Obama Increases Tensions with Russia - Signs Defense Bill Authorizing Jihadists Easier Accesss to Surface-to-Air Missiles
Surface to Air Missiles (a/k/a/SAMs) are not weapons that any reasonable person would wish to see provided to the extremist Sunni Jihadist militias fighting in Syria. These terrorist groups, such as ISIS, and Al Nusra, an Al Qaeda offshoot, are heavily backed by Saudi Arabia and by the US (despite false claims by our government that it only provides assistance to "moderate rebels"). These radical extremists are essentially acting as our proxies in Syria on the ground fighting against the current regime of Bashar Al-Assad and his ally, Russia. The use of US-provided SAM missiles by these terrorist organizations risks the shooting down of Russian planes with American weapons. And yet, that is exactly what our Lame Duck President, Barack Obama, has chosen to do in the waning weeks of his Presidency.
Russia has called a US decision to ease restrictions on arming Syrian opposition groups a "hostile act" that would directly threaten Russian military forces in Syria.
Maria Zakharova, foreign ministry spokeswoman in Moscow, said on Tuesday that the policy change, set out in the annual defence policy bill signed into law by President Barack Obama last week, would lead to weapons ending up "in the hands of jihadists with whom the sham 'moderate' opposition have long acted jointly".
The bill gives the next US administration under Donald Trump the authority to send Syrian rebels surface-to-air missiles.
"Such a decision is a direct threat to the Russian air force, to other Russian military personnel, and to our embassy in Syria, which has come under fire more than once. We therefore view the step as a hostile one," Zakharova said in a statement.
I would consider arming these barbarous and murderous groups with weapons that risk such dangerous escalation of the Syrian conflict, as a hostile act, too, if I were a Russian. It certainly increases the chances of a military confrontation between US forces and Russian forces in the area, since we have "boots on the ground" in Syria, and our war planes frequently fly missions over Syrian territory. Indeed, our air forces have been blamed for numerous civilian deaths there by Amnesty International.
By signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) recently passed by Congress (by a large bi-partisan margin in both houses) that included provisions allowing "rebel groups" easier access to shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles also known as MANPADS, Obama, put his stamp of approval on increasing tensions with Russia on the eve of his administration's handover of the executive authority to President-Elect Trump.
While Trump has called for better relations with Russia, no one really knows what will happen in the future. This is especially true since many Republicans and Democrats in Congress are on board with regime change in Syria or, as is the case with the Democrats, for punishing Russia for the the distorted perception, deliberately and unceasingly promoted by many Democratic party figures, including Obama himself that Putin interfered in the US election to help Trump win and cost Hillary Clinton the victory she rightly deserved.
The Obama administration is close to announcing a series of measures to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 presidential election, including economic sanctions and diplomatic censure, according to U.S. officials.
The administration is still finalizing the details, which are also expected to include covert action that likely will involve cyber operations, the officials said. An announcement on the public elements of the response could come as early as this week.
Toying with the lives and fate of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, and with the lives of our own service members in the military, in order to score political points, has sadly become par for the course by both parties. The only question is how bad will things get if Syria further spirals into a larger military disaster for the US? Trump will be put under intense pressure from all sides to act the way the neocons want him to do from members of his own party, by the Democrats who have already effectively accused him called of being a traitor and calling his his Presidency illegitimate, and by the military industrial complex: the CIA and other intelligence operatives who favor intervention for their own bureaucratic reasons, generals and admirals in our armed forces hungry for further combat actions to burnish their own career credentials, and lobbyists for defense contractors who stand to gain economically from an increase in the sale of their "products" to any and all sides in such conflicts. Hell, I can already foresee future headlines in the New York Times and Washington Post, and non-stop coverage on CNN and MsNBC, demanding Trump take a stronger, more militaristic stance in Syria and Eastern Europe against the Russian Bear. We all know how our corporate media loves to pound the war drums for increased ratings and ad revenue.
What can one say but "Thanks Obama" once more?

Hey, we did this once before!
Remember when the Russians were the ones who committed one of the classic blunders and invaded Afghanistan? And it wasn't going well for them, because invading Afghanistan never does, but we had to get in there too, of course, because we always have to get in there, just like a cosmic meddling Mary Worth, and we gave weapons, I think Stinger missiles, to the precursors of the Taliban? Which they later used against us and/or our allies?
I can't remember exactly when that was, maybe during the Reagan years, but I'm sure someone here does. The point is that there is no need to do it again, unless you're a weapons manufacturer or someone who wants to get into it with Russia (who could that be?) and/or someone who wants to have those weapons used against US soldiers at some point.
Actually, they were invited into Afghanistan by the
sitting government, which was under attack. We then decided to turn it into "Russia's Viet Nam" by supplying the anti-government forces. It is an interesting historical period, with the US, of course, siding with the reactionary far right against a more liberal faction intent on modernizing and liberalizing the country.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you for the clarification
I was paying as little attention to politics as possible during that era, and I don't think I ever knew that.
James A Michener
James A Michener wrote about this situation in his minor work "Caravans". He was stationed in Kabul after WWII and saw that the educated group around the king would eventually want to modernize the country. He believed that the rural tribes-people and their mullahs would react strongly against the reforms and that the government would look to its nearest progressive ally, the Soviet Union, for help. Michener than asked what would the American government do. We are still paying for what they did.
"People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they have learnt to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases."
It was a Democratic president that authorized it, Jimmy Carter,
on the advice of his National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Take note of his one finger salute. That same salute is used by ISIS/Daesch to day.
The CIA operation was called Operation Cyclone.
Reagan took over in 1981 and put the program on steroids which culminated in the destruction of the World Trade Towers. Bush's response turned the Middle East into a flaming hell hole that burns uncontrolled to this very day.
Damn, it's déjà vu all over again.
Good, now I will know who to blame when the first US
airliner is shot down by a surface to air missile. Stupid motherfucker.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
You read my mind
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The possibilities are endless given ISIS
The US may have trouble getting the manpads through Turkey as it seems the Turks have turned on ISIS and Al Queda, at least for now. So long as the missiles don't get into Kurdish hands.
So the other route is to give the manpads to the Saudis who them gives them to ISIS. Could the manpads end up in Iraq shooting at our own fighter jets? or against probably more likely attack helicopters in Mosul. Could we have just armed ISIS in Mosul?
One thing about ISIS as some have noted, when they get a bloody nose in Syria/Iraq, they will react by terrorist acts against civilians mostly in Europe. The US may have just armed ISIS to take down commercial jets in Western Europe against NATO allies. Wonder if in such a case if the media in the EU will still blame the Russians for everything.
Is Obama just setting up Trump to a no-win situation?
Just screw it all up worse before exit middle-of-the-road?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
As someone on another thread
mentioned, maybe Obummer is hoping that Trump will do so much damage that people will come back eagerly to the lesser evil Democrats. It might be the only way people ever come back to that party in enough numbers and I would not put anything past these people in the name of "winning elections."
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I read that article this morning
and I too agree with Russia's statement. There's only one reason for giving them those weapons and it's not for self defense.
The story about Russian soldiers finding a mass grave of the citizens of Aleppo who had murdered by our moderate rebels didn't get much play in the press either.
Neither did the story about those rebels be heading the 12 year old boy.
Or when Hersh exposed that Assad wasn't the one who used the sarin gas on the Syrian people, but again our rebels. And it was given to them by either Turkey or the CIA which they got from Gaddafi's weapons stockpiles and were running them out of the Benghazi embassy. That's what the Benghazi hearings should have been about, but I'm pretty sure some of those congress members knew what was going on their when it was attacked.
But they can't let the American people know that they are working alongside the same group of terrorists that attacked us and then attacked our troops in Iraq now can they?
People have to continue to believe that our troops are defending our country and our freedoms.
Good thing that Obama passed that anti propaganda bill.
I still want to know what the goal is for passing it.
Shut down websites like this or put people like me that don't believe THEIR propaganda in camps?
Lots of money going out for it though, while they cut the safety net for millions of people here at home.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just think how worse the world would be if we didn't have a
Nobel Peace Prize winner for president.
America has been at war for Obama's entire tenure. He also set a new record for most countries bombed by any president since the country was founded. This Constitutional lawyer also oversaw the evisceration of the War Powers Resolution giving future presidents carte blanche power to wage covert war anywhere on the globe. Quite the legacy for this Peace Prize winner.
Of course there are also other legacies. He managed to save the ailing private health care industry with his for-profit Affordable Care Act. Then there was his "All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy" that installed enough pipeline in the US to go around the world twice.
Yes. All that peace promotion by drone. I hear tell
that one of the terrorist threats was a 16-year-old kid born in Denver. A lot of the foreigner kids were probably just as guilty of something or other.
Terrorists don't need no damn trials.
'Course we did have to torture a few folks.
Oh, sorry. I meant we provided pre-trial detainees at Guantanamo with medically-mediated alternative ingestion for their nutritional arrangements.
Sort of in the reverse nature of the Nobel prize.
Money from the guy who invented dynamite. I saw the award as a hopeful act after the disaster of Bush presidency. Alas ...not so much in actuality.
I believe God's greatest trait is irony. It is Her best tool.
Obama is the war mongering president. Of course the he does it in a passive aggressive way. And God's irony. Trump may end up being the peace president. He may save us from nuclear war with Russia at the price of the laying low of the American people into poverty and darkness.
Obama said that he regrets destroying Libya
Something about not having a plan in place for who's going to rule the country after Gaddafi was gone.
But I guess he doesn't regret it enough because he's doubling down in Syria. Plus he's been funding, arming and training the terrorists groups that people in this country think we are at war with.
I don't know who he thinks is going to run Syria if Assad is ever overthrown, but whoever that is, I don't think that they will have Israel's best interests in mind.
This is one of the reasons why so many countries in the Middle East have been invaded and leaders removed.To make Israel the sole superpower in the Middle East. Funny isn't it that they haven't put any of their men and women in harms way.
I don't know how to wake the American people up and look through the government's propaganda about the reasons for the war of terror.
I feel so helpless seeing what the people in those countries have and are going through.
Only sociopaths can not care about the suffering and deaths of millions of people just because of where they live.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Supposedly Obama and (Defense Secretary) Robert Gates
were very reluctant to bomb Libya, but Hillary was insistent on it. At least according to this New Yorker article:
The Trump disaster is coming up. I'm disappointed in Obama's failure to "change the World", but it doesn't matter anymore. The lesson is that we have to change the World ourselves.
Beware the bullshit factories.
He lied so many times, to our very faces
he'll get no respite from my disgust and dislike of him. He's worse than a Tea Bag Repugnant, at least they have the audacity to be honest in their hate while Obama smiles in our faces as he sticks that knife in our backs. He paved the way for Trump, he gets no quarter from me, EVAH.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Between him and the Clintons,,they've pretty much killed the
'Party' off. The Clintons made out like the bandits they are. Old Hopey-Changey might not have all that much time to score like they did considering he's setting us up for Armageddon as he's scooting out the door.
Petty, hateful, greedy, power-hungry sh*ts, the lot of 'em.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yeah, Hillary got it.
So did the Libyan people that were killed or turned into refugees. They got it real good.
Bush had Cheney, Obama had Hillary.
Both presidents had no balls when it came to foreign policy and war making. They dumbly followed whoever squeezed the tightest.
How about a little blame on the Libyans.
I think they were involved in most of the killing and destruction. This idea that the US is reponsible for all the trouble in th MENA district doesn't take into account macro issues of COLLASPSE, OVER POPULATION, and several others like drought , religion, dictatorship etc. We did supply the matches no doubt. It would have happened anyway as the world is shifting and "coming apart" to steal line from Rogue One.
The blame for the destruction of Libya as a viable,
self-sustaining nation rest squarely on the shoulders of the Three Furies - Hillary Clinton (Megaera 'the jealous'), Samantha Power (Alecto 'constant anger') and Susan Rice (Tisiphone 'avenger of murder') along with their enabler, Barack Obama.
Without external meddling, this civil war would not have occurred.
You really need to read the following report:
Right... Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton
made all those Libyians kill each other. And that theory has about as much credibility as the one where Gaddafi wanted to make a pan African gold standard with gold coinage and so the fiat bankers had to kill him. Clinton and Rice spent how many days in Libya? Widen your focus it was a bunch of things perhaps including Harridan Incorporated.
Those three women were HIGHLY instramental in pushing for war
My focus has been much, much wider than you realize.
Here's some hints:RASCOM, Libyan central bank & gold Dinar, African Monetary Fund, nationalizing oil & gas (partnering with China), water (GMMR), opted out of AFRICOM.
The west had a decades old desire to oust Qaddafi including 2 failed covert attempts. The American government, banks and corporations hate socialism. How many countries and governments have been destroyed since the end of WWII due this factor?
Giving jihadists SAMs, what could go wrong?
This is probably the most idiotic military blunder since the invasion of Iraq.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Excellent read
Thank-you Steven.
All I have to say is moderate rebels my ass.
Progressive to the bone.
Expect more and more false flag operations
The CIA acting as agent of the neocon war establishment successfully planted the false flag of election interference to setup justification of acts of war against Russia which Obama is now implementing-- with the full support of the democratic party base and political establishment of both major parties--aided by the mass media. Propaganda works.
In effect, we see parts of the deep state rising to the surface to openly assert their control over the actions of the state above and beyond those of an elected president.