Water Crisis in Syria, "We think it was worth it."
Water contamination and a water blockade have been occurring in Damascus, Syria which evidently involves the White Helmets, the Nobel Peace prize nominated, NATO sponsored, terrorist affiliated, propaganda "organization". If it involves the White Helmets, it also involves the U.S. and Britain.
"The blockade of water from Wadi Barada to 5 million people in Damascus is taking an interesting turn. The U.S. and UK financed White Helmet organization seems to be directly involved in it. This increases the suspicion that the illegal blockade of water to civilians in Damascus is part of a organized campaign under U.S. command. The campaign is designed to block utilities to government held areas as revenge for the liberation of east Aleppo."
As Moon of Alabama described it yesterday:
"After the eastern part of the city of Aleppo was liberated by Syrian government forces, the local rebels and inhabitants in the Barada river valley were willing to reconcile with the Syrian government. But the al-Qaeda Takfiris disagreed and took over. The area is since under full al-Qaeda control and thereby outside of the recent ceasefire agreement. On December 22 the water supply to Damascus was suddenly contaminated with diesel fuel and no longer consumable. A day later Syrian government forces started an operation to regain the area and to reconstitute the water supplies."
Now some "civil groups" have offered access to the water supply under the conditions of that the Syrian army halt it's operations, which isn't going to happen. One of those civil groups has been identified as the White Helmets.
"The U.S. and UK government created and paid White Helmets are “impartially”, “neutrally” and “for all Syrians” blocking the water supply to 5 million Syrians in Damascus. U.S. military and CIA officers run the “operations rooms” in Jordan and Turkey that direct the insurgency."
This is apparently part of a larger, coordinated strategy because the water supply was attacked in Aleppo and electricity and gas lines have been destroyed/cut in Damascus.
It follows a common tactic in war. Evil, immoral tactics that hurt innocent people, especially children. War tactics the United States government knows all too well.
Many know that the U.S. sanctions placed on Iraq in the 90's resulted in the deaths of at least half a million children. Most don't know how the sanctions caused those deaths.
"Confirmed by documents of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), “the U.S. government intentionally used sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country’s water supply after the Gulf War. The United States knew the cost that civilian Iraqis, mostly children, would pay, and it went ahead anyway.”
The primary document, “Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities,” is dated January 22, 1991. It spells out how sanctions will prevent Iraq from supplying clean water to its citizens.
Iraq depends on importing specialized equipment and some chemicals to purify its water supply, most of which is heavily mineralized and frequently brackish to saline,” the document states. “With no domestic sources of both water treatment replacement parts and some essential chemicals, Iraq will continue attempts to circumvent United Nations Sanctions to import these vital commodities. Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease.
The document notes that the importation of chlorine “has been embargoed” by sanctions and food and medicine will be affected. That and other documents listed at the link confirm that the United States knew the sanctions would kill hundreds of thousands of children.
They all knew it:
At a House hearing on June 7, Representative Cynthia McKinney, Democrat of Georgia, referred to the document “Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities” and said: “Attacking the Iraqi public drinking water supply flagrantly targets civilians and is a violation of the Geneva Convention and of the fundamental laws of civilized nations.”
I frequently call Obama, Kerry and Clinton war criminals for the war in Syria, among other actions, and that they're responsible for the deaths of thousands of children. By the time it's done it might be hundreds of thousands, just like under his Democratic party predecessor, War criminal/child killer Bill Clinton and his sidekick War criminal/child killer Madeleine Albright. The Democratic War Party continues to kill children.

Tragedy occurring right before our eyes.
And we seem helpless to stop it. Every time.
I met this old guy today at a store, he was buying a paper and on the front was something about the GOP. I told him have fun reading about the GOP and he said he'd had enough of politicians. I said, wait till they go after Social Security. He said if they start to do that, we better get out in the streets like "we did in the sixties".
I started thinking about an Old People's March. We ain't done yet.
Sorry you didn't hear.
What’s the difference today, between a convicted felon and a unprosecuted war criminal?
One has been caught. The other has political protection.
War crimes are legal now.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
There is no place deep enough in hell
for those who vote to place sanctions on the countries that won't do their bidding for financial gain for the corporations who they have sold us out to.
The people who willingly vote to put sanctions on other countries know damn well that the sanctions are not going to hurt the leaders, but the innocent civilians.
This goes for those that vote for invasions, the use of drones or overthrowing governments and installing brutal dictators and doing nothing when they commit human rights violations.
When Albright said that she thought the sanctions placed on Iraq which killed 500,000 Children I thought what could possibly be worth that? What was gained after their deaths?
Saddam didn't change anything, so what was worth those deaths?
And this goes to anyone who willingly joins the military knowing that they will probably be sent to a foreign country to kill people who have done no harm to this country.
I don't care if people are joining the military because they can't find a job.
There has been enough information available to people to know that if they join the military they aren't fighting to defend this country or our freedoms.
I remember a diary on DK years ago about a person who rejoined the military because his wife had cancer and he didn't have health insurance, so he joined the military so he could get insurance to save her life.
I have always wondered how many other innocent people were killed so she could live?
Anyone who can callously vote to send our military to other countries for the corporations to steal their resources have to be sociopaths or just plain evil.
Nope, no place dead enough for them.
I agree with Rev. Wright.
Read what he said about America and see what you think of his words.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Sensitive issue, that....
why people (shouldn't) join the military.
Last evening, I watched the documentary, "Sir! No Sir!", about the growing Vietnam war-era revolution of GI's against their military command, and the roots of the upsurge in the anti-war movement of that era having originated with active-duty soldiers. It's what we need today, but the all-volunteer system has nearly, as planned, negated that possibility.
For myself, a life-long resister, all I can do is display my design-it-yourself bumper sticker....
"Thank a Pacifist for Their Service"
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Anyone advocating for the death of 500,000 children is insane!
But in a world gone MAD - I mean totally MAD - she could just as easily be the Queen-of-Heart of some other deranged soul's .
The thing is...
Many of these young kids have been indoctrinated into "Patriotically Serving Their Country" along with the idea that the military offers "Career Orientated Education" and "Work Related Experience" without realizing that our government has been coopted by the MIC, corporations and banksters, so they are killing to rape other countries of their natural resources and assets for the benefit of the 1%...
If they come back unboxed, or unmaimed, they will be forever altered, coming back as either a PTSD mess that is incapable of functioning with mental and addiction issues, a person who has realized how wrong war is and joins the Anti-War Effort, or a freak ready to serve the 1% patrolling the streets of our cities and towns as a militarized law enforcement officer...
Have you ever noticed how we have had wars or Gi's or Spooks based in places where some of the best dope in the world originates, or is on a major transportation route? How it has increased the number of addicted people coming back, or involved in the illicit drug trade?
They don't always know what they are getting into...
But for those that do they are scum and psychopaths...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
What I have noticed is the marked increase of illicit drug
production AFTER the US starts putting CIA agents in the area. It is now well known that the CIA has used drug money to finance its activities - especially those illegal activities that would not receive Congressional funding. Look at the tremendous damage done to ordinary people all around the world due to cheap and easy to obtain heroin.
I cannot think of any other nation in the world that has done as much damage to the earth's inhabitants and ecosystems in the last century as the USA has done in it's single minded pursuit of financial gain by pushing an agenda of the capitalization of the earth's resources, including it's life forms.
CIA Drug Smuggling Operations
To finance operations have been well documented on many occasions...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
This guy is one of my 'heros'. He makes me feel so inadequate
when I think about the price he ended up having to pay for staying true to his convictions. He took on some pretty big guys. Alone.
Democracy Now link
!NERMEEN SHAIKH: A new film out in theaters this week tells the story of one of the most maligned figures in investigative journalism: Gary Webb. In 1996, Webb published an explosive series in the San Jose Mercury News titled "Dark Alliance." It began, quote, "For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency."
AMY GOODMAN: The series revealed ties between the CIA, the Nicaraguan contras, the crack cocaine trade ravaging African-American communities here in the U.S. This is a trailer for the new film Kill the Messenger, starring Jeremy Renner as Gary Webb.
end of link
It's odd but I've had occasion to reference him twice in the past couple weeks. It just seems to me that he's been seriously overlooked and neglected when people refer to courageous and conscientious whistle blowers and/or journalists. I am always grateful for the opportunity to remind people of Mr. Webb.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
not all of these young kids get
indoctrinated, they get seduced.
One could say they get betrayed by recruiters, who bamboozle them to believe what they read in their printed recruiting material. Glossy booklets.
When they come back and leave the military after combat overseas, they are called the dummies, why they joined voluntarily. That's the most hurting accusation.
Moralizing arrogance is what they need most ... after what they went through.
We have found the monsters and they are us (apologies to Pogo).
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
typical tactic
It's all too common to embargo exactly what is needed -- water, medicines and doctors, food, tools -- as a tactic of imperialism. The US has done this over and over again (e.g., Cuba) in attempts to bend other nations to the will of the oligarchs.
I try and try to see past the inhumane actions and see the humanity of the perpetrators, including Obama, Bush, Albright, the Clintons, ad infinitum, but it is exceedingly difficult. They seem like monsters to me, unethical, immoral, greedy, sadistic, self-absorbed, and lacking in all compassion.
My heart breaks for the victims of the US military and "diplomacy."
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Western media has gone (more) insane. Most of their reports
accuse Russian, Syrian and Hezbollah for contaminating and shutting off the water to 5 million people living in Damascus and other government held areas. The western MSM have also blamed the Syrian government for shutting off the water supply to Aleppo last week, right after it was liberated from the terrorist groups.
Do the assholes that write and propagate these stories have a reasoning brain? Why would the Syrian government do something to antagonize and destroy the very basics of life in areas under its full control when it is in a winning position? How stupid are the "masses" to believe this bullshit?
Here's reports from 3 independent reporters that have actually spent months inside Syria speaking to the people. They rarely, if ever, get coverage from the western media, and if they do, they are deliberately misquoted. These women have been consistently thrown under the bus as Assad 'mouthpieces' or Putin 'stooges' at the Great Orange Circle Jerk.
That Peace Prize is getting rather tarnished I do believe.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Like a roman coin found at the bottom of the sea.
After Kissinger and Obama, it's literally become something out of 1984.
Speaking of Obamas's peace prize
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Big Al
Did you read the comments in the Moon of Alabama article?
Many posters left a lot of great links which led me to this one which further takes the masks off of the White Helmets.
Again the depravity of anyone who can turn a blind eye to the suffering and deaths that they have caused is unfathomable to my mind.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Thanks snoopy,
I'll check it out.
Considering how depraved a nation we've become and how many
people we've murdered, I don't think many Americans want to think about it let alone talk about it. Particularly since President Peace Prize ramped up the program into hyperdrive.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa