Ever since Pornography became protected AS free speech : Free Speech has become impotent inhabiting cages.
Either the first amendment is what it says it is and we protect it; As written; Or we can continue to pretend Pornography is free speech and protect it.
Pornography is now available everywhere 24/7 promoting OBJECTIFICATION; the first step to abuse.
Porn pollutes young minds, destroys their innocence and encourages objectification. Sex trafficking and pedophilia piggyback on porn to success.
Thank God porn IS PROTECTED.
Meanwhile; free speech is locked up in Cages.
Very clever how they juxtaposed porn with free speech so that now porn has infected the collective consciousness with both physical and mental abuses and eliminated our children's innocence. It has become a billion dollar industry of degradation and objectication.
Meanwhile freedom of speech is languishing in cages.
How perverse is That?
Please wake up to what is taking place; this is our last stand before our freedoms have become nothing more than words "written by" Mao and Stalin and "approved by the state".
Not to worry though . . .
The population will be ditteling themselves silly; too ga ga over tits and ass to give a shit.
We can see where they are headed with this "fake news meme"
They may have protected porn as free speech, but it is not free speech.
For that you'll have to serach for it inhabiting cages.
* it has been proven that continued porn use reprograms the brain:
it needs the content to become more and more perverse for it to have the desired tongue lolling stupifing effect . . .
How precious ~
Protect porn but incarcerate free speech . . .
Nothing to see here folks: NOW get out there and kill "fake news." Isn't that a cute euphemism for non state state sponsored and approved propaganda.

Oh, you're serious, I'm sorry (no I'm not).
I'm not laughing at you (yes I am).
and I'm not laughing at your message (yes I am).
The dreaded porn!
Images, thoughts and writings about SEXUAL things! *GASP*
How will humanity ever survive?!
Please post more, I've been feeling down a bit lately and could use the laughs.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
You may wish to look into the scientific research on porn . . .
But I doubt you will be able to stop "stroking" your funny bone long enough to educate yourself.
Hint: It's in the neurons . . .
HA ha ha ha ha
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
YOU are stroking my funny bone.
And to be honest, we really don't know each other well enough for all that kinda stuff.
I have no interest in the opinions or organizations of the Christo-Fascists
But they often do make me chuckle.
I took the teachings on false teachers seriously, 'You will know them by their works'.
I know you, I've seen your ilk before, too often in these troubled times.
Do you really expect to be taken seriously when the premise of your essay is that 'Fake news' isn't protected free speech to the degree porn is? And you think that's wrong, because you think it's not? (but really you just don't like porn).
Fox news already sued and won the right to lie. So your kinda beating a dead horse along those lines.
Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech mean that you can believe (or not believe) whatever you want, no one can stop you, no one can tell you what you must believe AND that people can laugh at your opinions and beliefs if they find you stroking their funny bone.
There is something the book burners ALWAYS forget. We who oppose book burning are ensuring that the book burners can write books about book burning to their hearts content.
Humans and sex go back a long way. Visual and written depictions of sex, about sex and even *gasp* PROMOTING sex! are as old as humankind. I think we'll survive a continued interest in sexual things.
I'm not so sure we'll survive the 'True Believers' who would impose their self righteous morality on others.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Humans and torture as well as pedophilia go way back . . .
So of course, why yes, I see it clearly now . . .
THAT should be the definition of acceptable acts: How long something has been around. TORTURE, MURDER. CRUELTY have got to be fine b/c hey, they've been around a long time.
What's a few more murdered children more or less
Poppa's gotta get his rocks off.
And who has the right to judge him for what he considers worthy fodder for his needs?
And gfy; you don't know me. And I'm not travelling with any Ilk.
I have; however; spent a lifetime protecting and attempting to protect children who have been forever damaged by other humans who see them as objects to be used for their guilty pleasures.
I have done the research and I have spent the time familiarizing myself with the horrors of these damaged and dead children thanks to porn and the objectification principle.
My Ilk?
Why don't you educate yourself before you shoot your mouth off. How about a little fun trip to the sexually abused children's ward?
How about cracking open some reference material or just hit the link I included in my article on how the neurons and neuro transmitter are effected by the constant flood of dopamines?
Brain mapping: It's a "new" procedure which has come along while you and your ilk have been busy researching . . . the social rewards of
Hedonism ?
Yeah, go ahead on over to the Hillary camp they'll be happy to extoll it's selfish virtues.
Which has unleashed the brutality generated by those who see others as objects for their needs. Pay particular attention to how that process has brought the entire planet to the verge of extinction.
I me me mine.
It would seem ilk is in the eye of the beholder or is it the abuser?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Quite frankly
I think your problem is really with human nature more than with the 1st Amendment, or porn.
You're going to have to talk to God about that I'm afraid.
I'll remain opposed to those who would dictate what the people can think, feel, see and hear based on their self righteous religious beliefs of what is right and wrong and acceptable and unacceptable.
My personal knowledge and experience with child abuse victims involves (but is not limited to) a boy and a girl abused by their father, who was abused by his father, who was abused by a Priest. I'm well aware of the harm and the issues.
Your continual use of denigrating innuendo only reinforces my conclusion of the Christo-Fascist origins of your essay.
My antenna was triggered, you're coming in quite clear.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Clayton Olsen, huh?
Located at 367 W 1600 S, Salt Lake City UT 84115.
This is a Mormon Church front organization.
Nice try, but you've failed completely.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Thanks for verifying this mess. I was only reading it in the context of personal knowledge, which as we all well know does not (nor should it) carry much weight.
I knew something smelled from the domain name
I could have sworn I'd heard of it, so I ran an ARIN WHOIS search and there it was, full name, address, etc. This led me to his LinkedIn profile and an article from The Daily Beast which corroborated the ARIN results and added some info about affiliated individuals.
It wasn't hard at all, and I'm left wondering why these people even try to lie about who they really are and what their goals really are when it's so easy to expose them like this. Were it me, I'd have had the domain contact information held by someone much less a public figure and totally unaffiliated with the church.
As it is, the poster may as well have been holding a neon sign.
There is an inherent arrogance involved.
An interesting side note: Salt Lake City is much more tolerable than the smaller towns and city's of Utah. This pattern holds throughout the intermontane west. The sense of self-assurance is really strong in low population density regions. Sociologists could write (and probably have written) many books about this cult.
Oh!, and are you really lying if you are doing the Lord's Work?
rural dwellers in the transmontane West
PR, you mentioned this about the rural dwellers in the transmontane West:
Please allow me to remind everybody how much this cult (fundie Mor[m]ons of various flavors) really cares about anyone who can possibly think for themselves:
Wikipedia on the Mountain Meadows Massacre
The history of the intervening 150+ years has shown that there is little change in this part of America, as recent events involving Warren Jeffs in Arizona, Craven Bundy and kin in Nevada, and the unlawful and dishonorable seizure of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, have shown with indisputable clarity.
The damage done to humanity by permitting this cult to continue to exist far exceeds the aggregate damage done by so-called "porn". Even the mainstream LDS Church admits this, by way of its repeated efforts to distance itself from these people.
Of course, I prefer the Holy Sacrament of the LSD Church myself.......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Many R making false accusations; I have nothing to do with ANY
Many here are making false and FACTLESS accusations. i have nothing to do with any GROUP. Mormon or otherwise.
I am in the same tribe as Bernie Sanders.
My Mother's maiden name was Greenberg.
Witch hunting anyone?
What a bunch of unsupported claptrap.
I have simply been making the point; supported by scientific evidence; I might add; that
(1) porn alters the brain.
(2) Porn has been protected as a first amendment right; while our Actual Free Speech Rights are relegated to "Free Speech Zones.
These facts are true.
In addition; Porn does harm . . . Children do become intangled when unstable users of porn need to vent their:"worked up-ed-ness" on the easiest target; children.
Yet you and too many others around here have made assumptions and ugly accusations b/c you find my conclusions hard to hear.
If you love porn and therefore feel threatened by my conclusions . . .
That is your problem; not mine. I have merely made an observation about the juxtaposition of porn and freedom of speech.
Those that have taken it personal (perhaps because of their habits) is another matter altogether.
It is hardly befitting of you to make baseless accusations while sharpening up your pitch forks and busting out the tar and feathers.
Yet, even this lends credence to my point.
So thanks for that.
Should you need help with any other form of intollerence I'm sure the good folks over at KOS WILL BE HAPPY TO OBLIGE . . .
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Where's the scientific link? Not a Mormon link.
Since you seem incapable of making the connection, I'll spell it out for you: they think you're a religious loon because the link is to a religious loon site.
So, where is the scientific link you told JtC you'd go find?
Also, you keep connecting porn with child sex crimes. I'll spell something out for you again: child sex crimes were happening for millennia before porn ever existed.
You also blur the line between porn addiction and occasional viewing - or EVER viewing. More spelling for you: any and all addiction definitely does alter brain chemistry. However, the person who smoked pot 10 years ago is not an addict simply because they smoked it a decade ago. (People who run for-profit rehabs will say that anyone who has ever done any drug, even just once, alcohol included, is automatically an addict - I interviewed one once - but it simply isn't factual.)
I have never molested or raped anyone, but I have watched porn, and WILL watch it again.
And yes, it's been determined by the courts to fall under the first amendment. Thank you, Larry Flint!
As far as other forms of speech being relegated into zones, I completely agree with you that it's bullshit, and shouldn't be taking place.
Now, please provide the scientific link.
Here at c99 you have not been banned, bojo'ed or
had any of your thoughts hidden from public view.
Try posting this essay at DKos and see what happens.
I'm going to try to explain the less than favorable responses to your essay.
You begin your Essay with a title that is FALSE.
Free speech protections for porn were granted decades ago now. Free speech zones are a relatively new thing. They are in no way related (If you can show me how they are, I will listen to your argument).
Then you proceed with another falsehood in your very first sentence of the essay. You offer an either or choice when no such choice is required. If we outlaw porn we will still have free speech zones.
At this point, before we've gotten past the first sentence the readers are thinking WTF? This isn't making sense.
Then you proceed to dissolve into what is best described as full blown right wing nut job bat shit craziness.
Hyperbole stating opinion as fact, hysterical rantings including
Did you think people would take you seriously after that comment?
And you finish up with a link to a Mormon anti-sex organization. Let's face is Faith, The New Drug people want porn gone AND for all of us to wear Mormon approved sleepwear when bedding down for the night with our spouses.
Any good valid points you wished to make were lost in the bat shit craziness.
That's on you, not the reader.
Dkos would ban you. C99 will tell you what they think of your essay. RedState may applaud you, though you may have gone a bat shit too far, even for them.
Here at c99 people care about our freedoms, ALLL OF THEM. We care about child abuse of every kind, we worry about our world and even have concerns over the abundance and nature of sexual depictions in society.
We are aware of the many things that affect changes in the brain, including but not limited to what religious fanaticism and right wing propaganda does to the brain. Personally I find those brain changes more worrisome than any changes occurring because of porn.
In short the premises of you essay were are a hard sell nearly everywhere, I'd think, to begin with.
You don't help your cause by spouting falsehoods , invoking Moa and Stalin or by claiming that everyone is too busy masturbating to care!.
Yes my 1st comment to your essay was somewhat unkind. Let me try to remedy that with some sincerely offered kind advice.
Faith, please buy a hinge, going thru life unhinged is no way to influence people.
That's the best I can do. I'm done with this essay.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
yeah, cuz porn is so uplifting and exalts the human
spirit and stuff.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Free speech ...
needn't be uplifting or exalting to be free speech. The 1st Amendment protects all speech. The restrictions placed upon protest and other forms of speech in recent years are execrable, but that means we should fight the restrictions, not fight to restrict other speech.
I'm making no moral judgment of porn
I'm rejecting and giving just derision to those who would impose their self righteous morality on the rest of us.
I oppose attempts to criminalize thought.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Trying to legally define the line
that separates porn from erotica presents a bit of a problem, no?
You miss the point.
Actually there are two points .
When objectification is institutionalised as normal, then it removes the one being objectified from their place as a person or being and they become less human and therefore much more vulnerable to abuse.
When we see others as a thing it is easier to abuse them
Children seen as objects become easier to abuse then when seen as a person with feelings .
How hard is that for you to follow?
Something which conditions others to view someone as an object which exists for the purpose of serving the sexual needs of another opens up the door to exploitation . Exploitation of children for sexual gratification is real. How children came to be seen as objects for this purpose is linked to removing their vulnerability as persons. Replacing that concept with the CREEPY idea of transforming them from person to object makes it a whole lot easier to exploit them for sinister purposes.
Am I going to fast for You?
Yes, yes, the value of adult sexual pleasure through objectification far exceeds the value of protecting children who are brought into heinous debaucheries for this purpose . . .
Because, because, because it's so hard to difine porn.
Who, I wonder will have the integrity to consider the lives of children destroyed by porn; The responsibility of the adults allegedly put here to protect them?
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
i'm relatively sympathetic to the contrast
you draw between the now wide-open freedom to pornograph vs the now ludicrously constrained freedom to say what you want, as long as you only say it someplace where nobody with power has to hear it.
nonetheless, i will observe that this:
is an opinion founded in ideology, not a fact based in science. even to the extent that it has limited support from psychological studies, its application to pornography requires that all parties agree that porn = objectification. the anti-heterosexuality faction of feminism, formerly led by andrea dworkin, was founded in an indefensible worldview that all male sexuality is violent and abusive and objectifying.
i do not accept these premises, and i'm not sympathetic to arguments built on them.
with all that said, i don't think porn is a particularly healthy diversion for a pretty significant fraction of those who indulge, and i wonder whether its superabundance may be doing some long-term harm to our society.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Given the advances in sex robots
(i.e. see Japan's trending further away from marriage).
I can see a day when sex robots, born of porn, lead us to having actual sex between 2 humans happening solely for pro-creation!
How's THAT for ironic!
I too am concerned about the 'superabundance' of (perfect choice of words there btw) and increasingly violent nature of todays porn. I think this is reflective of current societal problems. I think the problem lay not in our porn, but in ourselves.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Voice of reason bell (Ding!)
People seem to be interested in sex. Many do it and like it.
Others talk and think about it a lot, many watch other people doing it. In some way or other.
Erotica or porn, uhuh. Whatever you call it.
It is about F**King some kind of way, that is all. eom.
Now what do we see when our ideas about sex are exposed to the world by our porn tastes?
There we are. and that thing on the wall is called a mirror.
Probably shouldn't be too proud about what we as a society have put up there [USA! USA! USA!], but you're supposed to look in the mirror. thx.
edit ( typo)
The Holy
The Catholic Church has a nearly 2,000 year tradition of the exploitation of children for sexual gratification. Stretching back long before the invention of the printing press, the copy machine or the VHS tape. Of course, the Catholic Church is not the only of the 'Holies' to abuse children.
Throughout history the 'Holy' have held special self appointed privileges. Primarily the self given right to exploit all manner of fellow humans in all manner of ways, for their self fulfillment.
Historically, children have been in greater danger of exploitation for sexual gratification from organized religion than from some dirty pictures someone drew.
I'd leave my child alone with a friend who I knew had Playboys under their mattress.
I'd NEVER leave my child alone with a Priest or any religious leader.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Here! here! to a false equivalency
YEAH, because of course it's always a choice between porn or "the church".
Not that it's any of your business, but I am not a church goer and my views are not based on anything "religious".
1-Simple correlation between the psychology of compassion and the disconnect of compassion when one removes the element of personhood replacing it with object hood.
2- The proof revealed by the study of the brain and the effects of the constant flooding of dopamine on the neurons and neuro transmitters.
We wouldn't want to muddy the waters with any conclusion not based on: if you if you find porn dehumanizing and objectifying you must be a church going religious fanatic.
You know what happens when you ASS U ME right?
I beleve the adage goes something like;
"when you ASS U ME YOU MAKE AN ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME." I can't take credit for it, but it does seems relevant to your claim: if you find dehumanizing and objectifying elements dehumanizing or objectifying; YOU MUST BE WITH OR FOR "THE CHURCH"
How "quaint" of you.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
You're lying about everything you claim to be. I just found proof.
It would be the easiest if "Ms. Faith" turns out as a spoof.
I hope that's it. (burn!)
Sadly, that won't help me much- the reason the spoof works is because there really are 100 million (+) people like Ms. Faith out there loose in our country. [USA USA USA ]
In fact. the lunatic fringe is here. [c99 c99 c99] wtf
Does anyone out there remember Bizarro?
Not trying to dispute your premise,
not at all. I was simply posing a question for you.
I missed the point also.
How did you go from pornography to pedophilia?
Why did you not point out that child pornography is not protected free speech?
You know about the sex offender registration, etc...amirite? You do not get charged with a crime for watching a Johnnie Wad Holmes film.
By the way, faithsoasis, if you do not want to be objectified as a religious person, faith above all other matters, then change your user name.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here we go with h assumptions . .
Faith is my given l name and my daughter gave me my user ID .
If you all weren't so invested in defending porn you might have picked up the crux of my point.
Google/ Internet/ PTB Made sure to stack the deck with a constant supply of hot and cold running porn difined as free speech so that as they insidiously took away our free speech they could point to how lucky we are to have constant porn , while directing us there so that no one is; well very few are revolting or even making a fuss over "Free Speech zones" that was my point. . .
Why is this new insidious idea what d free speech is in zones not causing an uproar.
According to the science
Considering the vast porn addiction phenomena;
It's hardly surprising to hear so many defending porn.
I see a parallel between those invested in it's dehumanizing thrills; who defend it's use.
And clinton supporters. No matter how much one provides them with the statistics supporting her corruption the more they defend her.
Those who have actually been victimized by the thought processes it encourages are deluded church goers.
I concede; despite the science which concluded porn's addictive dehumanizing effects . . .
Finding it dark and dehumanizing; it's simply the work of self righteous close minded religious wackos who don't love porn. Porn has all the warmth and charm of an event with someone you care
about. And we should be glad that all children have been exposed to something as uplifting inclusive and character building as a snuff film.
Woohoooo go get the kids, they won't want to miss the part whete he's bending the baby sitter over and the entire team of drunken losers is giving it to her till she
she's bloodied and crying out, begging for help.
Oh wait you don't have to get the kids; they already watched it over at their friends house after school.
Phew dodged a bullet on that one!
What was I thinking?
That their little hearts and heads are more suited for sugar plums and fairies.
That will teach them about the value of love, intimacy and caring.
Thank goodness for porn.
Oh and another plus . . . It saves the parents from those awkward birds and bees talks.
Go Porn not just for perverts anymore.
Kids can join in too!
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Faith is my given l name
I, for one, have no reason to believe you.
As I understand it, Mormoms believe
It's perfectly fine to lie for Mormonism's sake.
As I understand it, it's called lying for Jesus BUT, it's not really for Jesus.
It's lying for Joseph Smith.
I have my doubts also.
However, my disdain for this essay is not predicated on the authors choice of handle.
It's solely due to the message. A message I've seen repeatedly from the right wing nut job side of public discussion.
A message I recognize for what it is.
Hypocritical, self righteous, self serving, half truths and falsehoods, mixed with false science, and radical right wing propaganda. All to chastise us for not walking the approved straight and narrow path.
If you write like a RWNJ there's a good chance people will think you ARE a RWNJ.
At first I was only gong to reply that 'Hey Faith, maybe you should lay off the Herb-a-Life'.
But after reflection, I decided that wasn't going to be enough. I had to say more.
In a World of lies I find myself growing less, not more tolerant of lies.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I come from a long line of Mormons.
And your summary is quite consistent with my observations. My experience: If this person is of that sort, no amount of reason will have any effect, and at best this presents an to sharpen your skills for future encounters.
My assessment in this particular example is grounded in the lack of nuanced presentation by the original poster.
half my family on my mother's side
is of that Lutheran sect that the other half considers BATSHIT CRAZY!
So I have a clue.
The reason for my posting in this thread was not to change the authors mind or to attempt to bring them to a truthful reason based revelation. The original essay by and of itself betrayed the futility of that course of endeavor.
I posted because here at c99 we don't hide from view the things we object to. We state our objections, thoughts and yes even ridicule for all to see. A much more honest and telling system of moderation than others I've seen in various places around the interwebz IMHO..
BTW Thanks again JTC.
There is wisdom in your ways.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
(++) !
well played.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thank you . . . exits stage right.
I'm sure You won't have the integrity to admit you were wrong . .
No surprise there . .
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
"Faith is my given name" "I for one don't believe you'~PriceRip
Here you go . . .
Now, what was that old adage?
"When you ASS U ME YOU make an ASS out of you and {in this case) YOU"
Only in your case I believe we could include
the words "blow hard" and "eat crow"
Nor do I believe you will take it like a man:
But rather try and weinie out with excuses . .
I believe my work is done here . . .
Thank You for proving my point yet again!
Oh, "and thanks for all the fish"
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
And what little cause we had to extend her the benefit of the doubt she went miles out of her way to marinate in gasoline and set alight, too.
I applaud you, PR, for using "reason" in a sentence referring to our essayist, too.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yeah, keep on proving my point . . .
See above link addressed to PR ~
Gotta go, but I have had such a blast with y'all doing my work for me . . .
"Humans . . .
They'll probably evolve to include engaging something
besides they're back side for brains"
"Ya think so Wally?"
"Nah, too comfortable with they're own self importance; Beaver."
"Yeah, but we can always dream"
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
To this day, it's still astounds me that
in that day and time, Beaver Cleaver ever made it past the censors.
Some of the dialogue in the re-runs is hilariously funny.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Yeah, keep on proving my point . . .
See above link addressed to PR ~
Gotta go, but I have had such a blast with y'all doing my work for me . . .
"Humans . . .
They'll probably evolve to include engaging something
besides they're back side for brains"
"Ya think so Wally?"
"Nah, too comfortable with they're own self importance; Beaver."
"Yeah, but we can always dream"
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
And faithsoasis just keeps doubling down.
Not only is faithsoasis not understanding what I have written, faithsoasis thinks a Facebook account is somehow relevant to the point of "impuning my character" with a private message no less.
In the larger scheme of things, why would I care to know faithsoasis' real name. Anonymity is standard in this medium, so the fact that I have no reason to believe "faithsoasis" is really "Faith [Whatever] is just a throw away statement, signifying nothing. However, for professional reasons, it is very important that I not be anonymous.
Is the Macbeth allusion too subtle.
That sounded totallyunhinged!
"Those who have actually been victimized by the thought processes it encourages are deluded church goers.
I concede; despite the science which concluded porn's addictive dehumanizing effects . . .
Finding it dark and dehumanizing; it's simply the work of self righteous close minded religious wackos who don't love porn. Porn has all the warmth and charm of an event with someone you care
about. And we should be glad that all children have been exposed to something as uplifting inclusive and character building as a snuff film.
Woohoooo go get the kids, they won't want to miss the part whete he's bending the baby sitter over and the entire team of drunken losers is giving it to her till she
she's bloodied and crying out, begging for help.
Oh wait you don't have to get the kids; they already watched it over at their friends house after school.
Phew dodged a bullet on that one!
What was I thinking?
That their little hearts and heads are more suited for sugar plums and fairies.
That will teach them about the value of love, intimacy and caring.
Thank goodness for porn.
Oh and another plus . . . It saves the parents from those awkward birds and bees talks."
What have YOU been watching? And maybe you need to find a new circle of 'friends'. No one I know acts like that. But You sure seem familiar with such goings on.
This post has been a hoot.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
You link goes to a Mormon Church front group.
Porn is what you watch MSM for.
"television programs, magazine, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a nonsexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience."
Now right there is some damn good porn for the masses.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'm interested in the legal points you make.
Let me preface that I am agnostic about porn, generally. And I agree that it changes the brain. Almost everything does. The brain is the only organ that continues to evolve after birth.
We can agree that there are two porn groups involved: 1) Porn production and sales and 2) Porn consumers and collectors.
Putting porn protections under the First Amendment is a huge mistake. And that mistake and others like it have harmed all rights under that heading. I suppose it was the only Amendment that came close in the quaint eighteenth-century US constitution. It would actually fit better under the Fourth Amendment, but that one is dead now, because Al Qaeda.
Pornography belongs in the 43rd Amendment, instead, The human right to mind expansion, mental privacy, and freedom from the imposition of State-generated misinformation and propaganda. Remember that Amendment? It's the one that decriminalizes personal drug use?
Neither do I, but there should be a constitutional Amendment that confers this Human Right to Americans.
The 43rd amendment deals with criminalizing human nature. Most people currently incarcerated broke a "human nature" law. All prohibitions lead to prison, which will be just as true the next time the US prohibits alcohol. The consumption of pornography belongs here, where it could bet regulated. Same goes for porn production, which should be taxed, licensed, and regulated.
The First Amendment has removed more rights than it has preserved. When the Fairness Doctrine was revoked during the Reagan years, it turned the First Amendment into a criminal sanctuary for politicians and the deep state, who use American institutions to deliberately misinform the American People about issues vital to their survival and well-being.
Well, before you could regulate
and tax pornography, first you'd have to come up with a commonly accepted definition of what pornography is. As far as I know, no one has ever done that yet.
And "I know it when I see it" doesn't cut it.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Your post interests me the most in this thread Pluto
I've spent many hours contemplating your words. I'd like to comment. But mostly I have questions.
In my view, depictions of sex acts on film does fall under the 1st Amendment, as it is performance art.
And should be treated the same as literary depictions of sex, at the least..
However, I also think that the production and viewing of sex acts on film AND the rights expressed in the '43rd Amendment'
are already ours under the 9th Amendment. Marital Privacy was found to be a right under the 9th and soo should many other things we generally expect and accept 'Freedom' to mean but which are not expressly codified.
These rights only remain unclaimed.
Just as the rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence remain unclaimed under the 9th.
Too my thinking.
Still, the day of the state being able to read your brain activity, from a distance, without your consent or knowledge, is fast approaching, if not already here on some scale. Expressly codifying 'Mental Privacy' I think wise.
Moving on to the more important task.
The chance to expand my understanding
Why would 'porn' be a better fit under the 4th? This confuses me.
What rights has the 1st Amendment caused to be relinquished?
Would you say the Amendment itself or the deliberately incorrect interpretation and application of the 1st is responsible for this loss of rights?
'Porn is already regulated both in production and consumption. What exactly are you suggesting?
I'm against all 'Sin' taxes that don't dedicate all of the proceeds to remedy ills created by the sin, and/or that taxes in amounts greater than the remedy requires.
Restoring the primacy of the 4th over governmental conduct is of paramount importance if we hope to secure and pass on a functioning Democratic Republic to our children. The 4th Amendment violating provisions of the NDAA and Patriot ACT (Along with what ever else they passed in secret) AND the Citizens United ruling must be corrected. These provisions and rulings violate the agreement we consented to when we gave the Federal Government any authority at all.
Would you agree?
I often tell people that the Constitution is all about what rights we give the Government, not what rights they give us. And that all rights that we haven't expressly given the Government are reserved solely to the people. Do you think people forget that? Or does it really just not matter at this point?
It is my understanding that your greater knowledge of Law could be measured in light years compared to mine.
It's my hope that you'll forgive my curiosity and the musing presented here should you find them, well,. stupid.
I'm curious, I want to know and I seek knowledge.
I hope you will find that a mitigating factor in your judgment of this post.
If in deciding to reply or not you feel that you should bill me, please don't
I'm REALLY broke man.
Thank you Pluto's Republic, for the mental adventure you've led my evening to be.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
My comments were very compressed and suitcased.
I talk about this topic a lot, so there are shortcuts and keywords that stand in for larger ideas. You understand this issue and the topic as well as I do, perhaps better.
Thank you for such a rewarding response.
A couple of assumptions here: It is understood there is an unacceptable level of subjectivity in this discussion because "community standards" is one of the counter-parties. So, everyone concerned is evolving (except the constitution, which was flash frozen into a popsicle of 18th-century plutocracy when was written — and then neglected by the People. What that means is the Constitution does not have the authority of generational sovereignty. Instead, People are bent to the tyranny of dead men's laws and debts and stingy rights — all without the consent of our generation.
The fossilized Constitution became the perfect tool for corporations and the Deep State to whip men with, break them if necessary, and go rogue with their state or the People's dime. But an entrenched Constitution is a lousy tool for conscious and social evolution. It holds the People back from self-development, from their realization of human rights, and it has robbed them of control over their Nation. When a generation does not ratify the nation's operating system during their own time, they become less empowered and eventually they forget how to govern themselves. Think of all the ruined lives in prison in the US. That should have never happened. When you see that life has become criminalized, you know there is something very wrong with the laws of the land. In the 21st century, each new generation is more crippled than the one before it. They will earn less and produce less, which means the elders cannot be supported and will suffer. This is the downward cycle that kills all civilizations it touches.
That's the starting point for this.
Back to porn — the key issue here is a transaction. The First Amendment doesn't protect the rights of the buyer, it protects the rights of the seller. It doesn't protect the listener, it protects the speaker. It has always protected the publishers of fake news, it has never protected the consumers of fake news. It doesn't touch on social damage done by the law. The people just have to suck that up. This was not the intention of the Amendment, which was written during the Age of Enlightenment. It was a time when the young were having new and exciting ideas about the changing the world — potent ideas about politics and religion. They knew that they couldn't openly discuss and publish their radical ideas, because back in the olden days, the church or the king could have them put in prison or put them to death. That was their inspiration for the First Amendment.
Because Americans did not cultivate and renew their constitution, like all other countries do across the arc of time, the First Amendment became distorted and was twisted into a cattle prod by the plutocrats who run the American plantation. The First Amendment is now the ideal sanctuary for self-sabotage like Citizen's United. And the People are so proud of their right to "free speech." The First Amendment allows their government and news media to lie right in the people's faces about matters of vital interest to them. The First Amendment is directly responsible for the People's profound cluelessness about the the world they inhabit. It is responsible for their helplessness and impotence against their leaders. No nation is envious of the free speech of the US. The world doesn't want the First or the Second Amendments. They want Human Rights and the US Constitution confers not a single one upon the People.
One third of the elementary school children in the Silicon Valley area are homeless today. Seventeen million American children will miss one or more meals today and go to bed painfully hungry because they live in a household that has no money to buy food. These are widely recognized human rights violations, that are committed by a wealthy government against its people. So, the People have their free speech and they have their handguns. But they don't seem to have the basic neurology to think about and understand their predicament and disgrace.
Edward Snowden said, "A right that is not demanded is a right that is forfeited to the state." Here you have a portrait of the American people, ruled by old, easily twisted laws, written in the distant past by men long dead.
The author of this essay was not talking about porn. She was fixated entirely on physical sexual assault against children. In her mind, she conflates producing porn with sexual assault — and she rails against the First Amendment, as if there were a causal relationship there. I eliminate the consumption of porn from her argument because the First Amendment does not apply to consumers. I remove child porn from the equation, as well, for the same reason: It does not apply.
The argument, then, is: The First Amendment protects people who produce legal porn, which results in sexual assaults on children."
Her framing is the problem. However, we are not clear on who the enemy is: The First Amendment? The porn producer? Or the porn consumer, who is the only one that is not protected by the law. (Hence the need for the 43rd Amendment to address the pressing issues: Freedom of thought and mind expansion.)
In my opinion, of course.
Ask and Ya shall recieve !
I'm overwhelmed by the generosity of insight and time manifest in your reply.
More food for thought for a hungry mind
The thanks belong to you friend.
I'll take my time to digest it all but offer these two quick thoughts for now.
Yes, the fault lay with people. Jefferson clearly stated the danger of the 'Dead Man's Rules' and urged that, we the people, adjust our Constitution generationally. Whether this would provide the stability we perceive as proof of the soundness of the Founders design, is unknown.
200 years of peaceful transfer of power under the 'Dead Man's rules' (overlooking that little Civil War incident) looks like pretty good stability at first glance. Life in prison is also a life of stability.
I sense that we would be in agreement that the 1st Amendment has been, deliberately and willfully, incorrectly interrupted and applied for the benefit of the Oligarchy.
However, the hearing of free speech and the speaking of free speech MUST be treated equally.
Speech is at it's core, communication between people.
And while freedom of speech in no way is a guarantee of being heard.
To say that 'You can say it, but no one is allowed to hear it' is to deny the free speech of the speaker.
'WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.'
I think the course is clear.

With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Thank you. Among other reasons I like c99 is that I learn stuff.
If you have the time I would love to see your posts on this thread put up as a separate essay. The first amendment rights of actual human beings seem to be under threat while corporations are considered 'people'. The new law Obama just signed allowing the government to decide what is 'fake news' may force people to go back to samizdat. Then there are the questions about what constitutes shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater.
Trump may have a point about libel even if it is self-serving. Where does free speech end and privacy begin?
I think one of the biggest problems in the country is the forfeiture of our 4th amendment rights under asset forfeiture laws. It destroys respect for the law by both the police and the citizen/victims.
I had not given much thought to the interplay between different amendments. In order to get what we want we have to know what to demand.
"Among other reasons I like c99 is that I learn stuff." (+++)
On the mark. asterisk. (aster- iskos: little star)
at the
blue water pool
truth is the rule
fools go to be schooled
all is kept cool
and everyone plays in the water.
Dog made the world real, and it was good to look. - book of Dog
Edit. Dog does love his doggerel. But you have to dig for it.
It's called "Facebook"
Though I guess it is consensual, since you have to sign up for it.
Yawn. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Those poor brainless masses need to be protected from themselves
All of those things that drive us farther from proper worship of the approved deities must be banned for it causes those who don't know better, like myself, to stray from the path of righteousness.
Same script as always, but the appeal to moral authority never goes away.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Here we go with the assumptions again.
Not a church goer and the evidence i sighted is based on brain studies . .
Don't you know how to open a link?
I know it's just such darn fun to have an opinion based on assumptions
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Fight the New Drug... run by OOOH shocker, THE MORMONS.
Yeah, that's a good, respectable foundation on science.
Same ones I'm sure the State of Utah turned to, because as we all know the Mormon church is a highly respected scientific body that has no influence whatsoever on Utah's politics.
See, not only do I know how to open a link, I also know about this fun thing called google.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Sister-Child wives people, figures.
I didn't do the background checking because quite honestly.
I know it when I see it and I've seen it before.
I saw no need to do so.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
At the bottom
of the link is this wonderfully false statement:
Trademarked no less.
For a couple of sinners (my significant other and I), we find the occasional porn increases our love for each other.
And does anybody else find it funny that Utah, home of the Mormon church, is the capital of porn in the u.s.?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The MOR[m]ONS!
Their "peer review" is probably Moron(i) funded as well.
At least this particular assault on individual adult human freedom wasn't the $cientology Crime Syndicate, as it so often is.......
Thank you for your concise debunking of this so-called "essay", DMW. And may Cat grant you a very happy 2017!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Hey, that's my family you are talking about!
No offense intended to your family, PR. /nt
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
You would so intend if you knew them as I do . . .
Let's edit it, then.....
...... no offense intended towards you or any relations you have who don't resemble faithoasis' remarks!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
kind of asked for it, didn't she.
good work.
" Dog made the real world, and it was good to see."
our Shmoos
A long time ago on a planet not so far away, on the old FidoNet HOLYSMOKE Echo, we called them "our Shmoos". If you recall from the old Alley Oop comic strips, Shmoos were cattle which would commit suicide and, by themselves, fly apart into ready-made steaks, roasts, etc., to be cooked and eaten. Anyone who buys into any part of fundie mind control schemes, and shows up in spaces like HOLYSMOKE or c99p advertising or advocating for them, are our Shmoos.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
How can shmoos be depressing and liberating simultaneously?
Creepy critters, self-immolating for us humans, at least then. I hope that the majority of humans are more educated, world-wise, than then post-war.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Alley Oop Shmoos, of course, are fictional creatures not bound by the constraints of the real world we live in.
The fundie Shmoos, on the other hand, share that world with us. In their case, the answer to your question boils down to one word.
A German word:
[video:https://youtu.be/nCQGQ5qBQTA width:480 height:270]
We feel liberated and happy we aren't suffering from the mental constraints, non-science "science", repeatedly broken promises and dreams, and all the other unhygienic baggage the beLIEvers have to haul around everywhere they may go. This is the very soul of schadenfreude.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Alley Oop!
Dog made the world real, and it was good to dig.
Now that's just rude. Why do that here?
Your attribution of great harm caused by the viewing of pornography is not convincing. I would say that bad parents (and bad parental figues) attempting to control the lives of children would be the real culprits. Adults who use fear, shame and guilt are the ones most responsible for creating social maladjustment and lifelong psychological problems. In the lives of troubled human beings by the time pornography becomes an option the damage has long since been done.
Yes, yes such predictable responses . . .
Considering the vast porn addiction phenomena;
It's hardly surprising to hear so many defending porn.
I see a parallel between those invested in it's dehumanizing thrills; who defend it's use.
And clinton supporters. No matter how much one provides them with the statistics supporting her corruption the more they defend her.
Those who have actually been victimized by the thought processes it encourages are deluded church goers.
I concede; despite the science which concluded porn's addictive dehumanizing effects . . .
Finding it dark and dehumanizing; it's simply the work of self righteous close minded religious wackos who don't love porn. Porn has all the warmth and charm of an event with someone you care
about. And we should be glad that all children have been exposed to something as uplifting inclusive and character building as a snuff film.
Woohoooo go get the kids, they won't want to miss the part where he's bending the baby sitter over and the entire team of drunken losers is giving it to her till she
she's bloodied and crying out, begging for help.
Oh wait you don't have to get the kids; they already watched it over at their friends house after school.
Phew dodged a bullet on that one!
What was I thinking?
That their little hearts and heads are more suited for sugar plums and fairies.
That will teach them about the value of love, intimacy and caring.
Thank goodness for porn.
Oh and another plus . . . It saves the parents from those awkward birds and bees talks.
Go Porn not just for perverts anymore.
Kids can join in too!
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
You have Clinton and you have porn BUT
You left out Obama and Libtards.
I'm sure you can do better.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
The Ancient Greeks were bonking eachother
left, right and center given the pottery.
Civilization seems to have survived.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Romans, too.
And thrived. Long enough for the Romans to start boinking eachother left, right and center, per the frescoes at Pompeii, Herculaneum, and numerous other places.
Then the worship of Middle Eastern deities got into the mix, and the fall of Rome with the subsequent Dark Ages were the result. And it appears our essayist wants to take us right back there, burnings-at-the-stake and all.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Apparently it still goes on in Italy and other places. Shocking.
Very, very shocking.
Ancient Asians were boinking way back too
There are ancient temples with depictions all around the outsides. Saw a documentary called Shocking Asia about it when I was 12 or 13. I found it fascinating.
There was a gender change operation in too that blew my mind. Later when I thought I wanted a boob job (80s), I thought back to that film, and decided hell to the no - that surgery is brutal! Peeling the penis, and using the skin as the vaginal lining didn't look so great either, but was fascinating, none the less.
From Wikipedia:
I would like to know why you felt the need to post this here
Serious question. What is your point? Or your agenda?
Do you think that the people on this site needed to read about porn and its affects because you think that there are people here who have a porn problem?
I'll wait for your answer.
And I don't see anyone here defending porn as you wrote above.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think it was like a "mission" for her.
Hope she got back home ok.
You demand to know why I use faithsoassis if I don't want to be
Perceived as religious and why don't I change it?
You are a class act of assumptions: but thanks for making my point about assumptions.
Faith is my given name and not b/c my parents were bible thumpers.
It was after my grandmother's name and you can take a long walk off a short pier. My daughter gave me my user ID So step off.
If you all weren't so invested in defending porn you might have picked up the crux of my point.
Google/ Internet/ the PTB Made sure to stock the net with a constant supply of hot and cold running porn defined as free speech so that as they insidiously took away our free speech they could point to how lucky we are to get to have constant porn . . .
paraded about as an example of our first amendment rights being upheld.
Meanwhile; directing us there; so that no one is; well; very few; are revolting or even making a fuss over
"Free Speech Zones" that was my point. . .
Why is this new insidious idea that free speech is now relegated to zones not causing an uproar?
My point which I have made repeatedly
Snoopydawg IS:
According to science porn damages and changes the brain.
Maybe the addiction to more and more varieties of sex including snuff and domination is a clue. . .
Perhaps there is a connection.
Keeping the population dumbed down with it's constant pull toward sex gratification through the objectification and domination spectrum.
Is that clear enough or do I need to draw you a picture SD?
Hmm ya think this was planned to keep the population "engaged" in ways that addict and alter the brain?
They wouldn't do that!
Next thing you know someone will claim they're putting carcinogens in the water!
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
your conduct is way over the top. Snoopydawg said nothing in her comment to warrant this reply. What's up with that?
To JtC: the person who demanded to know why I used the name
faithsoasis if I didn't want to be perceived as a bible thumper was who the first part was addressed to.
But I see they took their comment down.
Only the second part was addressed to snoopydawg who can't seem to grasp my point.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Hello JtC, faithsoasis sounds like one of my cousins.
Most of my relatives are Mormons, and this person sounds like a very close relative. I had a cousin that would start every conversation with, "Scientists don't know everything." everytime we would meet. Then we would travel down a rabbit hole very like this thread.
Do what you must but consider that this person may not be able to help themselves. This spiral appears to be ingrained in the genetic structure of this commentator.
I hear you PR...
at this point I have no intentions except to highlight over the top conduct.
I understand there could be other factors in play when subjects such as this are discussed.
Ok I was quoting studies performed by SCIENCE about the effects
Of porn on the brain.
I couldn't find the original article again so I put up this one which referenced the same study.
I figured I'd get alot of blow back b/c porn is so popular
but I had no idea people would be so invested in the whole porn phenomena that they can't even hear the facts born from science .
I'll return with the affore mentioned scientific study link referencing how porn actually changes the brain's receptor sites if I have to skip dinner.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
Porn may indeed affect synaptic linkages.
So does a stroke. And a stroke survived leads to bypass linkages and often at least some recovery of whatever functions were affected. If such is true, "porn brains" can be rewired as well, but I don't see the need. It's the next (rarer) progression to violence that needs to be stopped or punished.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I 'demanded' no such thing
I didn't ask why you have that username, I asked why you felt that you needed to post this essay here.
Read my comment again and leave off the insult if you reply to me again.
I have no idea what the hell your comment has to do with what I wrote.
As I stated I don't see anyone defending porn and I certainly didn't.
And when the caged free speech zones were first used, people did have a problem with them.
And they still are having a problem with how our first amendment right is being violated at the DAPL protests. Have you read the essays about this?
I want to know why you thought that the people on this site needed an education in porn.
So if you feel the need to draw me a picture about my question feel free to do so.
I haven't read elsewhere where there has been an attempt to dumb down the population 'engaged' with porn.
So once again, Why did you feel the need to post this essay about porn here?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
OMG I just cleared that up I said the commenter who demanded to
Know why I used faithsoasis :was who I was aiming my comment to. But they had since taken their comment down.
I addressed the second part of the comment to you.
Which only contained clarification.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
You still haven't answered my question
Why did you feel the need to post this here?
Do you think that I or anyone can do something about this heinous problem? If you think that there is something that can be done about it then offer a plan instead of repeatedly saying that the members of this site are defending child pornography.
I addressed your point about caged free speech zones earlier and how people reacted to them when they were first used.
And no you haven't offered any clarification, you just keep rewriting the same thing over and over.
And then insulting everyone who comments.
It possible that if you weren't being so hostile then there could be a rational discussion about this, but that's just my opinion.
And excuuuuse me for not seeing what you wrote above about your user name. I didn't see it before I replied to your comment which I accessed it from 'my comments' page.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.