The Filthy US/Nazi Lie at the Heart of WWIII
This lie has pissed me off about six times a day for the past three years. It's the worst form of Nazi-inspired, anti-communist, US propaganda. It is of the same calibre as the Nazi-style attempt to portray Russians as hacking the 2016 US elections — and deflect the blame from Hillary and the DNC who were warned they would lose if they tried to force this despised candidate on America.. So, I'm going to get it off my chest on the first work day of 2017.

After the US-orchestrated coup toppling the Ukrainian government, Neo Nazi leaders were installed to terrorize Russia. A World War II redux.
Eric Zuesse, the forensic historian and publisher of Washington's Blog, lays it out clearly. He, better than most, is able to articulate the Nazi doctrine that is being fully embraced by the US Deep State and a few of their most intimate allies.
New York Times Continues Lying About Ukraine
The New York Times’s hiding — for nearly three years after this massively important historical event — the U.S.-imposed bloody coup that occurred in Ukraine during February 2014, makes the Times’s hiding of it from the public, become by now no longer merely egregious ‘news’-reporting, but finally lying about history: it’s an egregious lie about a major event of recent world history — a worse lie as each year passes without the Times’s acknowledgment that they had been hiding it from their readers, all along; hiding the news, until it became history — a lie which is harder to extricate themselves from, as each year passes and as this event becomes more and more important, because it accumulates more and more consequences, all of which are bad.
So: when will the NYT finally come out publicly acknowledging that the coup existed — that it was a «coup», and no ‘revolution’ (such as they’ve falsely claimed it to have been, and still refer to it)? Will it remain unstated (to have been a coup), until decades later?
This was historically a very important event, because it directly precipitated America’s pretext for openly restoring the Cold War — 25 years after the 1991 end of the Soviet Union, and of its Warsaw Pact military alliance, and of their communism. The U.S. sanctions against Russia, and NATO’s pouring troops and weapons onto and near Russia’s borders, were hostile U.S. and European acts carried out under the shoddy pretext of Russia’s having accepted the will of the residents in Crimea — which had been part of Russia for hundreds of years until the Soviet dictator arbitrarily transferred Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 — to become again part of Russia, which rejoining of Russia was precipitated (virtually forced) by Obama’s coup, the coup that overthrew the Ukrainian President for whom 75% of Crimeans had voted. Obama never gave a damn about what the people of Crimea wanted. (Perhaps that’s why Crimeans’ approval of the U.S.’s role in Ukrainian affairs, which was 6% before the coup, plunged to 2.8% after the coup — according to Gallup.)
The master-liar Obama called this Putin’s «conquest» of Crimea, but Obama never questioned, much less denied (as he does to the people of Crimea) the human right of self-determination of peoples in regards to Catalonians in Spain, nor to the Scotch in UK. But when it happens in a former part of Russia, as a direct consequence of Obama’s own (what’s basically) conquest of Russia’s next-door-neighbor Ukraine (like Mexico is to the U.S.), Obama exhibits the audacity to call this Putin’s «conquest of land», and to say that Russia must suffer for it. Obama should be prosecuted for it (and for the even bloodier consequences of his coup), by the International Criminal Court, but instead he ‘prosecutes’ (actually persecutes) Russia. What type of world is this?
It's the world of the US Neocon, who morphed from their post WWII Nazi cover as the anti-Russian McCarthyites to embedding themselves in the most powerful positions in the Federal government and its constellations of world-destroyer Think Tanks.
We should be so lucky to have mere fascists running the Deep State, which owns our lives and controls our destiny — rather than the all-powerful born-again Nazi-aligned Neocons who occupy the unelected permanent Federal government, or Deep State.
Because Americans are a captured people who are isolated from the world, they are not aware that they directly underwrite all costs of the US-Neocon's murderous global quest for Empire. At the same time, the People willingly deny themselves and their children the most basic of human rights, that are ubiquitous elsewhere in the world. The American People sacrifice daily to serve the lies of the Death Bringers and make their evil possible in the world.
Russia did not invade Ukraine.
They did not invade West Ukraine (Kiev), and did not invade East Ukraine (Donbass). That is the reason you will never see a satellite photo of this invasion. It never happened, although the Neocon Mouthpiece, the New York Times, continues to force this fake narrative on the American people.
