The Rant Before Christmas
Someone asked me the other day why I disliked the Democratic Party so much, well I'll tell you.
If you ignore the steaming piles of bullshit they have spewed all my lifetime.
If you ignore the political cowardice they have shown throughout that time.
If you ignore their neo-liberal agenda at the behest of the oligarchy.
If you ignore their warmongering and pardoning of war crimes. [re: The AUMF and zero prosecutions]
If you ignore their political support for anti-democratic legislation [re: The Patriot Act and its offspring]
If you ignore such nonsense as DADT, DOMA and Romneycare Obamacare and always settling for the least bad.
If you ignore their monetary inspired love affair with both Wall St and the MIC even though they tell you differently.
If you ignore their "adults in the room" faeces flinging when contradicted and backed into a corner to avoid actually standing-up and fighting on principle. Bipartisanship!
I suppose they are not that bad.
The Republicans appeal to the dregs of humanity at the behest of the same people, but make no bones about their vile agenda, the Democrats pretend to be better, for a given, yet unknown and variable value of better. No matter how bad the Republicans get this better seems to be the key to their campaigns. We are better than utterly vile!
Their last candidate was about as progressive as François Fillon, the American Mrs Thatcher if you prefer.
All they have is but but Trump. Never-mind actually stating what they actually stand for that has been reduced to the odd mention so as to demonstrate "the not as bad as" party logo.
I had to laugh at Chuck Schumer turning down the covers so as to get in bed with Trump even though sometime in the middle of the night he will be kicked out and told to go home. The walk of shame should be interesting to behold.
I really tried to get onboard with the whole "hope and change" proposal only to lose complete belief when the torturers and war criminals were pardoned without even a shrug of dismay. How long was that? A day? A week? I doubt it took a month.
Health care as a right, fuck that. Given to the Insurance on a socialism for the corporation gold platter, they wouldn't lose a dime out of their profits.
The bankers that nearly totalled the global economy again received socialism's benefits without the costs. They are now of course richer and more powerful than ever, and if anyone thinks they are even remotely sorry and wont do it all over again, well, more fool you.
The wars and war crimes still continue. Expect added sprinkles.
Income inequality continues to expand unabated.
Climate change has been given a little lip service.
Wedge issues have been given a little massage.
They always promise to be "not as bad as", well that aint good enough, especially when the results lead to merely slowing down the carnage.
Is it any wonder that people lose faith in the politicians in DC.
A Neoliberal Oligarchy run by the duopoly does not appeal to me in any way.

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"
Catastrophic climate change: Not a peep
Continued meddling and overthrowing of Latin American countries
Income inequality is the worst in the industrialized countries and getting worse.
You are certainly correct in your analysis: the two parties both have the same goal and that's securing the precious wants of the 1%.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The new excuse ---- Russians! Putin!
The Russians invited the Lincolns to that play.
The Knights of the Golden Circle a well known Moscow group.
To jog peoples memories, they were a
BaltimoreLexington based group that wanted to enslave the whole of the "New World" in the the name of the US of KKK.You forgot
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Russians won't let us watch that video.
America Fuck Yeah = Exceptionalism in a nutshell
When video started, an ad came up on dating Russian women
Once again, Putin.....
Dammit I didn't get that ad! Bloody CIA!
The IRS does an annual report on the incomes of the top 400
richest in the USA. It began in 1992 and the agency released the 2014 data. The top 400 averaged $317.8 million in income. In 1992 it was
$46.8 million. Taking inflation into account, non-IRS researchers figured that in 1955 it was $14.6 million. In 1955, the 400 paid 51% in federal income taxes; in 2014 the 400 paid 23.1%. Thomas Piketty points out that the 400's share of the nation's income is 20.2% compared with 10.7% in 1970.
The bottom 50%? $16,000 in 1980; 16,200 in 2014.
The 400 use part of their wealth to own the political process to their financial benefit. I think that's the main lesson here. The secondary lesson is that these people have too much wealth for the good of the nation.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It's too much wealth
even for their own good, I would imagine. Having an income of a million dollars a day can't be very good for one's over all mental health.
I'd be happy to try it for a while.
That's one social experiment I'd happily dive into.
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I think money is a bit like water.
You need it to live, but too much of it can drown you.
Well, I'm oldish
I think at some point, the lessons poverty has to teach are learned. Then you can handle the lessons money has to teach.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The Democratic Message:
This year, the voters decided to skip lunch. Who woulda thunk it?
Too much in love with the CIA to feel hungry
And for the hipper, more cosmopolitan, millennial palate:
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Re: The Democratic Message
There was a bit of news on that the other day.
Chuck Schumer fires staffers right before the holidays
So basically, they want to take their turd of a "message" and encase it in so much glitter that it won't even smell.
DNC and Democrats: Stick this in your stocking!
Might as well add some coal for added carbon.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Well said, LF.
Gracias, amiga.
I had a lot more to add, but I think there is enough there to
make the point.
thanks to LF
and to OPOL
so very glad to "see" you; i forgot my name on dkos, but i was always recc'ing whatever you did,
left there this past april
now that i know you're here, caucas 99& is complete for me
I myself look forward to seeing this.
He'll treat him like he did Chris Christi. Go home Chuck.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Thank you, LaFeminista.
Thank you, LaFeminista. Couldn't have said it better.
Yep. One of the things I liked about Jill is how she pointed out
that when you vote for the lesser of two evils, you still get evil. That it happened more slowly under Dems, but we still got all the evil we thought we were voting against.
Now, the Dems may still be the only party we have, I'm not going to say I dislike them (yet). But they have moved way too far to the right and need to be pulled back to the left. The Clintons can't do it. Pelosi and Reid can't do it. I think the only thing that might rescue them (and all of us) is if we get Citizens United repealed.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I do dislike the leadership of the Democratic Party intensely
However, I think the Democratic Party has to be a central part of any effort to tackle climate change in a time frame that avoids complete disaster. It will take decades for the Green Party or a new party to take political power if it ever happens. Reforming the Dems is not likely to work, but it is probably the best option we have.
And then you have this phenomenon
of people who are going to "hold the politicians accountable" while at the same time pledging loyalty to Democratic Party politicians.
Well OK then.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Yes, we might be in better shape if Clinton had lost more.
They're hanging their hopes on this "she won the popular vote" meme. So if they just work a little harder next time in the rust belt states, they'd win. Or if they run affable Joe instead of unpopular Hillary, they'd win. No policy change needed.
If a lot more had stayed home or voted for Jill, they might be more agreeable to moving to the left.
Then again, maybe not. Underneath it all, maybe they just want to take the path of least resistance and do whatever the corporate overlords tell them to do.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
well said fellow human :)
I, too, realized that the fix was in when Obama said, "looking forward". Me and mine knew we had just been back stabbed hard.
I now feel free because I'm no longer a slave, a peasant, to the notion that there is two parties or any party for that matter. There's a party.. but we are not invited.
Not affiliated with any of the fukcers.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison