Open Thread - Friday, January 8, 2016

The cacophony of the mind control mechanisms popularly known as the media is maddening. The news, the media and pop culture are all tools against the people. For some a distraction. Others are misinformed or easily manipulated. But do not doubt for a second it is all to control the reality.

The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know

This article was first published in August 2015: In a bitter irony, the media coverup of the CIA’s covert support to Al Qaeda and the ISIS is instrumented by the CIA which oversees the mainstream media.

Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis. CIA publicists and journalists alike will assert they have few, if any, relationships, yet the seldom acknowledged history of their intimate collaboration indicates a far different story–indeed, one that media historians are reluctant to examine.

When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning individuals, locales, events, and issues. In theory such information informs people about their world, thereby strengthening “democracy.” This is exactly the reason why news organizations and individual journalists are tapped as assets by intelligence agencies and, as the experiences of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte (entry 47 below) suggest, this practice is at least as widespread today as it was at the height of the Cold War.

What a devious plot. First sublimate the population with television.

Mass Mind Control Through Network Television

Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland.

This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe in.

When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to Project MkUltra. This program is a proven example of 'overt mind control.' The project had grown out of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming.

TV Propaganda And The Mind Control Culture

Few subjects present an undisputable window into modern society than the electronic version of reality that is dispensed through television broadcasts. This technology does not require interactive skills or critical thinking acumen. Just watch and fall into a daydream trance. TV is the stealth killer that penetrates 114.7 million American households. According to Nielsen, the 2012 Universe Estimate (UE), reflects a reduction in the estimated percent of U.S. homes with a television set (TV penetration), which declined to 96.7 percent from 98.9 percent. Should this turn down suggest promise or is it merely a result of internet substitution?

I wonder who the evil genius was that first proposed having people willfully purchase and carry spying devices?

iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data

Michael Hayden has an interesting story to tell about the iPhone. He and his wife were in an Apple store in Virginia, Hayden, the former head of the United States National Security Agency (NSA), said at a conference in Washington recently. A salesman approached and raved about the iPhone, saying that there were already "400,000 apps" for the device. Hayden, amused, turned to his wife and quietly asked: "This kid doesn't know who I am, does he? Four-hundred-thousand apps means 400,000 possibilities for attacks."

Hayden was apparently exaggerating only slightly. According to internal NSA documents from the Edward Snowden archive that SPIEGEL has been granted access to, the US intelligence service doesn't just bug embassies and access data from undersea cables to gain information. The NSA is also extremely interested in that new form of communication which has experienced such breathtaking success in recent years: smartphones.

Edward Snowden interview: 'Smartphones can be taken over'

The former intelligence contractor told the BBC's Panorama that UK intelligence agency GCHQ had the power to hack into phones without their owners' knowledge.

Mr Snowden said GCHQ could gain access to a handset by sending it an encrypted text message and use it for such things as taking pictures and listening in.

Seems the masters of the black arts do not trust one another.

Pentagon Personnel Now Talking on ‘NSA-Proof’ Smartphones

The De­fense De­part­ment has rolled out su­per­secret smart­phones for work and maybe play, made by anti-gov­ern­ment-sur­veil­lance firm Si­lent Circle, ac­cord­ing to com­pany of­fi­cials.

Hey as long as the mind control box is ubiquitous, might as well double down.

It's not just smart TVs. Your home is full of gadgets that spy on you: How internet giants are collecting your personal data through their high-tech devices

This evening, while you settle down to watch Death In Paradise or Birds Of A Feather, the disturbing reality is that your television set may also be watching and listening to you.

If you own a ‘smart TV’ from South Korean tech giant Samsung, every word you say can be captured by the device and beamed over the internet to Samsung and to any other companies with whom it chooses to share your data.
This ability for the TV to earwig your conversations on the sofa is part of the set’s voice command feature, which enables viewers to tell the TV to change channels rather than use a remote.