Russia did not invade Crimea or seize it — because Russia is Crimea. They have lived there for more than 200 years, continuously, and operated their extensive warm water naval base in Sebastopol for centuries. The population of Crimea is over 95 percent ethnic Russian. The Russians of Crimea voted overwhelmingly in 2014 to reunify with Russia. (And reconfirmed that vote three more times.) Crimeans have long resented that they were rudely attached to Ukraine for logistical reasons. The last time the Nazis attacked Russia, in 1941, they destroyed the bridge connecting Crimea and Russia. The bridge has now been rebuilt, and is scheduled to open fully in 2018.
Now, two divisions of Nazi-emulating aggressors are attacking Russia once again, in order to cut off the Russian navy at Crimea from their only warm water access to the Mediterranean Sea and the oceans beyond. It is an exact repeat of the strategy that the Nazis used against Russia in WWII. One division comes from the US and its European vassal states, and the other division are the modern Neo Nazis of Eastern Europe, pouring in and concentrated in Kiev in West Ukraine. This division share is driven by the goal of genetically cleansing the ethnic Russian people from Crimea and East Ukraine. This aggression against Russia has continued for more than 150 years, and the US is a party to this Nazi extremism. This is why ordinary Americans, with no direct experience of Russia, unthinkingly mouth deadly animosities against Moscow and obsess with rabid intensity over the Russian's popular President, Vladimir Putin. Americans endlessly spew the hot baseless anti-Russian slogans their heads have been filled with.
After Crimean voted in their own best interests in their referendum of 2014, they petitioned Russia for reunification. The Russian Parliament debated the situation, and ultimately voted to put Crimea again under its protection from the Nazis, thus sparing the lives of that population. And now the Russians are paying dearly for this.
It’s one thing to perpetrate a coup; but it’s entirely something else then to punish the target — which typically is the leader (such as Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Viktor Yanukovych, and Bashar al-Assad) of a nation who is friendly toward Russia, because Russia is Washington’s permanent obsession to weaken; Russia itself was the real target in perpetrating Ukraine’s coup — as Obama and his European vassals did by punishing Russia for responding to that coup on its very doorstep and taking its own necessary defensive measures against America’s aggression, especially in light of Ukraine’s having now been told by Obama’s gang, that it should apply for NATO membership — which Ukraine did.
It’s all covered-up with lies. When will this scam against the U.S. public, by the U.S. ‘press’, ever end? How can a country with such rotten ‘news’media — keeping things like this secret from the American people — be an authentic democracy? It can’t. And it isn’t.
It is my sincere hope that President Obama's legacy lives on for eternity. All people in the future need to read and understand true ideological evil in the political realm. This same evil will rise again and again, perhaps under different names than Nazi or Neocon. It's the pattern of nationalist greed run amok that people must learn to recognize and rise up against — anytime its deadly shadow falls upon the earth.
Hold the truth above your head.
Additional Resource:
It's the Russians! ... or Is it? Cold War Rhetoric in the Digital Age
A technical and scientific analysis of Russia's demonization and the framing of Russia as a first-strike cyberattacker against the US — as promoted by the Nazi movement in the US, posing as ideological Neocons.

He is one heck of a liar.
He is a pretty man that uses pretty words to cover over his corrupt and murderous actions. I don't care if Trump dismantles everything Obama did while in office. None of it has any value to anyone except the .01%.
I also agree with your statement that they build empire and personal wealth off the backs of Americans. Politicians, media, and the uber rich are all in cahoots. Makes me angry too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I would like to correct your typo
Correct indeed!
"... Russia itself was the real target in perpetrating Ukraine’s coup — "
Obama's has lied his way through eight years to the point
where he no doubt now believes what he says. The corporate media has to be taken down, it's a complete monopoly and the real "fake news". How can we make it end? It's hard to imagine at this point but we have to keep calling out the lies.
Thanks Pluto.
"We" need our own
media. In the latter half of this year we are hoping to have our own web tv network up and running, where any tom, dick or harry (or mary) can have their weekly Show. For about $7 a month. But, we really need an integrated media (including print). Until we do we will continue to have our asses handed to us by the likes of Vanity, Savage and Loudmouth.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Why is it surprising to anyone (not to mention unclear)
The Republican Party of today was built on the cash of the FDR coup plotters and the American capitalists families who loved them some Hitler AND his beliefs.
They didn't all die in the war ya know.
People call out 'Goodwin' when I refer to Repubs as Nazis.
Those People are stupid and/or blind.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Repub Elite (elected or
not) are Nazis. Not replicants. Third Reich Nazis. Not hyperbole. Hitler may not have made it out of the bunker alive, but many elite Nazis did. Then made it to South America, then the Rocky Mountains. We now elect their kids (boomers) and grandkids. Known by them as the Fourth Reich. They, the elite Repubs, wouldn't be offended if we called them Nazis becuz they are.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
When people invoke
Godwin's "law," just ask them to quote it and explain exactly what it means.
His administration has supported the 'Syrian Rebels' - formerly
Known as al Qaeda. His CIA/FBI supported opposite factions of the same bad guys and were killing each other's thugs.
His administration backed and still backs the narco-terrorist thugs that usurped a legitimately ELECTED government and Honduras has since been given the extremely dubious title of the homicide capital of the world.,
His administration has supported with intelligence and armaments the Saudi Arabian government in its genicidal war against the Houthis in Yemen.
We (the United Stares) are considered by most people on this poor dying planet to be the biggest dangers to peace on Earth. We demand obedience to the law, bit we refuse to be a part of the ICC or any other international legal group and absolutely don't uphold any of its laws.
But the blatency of what the neoliberal thugs pulled in the Ukraine was absolutely mind boggling. Between the Nuland farce and Kerry's spittal flecked finger pointing we look like lying fools.
EDIT: Somehow (it's a talent I have) I cut the end off another sentence in my essay. This time it was " are considered to be the biggest dangers to lean on Earth'. I sure don't proofread worth a damn.
EDIE EDIT: took out a major redundancy. I might have to have the little neighbor kid start proof reading my stuff.
EDIE EDIT EDIT: I just noticed Spellcheck turned 'peace' into 'lean'. Only in the mind of a Microsoft programmer is that kind of crap considered a 'feature' that supposed to be of some kind of positive value.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Righteous truth ^^^^
Thanks Pluto for setting the record straight
I'm really sick of people in the US going into their song and dance about the invasion of Crimea by Putin and the Russains. I followed the coup in real time and knew then what it was about. I call willful ignorance as the truth was not that hard to find out about or understand. All of the establishment media has been loudly sword rattling and propagandizing about Russia and the Ukraine since 2014, maybe even earlier. I noticed it because I used to read The Guardian almost everyday. It got to much for me to swallow although I did go there today to read about the best movies of 2016. I haven't trusted the NYT since Judith Millar's whopper of a lie. The WaPo long ago turned into an untrustworthy, villager, stenographic rag. Bezos made it even worse.
The duopoly of R's and D's seem to try to out do each other in bloody warmongering and neither of them have any concerns about the death and misery they cause. In order to resist people need to let go of thinking that the USA! USA! USA! are the good guys and that being a super power makes this country great. When will the Democratic faithful and even non partisans stop fearing and loathing the other?
You have my thanks, too
When I have visited Russia over the past two years I have heard the heartbreak from Russians about the coup. They consider Ukrainians to be their brothers, sisters and cousins. The Ukraine itself is an inseparable region aligned culturally and historically with Russia, and indeed one of the early capitals of Russia was in Kiev. Early Russians were the Kievan Rus.
Contrast that with the stated goal of the Neocons in their PNAC, project for an American century, to break Russia up into little chunks that will never challenge US military hegemony in the world, ever again.
The people of Crimea (Крым in Russian) are Russian, have been Russian and will always be Russian. If the West were at all serious about the legitimacy of the return of Crimea then they could insist of a UN sponsored plebiscite. The West will never do this as they know the result and would have no cause to object to reunification at that point.
The West has not objected to self-determination with an independent Kosovo, achieved by a vote of their parliament, not even as legitimate as a popular vote. This action by the West is entirely against Russia, as a punitive action.
The US is pissed. They won the battle, separating the Ukraine from the Russian sphere and the people of Crimea would have nothing to do with this. The battle having been won, as so thought the West, Crimea was to become a NATO naval port. Negotiations for a lease had begun and requests for quotes on projects to renovate the port had been released. The reaction in the US is that Russia stole a victory that was rightfully the West's after all the hard work of organizing, arming, training and financing the Neo-Nazi militia of Western Ukraine.
A Crimea under a hostile, Neo-nazi Ukrainian regime is completely unthinkable.
President Putin was smart and used the troops already stationed there to guaranty that a bloody, aggressive military assault on Crimea could not take place. Make no mistake about it, the West would cheer if the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi militias could brutally murder Crimeans and drive them out of their land.
The English and French navies mounted an aggressive assault on Russian Crimea at Sevastopol in the bloody Crimean wars in 1854. They even held Crimea for a while. Don't think that the Russians and the Crimeans have forgotten this. Or, in fact, forgotten any of the very, very many assaults on Russia from the West.
We are lied to by the administration and the media, endlessly in this nasty affair. The separatists in Eastern Ukraine, Donbas and Donetsk, have been brutally shelled by the Ukrainian Militias. Russia is being blamed. The separatists want a separate state or to be part of Russia. President Putin is telling them no. The Minsk II accords call for the unification of the East, Novorossiya, with Ukraine, in a federation. The Ukrainian government refuses to enact the accords. Yet, Russia gets blamed and has economic sanctions imposed on her, while Russia is nowhere even mentioned in the Minsk II acccords. Once again the West is playing a duplicitous game, with Russia being the only honest player.
I have to say that I constantly hear negative comments about President Putin, even in this community. The term "thug" seems to be the most used. I got a very different opinion from Russians. They revere him with utmost respect and as a result he has an 85+% approval rating. I see him as a very smart leader, with extraordinary vision and deeply committed to Russia and her people. I have to say that the "thug" label is a result of endless, false, propaganda from the West. None of the accusations stick if you do the work of actually researching any of the claims. Take a look at recent "fake news" about Russia and her President and hacking the US election. If you don't suspect that something is wrong with the West then you just haven't been paying attention.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Thank you, Wizard, for telling that part of the story.
Every American has had the opportunity to witness, in real time, what you have described. It is reported in the newspapers of the world. Yet, even here, so many display the intellectual damage of US propaganda. It's very hard to look at. And it's infuriating.
If the American people do not make a sincere effort to right these egregious wrongs being committed in their name, I fear they will be reckoned with, all at once, when the world rebalances itself.
Pluto, fine essay.
Nice pictures of the skinheads saluting Sieg Heil. Gives the true flavor of Naziism, a disease almost wiped from the face of the earth, but surviving in the bowels of Washington to disseminate its spawn wherever it can.
NYT is the new Pravda of the New Global Order. Read it only to find out the Party line--and then think the opposite.
Most Americans don't give
a flying fuck what happens beyond our shores. Hell, most don't give a fuck beyond their county! They continue to elect Repubs, that's proof enough. They're happy getting by on their $50,000 a year, pay the mortgage, pay the cable, internet bill, some $$ left over for "toys".... they're snug as a bug! Don't bother their silly little heads about Crimea, they need to see what's good on tv tonight.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
uh ... yes and no.
The Russians may be very sentimental about the Ukrainians, but that sentiment does not necessarily run both ways, outside of the large community of ethnic Russians that were shipped into Ukraine after Stalin's famine policy starved millions of Ukrainians to death.
I grew up in a place where you could take extracurricular Ukrainian classes in high school, and I can tell you that those Ukrainians loathed Russians. Though the original Ukrainian immigration pre-dated the bolsheviks, a secondary wave of immigration ensued in the 20s and 30s. The families left behind by many of these immigrants subsequently died in the famines of '32-'33, an historical reality that scarred the survivors (including the expatriates) much as did the Armenian genocide. Finally, there was a 3rd wave of immigration following WWII, before Stalin finished bricking up the borders. The third wave was of professionals and intellectuals -- ie., the bourgeoisie that had been relieved by Stalin (and/or Hitler) of their status, their private wealth, and their general liberty. The 2nd and 3rd waves brought with them a passionate hatred of both Russians and Socialism.
I've seen Ukrainian-Canadians laugh along at the various jokes told at their expense -- sometimes they lead the way, as with a T-shirt that was popular when I was a kid extolling the Royal Ukrainian Mounted Police, or R.U.M.P., but if you mistook a Ukrainian '-sky' surname for Russian, nobody was going to be laughing.
Those same Ukrainian-Canadians have maintained their connections to the folks back home, which is why Canada was a hotspot for establishing commerce between the west and the newly-opened Ukrainian markets and factories back in the 90s. From what I've read, they also seem to have been the "reservoir" of anti-Russian (and anti-socialist) ideologues and political operators that the US was eager to worm into positions of political and economic power in the chaos of the imploding Soviet Union.
The bottom line, AFAICT, is that Ukraine is fundamentally broken as a going political concern, which represents nothing but Opportunity to the evil creeps who make US foreign policy. "We" do everything we can to aggravate the conflict between ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians, making it impossible for them to come to some sort of peaceful and peaceable and mutually beneficial settlement of their political circumstances, while creating a no-win situation for Russia, which must now tolerate a permanently unstable frontier or get very heavy-handed. So far, Putin has proven remarkably adept at guiding Russia through this diplomatic minefield -- though of course you'd never guess that if you imagined that US media's representations somehow mapped to the international understanding of what is going on over there.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
You make very good points about Ukraine and I agree...
…that the Ukrainians and Russians have bad blood that cannot be fixed. I am referring to the ethnic Russians who happen to be Ukrainians living in the East and Crimea. Russia is irrelevant. As many as ten thousand ethnic Russians have been slaughtered so far in Ukraine by the Kiev Banderas Nazis that the US installed after overthrowing the President, who was elected largely by the ethnic Russians of East Ukraine.
What we know is that the West (Kiev) is attacking the East. No one has invaded or attacked Kiev and the West, which makes the US lies about Russia both obvious and intellectually preposterous. Kiev's closest allies seem to be in Poland. The US is arming the Nazi Banderas regime and supporting them financially. Meanwhile, Nazis doing what Nazis do, they have triggered the largest migration of Jews (fleeing Ukraine) since World War II.
The Russians are very sentimental about those living in the East, because they are their parents, or their uncles and aunts, or their extended families and friends being slaughtered. Many Russians have family homes or summer homes in East Ukraine where they traditionally vacation. The border was always very porous by design until the US, working with Soros NGOs, staged the fake rebellion, with Poland providing snipers. Because of those close attachments, Russian civilians have sporadically slipped across the border to help their family and friends in the Donbass region — or to evacuate them. A number of Russian nationals have have been killed in the attacks by the West. Any Russian soldiers who are there are either deserters or they are on leave. Of course, most Russian men serve in the military at some point. The Russian government did not invade West Ukraine, nor did they send unsupported Russian soldiers into East Ukraine to act as bullet catchers. They have provided considerable humanitarian aid with long convoys of white trucks and UN observers.
Russia is not a party to Minsk II, although the agreement was crafted in Moscow. Putin is not a signator because Minsk II has nothing to do with him and Russia is not fighting with Ukraine. Putin has no leverage to force Kiev to stop their murderous incursions into the East, or to cease the humanitarian atrocities against the people of Crimea (cutting off water and power in the freezing winter). Kiev has seized all the property and money of the those in the East and Crimea, since it was held by Ukrainian banks or recorded in deeds held by the government. The US helps the Nazi regime by blockading the delivery by sea of any medications or food the Crimeans may need. Putin has no control over these acts of war. He is simply a US hate fetish dangled before the American people.
And yet, the people in the East wish to remain part of Ukraine. In their referendums, they are not seeking full self determination and succession, as the ethnic Russian population of Crimea did.
The Ukrainians may hate Russians, and especially "socialism" (which is currently keeping them alive), but the Ukrainians of the West who have not migrated have embraced Nazism with with open arms. And the Nazi-sympathizers who run the US Deep State have just rewarded them generously. This information about the NDAA foreign winners has since been scratched from major US media, including the Military Times, where I first read about it. But here is a reliable and well-cited source:
The American people are working every day to pay for every cent of that.
What “zombie” surveillance blimp program?? Anyone?
It's a flying pork barrel that can't be killed
It's a very complicated situation
Your sampling is of expat Ukrainians. I would be shocked if they didn't hate the Soviet Union, and by association Russia today. I was fortunate to have an investigative journalist in one of my Russian classes in Moscow. He had just finished touring Ukraine and interviewing people. He said that what most people don't understand is that there are large pro-Russian populations everywhere in the Ukraine, Kiev included. Places like Odessa are largely Russian. He also pointed out the close ties by relatives on either side. The Canadian diaspora is a small, unrepresentative population. The state of Ukraine is getting very bad as relatives are being driven apart by the extreme nationalist movement centered in Lviv. The US and the West are very happy about this and small vocal populations in Canada are fanning the flames. My guess is that Ukraine will never be whole again, victim to the West's meddling.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
it reminds me of the implosion of yugoslavia.
everyone was getting along fine, until political instability provided an opportunity for the bigots to exploit. hell, maybe they weren't even bigots -- maybe they were just cynically exploiting bigotry for their own sociopathic purposes.
always the same story everywhere: the really bad people appeal to the very worst demons in our nature, and the slaughter ensues.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
yep. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Much thanks,
as this is possibly the story most critical to our, and everyone's very survival on this planet; the consequences of allowing neo-con and neo-liberal MSM propaganda, rather than truth, to drive this confrontation we're slowly slipping toward are dire.
Thanks, too, for linking and mentioning responsible sources of information and historical analysis about this manufactured mess. I'd add to that Robert Parry's work on this issue at Consortium News - no links needed; it's easy to find and should be promoted as a direct contradiction and antidote to the widespread propaganda madness fed to the masses.
The Americans that need most to be enlightened are those we should trust most, our Congress members, but that will never happen until voters know the truth. Sadly, because of almost universal media fail, that's now our job.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
yep. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
In the "Russian Aggression in Crimea"
I can't remember how many people died. Wasn't it something like 17 or 77? Either number matched by the US in one or two wedding party bombings.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Are you referring to Russians killed in Ukraine?
I referenced them above, although I do not know how many casualities there are, so far. I wrote:
It's appalling that the American people do not know the basic realities and simple facts surrounding this situation.
is a naval station of the United States in Cuba. Or possibly within the United States. When I look it up on Google Maps there is a line around that small part of Cuba, on one side of which it says Cuba and on the other side of which it says United States. So I don't know if we lease that bay or own it. Either way, I've always wondered, where is the Cuban Naval Base? Where is their big scary navy? I don't know, but in looking it up just now I see in various sites relating the history of Soviet aggression against us in Cuba, only two ports are listed where Russia or the Soviet Union brought ships to Cuba: Mariel and Cienfuegos.
Here's the thing. When you look at Mariel and Cienfuegos and Guantanamo from satellite view, you could practically ride your bike between them in a day or two. It reminds me of the suspicion I had when Oliver North and the Reagan administration were saying all the Soviet weapons going to rebels in the Western Hemisphere were coming through Cuba, I suspected he meant through Guantanamo. By that I mean: We have a military base in Cuba that does nothing while weapons by the shipload are going to Commie rebels. Therefore we have to have a covert black budget dedicated to right wing governments and paramilitary death squads. Is any of this believable?
Show me the day we weren't controlling Cuba. WE HAVE A MILITARY BASE THERE. Cuba and the Caribbean nations have been smuggling ports since Columbus. It's time to look at the commercial and military industrial connections between all of these factions and all of these histories.
Thank you, Pluto's Republic, for starting this discussion, which I hope goes deeper and deeper into the history of Fascism in our government. Russia's port in Crimea is strategically important and has been for as long as it has been a port. Nazi control of Crimea is not in the interests of world peace, and for the NY Times to ignore that is criminal.
Those are interesting insights into Cuba you have.
They solve a lot of open equations, for me, at least.
Cuba has a fine navy that deploys frequently around the world. Cuba's international role is the "Bringer of Medical Aid." Cuba is a global leader in medicine and they produce excellent doctors. Cuba is where Latin America goes to treat cancer, for example, because their outcomes are among the best. They are experts in public health, as well. When there are outbreaks of Ebola somewhere in Africa, you can be sure that Cuba will have a presence there.
I equate what the US is doing in Ukraine with the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, it's the mirror image, this time on Russia's border instead of the US.
The US was swollen with Nazis and Nazi sympathizers after World War II, seeking new identities. They gravitated to Washington, where efforts like Joe McCarthy's communist hunt helped them and their acolytes achieve positions of tremendous influence. Today, their kind are some of the the key players inside the permanent Federal government, and in the Neocon Think Tanks that fuel it, intellectually.
The communist scare factor cannot be overlooked. Communists are the mortal enemy of the Nazis, and they seized the opportunity to create a "red fear" so potent that it blinds Americans to simple matters like the obvious events in Ukraine. They also developed their considerable gifts of psychopathic brainwashing and propaganda, using the American people as test subjects for the past 75 years.
Today, Americans are the most profoundly brainwashed population within the developed world. Their reality spectrum is certainly the narrowest, which impacts key academic areas. For example, economic knowledge is nil in the general US population. It is a forbidden topic that is never mentioned in the K-12 curriculum in the US. This is critical to maintaining the Plantation gestalt that permeates American life. Brainwashing has made Americans believe that they need to fight their government for every human right, inch by inch. And thus, they haven't achieved one yet, like freedom from hunger which is demanded in all other rich nations. Americans don't deserve the support of such a major liberty, apparently. They have to continuously claw back their civil rights, and they've lost a lot of ground in recent decades. American women now have a harder time than ever keeping the government out of their underpants.
If Americans had any sense, they would have dissolved the Federal government some time ago. Hopefully they will do so soon, and form a new Federal government that benefits the people. State governments are in place for interim support. This is done with a simple vote. It happens all the time in Europe and all over the world, when governments lose their way. Italy and the UK are this year's latest. Success lies in letting the people do it themselves, and prohibiting politicians from the process.
Pluto's Republic,
Thank you for your response. As I left my computer after posting the comments about Guantanamo, I knew it was one of the least coherent things I've ever posted, which is really saying something, as I can be very incoherent when I'm angry about a subject.
Here's where I'm coming from. Your response included subjects that are very important to me. I am coming from the perspective of having read the following three books in particular: Charles Higham's, Trading With the Enemy, which documents leading U.S. industrial and financial corporations fueling, financing, and maintaining the German war effort for the duration of WWII (with FDR's written license); Antony Sutton's research works for the Hoover Institution at Stanford, documenting the same U.S. corporations fueling, financing, and maintaining Soviet military industrial development from the Bolshevik period onward; and the very recent book by David Talbot, The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government.
The three books together establish that Fascism of the 1930's was the product and project of a small but very influential group of United States corporations. Sutton's work shows that the same companies armed the Soviet Union, the German Wehrmacht, and the United States for the entirety of WWII. Talbot's work, based in part on Allen Dulles' own papers at Princeton, establishes that Dulles was the key figure providing escape and protection to Nazi butchers after the war. He was responsible for the Rat Lines. Before the war, he was private attorney for companies that armed and promoted Hitler. He became the first Director of the CIA, and his legacy still exists in the form of the butchery we have seen from Guatemala to Afghanistan, from Angola to Zaire, from Ukraine to Yemen.
We clearly have a Fascist cell in our federal government, and having seen that the treason committed by the individuals who empowered Hitler went unpunished, we can only conclude that the same interests continue to run our government.
The part that is confusing is the Soviet part. Averell Harriman confirms what Sutton writes in the Hoover Institution research: U.S. corporate leadership developed the Soviet industrial base in partnership with the Soviet government. Why then are the clients of Allen Dulles and our military-industrial cartel "anti-Soviet" if they are busy exploiting Soviet resources? I believe, especially after reading Harriman on this subject, that our industrialists struggled not with the Soviet government, which they came to control early on. Their problem was with the workforce, which was in so many ways One Big Union. The Russian workforce had been through World War I, famine, revolution, and civil war, and they believed they owned the means of production. Labor was asserting it's power in Europe, in the United States, and especially in Russia. And so I believe the cartel built Hitler and produced Fascism in order to destroy the labor movement, democracy, and economic revolution in the western world.
At the same time, Allen Dulles' clients were indeed Soviet industrialists. So whenever Talbot's book mentions Dulles promoting leftist agents in the United States, even when he later destroys them, I see that as a connection he has to Soviet intelligence. I see Soviet intelligence as pro-industrialist, pro-Allen Dulles' clients, not pro-labor, not pro-workforce, not pro-socialist. The day I learned we had a military base in Cuba, I realized the Communist threat in Cuba was ridiculous. I believe the Cuban revolution was a socialist movement, but I believe the Soviet support for it was just part of the theater that socialism, not military industrial dictatorship, which the Soviet Union had become, was the enemy.
The same thing is happening now. No matter how many things Putin does with the Clintons, no matter how much of our uranium Hillary Clinton let him buy, no matter how many pipeline deals he arranges and capitalists he shakes hands with, he's still a Communist. Or better yet Hitler.
Thanks for the comment, Linda, and the references
…to the books you're looking at. I'm particularly interested in the Dulles affairs of state. I can appreciate written histories, but the Russian ones are strangely subjective in their analysis. A dry list of events and dates, I like better.
Chekov once suggested that Russian history can only be truly revealed through historical fiction, not historical narratives. I liked that notion and knew Russian fiction, but I did not fully appreciate his meaning until the 2016 election cycle. That's when I saw the politicians and think-tank intellectuals strike out at home plate get thrown off the field. They were not able to metabolize the saga of the ordinary Americans who were victims of the system pushed by the elites — to their peril. Even though Bernie Sanders recited the story everywhere he spoke, they still could not hear it. It didn't have the technical doctrine of "economic precision" they worshipped — with its self-serving dogma of trickle down economics and the laffer curve. Their only concern was the "moral hazard" of rescuing the worker class.
(The Nazi Elite of the Establishment is doomed.)
As for loose ends, they are almost always cleared up by identifying the beneficiary or following the money. In the case of the US and Russia, identifying who brought a halt to the exploitation and abuses usually explains the inexplicable. That, I believe, was Putin's role when Yeltsin left. I would look there.
One good soul here sent me several novels by Martin Cruz Smith, set in Russia and Ukraine of that time. Just as Chekov promised, fiction is much more useful than the victor's history books.
Thank you so much for your response, Pluto's Republic.
I too like to know about facts and dates, but I feel that I sometimes understand events better from good historical fiction, especially American historical fiction, than from theory.
But I am fascinated by Russia and its Revolution. The century mark of the Revolution will occur this year, in March and October. Will anybody celebrate? Will we have retrospectives and documentaries? What will happen? Nothing?
Well, what you say is true,
but you must be a Russian spy for having said it. (Oops! Wrong website! Never mind!)
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I wasn't a troll when I started. But I am now.
And the USA has its usual "hidden" motive
For showing great concern for all the people of the Ukraine to have a "democracy" up and running inside their borders. Which is always what our officials say when dealing with an area of the world where vast energy resources are lying beneath the soil.
The Ukraine happens to lie on top of the largest shale oil reserve in the entire world. Its future, if Putin can't stop us, is going to resemble Iraq's recent past.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
Good one!
Made me laugh.
The funny thing about Ukraine is that they had a very good Democracy, already. I was so impressed that the people could draft democratic referendums and conduct carefully-observed elections in such a short time. Both Pew and Gallup came in later and re-polled the Ukrainians in the voting regions. They found their results to be nearly identical to the election results. If Americans could do that, their elite oppressors would be in a lot of trouble.
The Neocons would insist that Ukraine had a fake democracy because they elected an "oligarch."
Now I just made myself laugh.
Bad news then for the 'bread basket'
Ukraine has always been for the USSR.
Thanks, Pluto - good summary of the historical events.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Meanwhile, over at JackPine Radicals, one of the admins,
"Manny Goldstein", has called out user "clarity of signal" for posting essays like this one.
In comments on a Syria thread, Manny Goldstein, one of JPR's founders, accused user "clarity of signal" of having an agenda consisting of "Russia good, U.S. bad."
IMO that doesn't portend well for the future of JackPine Radicals.
Clarity of Signal is under attack at the site. Reminds me of POS
Clarity of Signal: " I put my energy into exposing the Deep State, the corrupt media, the global elite and the warmongering bastards that deceive us all. I no longer support any political party and I resist divisive identity politics as it is simply another tool of the global elite used to pit us against each other so we don't go after them for their crimes."
I'm sorry to hear that.
This is not an agenda, as far as I know. And if it is, no one invited me to the party. It's heavy cargo for one person to carry, with no upside.
btw, I was thinking of you when I wrote this, because you are one of two people who helped me sort out the noise from the signal in bridging what happened between Yeltsin and Putin and the asset-stripping of Russians that tipped the playing in this direction. It couldn't have happened any other way, and endured.
Your unique international perspective is handy to have around
Damn Russia keeps moving its borders towards NATO
Thank you for this video.
I love this map and title:
Ukraine masterpiece there PR!!
I can only hope the world is aware of US treachery .
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN