The Zorse, Darpa bat drones, a mouse's ear and Joe's 3rd arm. *Republish*
Republishing because of how important, I feel, the information in the videos is to understanding our present and near future.
The message is in the videos, not my poor writing. If you've never seen a humans ear growing on a mouse's back, well brothers and sisters, in the words of the immortal Lynyrd Skynyrd. There's things goin' on you don't know. (song link) I think Skynyrd's right. I don't think they really care either. The info in the videos explain partly why.
Made me feel sad for some reason. Good to see DARPA spending tax money on the future of course. I'm sure we all agree on that. I saw a program once about advanced robotics. They showcased a security/defense firm's armed perimeter defense robots. Robotic mobile Human hunters. Thanks a lot science, we got your Terminator right here. Am I wrong?
You'll have to watch the video to see the Zorse, the drone bats and the ear. My words could never do them justice. Bet the Zorse makes you feel a little sad too. I urge you to watch all three lectures. They're just under 20 minutes each.
Both lecturers say that these issues are the biggest issues. I agree. (Though I wonder if climate data has changed that equation in their minds). Both say that 'this is happening now'. That it's a BFD. And present astounding evidence of what 'now' is. None of this is CT.
You don't want to be a low information voter right? You've got to keep up with the times friends,
If you are already aware of these issues I applaud you for your foresight. Perhaps we can identify those foresight genes and retro-virus them into the short sighted masses. Nah, I'm kidding. We all know that THAT would never be allowed to happen. And science ethics would have nothing to do with it.
[video: width:420 height:315]
The following lecture I especially hope you take the time to watch. It talks about how the greatest issues we face are all converging on us at once. I think it hints loudly on the lot most of us will face very soon, if we live just a while longer enough.
[video: width:420 height:315]
Following is similar to the previous lecture but approaches the subject from more of an anthropological view. Each lecture presents evidence that is unique of each other. So again, I urge you to view all three lectures in full.
[video: width:420 height:315]
What do you all think of all this? It isn't often I have opportunity to discuss these issues with others. I live alone and most of my close friends are, well,, they just ain't bright. So you'll understand why I look forward to your thoughts.
Thank you.
Oh wait, Joe's 3rd arm. Well you see, after seeing the Evening Blues these last weeks I've become convinced that Joe must run 3 keyboards at once, minimum, for him to be able to gather and grok, respond to and report all the information he stuffs into them. 3 keyboards, 3 hands, 3 arms! Maybe he's like the monkey in the first lecture?
Any day now I expect some news to break, some story to appear before us where the whole world will say 'Oh wow, that's so cool'. Followed closely by 'Oh shit, we're in deep now'.

I think your last comment
'Oh wow, that's so cool'. Followed closely by 'Oh shit, we're in deep now'. Says it best.
Yea! someone commented!
These topics haven't met with great success here so far. Which I find unexpected, puzzling and disappointing.
So it's nice to get a response.
Did you think the Zorse had sad eyes?
I think that's what troubles me about that picture.
That animal's eyes.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
lets hope it was just the pic. I think most people are just so wrapped up in politics right now to take much time for anything else ,me included but its good to take a break once in a while.
Let's see ...
I guess I am the only person here, who is totally uneducated, totally naive and a liberal non-believer.
So, to make it short. I am sick and tired of TED talk videos. Can't stand how those "intellectual engineers and IT experts and what is sold as scientists producing themselves and THEIR fucked up research in front of the cameras. And I can't stand those who produce those slick videos about it either. There you have it.
I do not care and I do not read and I do not watch. My way of boycott.
I have the feeling what is happening on the caucus99percent is part of the "game". There are lots of essays which are "revealing the truth" so to speak. There are commentators who mess with our minds and obfuscate as well. I am tired of trying to figure out who is messing with my mind and who is giving me real information.
The snark and insider and sarcast lingo is getting on my nerves. This is not a personal attack against you, the author, dennis1958. I just have to vent my creepy feelings about what is happening to this site lately.
Have you seen a working class man/woman producing him/herself on a TED talk?
May be I have the nerves to watch those videos later. What the fuck to spend my time with it.
ok, I watched the first video in full. My answer: Program those organic robots in a way that they kill themselves, then put those scientists, who use tax payer's money to do this research in prison.
Fuck THAT Shit.
now I watched the second video in full. Aside from not wanting to touch Mr. Juan Enriquez with a tweezer in pinch grip from two miles away, I would say, just leave me alone, go home and enforce an end of that kind of research and deny those universities the funds for it. Other than that I request a text version of his talk. No normal human can ingest what he says in his lovely arrogant and oh so cool demeanour via a video. Yep, yep, heh. here comes the German fascist totalitarian response to that shit of research. Fuck THAT shit.
I am listening to the third video right now and I give up. You see, I thought I am a friend of the Evening Blues and the caucus99percent, so I guess I am your friend. And as it turns out I am one of those friends of yours, who aren't bright. So, I request a text transcript of that speech of Mr. Enriquez. No way I torture myself to try to understand what he says. My instincts tell me that this speech is somewhat "meaningful'.
Heh. Never try to follow scientists' TED talk in the morning without having had a good night sleep and without having a good coffee. Both I hadn't this morning. So give me some slack.
So, sorry, do I have a mental and emotional break-down? Who would care anyhow.
I'm sorry mimi
I feel remorse that I've upset you with this re-post. I won't post Ted talks here again.
I am aware there are issues with Ted talks over politics and censorship. Though, I still feel that it they can (and/or have in the past) provide insights into the leading edge thinking of highly knowledgeable people in wide ranging areas of human endeavor.
I think it's a good idea to know what's going on in the world.
One goal I had in posting this was to spark a debate about science ethics. While I'm not a big fan of sending scientists to jail, I do think we need to address the ramifications of science of our world. Somehow.
Honestly mimi, I feel certain that the overwhelming vast number of posters here come to us without any nefarious hidden agenda. I think these are just smart people, speaking what they truly think. Sure we get some trollish types with obvious agendas stop in but I think c99 does very well in seeing them and countering them.
For the record mimi. I care. I'm glad you post here. I'm empathic to your suffering and humanness and I enjoy hearing your thoughts. As I'm sure is fully displayed by my postings, I too have little formal education. but I wouldn't say I'm uneducated and you aren't uneducated either mimi. You have a life time of experience. Life teaches you and you learn. You have no choice in that.
I must admit that I remain surprised these talk have met with so little response here. Maybe everyone already knew this information. Maybe it's because politics is more fun to talk about. I'm really not sure.
I will say though that the politics of today (and of all times I think) is very strongly influenced by the science of the day.
Always has been, always will be. The Science will often point you to the why of the politics. to my thinking anyway.
To make a political analogy in closing. I often think the masses must all be democrats. It appears they all have their heads buried deep in the sand.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
As a Physicist . . .
I have no idea of where I fit in the framework of your and mimi's comments but the tone at this point suggests I should say no more.
I would love to hear your thoughts
Who better to speak with, when speaking of science and ethics in science than a scientist?
In any case, I'm not anti-science. To suggest so (and shut down discussion) is disingenuous.
This essay is intended to inform and question.
To inform on the state of science and to question the wisdom and ramifications of science to our species.
Scientists have become god like, creating life forms that have never been before.
Should the gods never be questioned?
I would think it fair say that at it's base science is a search for truth. Is all else subordinate to that search?
In any case, if nothing else, this essay provides the reader with the explanation of why I keep asking if Dick Cheney will ever die. I think maybe they're spray painting his DNA onto the empty husk of some young dead guys heart for immediate transplant. A temporary measure taken until they can take more long lasting measures to ensure his immortality.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
my silly me at work here, see, if Dick Cheney will never die
he will get so sick of himself that he prefers to kill himself than go on. Problem solved.
This sentence was a bit off putting:
"I feel remorse that I've upset you with this re-post. I won't post Ted talks here again."
The discussion about the ethics of scientific studies should be more prominent rather than less prominent. For example I am as anti-GMO as they come but at Reddit and many other places I get buried by invective, misinformation, and calls for "Proof". As though these cretins actually understand the nature of the scientific enterprise.
This sentiment is a bit disturbing as well:
"So, to make it short. I am sick and tired of TED talk videos.
· · ·
I have the feeling what is happening on the caucus99percent is part of the "game". There are lots of essays which are "revealing the truth" so to speak. There are commentators who mess with our minds and obfuscate as well. I am tired of trying to figure out who is messing with my mind and who is giving me real information."
A few years ago a student in one of my classes expressed a point of view not too dissimilar to this one. So, for what it is worth, I felt a bit uncomfortable as I scanned all this a short time ago. Oh, I should note: I have not yet watched these particular TED talks.
I was taken back also I assure you
However, I've view mimi as what I call 'a real' person. Not without fault and frailty, as we all are. I like human people. I like mimi.
For me this was the key to her post
As far as my statement. That's really more about no one seeming to be interested.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
That last bit, me too.
For various reasons there is seldom any indication that anyone is interested in what I have to say. I take solace in the fact that, if all goes well, soon I will be teaching and learning at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in southwestern Oregon.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make em talk to you
Not yet anyway.
I wish you well on the opportunity. I envy you in that you have such opportunity to mingle with the curious.
Alas, my mingling is must needs mostly done online. I meet a lot of curious people there but probability suggest it's likely making me stupider.
I'm always interested in your thoughts. I just don't always understand well enough to feel comfortable replying.
I don't mind being shown to be the fool or the idiot, I won't let that stop me (I have evidence of this) if I think I can contribute in some way.
I do hope you watch at least the first video PR, if for no other reason than to see if you think Joe has three 3 arms too.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Here is what I threw at N. David Mermin.
Ignorance is nothing to be ashamed of it's belligerence ignorance that defines stupidity. This is a paraphrase if my final statement to him many years ago.
Each of us
understandsgroks a particular concept, principle, et cetera uniquely. Even when we use the same words my electroencephalogram is not identical to your electroencephalogram. This may seem to be a trivial point, but consider this: At a basic level my experience of reality is fundamentally unique. We are able to interact with a semblance of coherence only because we, over thousands of millennia, have evolved "higher" brain functions that allow us to be self aware, and empathic. I learned a long time ago, I learn best when I am outside my zone of comfort.Fool?, idiot? I think not.
To dennis1958 and PriceRip
reading your conversation above I would like to say that I have sometimes difficulties to understand
what was said in the videos, and not only content wise, but literally sound-wise. I am no native speaker and if I want to understand a representation like the ones above, I need a transcript. I have to read twice sometimes. I remember when I came to the US and went to the first chemistry class I was terrified, because I couldn't understand by the pronunciation of the chemical names which one it was supposed to be. I had to read it to get it.
I agree very much with PriceRip's statement that
But I would think that a writer/author doesn't know who is reads them and can't expect (considering the massive amount of reading material offered) that the readers have enough stamina to show they are interested.
The best way to stop a child from eating too much chocolate cake, is to overfeed the child with it. That's about what is happening here, one is overfed. And one can reach the point where one does not want anymore.
(auf) Deutsch radebrechen
I envy you. My command of anything beyond American English is awful. The worst thing about this country is our lack of fluency in other languages.
I wish I could communicate in German as well as you do in English.
Ich wünschte, ich in Deutsch kommunizieren können, als auch Sie in englischer Sprache zu tun.
sweet, but, you know, Americans saying
the worst thing about this country is its lack of fluency in other languages than English, are imo wrong about it.
My son at the age of 10 spoke two languages fluently and without accent and picked up English as the third one within 2 years after his first exposure as well. He spoke it on his age level without accent. All pre-puberty. American friends in the neighborhood always said he is soooooo intelligent, because of it and they always said they regretted not to speak other languages than English fluently. And darn it he started to believe them and got all cocky. And I was (silently) mad, because I knew what was behind the curtain of speaking fluently without accent at age level. A lot of lacking reading comprehension and god awful spelling.
Speaking, reading and writing in a foreign language are different pair of shoes. I do not mind a strong accent, nor a lack of vocabulary, if one can write at the level one is in.
I always regretted to not having been able to study in the US for more than a year and that in the wrong subject field. It would have been so good for me considering that I had to live and survive here and had no exposure to English in my home or job.
Nevermind... I just like to converse in English with you, even if it's hard for you to handle.
My grandfather, born here in 1898 but
schooled in German, what they called "high German" although pardon my ignorance of the details of that. He taught my mother some words but never passed that language on. I have to say I admire greatly, and sometimes tell them so, immigrants from any country when they retain their "native" languages and some culture here. My paternal grandmother's father came from Sweden "on the boat" and she never spoke Swedish either, nor did my father or uncles. She had an old letter from her father's parents written in Swedish that she might have, eventually, taken to an translator. I just find that a little sad. And I too think it would be great to have a second language. But that was very common in their generation I guess, to assimilate quickly. And I get that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I overstate because, for me, personally, it is worst.
The language functions in my brain do not function as well as I would like. This "disability" compounded by the lack of polyglot culture stifled a very important aspect of my development, and created a lot of problems for me as I went through the K-12 school system. The best time to learn language is as the brain is developing those neural pathways, as you noted with respect to your son. My daughter, on the other hand, "has an ear" for languages.
I live in a culture where foreigners are considered inferior if they speak anything other than standard american english and this makes me very sad.
then you don't know the French, they have a real
attitude, which is rarely visible (as they are charmingly polite), to those who are not French native speakers, ie those people who speak French, but not the French French instead of something else's French. (French Canadians or Belgians, franco-phone Africans etc).
It's in us. And it comes out when needed and often used for poltical reasons. Always nice to have something to put others into the inferior group for any reason so to speak. It's sad but it's part of human behavior. I don't like it but I accept it as a given now.
I enjoy people who are very eloquent in their own mother language. Writers. Poets. People with special capabilities to express themselves, written or orally. I enjoy their vocabulary and the way they use it.
Apologies. Please, I thought I said that I was just frustrated
and vented. I have watched many TED talks before and am not that stupid to not see their positive sides spreading discussions about important issues. I usually felt they were useful. I really am not close-minded and listen to what I can. It's not enough though. Your response is very friendly and kind, considering that my comment was not. So, I like to apologize for my tone.
And I am a little Germanish too, meaning that I like scientists to stay calm, off the lime-light and present their findings factually and in a way even boringly low-key. I prefer text with photos and sources over slick videos or on a stage talks. I don't mind if scientific research is presented in a way that most people would like to stop listen to and prefer to fall asleep. To me a representation doesn't have to be "funny" or "smart", just the facts expressed in the most clear language for the audience. Therefore I like transcripts. That's just strange me. I know.
It's also a bit about culturally different attitudes among scientists. I remember having seen and heard in the eighties that some German scientists and some American ones had somewhat difficulties to work together. That was at Georgetown University in DC. It was a "culture" thing. I could understand the German's views on it. The Americans had a bit more difficulties to follow the German's thinking, if it was expressed in the open at all. Nothing really biggy to worry about. We all have our ways. None is better or worse. As long as people can understand what is said.
I was cranky this morning (German time), because I have difficulties dealing with all those "fake news" Russia this, Russia that, threats all over the globe etc.etc. stories.
May be I should say I have a science background. May be I shouldn't say that. Sounds so ridiculous at this point. To be honest, that what I could understand this morning about the TED talk was very upsetting to me, so much so that I didn't try to re-listen and just started shouting here: Leave me alone.
I am not at all someone who doesn't take science serious. Unfortunately I am just too tired, too old, too upset. In addition I discovered how close my niece was working on issues covered in the video, at the overlap of science, art and politics. That made me more upset in hindsight. I just found a book "Tactical Biopolitics" she edited. Started to read it a little and gave up again. Dis donc, I am an old wreck by now.
I just want to go out and pick some flowers. ... that old.
Peace here, and please post TED talks all you want. I try to listen to them. See now, the EB will come out any time and I am supposed to read and listen to all of it, which takes me hours. At least accept me being tired and not mean. Thanks.
Ok, you have my apology now and when I feel a little better I promise I will re-listen to the videos again.
I don't pick flowers, I talk to trees
No apology needed mimi and please don't view the videos for my sake.
I think your reply here shows quite well why you are one of my favorite people here. Though to be completely honest I have a lot of favorite people here, even some who I think would be surprised to be on the that list. I don't have to agree completely with someone to value and their experience, knowledge and viewpoint. And to eagerly look forward to what they have to say.
Peace love joy friend(s)
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I am on slow simmer now, my mother died yesterday
I have seed TED talks before, I have also done public speeches. I agree that lectern owning is required. Strutting around stage in high heels is preposterous. I have heard many lectures, many soporific ones. When an entire stadium audience row lists right or left it is too dull. Or too long. I also avoid multi-syllable words like "utilize" when "use" is more understood and sounds less pedantic. I come with written text, usually avoided when at lectern. Just watch the audience eyes. Roam the vision. Make it sound true. Make one's eyes express that. Propaganda 101. Congrats, A for you.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
OK, I enjoyed those.
Fascinating subjects, scary implications. Be nice if we could select the empathy gene, if such a thing exists, and stop trying to kill each other for greed. Maybe we find and isolate the greed gene to remove it? Too bad this technology most likely won't end up in such benign hands. And I really detest the controlling the movements of a living being, good God no.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Scary indeed, add oligarchy and climate crisis
and you've got a nightmare.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
And yet, there could be so many positives
and certainly not just keeping people alive longer, I don't personally want that, but for diseases and other things. I don't know much about GMO food at all, but even I think it may need to be used to feed us all with what climate change will induce. Even climate change itself could possibly be mitigated by technology but only if used wisely and not to make a profit and not in a rash and ill thought out manner. Staggering what human minds are capable of, and awesome what could be done. But with the greed it won't be pretty and it most likely won't be done wisely. Yes, a nightmare in many ways.
And I'm not doing it justice as most of what it makes me think about I can't put adequately into words.
By the way, what does TED stand for? I'm mostly suspicious of those too as my company loves to use them and hype them. But these were good. I usually avoid them too.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Technology, Entertainment and Design talks
Technology, Entertainment and Design
Once there was a huge library of TED talks on almost any subject you could imagine. I spent many hours browsing through them. My interests were/are mostly in the physical and biological sciences Talks. The format has changed and I don't frequent it often anymore.
There was some uproar over Ted talks awhile back. I'm not sure of the details. It was partly political think.
Yes there are miraculous possibilities. I figure at some point we'll become bio-mechanical space farers.
My concern is for how we use our science, in the now. Some people I'd rather not see live 1,000 years.
I'll honestly feel relief if news comes of Dick Cheney's death.
Edit: Grrr, posted in the wrong place, meant as reply to lizzyh7
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
It is now 13F outside. I have leaky door sealments.
I feel cold air infiltration. My house is now doing air exchange, still not balanced, so house goes negative air pressure. Filter is likely clogged outside. I think in sequence steps, my linear path.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.