Such a feature is typical of many smart TVs, which are to the humble old cathode ray TV set what a jet aircraft is to a propeller plane.
Crucially, smart television sets connect to the internet, from where they can download programmes and films from services such as Netflix or BBC iPlayer. And increasingly, experts are realising that if the internet can be used to bring information into your TV, it can also be used to take it out.

How did Orwell know? He did not get the details precisely correct, but 1984 is playing out.

Remember, the messenger controls the message.

I was originally considering a rant about the crap foisted upon us by corporate media machine. Then I remember, a bunch of wankers.

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NCTim's picture

They play Fox News @ the gym.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

Missouri bill defines sex between lobbyists and lawmakers as a gift

Lobbyists who have sex with a Missouri lawmaker or a member of a lawmaker’s staff would have to disclose it to the Missouri Ethics Commission under a bill introduced Wednesday in the Missouri House.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Bart Korman, a Montgomery County Republican, defines sex between lobbyists and legislators as a gift. As such, sexual relations would have to be included on monthly lobbyist gift disclosure forms.

Time for a new state motto.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Everyone must be slow rising and shining today. I know I'd like to put my head back under my pillow. I just read looked at the State of Michigan's draft Unified Plan for USDOL job training programs and services in MI. It is basically instructions to the locals on what their local plan has to include and address. It is 331 pages long. Maybe we could include a prisoner re-entry piece for our murderous governor.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

NCTim's picture

He'll never do time. He should, but the courts are in on the fleecing of America.

Our governor has some pretty blatant pay for play out there and the FBI on his tail. I would love to see Pat McCrory doing a perp walk, but I won't hold my breath.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Big Al's picture

"ISIS fighter executes own mother in Syria for 'apostasy,' rights groups say"

I've written a few times about one of the "rights groups", the "Syrian Observatory for Humans Rights, which is actually one dude, an expat from Syria living in London with ties to MI6 putting out anonymous claims about Assad and ISIS in Syria for years now. He's clearly a propaganda plant for the imperialist and has been outted as such for over four years. But the major media, even pretty much all alternative media like VICE news, Democracy Now, you name it, still print what he says with those type of headlines. It's really blatant but hardly anyone has any idea and they read something like this and just assume it's correct information even though it's always from anonymous people supposedly in Syria. The other group from Raqqa is the same thing.

So now everyone will have that little tidbit in their heads, "ISIS member kills mother". "Oh Mabel did you hear the news! Now those damn ISIS animals are killing their mothers! We need to bomb the shit out of them!"

It really makes me sad.

Any thoughts here on what your first reaction was?

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All the religious nutcakes should be put on an island and left to duke it out. Cage match to the death!

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Big Al's picture

But if the story is false, i.e., war propaganda, it brings up the question. Who is more dangerous, the religious extremists or the media?

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mimi's picture

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NCTim's picture

Bullshit. The story screams propaganda. Now, if it had been some Dominionist white dude from the bible belt ...

GG and Smiley take note ->

Seven Mountains Dominionism At North Carolina's 'Response' Rally

Last Saturday’s five-and-a-half-hour “Response” rally in North Carolina was, like previous “Response" rallies, a culture war rallying cry disguised as a nonpolitical prayer gathering. The event, organized by Christian-nation activist David Lane and emceed by “apostle” Doug Stringer, promoted Seven Mountains dominionism, the idea that the right kind of Christians are meant to control every sphere – or “mountain” – of cultural influence: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion.

While laying hands on North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, who Lane said was put in place by God, Lane prayed that God could give McCrory “courage to fight.”

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

Some guy said. People are talking about it.

My fellow Americans, this ->

OBTW. A Six Sigma analysis of the gun violence and terrorism lines would indicate that 1) terrorism is under control and 2) gun violence is out of control.

If analysis of the control chart indicates that the process is currently under control (i.e., is stable, with variation only coming from sources common to the process), then no corrections or changes to process control parameters are needed or desired. In addition, data from the process can be used to predict the future performance of the process. If the chart indicates that the monitored process is not in control, analysis of the chart can help determine the sources of variation, as this will result in degraded process performance.

