VICTORY! House Ethics Office Left As Is!
Breaking News: House GOP reverses course on gutting ethics panel
I would keep the calls coming - make sure they know we're watching!
I received this email this morning from Project on Government Oversight (POGO):
Immediate Action Needed to Save the House Ethics Office
Dear MsGrin:
Last night in a secret vote House Republicans voted 119 to 74 to include a proposal that will gut the independence of the Office of Congressional Ethics. The House office was created after the Jack Abramoff and other public scandals revealed lobbyists giving money, gifts, and trips to congressional leaders in exchange for favors for their clients. The proposed change to Congressional rules would remove its ability to independently investigate and report on allegations of congressional wrongdoing.
This afternoon, the House of Representatives will publicly vote whether to adopt this change. Congress needs to hear from you that you oppose weakening ethics in Congress. Please call your House Member’s DC office this morning and let us know what they tell you. It's important that you email us back at to report what they tell you.
Since its creation the office has exposed and criticized how travel for Members of Congress has become a tool for special interests, foreign governments and foreign businesses to gain access and influence and Members improperly using their influence to gain financial assistance for their family’s companies.
In addition to weakening the office's independence, the proposed Rule change would prevent the committee from receiving anonymous tips, which would expose any congressional staff or members who report wrongdoing to retaliation and retribution.
Americans today are rightly concerned with corruption in their public institutions, and this action - done in private without public debate - further weakens voters' confidence that Congress will do the right thing.
Watchdog offices like the Office of Congressional Ethics need to be strengthened and expanded, not eviscerated.Sincerely,
Danielle Brian
Executive DirectorP.S. Did you know studies show that as few as seven calls from constituents can persuade a member of Congress to change their position? Please call and tell them you care how they vote on this issue. If you’re not sure who your Member of Congress is go to and put your zip code in to find your Representative.
P.P.S. You can read more about the proposed rule change at CNN and the Wall Street Journal
Tweet from Campaign Legal Center:
The House Ethics Committee breaks its own ethics rules sometimes. This and more reasons we need an independent OCE:
— CampaignLegalCenter (@CampaignLegal) January 3, 2017
Center For Public Integrity:
Draining the swamp step one? Gutting the Congressional ethics watchdog.
— Public Integrity (@Publici) January 3, 2017
New email from POGO
Dear MsGrin:
I’m thrilled to report that thanks to calls from people like you Congress just withdrew the proposed rule change that would have gutted the Office of Congressional Ethics! This is a HUGE victory for the public and shows how important and influential citizens like you can be to fixing problems in Washington. Hundreds of you reported back to us that you called your Congressperson. THANK YOU!
Congressional staff told those of you who called, and you told us, that they were inundated by constituents who opposed efforts to decrease accountability for lawmakers accused of wrongdoing. You made it clear that you don’t want Congress to eviscerate our watchdogs. You can read more about the power of the public’s response here.
We hope this will be one of many victories we secure for the public in 2017!
Warmly,Danielle Brian
Executive Director
Email from Zephyr Teachout on behalf of the Sunlight Foundation:
House Republicans on Monday voted to eviscerate the Office of Congressional Ethics, the independent body created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers after several bribery and corruption scandals sent members to prison.
What's worse, they are trying to keep their votes a secret.
While the House GOP stripped the new rule today once their efforts were exposed, it is still extremely important to find out which members voted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics in the first place. Knowing who's willing to take this step will be key to stopping them from trying again in the future.
I am working with the Sunlight Foundation, Demand Progress, and dozens of other groups so we can track who voted to gut their own ethics agency. If Republicans are going to try gut the office that checks corruption in Congress, we deserve to know who voted to make it happen.
Please CALL your Member of Congress and ask the staffer that answers: "Did you vote for the Goodlatte Amendment to gut the Office of Government Ethics?" Report what the Congressmember told you and we'll add to the public whipsheet.
Click here to find the phone number of your Member of Congress, and to report what happened when you called.
My critter is Welch (D-VT)
He's gonna be on the right side of this vote, but it won't matter.
This promises to be the most corrupt Congress and Presidency in history. Should be fun.
I'll let my so-called representative know
I'll let my so-called representative know I'm aware of the issue, but he's not going to vote against the rules package over this.
The first act of the House of Representatives in the Trump era was to turn out the lights on ethics. I expect there is much more to come, none of it having anything to do with "draining the swamp."
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
OK, that was a surprise
This morning on MSNBC the Tea-GOPers were trying to spin the vote to gut the ethics body as a "bipartisan reform" that would protect accused members of Congress from unfair allegations.
Apparently one Trump tweet, and they reversed course?
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Trump critical of house vote.
Shames Republicans for for a crap priority.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
My Congresscritter is David McKinley (R-WV)
He's been admonished by the ethics committee before. Hell, he is probably a sponsor of this garbage.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Republicans back off gutting of House ethics office
BREAKING: Republicans back off gutting of House ethics office after critical Trump tweet
Still relieved to have Trump and not Clintons in WH. Used to laugh at Trump tweeting all the time. Now realize a damn good way to avoid the MSM, and the supposed "journalists" who fed info to Clintons. Would rather read a Trump tweet, than any of the garbage the MSM is writing.
The Bully Pulpit goes digital.
You are right on the mark Caerus. The only way to truly see Trump's mind at work is thru his tweets. And nobody can stop his tweeting.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Scariest part is tRump/Dumb is so STUPID, he misspells words
in those tweets. Rec'd and thanks for the good news!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
DJT checks his ratings
Are we getting a peek here? We are all familiar with how The Donald boasted regarding his "ratings." Maybe this is the new norm?
1) Get up in the morning.
2) Check latest ratings.
3) Tweet
4) Check ratings.
5) Repeat as required.
All is well.
Ok I'm going to say this out loud: there may be a silver lining
to Trump falling into the Presidency. People are really worried. People are really watching. People are really reacting. This is the way it should be. Maybe the boiling pot got too warm too fast and people woke up from their stupor.
I don't know. The appointments are horrible. But there is a famous line..."You're fired!" Chris Christie was gone in a nano second.
He's erratic; doesn't know anything about civics, history and government. Possibly knows almost nothing about running a business.
But he may accidentally say or do the right thing, especially if he puts up his pinky to see which way the wind is blowing.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
The appointments look worrisome, but
The neocons and neoliberalism and the various war lovers are really entrenched and vicious. He's going to need a bunch of sons-of-bitches to dig them out, if he really meant what he campaigned on. If so, the question will be whether he can control them.
I saw his campaign manager asked about the difference between his positions and one appointee's, and she said that X understands that he will be implementing Trump's agenda. We'll find out if Trump meant what he campaigned on, and if he can keep them on that leash. He doesn't seem to have a problem firing people.
I see any Republican Administration
As being a duoppleganger for the Democrats, without the window dressing. I mean, for Pete's sake, Obama took 22 to 23 TRILLIONS of dollars out of the American economy and put it into the coffers of the largest financial firms in the world, and our media was all, "Look at the cute Portugeese water doggie Michelle and Obama adopted!"
And it could be that Trump will surprise us all. At the very least, none of the US generals he is allied with have written a book describing the absolute necessity of having a war with Russia by summer of 2017, so there is that difference between him and Ms Clinton.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
Love it.
Kabuki Theater?
I am wondering if this whole episode wasn't staged by Trump to make him look as if he were rescuing the American people from the waters of the D.C. swamp. Trump swoops in with a single tweet and "all is good". Hmmm!
That "bill" was not a ploy--it was not a drill
The cowardly Repugnants were actually going to do this, that's why the preliminary vote was secret. I am still hopeful that something good may emerge from this mess.
Well, maybe some good has already come from this horrible political debacle: the New York Times has finally been revealed to even the most obtuse to be "Pravda on the Hudson".
Wasn't aware of the secret vote
I wasn't aware of the secret preliminary vote, so this could be a good sign. We'll know more soon.
White collar corporate crooks have been pulling shit for
decades, and hiding behind "secret votes."
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
The "independent" ethics committee still has to refer
violations to the House Committee the vote was going to give oversight to so I'm not sure what was saved, here.
What we actually need is a genuinely independent body whose investigations, should they merit it, lead to automatic actions without having to also go through a non-independent committee.
This move by the House was too slimy even for Trump & gang
now that's slime. Concocted without a vote, in the dark of night, secretly gutting the office that might keep them from getting their kickbacks.
Thanks to the advisor that put those words in Trump's tweet.
To thine own self be true.
This is great!
Goodlatte is a dirtbag, he started the ball rolling on this move, and he tried years ago too when his buddies DeLay and Hastert got in trouble.
Why is it that everyone knows Congress is corrupt, and most hate Congress, yet nearly everybody loves their own Congressperson?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Cos they're dumbed down, stupid and don't know it.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Harriet Tubman .........
I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.
The Stoopit is winning.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
I have strongly disliked all my congress critters
Since I've lived here in Tucson, I haven't had one I liked -- Dem or Rep.
Giffords (D) was charming but really right wing, Barber (D) was more right wing than her and without any charm at all, McSally (R) (the current one) is a militaristic warmonger who never met a "defense" bill she didn't like.
The Tucson Weekly says that they called McSally's office and her representative claims she voted against the bill, but I don't believe that for a minute. She's a team player, and it was her team that initiated this. Since the vote was secret, how are we to know?
I wish I lived in Grijalva's district, but I don't -- so I send him money instead. I don't even have to ask how he voted on this ethics thing. He's really reliable (one of the only congressmen to endorse Bernie, went to Standing Rock to offer support back in September, etc.)
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Also, the duopoly choice is often between sleazy and truly horrible.
Remember the one in Louisiana where it was a choice between the crook or the KKK?
As few as seven calls persuade a rep to buck his or caucus?
I call bs.