Ever since Pornography became protected AS free speech : Free Speech has become impotent inhabiting cages.

Either the first amendment is what it says it is and we protect it; As written; Or we can continue to pretend Pornography is free speech and protect it.

Pornography is now available everywhere 24/7 promoting OBJECTIFICATION; the first step to abuse.

Porn pollutes young minds, destroys their innocence and encourages objectification. Sex trafficking and pedophilia piggyback on porn to success.
Thank God porn IS PROTECTED.
Meanwhile; free speech is locked up in Cages.


Very clever how they juxtaposed porn with free speech so that now porn has infected the collective consciousness with both physical and mental abuses and eliminated our children's innocence. It has become a billion dollar industry of degradation and objectication.

Meanwhile freedom of speech is languishing in cages.

How perverse is That?

Please wake up to what is taking place; this is our last stand before our freedoms have become nothing more than words "written by" Mao and Stalin and "approved by the state".

Not to worry though . . .
The population will be ditteling themselves silly; too ga ga over tits and ass to give a shit.


We can see where they are headed with this "fake news meme"
They may have protected porn as free speech, but it is not free speech.
For that you'll have to serach for it inhabiting cages.

* it has been proven that continued porn use reprograms the brain:
it needs the content to become more and more perverse for it to have the desired tongue lolling stupifing effect . . .

How precious ~

Protect porn but incarcerate free speech . . .
Nothing to see here folks: NOW get out there and kill "fake news." Isn't that a cute euphemism for non state state sponsored and approved propaganda.

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So step off

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snoopydawg's picture

It's either rape or pedophilia and it seems that you don't know the difference.

Woohoooo go get the kids, they won't want to miss the part where he's bending the baby sitter over and the entire team of drunken losers is giving it to her till she bloodied and crying out for help

Why the hell you would include this in your porn rant is beyond my understanding.
But so is this essay.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

faithsoasis's picture

"Why the hell you would include this in your porn rant is beyond my understanding.
But so is this essay" ~ snoopydawg

Because it was an example of what children are now exposed to.
I have seen titles on Amazon which illude to what I quoted.
I find it quite revealing that the concern for children being exposed to this creepiness is of no apparent concern.
Porn repackaged as our first amendment rights while our actual first amendment rights wither away is apparently of no concern either.
But hey let's all jump the messenger for pointing out that porn is protected ( not the children from it) . . .While our freedom of speech rights are relegated to zones.

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Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin

SnappleBC's picture

Fundamentally I MUST see human sexuality as a healthy and positive thing or I must conclude that the human species on the whole is a cess pool. What useful outcome comes from that second conclusion? Where do you go from there?

I find no particular need to protect children or anyone else from sexuality. So yes, it is of no concern to me.

What IS of concern to me is a society that is so jacked up that it creates these sorts of problems.

Here's some other things that are of concern to me:

  • Women being forced into the sex industry rather than choosing it -- economically or any other way.
  • A culture which is WAY too permissive on some aspects of sexual aggression and way too muddy on others
  • A culture which vilifies the human species itself but most specifically the male half of it.

I could go on but my point is that I care when consent... actual freely chosen consent not influenced by economic duress... is not present in a sexual encounter. I care about the things which make that OK and I want that freakin' stopped. I do not care about sex itself.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

asterisk's picture

responses that interested me. I really don't want to read the kind of smutty stuff she wrote. After that I just quit reading her comments.

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mimi's picture

I need to find an oasis. Someone has poisoned the well, I think it's faithsoasis. It is funny, right?

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SnappleBC's picture

... that porn promotes the objectification of women in a bad way.

Note my qualifier on that. An awful lot of women I know including my wife very much like to be objectified... by the right man. My wife happens to like it a great deal when I leer at her. She thinks it's good that I've finally learned how to do that and wishes I'd do it more.... for my health not her pleasure. Yup, she's helping me to learn how to objectify women. At the age of 53, I'm a slow learner.

But back to that porn. I look at porn. My wife is well aware of that also and approves deeply. I'm afraid that objectifying the woman in question is about 10% of the overall spread of contexts in which I view it. Even for that 10%, I'm perfectly able to distinguish between a picture on the internet and the pretty young models who float through our house regularly for photo shoots.

Moving on, in case you hadn't noticed, the human species is a highly sexual species objectively. At would seem to me that attempts to squash basic traits of a species are likely to produce poor results. My suspicion is that the root cause of your concerns has nothing to do with either porn or basic human sexuality. My guess is that many of the problems arise specifically because our society is so screwed up on the topic that it no longer fits the species it is supposed to be serving.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Deja's picture

Or fetish porn where there is no actual sexual penetration? If all participants are consenting adults, I see no problem with porn. Same as I see no problem with marriage or even prostitution. And I'll probably take some flack for the last one, but oh well.

Based on the author's comments, she is blaming porn for child sex crimes despite the fact that those crimes were taking place well before porn ever existed; and apparently confusing porn addiction for occasional porn viewing. All addiction changes brain chemistry.

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SnappleBC's picture

Like you I'm big on consent... real consent which means not under any sort of duress including economic. Beyond that "property rights" enters my mind. Whoever is in this porn, it is their bodies and ultimately their rights.

My only issue with prostitution is the economic duress thing.

In the end, for me porn is a way to seed my imagination to get a hot fantasy going. Like most well adjusted adults, I'm pretty clear on the notion that some things are only fun in fantasy. I don't think porn is what makes it OK for a sports star to rape a young girl in public. As I said, I think that's a cultural issue related to how poorly our culture corresponds with the reality of the human species in the area of courtship/mating.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Deja's picture

the economic duress. I hadn't actually thought of that, but completely agree. Same thing with stripping - a black hole that's very hard to get out of. That's the part I hate about the entire sex industry, which I hadn't considered. Even consenting adults, under financial duress, get in, then have a hell of a time getting out. What do you put on your resume?

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riverlover's picture

I do, and my children never say porn when they were minors. My daughter was sexually abused in her after-school program with "adults" watching. That sent her onto an alternate state, and it took me 5 years and much money to rescue her to become a functional married adult. A nurse, soon to be NP. Nothing done at home, ever, to her, at her, osmosis her, nada.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

faithsoasis's picture

When I was accused of bringing the ire upon myself: for the perception of being a bible thumper: because of my ID name I pointed out that was my given name.

I was accused of lying about that.

So, I post a link to my Facebook page.

There it is.
I spoke true.

Now, I am being accused of being a Mormon;
Even though I am not. Not just being accused as though somehow that is proof of senility? gulibility?

As stated: I am not now; nor have I ever been a Commie er . . . I mean a Mormon gasp!
But what I do know is there was a rabid response not limited to and including accusations of lying about My given name.
So I provide proof the link to my Facebook page.

But by the time I return to see if the acknowledgement of proof was going to be made. You know something grown ups do when they see they were mistaken.

Yet, now, the "get her she's a Mormon" meme has been added to the fever pitch of reprisal . . .
No, I am not a Mormon : but too late for that, you've already taken the ball and run with that false narrative as well.
Excommunicate her!
She's a Mormon!
No; simply a teacher with a keen sense of observation.

Kids are not meant to view porn. It messes with their forming minds.
Notice I did not say "sex"
Sure children can handle sex talks if it's done tenderly according to their innocence.

Too few porn themes fall into that category.
It keeps being conflated : sex vs. Porn. Just thought that needed to be clarified.

In conclusion:; With out a scrap of fact; I was told I probably lied about my given name.
So I linked to my Facebook page.
There was no "Sorry dude heh; Your weren't lying.

But it appears it's never too late for a bit I religious persecution . . .ironic since I don't belong to any organization.
But, really, based on no proof but the desire to Dis Validate someone, not on the strength of their conclusion,
but rather "your a fraud" OR "Your a Mormon"

Why, Again?
Oh right.
Because I think Porn should not be "Protected" more so than Free Speech.
Because since Porn can make depictions that are not emotionally healthy to impart to the innocent, there should be more caution taken to protect the children from it.
And that for certain it is not More deserving of protection than ACTUAL FREE SPEECH.
Hardly seems that incendiary to me.

Who would have expected:

"I hate your alleged religion" would be considered a valid argument. And (Not surprisingly it's not.) Nor am i (A Morman).

And that's all I have to say about that.

Oh except

(not a valid argument)

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Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin

KyleGNally's picture

The only reason you posted this joke of a topic was to be able to later come back and accuse "libruls" of the religious intolerance you yourself are most guilty of and wish to deflect upon your opponents.

Learn some new tricks. This one's elderly.

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Pricknick's picture

Because I think Porn should not be "Protected" more so than Free Speech.

Are those who create porn allowed to freely express in public their wares?
Nope. But porn should be allowed to those who wish to participate in and view it.
Is there a nation wide college course on porn? No. But classes are available nation wide on how to promote and express free speech. It's the basis for any good school.
Your biggest complaint seems to be that people have accused you of being something you're not. I understand and sympathize with that. But for you to put forth your view on an issue and use a religious group as your reference or scientific prose brought that upon you.
Are you in full agreement with what the mormon church is pushing when it comes to fightthenewdrug? Do you believe that they have no ulterior motives for starting this group?
It all comes down to responsibility of which the mormons and few religious groups practice. Raise your children as you see fit. Hug and love them. Talk to them about issues that are not only important to you but to them as well. But never, ever, try to control them. If you dictate to them how they should be or what they should do, you will fail.
The last thing they or anybody wants is a nanny state or one who tries to impose one.
By the way........The best to you and yours in the new year.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