Nine points in a row on the same side of the mean.

A repetitive trend.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

lotlizard's picture

And as with Israel's nukes, the West is complicit.

The whole narrative that the West is for "non-proliferation" is bullshit from start to finish.

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MarilynW's picture

she has to cover her face with 2 veils in front of boys older than 8. Then around 8 or 10, the boys are taught to shoot with live ammo.
No details about whether they actually kill at that age. Ten year olds can be enlisted as suicide bombers. Whether they know that they
are going to kill many others when they blow themselves up, I don't know but I imagine they do. So I was less than shocked by the story.
Sad, yes.

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To thine own self be true.

mimi's picture

I actually really read the whole article, all 50 facts of it. Well, it's a knock-out. I just want to know how probable it is that the globalresearch site has been established just two days before 9/11. That little detail doesn't get out of my mind, when I read their "about" page.

The Global Research website was established on the 9th of September 2001, two days before the tragic events of September 11. Barely a few days later, Global Research had become a major news source on the New World Order and Washington’s “war on terrorism”.

Since September 2001, we have established an extensive archive of news articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream media.

See, the whole article gives details about mind manipulation through the CIA over the media outlets. Not wanting to be manipulated, my first reaction to that quoted little thingy, made me think: "how weird". Now may be that kind of confusion is calculated in to the ploy to confuse us. Crashing minds through inducing as much confusion and doubts as possible so that the CT accusation towards a person is justifiable and convincing. OK, I admit it, I am a conspiracy theorist practitioner, full of wacko doubts. I got accused of it by no other than Meteor Blades once. Oh boy, I was just so uninformed and had never read a report about some ideas with regards to how the Twin Towers fell all down into themselves like in a controlled implosion. So I just asked an innocent question (honestly) and fell from my stool for getting a rather stern response back from Meteor Blades. I bet you I never asked a question again. I respect the guy a lot, but was not prepared at all for that reaction. I was simply too dumb a little old lady, who had apparently read the wrong articles, everybody knew about just not me. Sigh.

Anyhow the article is amazing because of its details and scope. What I hate most is the cooperation of Hollywood's film industry with them.

All I can say is that I would love to return into my cave and live of slaughtered wild animals and plants. Smile

Oh, and my first reactions to the CNN piece, AL posted: Cheap trashy news production TV. I wonder why AL even watches and reads that stuff.

I still have basic cable program, but since over a year at least I just watch France24, and some little stuff on Maryland Public TV and Howard Univ.TV and some crime thrillers from Germany and Italy. I like that kind of distraction. And our local college and Univ of Maryland TV sometimes. Just to fall asleep. I have given up watching MSNBC since a long time, CNN I never watch anymore since several years. And I know I will cut off TV altogether in a couple of weeks. I mean, if I glance over the kos site, I get all hints what some people on those channels come up with and now even here. More than enough to fall for feeling "informed". Riiight.

Have a good day all.

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NCTim's picture

The Internet is part of the problem.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

redacted my comment.

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Big Al's picture

I make it a habit to check the CNN website daily to see what the narratives and primary stories being sold are. It helps to keep in perspective the path we're on and understand what "they're" up to. I rarely read much of it. I don't watch TV news at all, haven't for years.
I pretty much go to about 10 different websites I've filtered down to. Many times those sites will link a mainstream media article also. There is truth in propaganda, we have to figure out what is what.
For instance, when I saw that headline of the "Isis member killing mother says Human Rights group", I knew right away it had to be SOHR, so I checked and sure enough.. Which is why I shared, SOHR is definitely an intelligence run propaganda outlet that more people should know about.

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mimi's picture

I was thinking about erasing the whole thing. My comments are just reflecting my whining about stuff that gets on my nerves. I am a little noise and image sensitive these days and this morning for example I couldn't even turn on any TV and listen. So, as I said above, all my fault.

Would interest me which 10 sites you monitor regularly. I could never follow regularly more than four sites. Sorry for that. And of course I had watched TV ad nauseam for six years on my former job, I had to. I think that's why I am whining like damaged goods.

No criticism or offense meant. Just my bad self.

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Big Al's picture

Or as they say, "not a thang".

I've been such a critic of the "ruling class" media I can understand where you're coming from.

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mimi's picture

to politicians and talking heads anymore? When you get slapped with images in your face? I get so tired and pissed that the only thing I can do is making silly remarks or being just jerky rude. I just listened to the radio, John Kasich was speaking in NH in a townhall meeting. I don't know what it is, but it's impossible for me to feel that this man is anything else than a word producing talking robot, who thinks he is charming and funny too. The only real question he got, he answered with "what would you like to see we do?" "I think we will need to think about it". Yo, buddy, think about it. If possible before you become President.

I miss a real job that I can handle and is not news related. Oh, I have dreams. So far all my dreams weren't coming through. I guess, that's just "Not a thang" thingy. ... at least it that has a nice sound to it... Smile

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World cop anyone?

The United States has entered a lot of treaties over the years, especially after the complicated network put in place after World War II. The Myth of Entangling Alliances by Michael Beckley sought to figure out a hard number for just how many countries the United States has agreed to defend in war. Thanks to NATO, ANZUS, OAS, and bilateral agreements, the U.S. has promised 67 countries protection.
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NCTim's picture

A protection racket is a scheme whereby a group provides protection to businesses or other groups through violence outside the sanction of the law. Through the credible threat of violence, the racketeers deter people from swindling, robbing, injuring, sabotaging or otherwise harming their clients. Protection rackets tend to appear in markets where the police and judiciary cannot be counted on to provide legal protection, either because of incompetence (as in weak or failed states) or illegality


A protection racketeer cannot tolerate competition within his sphere of influence from another racketeer. If a dispute erupted between two clients (e.g. businessmen competing for a construction contract) who are protected by rival racketeers, the two racketeers would have to fight each other to win the dispute for their respective clients. The outcomes of such fights can be unpredictable, and neither racketeer would be able to guarantee a victory for his client. This would make their protection unreliable and of little value--their clients would likely dismiss them and settle the dispute by other means. Therefore, racketeers negotiate territories in which they can monopolize the use of violence in settling disputes.[1] These territories may be geographical, or they may be a certain type of business or form of transaction.


Government officials may demand bribes to look the other way or extort something of value from citizens or corporations in the form of a kickback. It need not always be money. A lucrative job after leaving office may have been in exchange for protection offered when in office. Payment may also show up indirectly in the form of a campaign contribution. Stopping governments agencies as a whole, and buying protection in the government is called regulatory capture.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

MarilynW's picture

as it happens in almost every city.

It will become a Netflix series.

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To thine own self be true.


The world's monetary watchdog has thrown down the gauntlet. It has challenged the twin assumptions of secular stagnation and the global savings glut that have possessed - some would say corrupted - the Western economic elites.

It has implicity indicted the US Federal Reserve and fellow central banks for perverting the machinery of interest policy to conjure demand that may not, in fact, be needed, and ensnaring us in a self-perpetuating "debt-trap" with a diet of ever looser money.
The BIS has long argued that a key reason why the US recovered more quickly than others is because it tackled the bad debts of the banking system early, forcing lenders to raise capital. This averted a long credit squeeze. It cleared the way for Schumpeterian creative destruction.

The Europeans dallied, prisoners of their bank lobbies. They let lenders meet tougher rules by slashing credit rather than raising capital. Europe's unemployed have paid a high price for this policy failure.

Claudio Borio, the paper's lead author and the BIS's chief economist, said the "hysteresis" effect of lost productivity is 0.7pc of GDP each year. The cumulative damage from the boom-bust saga over the past decade is 6pc.

This more or less accounts for the phenomenon of "secular stagnation", the term invented by Alvin Hansen in 1938 and revived by former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. Loosely, it describes an inter-war Keynesian world of deficient investment and demand.

The theory of the global savings glut propagated by former Fed chief Ben Bernanke falls away, and so does the Fed's central alibi. It can longer be cited as the canonical justification for negative real rates. The alleged surfeit of capital in the world proves a mirage. So does the output gap.

If the BIS hypothesis is correct, there is no lack of global demand. The world faces a supply-side problem, impervious to monetary stimulus. The entire strategy of global central banks is based on a false premise.
He accused central banks of an "asymmetric" bias for the last quarter century. They let asset booms run their course, but throw the kitchen sink at each downturn. The result is ever-rising debt ratios, making it ever harder to right the ship again. "This can contribute to a kind of 'debt trap'. Over time, policy runs out of ammunition," he said.

This is well understood. More contentious is the BIS claim that low rates themselves become "self-validating" and pull the monetary regime downwards over time - "easing begets easing".

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MarilynW's picture

Wishing you all a good year ahead with many happy moments.

Netflix thinks it knows me. "here are some movies you will like" but they base my algorithm in part on movies that I only watched for 5 minutes and shut them down in horror. There's no way I can eliminate those from my list. And Facebook keeps asking for the name of my high school so I finally put "None of Your Business High School." My phone number they won't get no matter how much they ask.

Tim, you make me long for the days when all I had was a stupid phone now I am tied to my smart phone all day long.

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To thine own self be true.

NCTim's picture

I was reading an article about the Oregon militia misfits. One of the Bundys was gibbering about evidence on his phone and get his phone if the Feds take him out. I laughed out loud. The dude is dumber than a fence post.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

MarilynW's picture

when he read "Armed militia occupy bird sanctuary."

He wanted a short answer so I just put all birdwatchers, wildlife protectors, environmentalists, gun control advocates into one bag,
a "lefty, commie bag protected by big govmint" that the red neck ranchers hate.

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To thine own self be true.

LapsedLawyer's picture

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon


“was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi, with State Department acquiescence. On 11 September 2012 the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed during an anti-American demonstration that led to the burning down of the US consulate in Benghazi; reporters for the Washington Post found copies of the ambassador’s schedule in the building’s ruins. It showed that on 10 September Stevens had met with the chief of the CIA’s annex operation. The next day, shortly before he died, he met a representative from Al-Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services, a Tripoli-based company which, [a JCS official told Hersh], was known by the Joint Staff to be handling the weapons shipments.”

Those weapons were destined for Syria. Could the riot that killed Stevens have been about something else?


“In 2011, the JCS had been strongly opposed to the effort to depose the Muammar Gaddafi regime in Libya…When the Obama administration began its effort to overthrow Gaddafi, it did not call publicly for regime change and instead asserted that it was merely seeking to avert mass killings that administration officials had suggested might approach genocidal levels. But the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which had been given the lead role in assessing the situation in Libya, found no evidence to support such fears and concluded that it was based on nothing more than ‘speculative arguments’…The JCS warned that overthrowing the Gaddafi regime would serve no US security interest, but would instead open the way for forces aligned with al-Qaeda to take over the country.’”
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"We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men."
- George Orwell

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"Having the resources to practice such beneficence as depends on the goods of the fortune is, for the most part, a result of certain men being favoured through the injustice of government, which introduces an inequality of wealth and makes others need their beneficence. Under such circumstances, does a rich man’s help to the needy, on which he so readily prides himself as something meritorious, really deserve to be called beneficence at all?"
- Kant

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MarilynW's picture

This year in North America more cars were sold than any preceding year since they have been counting, and 75% of them are big SUV's, 4x4's etc.
Cheap gas is so bad for the environment. Anything I say about this is just another restatement. Forget the Paris talks, they have been nullified, what was left of them after the billionaires set the agenda.

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To thine own self be true.

After 14 years of the U.S. being distracted by the ME, it is turning its eyes south again.

a conspiracy?

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --