like Brock, Neera Tanden, Joan Walsh, and others only care about power and not the principles that should guide the democratic party, so I will fight against people like them as hard as I fight against republicans.

David, now that Bernie and his supporters are taking over the party you’re begging for unity so that you can preserve your business and proximity to power. No thanks. You’re the lowest form of scum our political institutions were capable of producing. You’ve made a career of insulting, attacking and trying to destroy the grassroots of the Democratic party. If Hillary had won you would still be at work slandering the left and offering praise for oligarchs and neocons. You would be best off retiring and taking a break from the cocaine. Your help is not needed and you cannot be trusted. Just go away.

Guess the Clinton Media Industrial Complex’s cash dried up.

Apology not accepted. You’re not a progressive, you’re a whoring aparatchi. You belong in the dust-bin of history.

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Pricknick's picture

A nut punch.
Well deserved.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

travelerxxx's picture

2018 is coming. Brock is simply Lucy, setting up the football for all of us Charlie Browns in 2018 (and even 2020). How many will fall for it?

I want to know how to oppose Trump without supporting the "Lucy" neoliberal Democrats. The Tea Party folks got this down to an art form by primary-ing their enemies. I'm all for it, but I suspect it may take an electoral disaster in 2018 before it can happen.

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There isn't a hint of a policy concession to the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. Brock is inviting Bernie to unite with the small d Democrats to fight Trump. Then they can get back to the important business of governing, passing the TPP, encircling Russia, toppling Assad, making Social Security solvent by reallocating among identity groups, improving Obamacare with bigger payouts to drug companies and so forth.

Bernie should invite Hillary's supporters to join us when they finish their Putin rants. Speaking of Hillary, when is she going to tear herself away from the cocktail parties thanking her biggest donors and do something for the rest of us?

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MsGrin's picture

We don't contribute enough.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Socialprogressive's picture

As far as I'm concerned if I never saw or heard from her ever again it would still be to soon.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

thanatokephaloides's picture

Speaking of Hillary, when is she going to tear herself away from the cocktail parties thanking her biggest donors and do something for the rest of us?

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
And pigs fly through the heavens
And Hades freezes athwart......

(apologies to the 5th Dimension and its music and lyric writers)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture

Speaking of Hillary, when is she going to tear herself away from the cocktail parties thanking her biggest donors and do something for the rest of us?

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
And pigs fly through the heavens
And Hades freezes athwart......

(apologies to the 5th Dimension and its music and lyric writers)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Alligator Ed's picture

David Brock is a rat (DemocRAT if you like)
Rats know when to jump ship
Brock is jumping

Better hurry David, hopefully the SS Progressive will leave your rat ass in the cold water.

Rats have a keen sense of smell. Brock knows which way the wind is blowing and it isn't blowing his way.

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dystopian's picture

the rats always jump first

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Is that it, or is yet more sabotage in the works, with a hope that Bernie can still be nobbled, as any 'accidents/'suicides'/'murder by persons unknown'/'sudden death' at all would result in precisely the sort of massive uprising TPTB most need to avoid?

The predominately publicly-funded corporate/military global domination thing which the Clintons and Obama continued is still going full bore, abetted by both corporate parties, and Bernie has strategically placed himself as the greatest and, it appears, only real threat to its completion, either dead or alive. They'd better hope that he doesn't suffer even a natural fatal heart-attack...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

ZimInSeattle's picture

Bernie asking us to vote for Killary. So sad that Hartmann has yet to pull his head out. At one point a week or so before the election he said something to the affect of Killary having a stellar record as SoS. I about vomited. Someone really needs to set him straight. Until there is a complete cleansing of the Dem establishment, there will be no hope for that party.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Brock is a pos, is a pos themselves. Hartmann is a major disappointment I used to listen to him regularly and one of his biggest rants was how it was BS that Nader caused Gore to lose the election. Then the closer we got to election day 2016 he started spewing shit about the people voting for Stein and that it would help T rump win, that was it for me.

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I had a podcast to his show and would listen at night when I went to bed and fell asleep. Not only was he pushing Hillary because Trump is a fascist, but he was attacking and gutting the "purist" who refused to vote for Hillary. Trump is all our fault. He called non-Hillary supporters every name in the book he could think of preceded by fucking. His audience is hardly centrist/moderate Dems/#DemExits like Hartmann. He got a ton of pushback, which also pissed him off, and he lost a big portion of his 10,000 paying listeners he was so vile. Add in that he's getting old (and when an old person says you're getting old that means really old) and rambly, he became not worth listening to. I know I'm letting my subscription lapse.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I'm really upset to hear that. I'm not surprised about Hartmann with his personal endorsement of Angie's List and "own gold".

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

orlbucfan's picture

than we do how the power-hungry crazies work. Nasty doesn't begin to describe what they are capable of doing. History is full of it, and it's depressing.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

OzoneTom's picture

He's human and imperfect but has pointed out repeatedly that this isn't about him. It is about us and the future. He made it clear that Herself was the one who would have to make the sale -- explicitly at a town-hall in April:
Q: "I believe you will win the nomination and the presidency, but if you don't, will you encourage your supporters to vote for Secretary Clinton?"
A: "Thanks for the question, and let me answer it in this way," said Sanders. "We are not a movement where I can snap my fingers and say to you or to anybody else what you should do, because you won't listen to me. You shouldn't. You'll make these decisions yourself."

To this day, Her minions blame Senator Sanders, his followers and anyone else who refused to kowtow to Her for that singular embarrassment of a campaign.

Commenters in that article are having none of it -- it was well worth going there and scrolling through them to find 100% agreement concerning Brock's loathsomeness. Thanks for the reminder Mr. Slimeball, it was good way to start the day!

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Brock asking for unity with true progressives is as bad as
Bernie asking us to vote for Killary.

Actually, it's worse. Bernie asking us to vote for Killary is simply Bernie's facing the klusterphuck that the Dem Primary had become. Although not conclusive, evidence exists that Bernie simply suffered the same anal sex that the rest of us did, and simply gave in to the same.

Brock spent more than a year's hard effort and several million dollars causing that said klusterphuck to occur. Bernie did not do that.

Now, I'm unsure how far I might trust Bernie in the future. But I am dead certain that I will never trust David Brock at all.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

MsGrin's picture

in order to run in the Dem primary. He would have had to give up any caucusing / leadership with Dems if he refused to do so when she succeeded in convincing people she'd crushed him.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Hawkfish's picture

They need regular infusions of the blood of the young to stay alive. He sounds desperate. I guess the pigs blood isn't working any more.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

karl pearson's picture

I really enjoyed those responses from Bernie supporters. David Brock is an opportunist, who appears to have run out of options. Early in his career Brock wrote for the American Spectator, a right-wing publication, which did hit pieces on Bill Clinton. When Clinton left office, Sidney Blumenthal introduced Brock to the Clintons. In 2002, Brock wrote an apologetic book, Blinded by the Right. After his stint with Media Matters, he joined the Clinton campaign. I first learned of Brock in the mid-1990's when I found his hit piece on Anita Hill, The Real Anita Hill, in a bargain bin for $1.00. It looks as if David Brock is heading for that bargain bin himself.

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mimi's picture

ordered those books, used. Then I looked him into his eyes. A scared little rat who is doing everything to survive in his job. I didn't read the books anymore just scanned them, that was enough. His letter is the ultimate insult to people who supported Sanders. I think he is so twisted and schizophrenic that his letter was written with the intent to arouse a lot of bad feelings and generate exactly the responses from commentators that Mark posted in his piece. That alone will save Brock's butt for a next job in the online "poltical analysis" environment.

He is a worm. Eats shit, digest shit, produces the compost for him to repeat those actions over and over again.

imo, he can be safely forgotten and ignored.

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CS in AZ's picture

and all of of their lackeys and boot lickers.

I wish Bernie would say this. He won't, because he cares more about doing whatever he can to help make things better, even a little. I understand that.

But fuck everyone who attacked and undermined Bernie and worked to install her royal highness, and ended up leaving us stuck with an orange-haired idiot as president. Fuck them all to hell.

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Amanda Matthews's picture

whatever sewer he's been hiding in.

Apparently His Foulness thought everyone else would fall for his 'let's kiss and make up' crap that worked for him before.

Maybe the Clinton's aren t returning his calls anymore.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

MsGrin's picture

Brock does fancy himself being a champion of media 'reform' (meaning that he gets to control the message, not that it actually be 'reformed' or anything).

I think my mouth may taste like vomit for a full week after reading this... reading it in small chunks to avoid spewing any.

I'm sure you're aware that Brock is having a giant convention on Innauguration night - bringing all the superfunder humans together for a night of summer camp to sing cumbayah and write cheques around the SuperPACs campfires...

edit: so Brock has actually heard of the fairness doctrine. Too bad he doesn't believe in it.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Perhaps he's whoring for the Nazis who want to convince us that "fake news" is up there with the 911 hijackers? If only we'd make peace with him he could save us from it. Either that or he's out of his fucking mind.

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Lily O Lady's picture

getting in that car!

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

The perfect analogy.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

David, First let me say Go F**k Your Hand!

You are the as***le that singlehandedly led the effort to get Trump elected you own that mark in history and it will never be erased! Live with it!

We Sanders supporters are Progressives, and we aren’t looking back at that soiled panty whore of a party, you and your NeoLiberal Third Way idiots inhabit with the nearly unblemished losing streak it has had since 2000. The Sanders Campaign of 2016 was the last chance at retaining this democrat of 42 years, I #DemExit’d after the convention, and voted for the only woman candidate in the race, Dr Jill Stein…

The mere fact that your Social Media Troll Army chose to call Progressives names such as Sexists, Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes, Berniebros, and others, you know them all, you made the list to use, assured that Hillary “The Mad Bomber” Clinton would NEVER have my vote! It just shows how out of touch with reality you, the Clinton’s, and the DemocRATic Party are in thinking after such a barrage of insults that we would “Be With Her.”

Enjoy President Trump! He’s your doing, we Progressives have moved on and are looking toward 2018 and 2020 as Independents with an eye on forming a viable new party. We may support a Democratic Candidate if that support is earned but we aren’t supporting any DemocRAT. The party is dead and you killed it!

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

offering to work with Bernie on issues "they both agree on" is so he can find out information and run back to the Clintons with it so they can sabotage Bernie's efforts because it won't be what "big money" wants.

A mole.

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Wed, 01/11/2017 - 8:31am — LoneStarMike

I think the only reason Brock is apologizing and

offering to work with Bernie on issues "they both agree on" is so he can find out information and run back to the Clintons with it so they can sabotage Bernie's efforts because it won't be what "big money" wants.

I'm very glad to find that at least one great mind is also thinking along the same lines I was, because that would be the typical continuance of the sort of filthy tactics we've been seeing all along.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

skod's picture

of the Krupp family in WWI.

It can be very profitable to sell weapons to both sides...

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Big Al's picture

And who is David Brock? Am I the only one that doesn't know?

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skod's picture

Started out as a Republican ratfucker (see Troopergate), but has lately been the corporate Dem ratfucker of choice. Most well known lately for running Correct The Record and spreading disinformation for the Clinton campaign, which I find to be mildly astonishing (see Troopergate). Will do dirt of any description for anyone that will pay him, apparently.

Lie down with the whores, get up with the herpes. And this guy is the embodiment of whorish herpes-on-the-hoof. But I'll stop there, and not say what I *really* think about he and his ilk: I've insulted whores enough for one day... (;-)

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MsGrin's picture

in the interest of getting Thomas on the Court. Coined the term, 'a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty.' Wrote a best-selling (tabloid) book on her.

In other words, he's a Clinton feminist, if you will.

He later recanted when he thought he could get more money from Democrats.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

boriscleto's picture

That's the guy right?

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

orlbucfan's picture

second mom would say, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!!!!!" I’m getting super fed up with the backroom attacks on Bernie. Bernie is a very smart person. He’s a political Independent who has publicly served this country for decades. He KNOWS the power structure/bozos first-hand. He also knows how dangerous these power hungry yahoos are! He’s not selling out, etc., etc. Who wrote that terrific response? He/she deserves major coverage. REC'D!!!!!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

Blinded by Identity Politics.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Prepped up like a douche,
Another Phony from the Right."

Brock, the Clintons, Olbermann, Stewart/Colbert, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Maddow, Krugman, Daily Gross, Mother Jones, NY Times, WaPo, et al - all Pretend Progressives. Muttering garbage to each other about being "socially liberal, fiscally conservative." Fuck these people.

Neoliberalism is the cancer of Left politics, courtesy of Clinton's "New Democrats."

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

thanatokephaloides's picture

Muttering garbage to each other about being "socially liberal, fiscally conservative."

You get what you're (willing to) pay for!
-- Basic Kindergarten Lesson Forgotten By DLC "Democrats"

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Like most that have posted in discussion sites or forums for many years I eventually learned over time the best known way to deal with trolls, their Sock additional personas, or astroturf posters (ie trolls of the paid variety) was to simply not feed them

It can be fun to watch them writhe in hunger, left with naught but their unfulfilled desire to accomplish (depending on the type of troll) their chronic need to be noticed, disrupt, annoy, anger or create varied mischief.

However the subspecies known as the "Brock Sock" I also wanted to identify, so others could avoid and starve them not only of negative attention but their pay in the service of one that would only try to use such astroturf misinformation tactics to gain power. I knew that because Hillary is what she is, people would have died in war and poverty to feed the worst troll of them all - Herself.

A war loving, cynical sociopath, that could, and would not hesitate to bomb civilian areas killing young foreign women and children with weapons like her beloved cluster bombs in the end if it served even her slightest need to increase her power, personal wealth, or simply just to "look tough" on the world stage had she gained such a powerful office as President of the United States.

Also being the very special person she is, she would have been able to chuckle while talking about it, with a side discussion regarding the joys of being a new grandmother during a talk show interview afterward, because unlike relatively harmless internet trolls, a true power mad sociopath such as herself, does such things as casually as one might order toast for breakfast.

Almost forgot, as promised, here is the graphic I used to identify Brock Socks once uncovered to others, so they too could ignore them, denying them yet more troll kibble.
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MsGrin's picture

Thank you for sharing.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Just go on the WaPo, pick any Trump-related article (easily 80% are Trump-Putin) and counter one of the Hillbots with the truth. Well, you will immediately be called a Russian troll, your information sources will be questioned, and they'll criticize your "colloquialisms" as if they were learned in Russian spy school. They will call Trump "Trumpy" or "Trumpkins" with Hillary-like contempt. It's so obvious that Correct the Record lives on post-Clinton. Only a psychopath like Clinton would continue spewing her crazy lies about, contempt for, and hatred of enemies past and present who gummed up Her> coronation. She really is an evil piece of protoplasm who just won't quit.

BTW, the Clintons are going after Comey for dereliction of duty. They got a Justice Dept. Special Prosecutor to investigate his decisions related to her emails and their timing before the election.

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To paraphrase Juliet, laughter comes well at such a needy time. These comments were glorious, hilarious, magnificent. I endorse and wish I had said them all!

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Twain Disciple

-that presided over weaponizing child porn for political ends. I don't know if I'm worthy to address someone of such stature, but I feel the need to try. This was the part that really got to me:

Now, if I may, let me speak directly to your supporters: If you voted for Senator Sanders, you almost certainly realize that Trump is a very real threat to our way of life, our shared values, and our constitutional democracy. We are all now small-d democrats. What was said in the heat of a campaign cannot drive us apart in the face of such an overwhelming threat.

Let’s focus on our areas of agreement. Now is not the time for factionism. The real dividing line going forward in our party is not about ideological direction. It’s the question of whether to resist and oppose, or accommodate and appease.

No, David Brock. No. Nooooooo.

Trump was not the only candidate on offer that was a real threat to our way of life, OUR ideals (apparently not shared by you and your troll factory), and our "constitutional democracy". News flash, Mr. Brock. When people are disenfranchised in the MILLIONS, victims of Democratic Party election fraud, you don't get to call it a democracy. You can't whitewash that fraudulent Primary with any amount of "ROOSHINS!" paint. You can't "TRUMP!" it away.

Get this through your thick skull, Mr. Brock: we are NOT all small-d democrats. What was said in the heat of a campaign was only malignant and vile when it came from your direction, and it HAS driven us apart, and rightly so. It is only natural for normal decent people to recoil from your modernized Nazi propaganda. Now IS the time for "factionism". Now IS the time to either clean house, or burn it down and build a new one. The very, very real dividing line going forward is not in "our" party, it is between us, and YOUR party. The Backstabbing Party. The Party of Lies. -And it is COMPLETELY about ideological direction. YOUR party is the party of the 1% (or less). WE ALREADY HAD ONE OF THOSE. WE DIDN'T NEED ANOTHER ONE.

But sure, let's focus on our areas of agreement, why don't we? OF COURSE we don't want to accommodate and appease. OF COURSE we want to resist and oppose -

YOUR BULLSHIT, THAT IS. "Too stiff a jab"? Really? We call that knifing someone in the back. Do not kid yourself. If you were ever to square off and try any verbal or policy pugilism with Senator Sanders, he would spread you out like a sheet. Your only chance in that arena, ever, has been to strike from ambush, like a feral pig.

Areas of agreement? Let's start with the fact that all of you Great Donkey Brahmins just screwed the pooch so bad, that we have actually got Donald Bloody Trump in the Oval Office. I think we're all in agreement about that. Congratulations. That "Cheating the Jewish Socialist out of the nomination" thing y'all did? Pure fucking genius. That SUBVERTING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE thing? Proof positive that y'all should be rewarded. And you should be. Something that would properly honor the legacy of all you neo-liberal elitists forever.

Maybe all of you Sainted Lord-High Servants of the Great Donkey could all volunteer to stick your heads up on spikes. That would be a nice and fitting memorial. That kind of self-sacrifice would be so inspirational. It might even bring back all those young people that your crew has traumatized into being turned off to politics forever. Think of it, David! Self-beheadings against Trump! Such a symbolic gesture! It could really bring us together, I think. Could we all agree about that?

And just consider the possibility, that maybe the Republicans would see that, have a change of heart, and follow your fine examples. Both Parties, the entire Duopoly, practicing top-level self-beheadings. Visions of Unity like that bring tears of joy to my eyes.

It's so good that we're talking again.

Oh, and David, stop calling yourself a journalist. That word has a fairly specific definition in English, and that's not what you do. But I do wish you well in your ongoing attempts to learn our sometimes difficult language.

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"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes

*speechlessly applauds*

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.